The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang was born, and my immortal identity was exposed

Chapter 87 Misunderstanding (please collect, please recommend!!!)

Chapter 87 Misunderstanding (please collect, please recommend!!!)
Seeing the figures of several people disappear in the mist, Jiang Sheng sighed softly, turned his head and went back.

I have done everything that can be done, and now I can only see Ying Zheng himself.


Datang, it is still evening at this moment.

As soon as Li Shimin stepped out of the mist, he suppressed his sleepiness and ordered someone to summon his eldest grandson Wuji.

After questioning, Li Shimin got the answer he wanted.

The batch of war horses had all been transported to a hidden horse farm outside Chang'an City.

"Auxiliary machine." Li Shimin closed his eyes, relieving the fatigue caused by staying up late.

Changsun Wuji responded: "The minister is here."

"Don't you want to know, what's the use of these war horses?"

"Come with me tomorrow, and then call Xuanling and Keming, and let you see the methods of the immortal master!"

After finishing speaking, Li Shimin left, leaving the eldest grandson Wuji with a confused face.

When Li Shimin went back to his bedroom to rest, Changsun Wuji called Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui out.

After recounting Li Shimin's words, Changsun Wuji said doubtfully:

"Since His Majesty said so, then these horses are related to the immortal master, but what does this immortal want the horses for?"

Fang Xuanling pondered a little, and said uncertainly: "Does Your Majesty want to sacrifice these war horses to the immortals?"

"No!" Du Ruhui's face changed greatly: "We bought this with great difficulty, how can we just sacrifice it?"

The act of offering sacrifices has existed since ancient times.

They no longer doubt the existence of Jiang Sheng, a mysterious immortal.

The seeds of those crops cannot deceive people.

The locust plague that is gradually disappearing cannot deceive people.

The manufacture of movable type printing cannot deceive people.

The fact that Empress Changsun was on the verge of death but had no symptoms could fool anyone.

Especially for Jiangshan Sheji, this immortal's insights are even more extraordinary.

Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui all felt gratitude and awe for this immortal from the bottom of their hearts.

If Li Shimin wanted to offer sacrifices to this immortal, they would not object.

But that is based on the sacrifice specification being acceptable to them.

There are more than ten thousand war horses outside Chang'an City!
How important is this strategic material?
Li Shimin did not expect that his casual words would cause such a big misunderstanding.

The three of them, Changsun Wuji, already seemed to think that Li Shimin would sacrifice all these horses to Jiang Sheng.

How amazing is this?

The three of them closed their eyes slightly, as if they could see the tragic scene of tens of thousands of horses lying in a pool of blood.

"No!" Changsun Wuji shook his head, "If that's the case, His Majesty must be stopped!"

Du Ruhui also nodded in agreement and said, "Although it was bought with banknotes, it hasn't broken face with the Turks yet. This is equivalent to white money."

"That's right, don't let Your Majesty abuse you like this." Fang Xuanling sighed lightly, "But if you offend this immortal master, what should you do?"

The atmosphere was slightly stagnant, and the three of them frowned tightly.

"Immortal Master Yu Datang has kindness, this matter is not easy to handle!"

"If you offend the immortal master and stop protecting me, Datang, the three of us may lose our official positions."

"More than that? You may not even be able to keep your head."

"Then let His Majesty slaughter all these tens of thousands of horses?"


The three of you spoke to each other and discussed for a while, but still didn't come to a conclusion.

In the end, it was Fang Xuanling who made the final decision: "Whether it is a sacrifice or not is still unknown, why not wait until tomorrow to see what His Majesty will do with these horses, and then make a decision."

Changsun Wuji agreed with this: "What Xuanling said is very true, maybe we are worrying unfoundedly."

"That's the only way to go." Du Ruhui smiled wryly.

After discussing with each other, the three of them dispersed with heavy hearts.


In the early morning of the next day, Li Shimin didn't even have time to attend the court meeting, so he directly called his eldest grandson Wuji, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, and they rushed to the racecourse on the outskirts of the city together.

Seeing Li Shimin's anxious look, Changsun Wuji and the three of them felt their hearts sink again.

Recently, the only thing that can make this majesty so caring is the matter related to the immortal teacher.

What could bring these horses into a relationship with a fairy?The answer seems to be on the horizon.

One side is a fairy, the other side is an emperor, and the three of them, Changsun Wuji, only feel the pressure is great.

Neither of these two parties is easy to offend, but right now they are likely to offend them all at once.

The three of them stared at each other on the road, none of them dared to speak easily.

At this time, they suddenly thought of a colleague.

"It would be great if Wei Zheng was here..."

In the hearts of the three of them, this thought could not be restrained.

When he was about to arrive at the racecourse, Fang Xuanling finally bit the bullet and spoke first: "Your Majesty, what are we here for today?"

"Oh?" Li Shimin joked with a smile: "With Xuanling's head, I can't think of the purpose of my trip?"

Fang Xuanling's face was suffocated, but fortunately Changsun Wuji relieved him in time: "Your Majesty was joking, I'm so foolish, I hope His Majesty will make it clear."

"You guys!" Li Shimin said angrily, "Evidently everyone has something to say, but they just ask the question knowingly."

"Just say what you want to say, I can accommodate a Wei Zheng, but can't I accommodate you?"

How can he not see the strangeness of the three ministers along the way?
They are all brothers who have fought the world all the way, so it is not necessary to ignore the previous feelings because of the difference between the monarch and his ministers.

The three wanted to speak on the road but did not speak, Li Shimin knew that they must have something on their minds.

Birds do their best to hide their bows, and cunning rabbits die and lackeys cook.

Counting the founding emperors of the past dynasties, most of them would inevitably do something to the heroes around them.

Li Shimin can be regarded as a clean stream among them.

The current attitude towards the three old ministers is evident.

Now that Li Shimin has made it clear, Changsun Wuji and the others will stop hiding it.

"Your Majesty!" Du Ruhui looked serious, "What I want to ask is, is Your Majesty going to dedicate this batch of war horses to the immortal master?"

Li Shimin was slightly taken aback, and laughed loudly: "Let me just say, you are all ministers of the Tang Dynasty, and your intelligence and wisdom are unparalleled."

"I only revealed a little information, and you will guess it."

"Keming is right. I just want to dedicate this batch of war horses to the immortal master."

The hearts of Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui sank together.

The worst-case scenario they envisioned has emerged.

"Your Majesty, I dare to object!" Fang Xuanling said without holding back.

"My minister agrees!"

"My minister agrees!"

Changsun Wuji and Du Ruhui followed immediately.

The racecourse was already in sight, Li Shimin grabbed the steed under him and stopped in the middle of the road.

The other three also stopped immediately.

"I want to ask, why are you so opposed?"

Li Shimin vaguely felt that there should be some misunderstanding between himself and these three ministers.

(End of this chapter)

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