Chapter 292

Pan Hongzhen felt aggrieved at the thought of being forced to drink poison!

As the majestic lord of a city, when did he experience such humiliation and grievance?
At that moment, Pan Hongzhen's eyes were slightly red.

He was so aggrieved that he wanted to cry loudly.

"Forget it, it's better to leave a whole body than to die without a whole body!" Pan Hongzhen comforted himself in this way.

Seeing her resignation to death, Zeng Muyang said, "Don't worry, this is not poison! If you really want to kill you, it would be too extravagant to waste a tube of poison!"


Pan Hongzhen was speechless for a while, but he had to think that what this mysterious expert said was indeed reasonable.

With the cultivation base of this mysterious master, if he really wanted to kill himself, it would be a matter of raising his hand, why waste a tube of poison!

That is indeed a waste!
Although I feel sorry for my own value being devalued, as long as it is not poison, it can indeed give people a lot of psychological comfort, at least not to die for the time being.

Let's not talk about whether he will die later, at least he can live for a while!

If you are alive, you have a chance. If you die, you really have no chance at all!

After thinking of this, Pan Hongzhen simply took the truth-telling medicine from Zeng Muyang's hand, unplugged it and drank it in one gulp.

Pan Hongzhen smacked his mouth, and muttered to himself: "It seems to taste quite good, but it really doesn't look like poison!"

Then, Zeng Muyang remained silent and did nothing.

Naturally, Pan Hongzhen didn't dare to move, but in fact he was still very curious about what this mysterious master wanted to do!
Soon, 1 minute passed.

At this moment, Zeng Muyang finally spoke.

"Okay, now I want to ask you a few questions! First of all, what do you think of Tianyu Grocery Store?"

Pan Hongzhen's mind was running rapidly, not understanding what this mysterious expert meant by asking this question.

However, before he could figure it out, he couldn't help blurting out the truest thoughts in his heart: "How else can you look at it, that's all a lucky guy who was lucky enough to be spotted by a mysterious force. It's a grocery store, and it's crazy all day long. If he is abandoned by the mysterious forces behind him, then I'll see what he can do! Huh, he will only be tricked by people, and there will be no scum left!"

The corner of Zeng Muyang's mouth twitched.Unexpectedly, the lord of Fenghe City would treat Ye Tianyu as an upstart.

However, the information shown by Ye Tianyu so far does indeed look like this.

But these are not related to Zeng Muyang's affairs, and he does not know the purpose of his coming here.

"Second question, if given the chance, do you want to deal with Tianyu Grocery Store?"

Faced with this problem, Pan Hongzhen said directly without thinking: "I want to, of course I want to! But in the current situation, it is impossible for me to kill Tianyu Grocery Store. As I said before, at least If you are sure that Ye Tianyu was abandoned by the mysterious forces behind him, then I definitely don't mind throwing trouble at you!"

Hearing this answer, Zeng Muyang's pupils shrank.

He slowed down, and said: "That is to say, under the current situation, you will not deal with Tianyu grocery store, will you?"

Pan Hongzhen nodded his head as a matter of course and replied: "Of course, I'm not stupid. The trouble of finding Tianyu grocery store at this time is not to kill myself!"

Zeng Muyang nodded slightly. If the truth-telling medicine given by the boss has no quality problems, then obviously, everything the current lord of Fenghe City said should be from the truth.

In other words, the five strong men who went to the bus to wreak havoc had nothing to do with the lord of Fenghe City.

After getting the answer the boss wanted, Zeng Muyang did not forget that he came from another purpose.

After a pause, he continued, "I heard that your City Lord's Mansion has collected a lot of assets, where are they hidden?"

"I do not……"

This question shocked Pan Hongzhen. He wanted to cover his mouth and say that he didn't know, but the mysterious power contained in the truth telling medicine made him tell the truth.

"I hid them all in a secret room among the rockery in the back garden."

After finishing speaking, Pan Hongzhen's two hands were still struggling.

