Alien Online Grocery Store

Chapter 300 Tiger and Unicorn

Chapter 300 Tiger and Unicorn
Zeng Muyang remained silent, opened the door and walked out of the room.

He had known for a long time that he wanted to accompany the boss on this trip.

After all, he is also a King of Martial Arts. When the boss is away from home and has any trivial matters, he can handle them. It is definitely much more convenient than being alone or bringing an ordinary person.

So he was already mentally prepared.

Ye Tianyu and Zeng Muyang came to the center of the courtyard.

Beside them, Zhu Huasheng, Han Tingting, Zhang Sen, and Zhang Lin were all watching.

At this time, Ye Tianyu took out the teleportation scepter, stood on the ground, and began to chant the spell.

The golden runes were quickly constructed under the feet of the two, and soon formed a huge pentagram, much larger than ever before.

Because this time, Ye Tianyu directly activated the teleportation scepter in his hand, the maximum distance that can be teleported.

According to the distance of the teleportation, the magic power consumed each time is also different. In the past, it was used at a short distance, and there is almost no consumption for the teleportation scepter.

But this time is different, because this time Ye Tianyu directly used the maximum distance that can be teleported, so the magic power of the teleportation scepter will also be consumed after this use.

It will take at least half a month to fully gather the magic power next time.

Zeng Muyang, who was standing next to him, noticed that this time the teleportation staff seemed to take much more time than usual to construct the teleportation circle, and even the boss's incantation seemed to take a little longer.

Zhu Huasheng and others next to him also noticed the difference this time, and felt that the momentum was much bigger than before.

They all sighed in their hearts, they really deserved to go far away, and they could tell from the situation that the place where the boss went this time must be very far away.

After a full minute, the last rune of the teleportation circle was finally constructed.

Ye Tianyu waved to Zhu Huasheng and the others beside him, and immediately activated the teleportation circle.

Under everyone's gaze, after a flash of light, Ye Tianyu and Zeng Muyang disappeared at the same time.

After the boss left, Zhu Huasheng, Zhang Sen, Zhang Lin and others walked together and started talking.

They all had a good laugh and were very relaxed.

Although the boss explained the task before leaving, the task is very simple, and he also said that there is no need to force it, so they have no pressure at all.

In short, you can live a comfortable life in the future.

In their hearts, they also became more grateful to the boss. There is really nowhere else to find such a good boss except this one.

"Let's go, why don't we go shopping? How about eating some delicious food?" Han Tingting suggested happily.

Zhu Huasheng smiled and did not object, but turned his attention to Zhang Sen and Zhang Lin.

It mainly depends on the opinions of the two of them. As for his own words, since his fiancée has spoken, how dare he disagree!
Zhang Sen suggested with a smirk on his face: "Which street are you shopping? I think we might as well go to Huangquan to have a look! Maybe we can go in and take an adventure. You say how exciting it is, and I'm excited to think about it."

Hearing his brother's suggestion, Zhang Lin's eyes lit up, and his heart was a little moved: "Yes! Brother, this is really a good idea of ​​yours."

"What a good idea? You don't want to live anymore, do you?" Han Tingting turned pale with fright, and hurriedly persuaded: "I don't even look at how many people went in before, except for the boss and Mr. Zeng, and Mr. Cui, look Who else has come out? Everyone died inside, do you want to die too?"

Regarding the crazy ideas of Zhang Sen and Zhang Lin, Zhu Huasheng shook his head in disapproval, and said, "I don't agree with taking risks there either, I think you should give up too! Who else dares to go there now? You two are so courageous that you still dare to think about this matter, you are not afraid to go in, and you will never come back!"

"Back then, Mr. Cui was a strong man in the realm of Wu Zun, and Mr. Zeng was also a strong man at the level of Wu King. If it weren't for the boss, even the two of them would not be able to get out, and they would die inside after a long time. Do you think Can the two of you be stronger than Wu Zun?"

"And you don't think that the boss will rescue you at that time, do you? The boss has just left, so don't make trouble."

Zhang Sen retorted unconvinced: "Yes, you are right. Mr. Zeng and Mr. Cui were able to come out with the help of the boss, but didn't they come out because of this enchantment magic ball? And now we have it too, completely It can keep us safe inside."

Zhu Huasheng frowned, and said dissatisfiedly: "The boss gave us the enchantment magic ball, not for you to take advantage of it to go out and take risks. Think about it carefully, the boss has been so kind to you, and now he has left and left the store for us to see." but you are adventurous like a tourist, can you live with your conscience?"

These words were like a blow to the head, and both brothers woke up instantly, with more or less ashamed expressions on their faces.

Zhang Lin tugged on his brother's sleeve, and whispered in his ear: "Brother, this seems really not good!"

Repentance also appeared on Zhang Lin's face, he sighed and said: "Well, I didn't think carefully, then we won't go out of the city, then follow what Tingting said, just go shopping in the city!"

Seeing that the two brothers could listen and did not stick to their own opinions, Zhu Huasheng was also very happy. He nodded and said, "Okay! Then if you have anything to prepare, prepare separately. Let's go together later."


