Chapter 530 Crisis
Hearing Hu Gang's words, Cui Yuanzhong couldn't help asking: "Then according to what you said, if the entry threshold is raised from 100 top-quality spirit stones to [-] million top-quality spirit stones, what about those who have already obtained tickets before? "

Hu Gang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know about this either, but we definitely don't need to worry about it."

Wu Fan curled his lips and said, "Aren't you talking nonsense? The boss is the provider of the fairy artifact. Is it possible that he can't let us in? If we don't let anyone in, it's impossible not to let us in!"

In fact, Ye Tianyu has a VIP invitation letter for the auction in his hand, which was given by the elder Sange of the Zhenbao Pavilion.

Guests with VIP invitation letters are not sitting in the public like those ordinary guests, but have a special private room, and can bring no more than ten people into the venue.

In fact, there are not many private rooms in the Zhenbao Pavilion Auction, and each private room is extremely precious, and it is impossible for someone who is not a respected person to enter it if they would rather be empty.

Every time, the guests in the private room are invited.

However, in this auction, if the final item is an immortal artifact, there will be countless strong people from the entire cultivation world, but it is a bit difficult to arrange.

However, all this has nothing to do with them.

"I'm worried about a problem now." Zeng Muyang, who seldom speaks, said at this time: "Zhenbao Pavilion spreads the news, which has both advantages and disadvantages. I am worried that with the strength of Zhenbao Pavilion, even with the Yiyun faction, In the whole world of comprehension, it can't be said to be so powerful, if there are some powerful cultivators who don't care about their identities, will they be able to defend the fairy artifact?"

As soon as Zeng Muyang said this, several people around fell silent instantly.

This is a very real problem!

When he was on the Qigu Continent before, the means Ye Tianyu possessed are well known. The powerful enchantment magic ball is doomed that no one can hurt Ye Tianyu himself, let alone a few more powerful people around him in the end. Powerful puppet.

It is precisely because of this that no one in the Qigu Continent dares to have a wrong mind and grab Ye Tianyu's attention.

This is based on the strength to deter the crowd.

But in this huge world of comprehension, the strength of Zhenbao Pavilion and Yiyun Sect is not enough at all, they can be regarded as upper middle class at best.

Not to mention those powerful sects of comprehension, even some powerful Sanxians, if they have the heart, they can single-handedly pick their entire sect.

Therefore, the most realistic problem at present is that the Treasure Pavilion does not seem to have the strength to protect the fairy artifact!
After quickly calming down, Hu Gang pondered for a while and said: "Actually, it may not be impossible to hold on. I personally absolutely believe that the Yiyun faction should have loose immortals, and there should also be immortal weapons."

"In the case of loose immortals and immortal weapons, there are actually very few opponents in this cultivation world."

"Moreover, most of those decent sects can't do such things as open robbery. The main thing that needs to be guarded against is actually some demons and monsters."

"One more thing. After all, this place is the home court of Zhenbao Pavilion. They must have arranged and perfected a powerful defensive formation, otherwise they would not have been able to survive for so many years."

"I don't believe that the Treasure Pavilion has existed for so long and held countless auctions, so there is no awareness of this precaution."

After hearing Hu Gang's analysis, Ye Tianyu nodded appreciatively.

He said calmly: "Since Zhenbao Pavilion dares to take over this business, it should be sure. Of course, there are risks. However, there is no need for us to worry about it right now. Let's wait until the day when the auction starts!"

Having said that, Ye Tianyu had a premonition in his heart that the auction of Zhenbao Pavilion might not go so smoothly this time.

I only saw how Zhenbao Pavilion had the background to deal with it.


Lean on the clouds and stars.

Thousands of miles away from Yiyun City, there is a misty grand canyon here, which is where the mountain gate of Yiyun Sect is located.

In the meeting hall, the head of Yiyun Sect and many elders gathered together.

If you take a closer look, you can also find that the three elders of Zhenbao Pavilion are also here.

At this moment, the faces of the Yiyun faction were not very good-looking, and almost all of them were staring at Wang Cheng and the three of them.

Finally, a grumpy elder got up and shouted at the three of them loudly: "You guys have hard wings now! Such an important matter has been arranged without telling us. What are you doing? Want to rebel?"

