Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 120 The Mermaid Like a Song 14

Chapter 120 The Mermaid Like a Song 14
[Black box: When will you look back at me——Ouyang Ya]
"Sign her at any cost."

The inside of Chengtian Entertainment went crazy because of a Weibo post, and all the gold brokers put down their work and rushed back to the meeting.

Everyone looked at the girls on the screen, and they didn't know where their usual reserve was. They sat on their seats like epileptics and trembled.

"Boss, let me take care of the people under me."

The man with the gold-rimmed glasses pushed his glasses, on the surface he looked the calmest inside, but the fanaticism in his eyes was really not covered up.

He could already foresee how much frenzy this girl would cause, and he had to win her over.

Cheng Hua was brought into the company by Yuncheng and single-handedly promoted, and his ability is not limited at all. In just a few years, he has brought out an actor and two actresses.

"Pfft, do you still have a small number of people under your command? The actor Cui and the queen actress Li are both under your command, not to mention those big and small singers and actors, I think you should rest a bit."

A head of wavy red curly hair, with a disdainful smile on her delicate face, she said something that deserved a beating, but she kept looking at the silent Yun Cheng at the top from the corner of her eye.

The rest of the people just sat on their seats with eyes full of eyes and noses, and didn't move. Every time there was a meeting, the two golden brokers would fight, especially one was the boss's childhood sweetheart, and the other was the boss's right-hand man. It was not good to offend anyone. They watched just fine.

Cheng Hua smiled gently and didn't answer the woman's words, looking at the silent boss above.

A person who enters the company at all costs to chase the person he loves, he admits that Ouyang Ya's ability is very good, but his mind is placed where it shouldn't be, if he can't see the situation clearly, he is destined to be trapped in that world for the rest of his life.

Anyway, the decision is in the hands of the boss, so embarrassing things like pinching can only be done by people with big breasts and no brains.

Yun Cheng said a word from the beginning to the end, and his eyes kept falling on the girl in the blurry photo on the phone, looking thoughtful, as if they didn't listen to the quarrel between the two.

"This person, whoever wins you can bring it. Everyone here has a chance."



When the meeting ended, Ouyang Ya stopped Yun Cheng who was about to leave.

Yun Cheng didn't stop in his footsteps, and left without even pausing, Ouyang Yan looked at his back in disappointment.

When will you be able to look back at me.

Ouyang Ya didn't lose his mind for too long, he quickly regained his strength, turned back to his office with his head upright and his high heels on.

Xie Huiyu knew the news, it was Lin Huan who informed him.

"Boss, people from Chengtian Entertainment are looking for her everywhere now, should we block the news?"

Xie Huiyu looked at Gu Xiaowu who was hugging and staring at the TV drama seriously, and hesitated for a while.

"I'll ask her for her opinion."

Out of selfishness, Xie Huiyu didn't want Gu Xiaowu to appear in the eyes of the public. She didn't understand many things, and what was even worse was that she thought everyone was a good person. She might be able to abduct Gu Xiaowu with a lollipop. Peace of mind.

But he can't make decisions for her on many things, even with the excuse of being good for her.



Gu Xiaowu turned his head and looked at Xie Huiyu suspiciously.

What happened? He suddenly asked me to do something and didn't eat.

"If you could be a star, would you be willing to go?"

Gu Xiaowu blinked, looked at Xie Huiyu seriously and wanted to ask for an explanation.

"What is a star?"

"Just those people on TV, they're all stars."


Xie Huiyu looked at Gu Xiaowu nervously, suffering every minute and every second. Although the ending might not be satisfactory, maybe Gu Xiaowu didn't want to go, and finally Gu Xiaowu made his decision.

"Well, I'll go! I want to bring happiness to others!"

(End of this chapter)

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