Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 115 The Mermaid Like a Song 9

Chapter 115 The Mermaid Like a Song 9
When the scalpel fell, Gu Xiaowu felt his stomach being cut open cruelly, and the wailing lingered in his ear, piercing the eardrum with pain. The sound of the flesh being cut was multiplied countless times, and it was extremely clear in a quiet laboratory.

The blood spread under his body, like a enchanting blood-colored flower blooming. Tang Xu straightened up and held a half-man, half-fish baby with one hand.

The little baby drooped its head weakly, Tang Xu observed it for a while and threw it away in disgust.

"Tsk, waiting for it for nine months is so disappointing."

Looking at the weak mermaid on the stage, Tang Xu approached her with a smile.

"Why are you still alive? I didn't even give you anesthesia, and you made it through? It's a pity that your child didn't make it through. I still cut the umbilical cord carefully. It's disappointing, oh yes."

Tang Xu thought of something, walked over to pick up the little mermaid, Gu Xiaowu turned his head with difficulty, and his eyes fell on the lifeless little mermaid.

He has very beautiful silver-white hair wetly attached to his head, his small face is bloodless but white like a piece of fine jade, and the tail under his body is also the same color as the original owner. He closed his eyes tightly , like a beautiful but lifeless doll, but he has no breath.

Tang Xu threw him into the formalin, and the yellow potion gradually soaked him. Looking at the picture, weeping softly sounded in his ears.

"It's very pitiful. He died before seeing the world."

Gu Xiaowu couldn't control this body, he just felt something very cold whispering close to his ear.

And the voice didn't stop.

"This world is too unfair to you. Your identity cannot be chosen by yourself. Those human beings treat you as an alien, make money from you and sell you to this devil."

Gu Xiaowu thought of being thrown in the glass water tank, and shivered in the corner with all kinds of eyes, those eyes were like Ling Chi's knives, cutting her body one by one, leaving her covered in bruises.

Tang Xu over there raised his hand to maintain the action of throwing the little mermaid into the formalin, the madness in his eyes was also frozen, the blood on his body stopped flowing, and time stood still.

"He made you pregnant, took a child by cesarean section and discarded it at will, don't you hate him?"

Those words wrapped tightly around Gu Xiaowu's heart like a poisonous snake, igniting a flame called hatred, but she miscalculated one thing.She is not the original owner, she is Gu Xiaowu. Although it is a pity for that child, she will not be swallowed up by hatred.

Gu Xiaowu tried to control this body, and at the same time cooperated with that voice.

"I hate!"

"Merge with me, I'll avenge you, I'll avenge that kid and tear those damned people into pieces!"

Finally, he has spoken out his purpose, and Gu Xiaowu at that time can finally move.

"You are dreaming."

Gu Xiaowu propped up his arms and turned around and rolled down from the experimental table to the other side. The wound on his body seemed to have disappeared, and the fish tail under him also turned into legs the moment it landed, and the long silver hair turned back to black. , Gu Xiaowu knew that he was in the state of a soul and had no entity.

And Gu Xiaowu finally saw clearly that the person who had been talking in his ear was an extremely familiar person.

Her silver-white long hair was dull, her blue eyes turned blood red with deep hatred, her blue fish tail was no longer as bright as when she first saw her, and her whole body was shrouded in black mist.

"You are... Gu Xiaowu?"

On the opposite side, she chuckled and looked straight into Gu Xiaowu's eyes.

"Gu Xiaowu is your name, my name is Ruge."

Gu Xiaowu had already expected the ambiguous answer.

(End of this chapter)

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