Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 133 The Mermaid Like a Song 27

Chapter 133 The Mermaid Like a Song 27
In "Fantasy World", Gu Xiaowu plays the second female lead.

The second female is a flower raised in a greenhouse, ignorant of worldly affairs, innocent and lovely, compared to the first female, she is a delicate flower.

The mother of the first male was killed by the father of the second female. In order to avenge the male, he deliberately approached the second female and then gained her father's trust and then acted. The second female was finally blackened and killed by the first male himself.

Ouyang Ya was not worried about the early stage at all, Gu Xiaowu was born for this role, with those innocent little eyes.But it's a bit difficult to blacken later. Although there are not many episodes to get a box lunch, he is also a character who runs through the whole work.

If those few episodes are not performed well, it will become a black spot in Gu Xiaowu's acting career.

"Director Lin."

Director Lin is a person who strives for perfection, and everyone is offended, you want to push someone in?Okay, come here if you can't bear the scolding, the actor and queen are all filmed after being scolded.

Although he has a bad temper, every film he filmed brought out the Best Actress, Best Actor, Worst, and Best Newcomer awards, and the ratings were also unanimously high and terrifying.

Ouyang Ya took Gu Xiaowu up to him and pulled Gu Xiaowu to introduce him.

"This is Ruge, Ruge greets you."

"Hello, Director Lin."

The voice was soft and pleasant, and Director Lin raised his head and his eyes lit up instantly.

Gu Xiaowu was pulled over after finishing her makeup. There was a white flower embroidered on the light blue tube top, and the lower skirt was also a light skirt with a large swing. The hair is finished with one sideburn, and some are scattered behind.

This is the effect he wanted. The most difficult role in "The Fantasy World" is the second female lead. If she played innocently in the early stage, it would be artificial, but if she didn't perform well in the later stage, she would ruin the play.

Although there are not many roles, it is equivalent to opening up the plot line, and the person who pulls it is extremely important.

At first he was hesitant, whether it would be ruined to have such a newcomer with no experience, so he also prepared two-handed preparations, and now that preparation can rest.

"Hello, it will be your first scene later, and the picture looks like this..."

Gu Xiaowu nodded from time to time, recorded all the words of Director Lin in his mind and filtered the most useful parts.


A little worried, he checked again. Director Lin had never been so kind to any actor before, and the staff who had followed him for many years were stunned.

"Well, remember, thank you Director Lin."

"Okay, all departments are ready to start up."

The male lead was still on the way due to the flight delay, so the female lead was filmed first.

Gu Xiaowu squatted among the flowers, bent down, held a flower in his plain hand and placed it next to his nose, closing his eyes.


Sniffing the flowers lightly, Gu Xiaowu opened his eyes, his blue eyes looked at the camera, under the gaze of that person, the girl in front of the camera slowly burst into a smile.

In an instant, a hundred flowers bloomed, and the butterflies fluttered in the flowers nostalgicly. Gu Xiaowu stood up and watched the butterflies dancing with them in the flowers in joy.

Ouyang Shu and Lin Huan stood behind the camera nervously watching the girl dancing among the flowers.

Gu Xiaowu is good at everything, but the dance is lacking. It is said that it is because of previous ankle injuries.

Dancing with the butterflies is an extremely beautiful picture, but no one knows how much pain the person in the picture is enduring.

Gu Xiaowu gritted his teeth and danced the ending well. The only shortcoming of being a mermaid out of water is that he can't dance.

Every step I took felt like I was stepping on the tip of a knife. There was no wound on the surface, but I felt that the scars were covered with blood.


Director Lin finally called out, and Gu Xiaowu relaxed and collapsed in an instant, crushing many flowers among the flowers.


Ouyang Ya and Lin Huan hurried forward to support Gu Xiaowu.

I saw that her face was covered with sweat but she still shook her head with a smile.

"I'm fine, don't worry, just need to rest for a while."

Director Lin also came to greet him and was called away. Gu Xiaowu's legs trembled slightly and the sharp pain lingered on his toes for a long time.

The mermaid is really 'uniquely talented', hiss really hurts.

 One more chapter every day before it goes on the shelves~
  Recommendation tickets from all of you, Crabs~ Go ahead and give you a piece of wood


(End of this chapter)

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