The transmission process this time seems to be longer than before.

When the teleportation process was finally over, the two suddenly appeared in a wilderness.

What came into view was one after another green and verdant towering giant trees, which were hundreds of meters high, and the branches could not be seen at a glance, and even a few of them were one or two meters in diameter. It is estimated that several people would be able to embrace them.

Of course, not every tree is so strong, and there are still relatively small trees, which seem to be newborns that have not yet grown up.

Looking around, this area is basically full of trees of the same type. It can be seen that this should be an undeveloped forest. It is hard to say how big it is.


Before the two of them could fully come to their senses, the sound of a beast suddenly came from the side. It was not far away, and the sound was very similar to that of a tiger.

"Is this the sound of a tiger?" Ye Tianyu showed a smile on his face, not only not afraid, but also very interested.

He waved at Zeng Muyang: "Come on, Lao Zeng, let's go and have a look!"

"Yes, boss!" Zeng Muyang nodded respectfully, and there was no fear on his face either.

Although the ferocious beasts in the depths of this continent are more powerful, he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Not to mention his martial king's cultivation base, but he has a seventh-level enchantment magic ball on his body, which is completely capable of resisting Wu Zun's attack .

In fact, even in the depths of the mainland, there are very few alien beasts stronger than Wu Zun, let alone being bumped into by them by such a coincidence, the chances are very small.

But what Zeng Muyang didn't know was that the enchantment magic ball on Ye Tianyu's body was two levels higher than his, and it was able to completely resist even the Wuxian's attack.

Fortunately, he didn't know, if he knew, he would be envious to death.

In addition, it is estimated that he will also increase the pace of earning gold coins, and exchange himself for a more powerful enchantment magic ball as soon as possible.

After walking for tens of meters, Ye Tianyu finally saw the owner of the beast's cry after pushing away the branches and leaves in front of him. It was a flying tiger, the size of a calf, much more powerful and majestic than those tigers on the earth. .

And in front of this tiger, confronting him was a one-horned bull with the same ferocious face, looking very unfriendly.

In the current situation, it is obvious that these two guys are doing it for some reason.

In this regard, Ye Tianyu naturally watched the fun happily, so he signaled Zeng Muyang next to him to keep quiet.

As for the tiger and the bull, it seemed that because of the high tension of confronting each other, they did not find Zeng Muyang and Ye Tianyu who were close to them.

Finally, a bull and a tiger fight together.

The tiger kicked its feet and flew towards the one-horned ox, and opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp fangs.

Not to be outdone, the one-horned ox kept jumping on its four hooves. Seeing the tiger pounced on it, it quickly knelt down and rolled to the side, avoiding it.

The tiger flew into the air and bit the thick grass where the one-horned ox was standing just now. It opened its mouth and shook it vigorously, spitting out all the weeds in its mouth.

But at this moment, the counterattack of the one-horned ox came, and it attacked the tiger viciously with its half-meter-long one-horn on its head.

Just like that, they come and go, and the fight is very lively.

This bull-and-tiger battle lasted for almost half an hour.

The one-horned ox had several bloody wounds on its body, and the tiger's body was not much better. It was stabbed a few times, and it was also dripping with blood.

Obviously, they are all equally matched, and no one has an advantage.

Suddenly, at the critical moment, the tiger accidentally fell into the disadvantaged, lost the opportunity, and was stabbed in the neck by the horn of the unicorn.

At this point, the battle finally came to an end.

Unfortunately, the tiger died, and the one-horned bull was also bruised and fell to the ground panting from exhaustion.

At this time, Ye Tianyu turned his head to look at Zeng Muyang, and said in a low voice: "Old Zeng, it's time for you to come out, kill that cow for me too, and then pack up their corpses for me, which will be our future." Food."

Zeng Muyang nodded in response: "Yes, boss!"

They were not far from the battle zone, and the conversation between the two immediately aroused the idea of ​​the Unicorn.

Immediately, the one-horned ox who was resting kicked its legs and stood up. It seemed to know that its current state was not good, so it wanted to run away without any delay at all.

And Zeng Muyang, who was ordered by the boss, would let it slip away like this. He directly took out the long sword from the space ring, and at the same time opened the barrier of the enchantment magic ball, and flew towards the fleeing one-horned bull.

Then there was no suspense, the one-horned ox was killed by Zeng Muyang with a sword, and he had no power to resist.

Putting the corpses of the one-horned ox and the tiger into the space ring, Zeng Muyang returned to find Ye Tianyu and replied: "Boss, we have taken them all."

"Okay!" Ye Tianyu nodded, and said with a smile: "Then let's choose a random direction, see if we can get out of this forest, and find a place where people live first."

Looking around, Ye Tianyu confirmed a direction casually, and said, "Let's go in this direction!"

Regarding the boss's decision, Zeng Muyang naturally wouldn't have any opinion, and he himself didn't care, he could go wherever he wanted.

After walking for about a few hours, the sky was almost dark, but there was still no shadow of any village.

Even, the two people were still surrounded by towering trees, and they didn't seem to want to get out of the forest at all.

