Apocalypse Zombie God of War

Chapter 256 People are resources and food

Chapter 256 People are resources and food

"We are all human, how can you do this?!"

"The rescue army is here, you, you dare to treat us like livestock for business?!"


Many survivors were trembling with anger and scolded angrily.

But with a bald head and a gun on his shoulders, he sneered with a few companions beside him, showing a look of fearlessness.


Suddenly there was an ear-piercing corpse roar, and everyone was shocked and shuddered as if they had been hit hard!

"This friend..." Chu He wanted to speak with a cold face. He originally thought that if he announced the name of the captain, the few unreasonable people in front of him should give way, but now it seems that the other party seems to be indifferent. Jin, but before Chu He finished speaking, the bald man said coldly, "Who is your friend? Either keep the gun or the person. I don't have the time to ink with you!"

The roar of the corpse in the rear became more harsh, and even Chu He, who was cut off by the bald man, froze!
"Captain Chu... Let's, why don't we agree first?" Luo Ding begged, trembling all over.

He figured it out, those guys in front of him didn't want to get in, they were determined to take advantage of the fire and rob them!
"No!" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Luo Ding hurriedly turned his head, looked at Xiao An with staring eyes and said angrily: "The gun is lost, what face is there to live?"

At this time, Chu He's face was cloudy and uncertain. He knew very well that his party relied on weapons. Although they had no bullets, their deterrent power was still there. This is the mainstay in the last days, but once the guns are handed over, let alone fighting against zombies, even the survivors who covet them are likely to entrap them like the bald men in front of them.

"If you don't give me a gun, I will keep him!" The bald man smiled strangely and swung his shotgun towards the woodland on the right.

Survivors present looked over one after another, and were surprised to see that many survivors were crouching in the woods with their heads held, guarded by two strong companions, and those squatting guys looked like slaves. It was very miserable, and for a while, everyone who saw this scene had mixed feelings in their hearts.

"Keep people? Those around me are all members of my rescue army, you are so bold!" Suddenly, Chu He said with a cold face, he could feel the zombies around him getting closer, and if they continued to consume, He might really die here, thinking of this, Chu He even gestured towards Xiao An with his eyes.

Several members of the rescue army around squinted their eyes, as if they were about to make a move.

"They are members of your rescue army, but these survivors are not." The bald man narrowed his eyes slightly, looking calm, but several companions around him could tell that their boss It seemed that they wanted to attack those members of the rescue army, so they pressed their guns and were ready to shoot at any time.

But at this time, the words of the bald head immediately made Chu He stunned!
"You want...them?"

Looking around at the terrified survivors, Chu He said in astonishment.

"That's right, it's convenient to talk to smart people!"

With a bald head and a grin, he secretly scolded Chu He for being an idiot before he realized it.

"Asshole, what do you think we are?"

"That's right, what do you mean you want us? The people from the rescue army are here, how dare you be presumptuous!"

"I think you are tired of living, and dare to court death in front of the rescue army!"


There are dozens of survivors around.

Everyone shouted.

At first glance, I thought these people were the ones who controlled the situation of the battle.

But no one thought of it...

"Okay, they belong to you!" Chu He waved his big hand, and gave the survivors out as if they were gifts. He even added a sentence just after he finished speaking: "At this critical moment, can you stand up? I am also very pleased to protect them, and I will definitely praise you when I return to the headquarters in the future!"

All the yelling stopped abruptly!

Xiao An's pupils shrank even more, and he couldn't believe it: "The surname is Chu, what did you say?"

Hand over the survivors to those bastards in front of you, God knows what will happen!
But Chu He, actually wanted to hand over the survivors? !
"Shut up!" Chu He turned his head and roared sullenly.

Now is the time to die, those zombies will gather around in less than 2 minutes, if you don't get out, you will die!
Chu He doesn't want to lose his name here!
"Chu...Captain Chu, what did you just say?" Suddenly, a survivor standing behind Chu He asked in a daze.He stared closely at Chu He's face turning back to Xiao An, as if he thought he had heard it wrong, and even smiled dryly, and said, "I, I must have hallucinated just now!"

"That's right, Captain Chu is the rescue army, why did he leave us behind!"


"That's right, Captain Chu won't leave us behind!"


Survivors around suddenly agreed, but the more they talked, the worse their expressions became!

One person will hear it wrong, two people will hear it wrong, but dozens of them, can they all hear it wrong?
"No, Captain Chu, you can't leave us behind!" Suddenly, someone couldn't hold it anymore, and under the sneer of the bald man at the exit, the survivor knelt down in front of Chu He: " Captain Chu, please take us out, take us out!"

In an instant, the survivors around were sobbing and howling.

Even Luo Ding was sullen. After all, he was not a member of the rescue team. Chu He was going to hand over the survivors, and he might also be taken. Thinking of this, Luo Ding's nose tingled, and he couldn't help but want to pick it up. He shot the bald head to death with his own pistol, but Luo Ding found that the bald head was too cautious and kept staring at them!

"What are you shouting for? It's a good thing that he wants to take care of you." Chu He held back a sentence with a cold face.

At this time, the bald head also reacted, he grinned, and said with a strange smile: "Yes, I am doing it for your own good. If you say that this last days is really not a place for people to stay, there are zombies everywhere. Think about it, what if Hanging around outside, how many days can you people live? Without me, you will die if you go out!"

The bald man said in a weird voice, as if he was doing good for the survivors.

"Now, can we go?" With his eyes suppressing the helpless and stunned eyes of Xiao An and the rescue team members beside him, Chu He ignored the cries of the survivors beside his ears, except when he turned his head before. Chu He trembled when he saw what seemed to be a zombie figure at the corner behind him, but Chu He remained calm.

Bald smiled.


The bald man waved his hand, signaling Chu He and the others to leave.

From the very beginning, his purpose was this. As long as Chu He "voluntarily" handed over the survivors to him, even if the rescue army blamed him in the future, he could push the matter to Chu He. At least, he would hand over the survivors to him. If they withhold this matter, Chu He himself has no face to speak up. In this way, no one will pursue his methods!
And in this last days...

People are also resources and food!
The bald man gave way with a weird smile, and Chu He quickly led the people away with a sullen face.

"No, no!"

"Team Chu!"


The shouts of the survivors sounded again.

But Chu He's footsteps became faster and faster!

"Wait!" Suddenly, when Chu He walked up to the bald head, the bald head's face darkened, and he suddenly stopped him!
(End of this chapter)

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