Apocalypse Zombie God of War

Chapter 104 Strong Contrast!

Chapter 104 Strong Contrast!
Rotten hands stained with dark red blood stains protruded from the gaps between trucks and cars from time to time!

These rotten hands are all zombies.

After they turned into corpses, their nails grew rapidly, and their dark claws looked like fangs. No one dared to approach them at this time. At the back of the truck, many strong men were panting, holding machetes and steel pipes in panic. The gaps between trucks and cars!

"Brother, go!" At this moment, behind the truck, a strong man clutching his arms blushed and said.

He is Yan Shan, his arm was covered with glass, and a large piece of blood was spilled on the ground.

And in front of him, a 1.8-meter-five-foot-tall man with a square face was frowning tightly, and the strong man standing in all directions refused to obey the command. When Yan Shan's words sounded, the man suddenly turned his head, Angrily said: "Shut up! Everyone is here, where do you want me to go?"

This man is Yan Qi.

When he was speaking, there were already many zombies swimming in the water less than ten meters away from the steel bridge!
Once these zombies swim behind them, all of them will surely die!
But the terrible thing is that everyone can't evacuate now!
It turned out that Yan Qi and others were more courageous and drove to the extremely dangerous southern district to search for supplies during the day.

As a result, Yan Shan was scratched by glass in a decoration shop.

In order to evacuate quickly, everyone drove back, but they were surrounded by zombies who smelled blood on the way.

At that time, they managed to escape to this steel bridge. Although the opposite side of the steel bridge was the North District that had been cleaned once or twice by the rescue brigade, no one dared to leave, because once they left, the zombies would squeeze through the trucks and The gap between the cars, the truck blocking the zombies will definitely be overturned at that time, so these people can't run away from the zombies at all!

What's worse, they've all run out of ammunition!
But the zombies piled up on the other side of the truck, instead of decreasing, seemed to be faintly crowding into the truck!
Yan Shan's face was pale!

He clutched his arms tightly and looked at the top of the truck.

At this moment, he could already see the hands of several zombies rising from the top of the truck!

For a moment, deep despair has filled Yan Shan's heart!
He knew that everyone was dead!
"Bang, bang——" The strong men crowded under the trucks and cars didn't know the situation. They are now trying to beat the protruding arms and bodies of the zombies, trying to kill them, but more and more The zombies came one after another, and they couldn't finish it.

Suddenly, the truck on the right made a 'click'!
"Not good!" Yan Qi's pupils narrowed sharply, picked up the machete, and rushed towards the truck on the right and the railing of the steel bridge.

The truck was squeezed into a gap by the zombies. If the rushing zombies were not killed, all of them would have to die!
"It's over, we're over..." Yan Shan gave up completely, even if only a little gap was opened, but he knew that his brother alone would not be able to stop these zombies at all, and the gap would definitely not be closed, it would only It is getting bigger and bigger, as for the zombies that squeeze in, there will inevitably be more and more!
Therefore, they are dead!

But when Yan Shan looked at Yan Qi and the others with despairing eyes, he was shocked to see Yan Qi froze in place!

"elder brother!"

"What's wrong with you?!" Yan Shan resisted the severe pain from his arm, covered the wound with his left hand, and walked straight towards Yan Qi!

He thought something happened to Yan Qi!
But at this moment, the strong men beside the gaps between the trucks and cars also felt that the impact of the zombies had eased a lot!

"What, what's wrong?"

"Could it be that Brother Zhang came to save us?" The strong men looked at Yan Qi wonderingly.

However, when the strong men saw that Yan Shan who was leaning against Yan Qi was stunned in place, the puzzlement on everyone's faces became more intense!
But at this moment, Yan Qi and Yan Shan were already dumbfounded!

They couldn't respond to the words of their companions, because in their eyes, they were completely shocked by the scene in front of them!
The severed arms and the severed head were flying from the other side of the steel bridge!
It seems that there is a force, unstoppable, approaching here!


Suddenly, the zombies approaching the truck reacted, roaring, and rushed towards the other side of the steel bridge!
The roar of the zombies is getting farther and farther away, and the strong men hiding behind the trucks and cars are like amnesty!

Everyone moved towards where Yan Qi and Yan Shan were.

But when they also saw the scene in front of them, the expressions that had just relaxed suddenly tightened like an electric shock!
"Hiss!" One of the burly men gasped, pointed at the opposite side of the corpses tremblingly, and said in shock, "What, what's going on? These zombies... how come their arms and legs are broken, and even their heads are flying away! Woke up?"

"Here, what happened!!"

But, no one can answer him!

Because everyone's spirit has been attracted by what happened on the other side of the bridge!
Severed arms mixed with thick blood stains flew around, some zombies' heads and chests were cut off, and when everyone looked at the bridge where more and more zombies fell, they were surprised to see a group of people appearing. Before their eyes!
The leading young man was not very old, and his figure was not big, but through the gaps exposed when the zombies crowded the ground, everyone could vaguely see a strong determination and confidence on the young man's face, which was exactly what this young man was not. Stop shooting, but all the zombies approaching him will be split into two pieces by the sharp ax in his hand!

Behind the young man was a young man holding a submachine gun.

This young man was about five meters away from the young man with the ax in front of him. He was vigilant around his surroundings, vaguely wary of any fish that escaped from the young man in front with the axe. Beside this young man was a petite, tallest However, the 1.7-meter-two girl in nurse's attire followed closely behind. This girl had a graceful figure, and a pair of white silk on her legs made her pure and lovely.

She followed behind the two men, as if she was an angel in white who had entered this filthy world from heaven!
The blood mist that sprayed out after the zombie was hacked!
The girl with white silk is as pure as spotless!
The strong sense of contrast caused Yan Qi and the others to fall into dead silence!
And what frightened them the most was the young man with the sharp ax at the head!

"I am Cao!"

"This nima... is he still human? He can't be a god!" Yan Shan swallowed hard. He always respected the strong, and after seeing the scene in front of him, he was completely stunned. Even now, he I just want to rush to the opposite side to see who saved them.

And when Yan Shan stretched his neck and looked forward, through the gaps when the corpses moved, he was also shocked to find that the young man with the ax who fell with the ax in his hands had cut off dozens of zombies in a row, and even his eyelids Didn't even blink!

"Boss, there seems to be someone in front!" Ye Cheng held a submachine gun and said in a low voice to Guan Dong, who kept slashing forward.

But Guandong didn't turn his head back, and directly killed a rushing zombie with his backhand!

The sharp ax slashed across the neck of the zombie in an instant, and this watermelon-sized head was chopped off and flew into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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