Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 137 The Mermaid Like a Song 31

Chapter 137 The Mermaid Like a Song 31
In the earliest period, the mermaid was a king-like existence in the sea area. It had human thoughts and could talk to humans. It was beautiful and intelligent.

The moment Gu Xiaowu entered the water, many marine creatures swam behind her for a long time, and the number only increased.

Looking at Brother Octopus who was several times bigger than himself, Gu Xiaowu swallowed.

"Mermaids? For thousands of years, we thought you mermaids were extinct."

Surprised to find that Brother Squid in front of him spoke, and she could understand what it said, and she also understood all the chattering fish behind him.

"Excuse me, do you know where there are islands near here?"


The road-crazy Gu Xiaowu looked at the map and couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north, so he had to ask Brother Octopus in front of him for help, although she felt that it was not very reliable.

"Yes, not far from here, there is a human being living on it who is often away. He came back a while ago and never appeared on the beach."

That's it, Gu Xiaowu's eyes lit up.

"Can you take me there, please?"


Marine creatures are simple, and their brain circuits are only one muscle, in their consciousness.

Humans are bad people, mermaids are good people, mermaids have protected them from harm for hundreds of years, now it is time for them to do something for mermaids.

"Thank you!"

Gu Xiaowu, who was following Brother Octopus, looked at a colorful little fish swimming beside him. This little fish was the first to follow him, so it was inevitable that he would be more courageous.

The desire for the ocean in her body was aroused, and Gu Xiaowu was constantly bewitched to swim deep, but Gu Xiaowu was not like a song, she felt that there was something more important than finding a habitat, and that was to find Xie Huiyu to rescue him and tell him, I like him.

"That's it."

Brother Squid and Gu Xiaowu emerged from the sea, looking at the brightly lit villa on the shore and the silhouette sitting by the window.

"Thank you, I have to go up, you guys go back early."

Brother Octopus plunged into the water and disappeared, and the little fish couldn't go ashore and scattered one after another, as long as the colorful fish were reluctant to leave

"Hey, go back quickly, I'll be right back."

The little fish blinked, the expressionless fish showed a hint of confusion on his face, and he swung his tail obediently and swam into the darkness without asking any questions.

Gu Xiaowu went around to the forest behind the island, jumped onto the beach by the sea water, lay on the dry shore, instinctively fluttered his tail like a stranded fish.

It was only when the fish tail turned into legs that Gu Xiaowu came back to his senses, holding his forehead in frustration, thankful that no one saw this scene.

After adjusting his state, Gu Xiaowu quickly got up.

: Go ahead and hack the monitor of the villa, what is Tang Xu doing?
: He's in the laboratory in the basement. Well, Xiao Wu, you can come in with confidence. I'll open the window for you on the second floor.

Gu Xiaowu bowed his back, the window above his head was slightly opened, and the billowing little figure was trying to push the window open.

The whole house is short, and the second floor is just a matter of stepping on the window sill and jumping in.

The moment Gu Xiaowu entered, it started to rain, and raindrops kept hitting and falling on the glass.

The room was cleaned very clean, a small cactus was placed on the table, and a bag of glucose was being injected into Xie Huiyu's body through the infusion tube hanging beside the bed.

Xie Huiyu lay on the bed with his eyes closed, just like the fairy tales Gu Xiaowu read when he was a child.

The beautiful princess was lying on a gorgeous bed with her eyes closed, her red lips pouting slightly, waiting for her prince to rescue her.

(End of this chapter)

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