The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang was born, and my immortal identity was exposed

Chapter 72 Movable type printing in the Qin Dynasty? (Please collect, please recommend!!!)

Chapter 72 Movable type printing in the Qin Dynasty? (Please collect, please recommend!!!)

Chen Chuchu also moved closer and carefully looked at these unrecognizable cultural relics.

Those cubes that have not been completely corroded are square and neatly arranged.

If you look closely, you can still see something carved on the top.

Chen Chuchu couldn't tell the difference, but the veteran Professor Xu Jialiang could vaguely see that it was carved in small seal characters.

The most important thing is that these words are engraved in Yangwen!

Professor Xu Jialiang's body was shocked suddenly, and his face was in disbelief.

Seeing Professor Xu Jialiang's reaction, the team member swallowed and said:

"Professor, I feel like that thing!"

"I think so too, but how is this possible?" Xu Jialiang frowned, "How could such a thing appear in the ancient tombs of the Qin Dynasty?"

"There is also this immortal master. The thing that looked like a globe last time was also related to him."

"Could it be that some tomb robber has nothing to do and specially forged these things? But we tested it with professional means, and it is indeed a good antiquity."

Xu Jialiang muttered to himself, obviously a little confused by the successive strange events.

"Teacher." Chen Chuchu finally couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart, "What the hell is this?"

"Oh." Professor Xu Jialiang smiled wryly, "Before you said that the globe unearthed from the ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty was a big joke."

"If the teacher said it today, I'm afraid it will either become a joke or rewrite history."

"Teacher!" Chen Chuchu said coquettishly, "Don't be a fool!"

At this time, other archaeological team members also came around Professor Xu Jialiang and looked at him expectantly.

Xu Jialiang looked around, exchanged glances with the team member who first discovered it, let out a long breath, and said slowly:

"Movable type printing!"

Movable type printing?Wasn't that invented by Bi Sheng of the Song Dynasty?Why did the teacher say this?
Chen Chuchu opened her eyes wide, looking at the few cubes that could barely keep their shape.

Gradually, she couldn't help but opened her small cherry mouth, and blocked it tightly with her hands.

"My God, teacher, what do you mean, this is a movable type printing type?"

Xu Jialiang was silent for a while, then nodded.

Everyone present was frightened by Xu Jialiang's inference.

Last time Chen Chuchu said that the ancient object unearthed from the Qin tomb was a globe, but this one said that the object in front of him was a movable type printing model.

Well, it turns out that the ability to run trains with the mouth comes down in one continuous line.

"Professor Xu, isn't it too bold for you to say that?"

Someone couldn't help but speak out.

The ancient tombs of the Qin Dynasty have nothing to do with movable type printing.

At that time, there was no paper, so why did people invent this stuff?
Only the team member who discovered this object at the very beginning stood on the side of Professor Xu Jialiang and defended him:

"Science, it's a bold assumption and a careful verification. Come and see for yourself, does this look like a font!"

After a circle of people observed carefully, they all fell into silence.

It's so similar.

One square after another, the text is engraved in Yangwen on it.

If a layer of ink is applied and then covered with paper, isn't this the process of movable type printing?
"Unlikely, right?"

Someone broke the silence, but still couldn't accept this fact.

"What if it is true? What if movable type printing existed in the Qin Dynasty?"

"What about paper? Papermaking can only be traced back to the early Western Han Dynasty!"

"The Qin Dynasty and the early Western Han Dynasty are not far apart!"

"But so far there is no documented record, let alone unearthed cultural relics, proving the existence of paper in the Qin Dynasty."

"Yes, without paper, the invention of movable type printing is meaningless. How could anyone think of inventing it?"

"Maybe at that time, paper was only in the hands of a few people, and it was too old to leave traces of existence?"

"You have also overlooked one point. Movable type printing evolved on the basis of woodblock printing, and woodblock printing only appeared in the Sui and Tang Dynasties!"

The group blushed and were arguing furiously.

On the one hand, from a rational point of view, it is too unreasonable to see movable type printing in ancient tombs of the Qin Dynasty.

On the other hand, from a perceptual point of view, if it is confirmed to be true, then many ancient histories will be pushed back, and this group of people will all witness new history!

This group of archaeologists couldn't resist the temptation.

"Enough!" Professor Xu Jialiang stood up and stopped their noise, "Protect it first, and study it carefully when you bring it back to the research institute!"

"Whether it is related to movable type printing has not yet been determined."

"Even if it is, there are many doubts here, we still have to be cautious!"

After hearing what Professor Xu said, the debate on the scene gradually subsided.

Just when Chen Chuchu really thought that it would take a while before there was a conclusion on this matter.

That night, an archaeological team member was interviewed by the media.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, I told the media about Professor Xu Jialiang's deduction at that time.

As soon as the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar!

The prototype of movable type printing appeared in the ancient tombs of the Qin Dynasty?
This can rewrite the history of the development of Chinese civilization!

The self-media also came like sharks smelling blood, pushing the heat of this matter to a new climax.

"Shocked, this technology actually originated from the Qin Dynasty!"

"A shocking discovery in an ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty, unveiling the mysterious veil of Chinese history!"

All kinds of sensational headlines appeared on the Internet.

Professor Xu Jialiang received countless calls that night, all from friends or colleagues in the circle, asking him what was going on?

The last time Chen Chuchu's "Tongyan Wuji" had already brought some negative influences to the archaeological circle, but fortunately she was only a student, so the influence was not that great.

But Xu Jialiang is a well-known figure in the archaeological circle, how could he just talk about it?

Professor Xu Jialiang could only explain one by one, that the ancient objects were exactly the same as the movable type printing, and it was not a random talk.

All the bigwigs in the circle left overnight to rush to Xu Jialiang's place.

If this matter is not handled properly, it will be a major blow to the reputation of the archaeological community.

But if it is true, the impact will be huge!
On the Internet, netizens who eat melons have discussed the credibility of this incident.

"I've read the profile of Professor Xu Jialiang. A professor of this level shouldn't just open his mouth, right?"

"Isn't it his student who said that he dug up the globe last time? It turns out that the blue is better than the blue. Professor Xu's pattern is still small, and he just said it was a printer, haha!"

"You haven't thought about it, what if it's true?"

"If it's true, I'll broadcast live and wash my hair upside down!"

Netizens who eat melons are only discussing the credibility of this matter.

With the support of today's developed network, this news soon spread to other countries.

Some people in Bangzi Country can't sit still now.

(End of this chapter)

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