It can be seen that this forest is still quite big, and according to the walking speed, it is very likely that they will not be able to get out for a few days.

At this time, the two came to a small stream.

Ye Tianyu stopped here, and then looked at the surrounding scenery in the dark sky, and then said: "Don't go now, get ready, get something to eat!"

"By the way, release both the tiger and the one-horned bull, and deal with them here."

"Okay!" Zeng Muyang nodded, and released both the tiger and the one-horned bull.

The two began to get busy. First, they cut the meat into pieces, then washed them with the clear water of the stream, and finally put the cleaned pieces of meat into the space ring, leaving only one piece of tiger meat. Wagyu beef, reserved for dinner.

The time and space inside the space ring is static, and it is used to preserve meat. The effect is the best. No matter how long it is stored, it will not spoil, and even what temperature it is put in, and what temperature it is taken out.

If an ice cream is put into the space, even if it is taken out after ten or eight years, it will still be the same as before, without any melting.

Ye Tianyu held a piece of tiger meat and a piece of beef in his hands, and at the same time released supplies such as a chopping board, pots and pans, and various seasonings from his space ring, and then began to marinate for the evening dinner.

Seeing that the boss was busy there alone, and didn't intend to ask himself to help, Zeng Muyang was about to find something for himself, so he said, "Boss, let me pick up some firewood to live!"

When Ye Tianyu heard this, he nodded and said, "That's fine, then you go, and find out if there are any edible fruits."

"Okay, I'll be back soon!" Zeng Muyang responded and left.

In fact, Ye Tianyu just said the sentence asking him to find fruit later.

In fact, they walked here for so long, and they hardly saw any fruit trees, and occasionally saw unknown fruits, but they were not edible, and the taste was strange, and it was not known whether they were poisonous.

Of course, for Ye Tianyu who took the Holy Spirit Pill, it doesn't matter whether it is poisonous or not. Anyway, even if it is poisonous, it is basically impossible for him to be poisoned, unless it is beyond the tolerance range of the Holy Spirit Pill. This possibility is miniscule.

Not long after Zeng Muyang left, Ye Tianyu quickly finished processing the ingredients, and the next step was to wait for a while to marinate them to taste.

It is estimated that when Zeng Muyang came back, it would be almost the same, and it just happened to have firewood to start.

Originally, there were gas stoves and other things in his space ring, but before he left, he went on a crazy purchase, and there were many daily necessities in the space ring.

But when Ye Tianyu heard Zeng Muyang's proposal, he thought it would be better to make it with firewood, so he didn't refuse, but agreed.

And he also believed that it wouldn't take long for a strong man at the King of Martial level to do this kind of thing.

Sure enough, when he had just played with his mobile phone and watched half an episode of TV series, Zeng Muyang finally came back with a pile of dry firewood.

Ye Tianyu put away his mobile phone, clapped his hands and stood up, and said, "Hello, let's start the fire quickly, we can start cooking!"

While Zeng Muyang lit the fire, Ye Tianyu also cleaned up the rice.

Two makeshift stoves, one for cooking and the other for cooking.

Soon, a pot of stewed meat was overflowing with fragrance, just smelling the smell, it was very tempting!

Needless to say, this beef is really delicious!
The first dish is stewed radish with beef, and the second dish of braised tiger meat is almost ready.

Finally, after working for about an hour, one master and one servant, finally able to eat.

At this time, the sky was already dark, but for Ye Tianyu, it was naturally not a difficult task. He hung a few high-power lights on the surrounding trees, and suddenly this area was as bright as day.

"Come on, Lao Zeng, quickly try my handicraft." After Ye Tianyu picked up a piece of beef for himself, he signaled Zeng Muyang to be polite.

Zeng Muyang nodded with a smile: "Okay, boss, this is the first time I can eat your dishes, so I must taste them."

"Then you can taste what I cook!" Ye Tianyu said with a smile.

After eating a mouthful of beef, Zeng Muyang closed his eyes and made a look of intoxication, his expression was very exaggerated.

Soon, he opened his eyes, gave a thumbs up and praised without hesitation: "Boss, your craftsmanship is really good, this old slave is not flattery, but this is indeed what this old slave has eaten. The best beef ever.”

Seeing Zeng Muyang's amazed expression, Ye Tianyu naturally would not doubt the sincerity of his words, nor would he feel that there was any suspicion of flattery.

Because not to mention Zeng Muyang, even he himself thinks this beef is very delicious, it can be said that he has eaten the best beef since he came to this world, bar none.

First of all, the meat quality of this beef itself is very good, but more importantly, it is also because of the seasonings he puts!

You know, there are not so many seasonings in this world, and the dishes after adding seasonings, the taste has been improved to a higher level.

Therefore, it is only natural that this dish is delicious.

Anyone is very happy to hear that the dishes they cook are praised as delicious, and Ye Tianyu is no exception.

"Since it's delicious, eat more! Don't be too polite."

Just as the two of them were feasting, there was a sudden 'gurgling' sound nearby, which was very clear and pleasant in this silent night.

(End of this chapter)

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