Apocalypse Zombie God of War

Chapter 689 Brother Bird, Brother Niu

Chapter 689 Brother Bird, Brother Niu

"Too little, too little!" Kanto's speed changed suddenly. When the two survivors were stunned, and even Liu Gang couldn't close their mouths in shock, Kanto did not wait for the zombies to attack, but instead attacked the zombies rushing around wildly , the force of the hammers smashed down, all the flesh and blood in the surroundings were swept away by the explosive hammers. Accompanied by a large amount of pus and blood, the whole street suddenly filled with a pungent blood!

He is short of points!
Since the end of the last trial, Kanto has earned a measly 1000 points!
But now, his strength and speed obviously have a lot of room for improvement after stepping into the third level, but Kanto knows in his heart that there are more and more strong men in the last days, and his improvement speed must be accelerated, otherwise , sooner or later, he will be surpassed by those advanced and mutants, and every minute and every second is a precious time that Kanto does not want to lose!





Successive shots are different from killing zombies one by one in the past, now Kanto can take away several zombies with one hammer!

Coupled with the terrifying power contained in the blood slaughter hammer, many zombies were deeply shocked by the force of the hammer wind before they were hit by the hammer, and the zombies lay on the ground like paper. On the ground, in just a few minutes, nearly a thousand zombies swarmed in densely around, like a swarm of bees, and were dealt with fiercely by Kanto, throwing them all over the ground!
"Open the properties panel."

Host: Kanto

Points: 2438
Power: 1500
Agility: 1500
Self-healing: 1500

The prerequisite for breaking through the fourth level of physical fitness is to reach the peak of [-] points in strength, agility and self-healing!
Accompanied by the crazy culling in Kanto, when Liu Gang and others saw that their bodies were icy cold, it was like seeing a demon god!

It took Kanto an hour. After killing all 1500 points, with the increase of attributes, the [-] points were exchanged at the same time. After all the points were converted into [-] points of power, although Kanto's power reached [-], but The points are also empty, looking at the empty points, Kanto is almost crying without tears!

However, at the moment when the power increased sharply, the blood slaughter hammer fell to the ground suddenly, with a 'bang' sound, the ground cracked instantly!
"Huh?" Guan Dong frowned, surprised to see that the ground was almost sunken by his own hammer!
Can't kill anymore!
Kanto knew that if he stayed any longer, he might really be completely surrounded by zombies in LS City!

Even if he still has strength, Gu Jiao in the car will suffer!


After blasting a zombie like a drunk with one punch, Guan Dong rushed into the car with the blood slaughter hammer in hand.

"lead the way."

As soon as both hands were squeezed on the steering wheel, with a 'click', the handle of the steering wheel was instantly dented!

The corner of Kanto's mouth twitched slightly!

I thought to myself that after the substantial increase in power, I feel a little uncomfortable?

Suddenly, Liu Gang, who was stared at by Guan Dong and motioned for directions, finally realized: "Uh... over there!"


Push down on the accelerator, and the car rushes out!

The car was almost driving on the avenue paved with flesh and blood. In the car, Liu Gang and others didn't know whether they were made to vomit by the bloody and smelly scene, or because they wanted to vomit because of the ups and downs of the car. They complained bitterly, but looking at the zombie on the ground with some smashed heads and necks, the three of them were completely stunned!

Is this the horror of advanced people?
These zombies are not the opponents of the advanced ones at all?

No wonder!
Only then did Liu Gang understand why those few advanced fighters alone were able to rule over the survivors in the underground tunnel of LS City!

It turns out that the power of these advanced people is so powerful?
Obviously, in Liu Gang's eyes, he has not yet had a clear understanding of the level of advanced people!

He thought those advanced people were similar to Kanto!
But in fact, only Kanto himself knows, don't look at how fast he improves...

In fact, he was at a disadvantage!

Because most of the later advancements require roulette fragments!
But that thing, if it wasn't for the fact that Tai Keqing had one during the trial, Kanto might have died in the trial long ago!
So Kanto doesn't care about improving attributes!

He wanted to solve the problem of those reincarnation fragments first after finding his parents!
But it was the problem in front of him that left him at a loss!

"Well, benefactor, it's too far!"

Suddenly, while pondering in Guandong, Liu Gang, who came to his senses, pointed to the steel bridge next to him and exclaimed.

A car is rampaging in this LS city!

Some survivors who were not yet infected and hid in groups in the city were stunned!

And this time.

One or two kilometers away from the location of Kanto, outside a zoo in LS City.

"Damn... who the hell is so bold?"

On a watchtower outside the zoo, a man with a scar was observing what was happening in the city center with a telescope.

But just after the man with the scar noticed that the movement was getting closer, before he had time to report, he felt his spine light up!
The sound of footsteps behind him made the scarred man stand up abruptly!
"Where is the movement coming from?" Behind him, a very thin young guy with cheeks that seemed to have been cut by a knife, a hooked nose, and wearing a hip-hop bodysuit sneered.And beside this hip-hop man, a strong man Weng wearing a vest, his muscles almost bursting, and veins crawling around his body like snakes said: "Boss said, there are advanced people approaching quickly!"

The man with the scar turned his eyes towards the center of the city in astonishment, looking at the movement of the zoo approaching.

"Brother Bird, Brother Niu, look!" The scarred man smiled dryly, and quickly handed the binoculars to the two behind him.

The thin man called Brother Bird didn't pick it up. Instead, he stared at the city center with a sneer, as if he could see the scene one or two kilometers away. Instead, it was the strong man called Brother Niu who was next to him. After taking over the binoculars, he squinted his eyes slightly, and through the scene in the binoculars, the Niu brother suddenly sneered and said: "The boss said, the person who came here should not even step into the top [-] of the combat power list. Red Mist Secret Realm, but it is still easy to solve him!"

Brother Bird also showed a smug sneer!

"I heard that the secret realm is too scary..."

"Many of the top-ranked advanced practitioners were actually pushed up after the death of those who entered!"

"That is to say, if it weren't for that trial, the advanced ranks below one hundred would have been ranked farther away. Compared with the boss's No. 80 five, it is not enough. No wonder the boss didn't take action. A playful smile flashed across Brother Bird's face. Obviously, although he had no chance to enter the Red Mist Secret Realm, as an advanced person, he understood the situation in the Red Mist Secret Realm through the "boss" in his mouth. Also know a thing or two.

And he knows better that after this trial in this secret realm is over, all advanced practitioners who have participated in the trial can sense each other!

Especially the higher the existence on the combat power list, the greater its perception!

For example, their boss, the top [-] powerhouses in the combat power list, can sense the existence of the next [-]!

And hunting these people, not only their boss can get a lot of points rewards, even they can get a lot of rewards!

"I heard that these advanced people who participated in the trial were killed..."

"You can also directly get the ranking and points!"

Brother Niu laughed completely, and there was a desire to fight for it in his eyes!
Just a few minutes later!

A car dashed through the wooden fence outside the amusement park, flicked its tail beautifully, and stopped directly on the lawn!

(End of this chapter)

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