His main consciousness wanted to cover his mouth and not speak, but his subconsciousness drove him to tell the truth. Even his hands seemed to be dominated by two forces. He couldn't move up or down. He wanted to cover his mouth, but his hands shook I couldn't lift it up for a long time.

At this time, Pan Hongzhen finally had a look of horror in his eyes.

Although he didn't know what was going on, why did he say everything he didn't want to say...

But he knew that this had nothing to do with the medicine he just drank,
Staring fixedly at the empty medicine tube that fell on the ground, Pan Hongzhen regretted that his intestines were turning green. If he had known earlier, he would not have taken the medicine even if he was killed.

Well now, he had a hunch that his savings for many years might be emptied.

Sure enough, at this time Zeng Muyang said: "Take me to see, to see how rich this city lord will be!"

While speaking, without waiting for him to resist, Zeng Muyang directly grabbed his clothes and lifted him up, then rushed up, smashed the tile beams above his head, and appeared on the roof.

At this moment, the people outside also saw this scene, so they all started to drink loudly.

"Rebel, let go of the city lord, and spare you!"

"My lord, don't worry, we will definitely rescue you."


Although everyone shouted beautifully, no one dared to rush up to rescue the city lord from Zeng Muyang.

This includes the warriors who came from all over the city lord's mansion later.

Although the level of these warriors is not high, they are much stronger than those guards in the city lord's mansion. All of them have the realm of warriors, and even a few of them have the realm of warriors.

But even so, none of them dared to step forward rashly.

Because they all heard about Zeng Muyang's methods from the mouths of the guards, and knew that such a master was far superior to them in strength and was beyond their ability to deal with.

Seeing those warriors whom he had painstakingly cultivated on weekdays, as well as the strong warriors who spent a lot of money to invite him to the city lord's mansion, at such a critical moment, no one came to rescue him, Pan Hongzhen was so angry It exploded.

If I knew this earlier, I wouldn't have wasted so much thought at the time.

Well now, Quan Dang raised a group of white-eyed wolves.

However, in fact, he can understand it if he thinks differently. After all, he is beside him now with a very powerful master. To put it bluntly, those who are high in the realm of martial arts are also sent to death.

There are not many martial artists in the entire Fenghe City. They are indeed regarded as masters here, but in front of real masters, they are not enough to look at at all.

After scanning the surrounding terrain, Zeng Muyang opened his mouth and said to the Lord of Fenghe City, "Tell me, where is the back garden? Where are your assets?"

At this moment, Pan Hongzhen completely gave up. Even if he wasn't driven by drugs, he still knew that he had to tell the truth, or else he would surely die.

One can imagine the consequences of playing tricks on such a powerful master!
As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. As long as you can live, how much property you lose, you can still earn it back in the future.

After all, I am sitting as the city lord. If I really want to make money, it is actually very simple.

After thinking about everything, Pan Hongzhen pointed in a direction: "There!"

When Zeng Muyang mentioned that he leaped over, those people on the ground hurriedly chased after him.

After a while, Zeng Muyang found the rockery in the back garden under Pan Hongzhen's guidance.

This is Pan Hongzhen's private garden. On weekdays, even the servants rarely get close to it, because it is strictly forbidden by him.

Zeng Muyang jumped down with him, landed beside the rockery, and let him go.

Pan Hongzhen didn't pay attention, and immediately fell to the ground. In fact, this was because of Zeng Muyang's rude actions.

After all, even if this is the lord of Fenghe City, he is only a prisoner at present, and I have never heard of a few people who are gentle to prisoners.

After Pan Hongzhen got up, Zeng Muyang pushed behind him: "Go, open it for me!"


Pan Hongzhen trembled, how dare he disagree!
He walked up to the rockery and fiddled with several stones in order.

Immediately afterwards, a rockery in front of them slowly moved, opened a hole and appeared in front of the two of them.

"Master, it's here!"

Seeing some dark holes, Zeng Muyang looked suspiciously at the Lord of Fenghe City, and said, "There shouldn't be any traps inside, right?"

