The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang was born, and my immortal identity was exposed

Chapter 76 confirms that movable type printing began in Qin Dynasty! (Please collect, please recomme

Chapter 76 confirms that movable type printing began in Qin Dynasty! (Please collect, please recommend!!!)

No matter how the outside world argues, Professor Xu Jialiang is still unmoved here, and promotes the restoration work wholeheartedly.

In the middle of the night, Xu Jialiang and a group of experts and professors were guarding the laboratory, unwilling to leave even one step.

The recovery work, which originally took a month or two, progressed faster than expected.

One is because many industry leaders were invited, and the big guys worked in shifts, abruptly shortening the recovery time.

On the other hand, it is also due to the use of the latest technical means and the addition of the top domestic intelligent AI assistance, which greatly reduces the workload.

Huaxia officials have given Professor Xu a lot of support.

"Everyone!" Professor Xu Jialiang looked at the restoration map that was about to be completed in front of him, and let out a long sigh, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's not hard, it's not hard, Xiao Xu, can the papers be published with my name?"

"Shameless! If you want to take it, you will take me! Professor Xu, I have been sleepless for several days!"

"What you said, who is not sleepless?"

"I'll talk about the thesis later, I can't wait to see the faces of those Bangziguo scholars!"

"Hahaha, now let's see how they have the nerve to claim that movable type printing was invented by them!"

"Hey, don't say that, the official saying is that metal movable type was invented!"

Obviously, after so many days of hard work, this group of experts can basically confirm that what Professor Xu brought back is the type printed with movable type!

There are three reasons.

First, these squares are regular in shape and carved with Yang characters, which are very similar to the fonts recorded in later generations of movable type printing.

Second, if it is only a single one, it may only mean that it is a seal or the like, but based on a rough estimate of the size of this bronze box, the number of squares inside can cover the characters commonly used in Daqin at that time.

From this point of view, it is completely in line with the usage rules of movable type printing.

Most importantly, they actually extracted a small amount of carbon, copper and other elements on the positive side of the cube.

Among the cultural relics unearthed in the Qin and Han Dynasties, many bamboo slips were written in ink. Through comparison, their chemical composition is basically the same as those on these squares!
All signs indicate that this is the font used in movable type printing!
Although I don’t know why there were no relevant historical records before, but the facts speak louder than words. These professors and experts can only think that it is a cultural fault that led to the loss of this technology.

After all, there were constant wars at the end of the Qin Dynasty, and many historical relics had been destroyed in the turmoil. For example, the Afang Palace, this majestic palace that "can seat thousands of people on the top, and build a five-zhang flag on the bottom", has not even existed yet. draw conclusions.

The charm of archaeology lies in this, continuous discovery and continuous revision.

Professor Xu Jialiang notified the media overnight that he will hold a press conference on the archaeological discovery the next day to respond positively to voices from all sides.

After waiting for many days, Professor Xu Jialiang finally responded, which immediately awakened the memories of netizens who eat melons.

That night, the news became a hot search on domestic social platforms.

The major video and live broadcast websites even stated that they would broadcast the press conference live as soon as possible.

"Professor Xu is going to respond to the question, it seems that this time the stone hammer!"

"Call again, sticks? What else do you have besides stealing our Huaxia? I didn't care about you before, but this time I will slap you in the face severely!"

"Don't be too happy, what if Professor Xu came to apologize?"

"I also think that everyone should calm down, it will be bad if you get slapped in the face."


The next day, ten o'clock in the morning.

In the conference hall of the research institute, many media outlets were already in place. They set up long guns and short cannons, or professional live broadcast equipment, quietly waiting for the press conference to start.

At 10:30, Professor Xu Jialiang pushed the door open and walked in. His face looked haggard due to staying up all night, but the look in his eyes could not be concealed.

At the same time, he immediately became the focus of the scene.

The media reporters pointed their cameras at him one after another. Professor Xu smiled warmly and sat on the chief seat.

"Good morning, friends from the press and audience in front of the camera."

Professor Xu was also unambiguous and directly cut into the topic.

"I know that recently, many people have been paying attention to me, including some international friends."

"Because of my immature inference, the Huaxia archaeological circle has become the target of public criticism. Many old comrades have accompanied us for days. For this, I apologize to all my colleagues."

Professor Xu's tone was sincere, and he even got up and bowed to some experts in the audience.

"Xiao Xu, it's okay, our old bones can still move!"

"I'm afraid you youngsters won't be able to handle such a big event without us old people sitting in charge, haha!"

These old-timers laughed and passed their hard work in a relaxed tone.

However, Professor Xu's words failed to get the understanding of the mean netizens, and some discordant bullet screens appeared.

"Professor Xu's tone, he won't admit his mistake?"

"Let me just say that movable type printing has to go to the Song Dynasty. If you say that relevant relics were found in the tombs of the Tang Dynasty, I can still believe half of it. As for the Qin Dynasty? I can only say, ha ha!"

There are also some netizens from Bangzi Kingdom who are in China, who speak rudely.

"Look at your face, don't act anymore, who will show your hypocrisy? Movable type printing was not invented by you Huaxia!"

"Using your Huaxia's words, the fake can't be true. Is this the level of your Huaxia experts?"

Of course, these remarks were quickly reprimanded.

And Professor Xu Jialiang didn't know all this, he just continued on his own:

"I don't know, why does a single inference attract so much malice?"

"I don't know. Movable type printing originated in China. Why do some people distort history?"

"Great China, since the beginning of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, it has been more than thousands of years."

"History, culture and spirit have never been cut off!"

"In the long river of time that rolls by, let the sea dry up and the rocks rot, and the major civilizations fall apart, but the blood of Yanhuang has been passed down to this day!"

"In the history of China, there are as many great inventions as there are stars. Movable type printing is one of them!"

"What's even more commendable is that we have never cherished ourselves, but have brought our civilization to all parts of the world."

"But now, there are some people who have no sense of shame, take what they want without asking, and take the sacrifices of the Chinese ancestors as their own. How can I teach others to bear it?"

When Professor Xu Jialiang said this, his eyebrows and eyes were raised, and with a wave of his hand, the image of the characters they restored was projected on the curtain behind him.

"I solemnly announce to you all that after the demonstration of many experts, what was discovered in the ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty this time is exactly the type used in movable type printing!"

"The history of movable type printing will be pushed forward for more than a thousand years!"

ps I went on a business trip for another day today, and I didn’t return to the hotel until ten o’clock in the evening for the project meeting. I can only update one chapter tonight. Please forgive me. I will go back tomorrow and try to update two chapters. Sorry, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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