As he said that, the bearded and staring elder clasped his fists and said to the master: "Master, the three of them are really lawless. This elder proposes to reject their request, and at the same time declare that our Yiyun faction has nothing to do with Zhenbao Pavilion." !"

"Let them fend for themselves!"

It has to be said that this elder's mind is vicious enough.

If you really follow what he said, there is no need for the Yiyun faction to act personally. As long as they have this statement, the concerns of the outside world will be reduced a lot at once. few.

With Zhenbao Pavilion's own strength, it is absolutely impossible to survive under the jaws of many tigers.

In fact, this is also the reason why the three of Wang Cheng appear in the Yiyun Sect now.

If it wasn't for the assistance of the Yiyun faction, there was no need for all three of them to show up, even if it was a summons from the Yiyun faction, only one person would have to deal with it.

Seeing the gloomy faces of all the senior officials of the Yiyun faction, after listening to the elder's words, Wang Cheng hurriedly stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Master! All elders! I have something to say about this matter."

"I know what everyone is thinking. They want to contact the seller privately and reach a deal at a lower price. Of course, it is not ruled out that someone wants to take it directly."

"But, what I'm saying is, it's not going to work."

"The Taoist friend who took out the fairy weapon, I have had close contact with him, and to tell the truth, I can't feel his cultivation level, but I can sense the dangerous breath, which shows that his cultivation level is not enough. Not weak."

"The one who has the same situation as him is his apprentice. I can also feel a very dangerous atmosphere."

"If the apprentice is like this, it is conceivable that the affirmative cultivation level of the master is much higher."

"The most important point is that before he came back to me to withdraw 100 million top-quality spirit stones, they had a small conflict with the young master of the Flying Tiger Sect over an egg."

"That place is not far from my Zhenbao Pavilion. After noticing the movement of the fight, my elder brother appeared near the scene in person. He detected a faint fairy-like aura from that person's apprentice."

"That speaks to a problem."

"Either that person's apprentice is a loose immortal, or he is a real immortal! Of course, there may be other situations that we don't understand."

"No matter which one it is, it means that that group of people is not something we can provoke."

"At that time, that fellow daoist meant that the fairy artifacts would appear at the auction, so no matter what the idea in your heart is, it won't work. If you want the fairy artifacts, you can only get them by bidding at the auction."

As soon as Wang Cheng finished speaking, Ke Weiran also added in a muffled voice: "What the third child said is right, I did detect an aura similar to that of a fairy from that mysterious man's apprentice. Only Qi and Sanxian can feel it."

After hearing what they said, everyone in the Yiyun faction frowned.

This is not good news.

Suspected immortal breath, it means that the other party is at least a master of Mahayana stage or Sanxian level.

Such a strong man, Yiyun faction really can't easily provoke them.

There are so many disciples under the sect, including themselves, it is impossible to cower in the mountain gate for a lifetime and not go out.

If a strong man who has reached this realm retaliates, the consequences will be quite dire!
Maybe it can drag down their entire sect abruptly.

Taking advantage of everyone being fooled into silence, Wang Cheng continued at this moment: "In the cultivation world, no matter who it is for, immortal artifacts are extremely precious treasures against the heavens. It is impossible to take it out just to exchange some spirit stones."

"Judging from the reaction of that fellow daoist, there is no reluctance or distress to take out a fairy artifact, as if it is just an ordinary commodity..."

"It's kind of scary!"

"Having said so much, I just want to say that if you want a fairy artifact, you should bid honestly! If you want to take it by improper means, even the Yiyun faction may not be able to bear the anger of that person."

"Don't forget a very real problem. The Yiyun faction is actually not that powerful in the entire cultivation world, and there are still many existences that we can't afford to mess with."

"Perhaps, the seller who took out the fairy artifact is one of them."

Wang Cheng has always been known for his honesty and honesty when he spoke. When he said this, many elders of the Yiyun Sect present, including the head of the sect, looked very unhappy.

Can you tell the truth so directly?
However, what he meant was also very simple, since people dared to take out the fairy artifacts to be auctioned by Zhenbao Pavilion, it meant that they were not afraid of them taking them privately.