"Um, yes!" Pan Hongzhen admitted with a nod. The effect of the truth-telling medicine is still there. He just wanted to tell a lie, but he couldn't tell it at this time!
Moreover, he didn't think that the organs he had built inside could deal with such a powerful warrior.

Of course, some injuries are still possible.

"Go, lead the way!" Zeng Muyang pushed him again.

How could Pan Hongzhen dare to resist at this time, he could only lead the way.

He led the way, and soon the two of them passed the downward steps and came to the underground secret room without triggering any mechanism.

In fact, the mechanism Pan Hongzhen arranged was also simple, nothing more than shooting cold arrows, poisonous gas, falling into pits and so on.

It took a lot of effort just like this. If you want to make it more advanced, or more powerful, that kind of cost is not small, and the area of ​​his small private garden is not large, so it is not enough to toss about.

In fact, as far as these mechanisms are concerned, some low-level warriors will basically lose their lives after triggering them, so Pan Hongzhen was quite satisfied with the mechanisms here before.

When we came to the door of the secret room, it was a very thick stone door without any keyhole, and it could be seen that it was also opened and closed by means of a mechanism.

This time, without waiting for Zeng Muyang to speak, Pan Hongzhen honestly fiddled with the hidden stone next to him a few times, and then the stone door opened.

"go with!"

After Zeng Muyang pushed Pan Hongzhen in, he went in by himself.

He was also afraid that he would accidentally be trapped by the lord of Fenghe City. Although with his strength, he couldn't be trapped in such a place, but after all, it would take a lot of effort to get out?

At worst, he could contact the boss Ye Tianyu to help him. He checked his phone, and the signal was still good.

This is the enhanced version of the base station that Ye Tianyu bought. Since it can radiate thousands of kilometers around, the penetrating power is naturally nothing to say. Even if it is underground, it is not that deep after all, so the signal is guaranteed to be no problem.

But if possible, Zeng Muyang naturally didn't want to contact the boss to help him, because it would make him appear too useless.

Therefore, Zeng Muyang was still very cautious in his form, and he didn't, because it didn't seem to affect his own existence, so he ignored the carelessness.

After Pan Hongzhen walked into the secret room, Zeng Muyang also walked in.

With the help of the flashlight, he could see clearly the storage situation in this dark secret room.

All of a sudden, his eyes widened.

"My God, there are so many...!"

Zeng Muyang didn't even know what to say, it was in the middle of this secret room.There is a hill made of gold coins. The dense gold coins, under the reflection of the light, are almost blinding people's eyes.

There are also various precious collections on the closets around, which seem to be of great value.

There were piles of boxes beside the wall, and Zeng Muyang didn't care too much at this time, and directly pushed the Lord of Fenghe City over to open it.

Then, there were boxes of jewels, some of which were also full of gold coins.

All in all, it's simply amazing!
"Hey, I miscalculated! I knew I should borrow a space ring from the boss. Now that there are so many things, how should I move them?"

Zeng Muyang was a little worried for a while, and didn't know what to do.

After much deliberation, except for a headache, he still couldn't think of a way out.

Seeing Zeng Muyang's headache, Pan Hongzhen knew why after turning his mind.

However, he wouldn't come up with an idea at this time, and he didn't have any ideas, and he wished that the mysterious expert was helpless!
"Maybe if I'm lucky this time, I can leave a lot of property for myself. Anyway, this mysterious master can't get much. I don't believe he will come back again and again..." Pan Hongzhen muttered to himself while waiting Look at Zeng Muyang's joke.

"Oh, I have a headache!" Zeng Muyang really felt a pain in his head, and he felt more and more that he had miscalculated when he came, and he had no choice but to contact the boss to ask for a solution after much deliberation.

After all, there is also [-]% of the boss, and the boss will definitely not sit idly by.

After thinking of this, Zeng Mengyang immediately reached out and slashed at Pan Hongzhen's neck.

Before Pan Hongzhen could react, he was knocked out and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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