"Wang Cheng, pay attention to what you say!" Another elder jumped out angrily and shouted angrily.

After all, speaking is really not pleasant.

At this time, Fu Yushan, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

He said slowly: "Even if what you said is reasonable, you must know that the fairy artifact is a hot potato, so why do you ask us Yiyun to send a strong man to protect it for you?"

"This is an extremely dangerous thing. Even though we, the Yiyun Sect, have been supporting you all the time, this situation is not easy now, and it is very likely that people will die."

"It seems that for us Yiyun Sect, helping you protect the fairy artifacts doesn't seem to have any benefits?"

At this moment, Ke Weiran, Wu Yuanhua and Wang Cheng all felt tense.

This is when they are most worried.

They were not afraid that the Yiyun faction would investigate the news that they had not notified the fairy artifact in advance, but they were worried that they would not be willing to help them.

Just as the head of the sect Fu Yushan said, in the current situation, it is very dangerous to guard this immortal artifact that has not been shot, and it is very likely that some powerful masters will snatch it.

During this process, it is normal for people to die.

But for the Yiyun faction, if the contribution is not directly proportional to the income, then there is no value without assistance.

Fu Yushan said again: "Go back! This auction, our Yiyun faction will not have any substantial help, but it will not make things worse. You can use our Yiyun faction's prestige, and maybe some people Be afraid, what will happen in the end depends on your luck."

The faces of the three of them were ugly for a while, and the most worrying thing still happened.

They were worried that the Yiyun faction would not help, and it turned out to be the case.

At this time, an elder said in a strange way: "What kind of strength do you have in your heart? You dare to accept the business of fairy artifacts, you are really brave enough."

"For the sake of the good cooperation over the years, I would like to give you a suggestion. It is better to entrust the fairy artifact to a more powerful auction house! For example, Ruyixuan."

Wang Cheng and the three remained silent, and their faces became even uglier.

Ruyixuan Auction House is very famous in the entire cultivation world, with many branches, covering more than half of the cultivation world, and its own power is comparable to a top cultivation sect.

As one of the largest auction houses, Ruyixuan has a long history and has many experience in auctioning immortal artifacts.

Without exception, there has never been a single miss.

There used to be Sanxian-level masters making a fuss at the Ruyixuan Auction, but they were quickly suppressed on the spot.

After that time, they rarely dared to make trouble on Ruyixuan's territory.

In the world of comprehension, apart from Ruyixuan, there is also a top auction house called Qizhen Pavilion, whose scale of influence is no different from Ruyixuan, and has never had any experience of failure.

But, this has nothing to do with the Treasure Pavilion...

Fu Yushan sighed, and said again: "Three, please go back! It's not that we don't want to help, we are really powerless!"

Wang Cheng regained his composure, looked at Ke Weiran and said calmly, "Brother, let's go!"

Ke Weiran nodded with difficulty.

In the next second, the three got up and walked out of the hall.

After getting up and flying out of the range of the Yiyun faction's mountain gate, he dodges and uses teleportation to leave.

The mountain gate formation of the Yiyun Sect has restrictions. Outsiders like them cannot teleport out of it directly, and of course they cannot teleport in.

However, this only shows that the strength is not enough. If it is replaced by a powerful one, the result may be able to teleport in and out at will.

It didn't take long for them to return to the Treasure Pavilion in Yiyun City.

In the secret room, the three of them gathered together with ugly and dignified expressions.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Wu Yuanhua glanced at Wang Cheng helplessly, and continued, "If you want me to say, the third brother shouldn't have taken over that fairy artifact before."

"How can our Zhenbao Pavilion have the ability to auction immortal artifacts? I guess we can't even defend it."

Ke Weiran rubbed his temples with a headache, and didn't know what to say at the moment.

They all gradually realized the seriousness of the matter, and they couldn't find an excuse to cheer up.

Wang Cheng sighed, and said angrily, "It's all my fault. I was dazzled by the huge surprise at that time, so I took this hot potato."

"This business really shouldn't be accepted."

Wu Yuanhua looked at the two of them, and suggested: "Why don't we just return the fairy artifact! If we cancel the auction of the fairy artifact, the matter will be settled!"

(End of this chapter)

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