The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang was born, and my immortal identity was exposed

Chapter 56 The Charm of the 3-Piece Cavalry Suit (Please collect, please recommend!!!)

Chapter 56 The Charm of the Three-piece Cavalry Suit (Please collect, please recommend!!!)
Soon, surrounded by this group of people, Ying Zheng came to an empty valley.

This valley is inaccessible and vast enough for hundreds of cavalry to march in parallel.

There are few bare trees in the valley, and the terrain is open and flat, which is suitable for cavalry training.

Right now, there are two groups of people gathering in the valley.

Among them, saddles and stirrups were hung on the backs of the horses. Looking closely, horseshoes were also nailed to the horseshoes.

The other group has nothing, and still retains the style of cavalry in the past.

At this moment, several soldiers gathered together and kept sighing.

"Don't tell me, these three gods are really wonderful. We have been riding and shooting for many years, why can't we think of these things to assist?"

"With this saddle, I am as stable as Mount Tai on horseback, and I am no longer afraid of bumps. I am much more comfortable than before."

"And the stirrup, with this thing, you can also use your feet to borrow strength on the horse's back, and you don't have to work hard to clamp the horse's belly. We can even wield swords and swords on the horse's back!"

"This horseshoe is amazing. Isn't this just wearing a pair of shoes for the horse? I tried riding it the day before yesterday, no matter how complicated the road was, the horse ran like walking on flat ground!"

This group of people is full of praise for this three-piece cavalry suit.

They are all good fighters on horseback, with vicious vision. The advent of the three-piece cavalry suit, which surpassed them for a thousand years, will completely reverse the situation on the battlefield.

Prior to this, the combat effectiveness of the Daqin cavalry was very limited.

These cavalry mostly use bows and crossbows to control the strings and fight.

No way, before the advent of saddles and stirrups, the requirements for cavalry were too high for cavalry to achieve melee combat.

Although the old Qin people were brave and good at fighting, they were not like the Huns who grew up on horseback.

It is really unwise to use such cavalry to charge the battle.

But right now, the stirrups and saddles given by Jiang Sheng will rewrite all this.

Cavalry who can charge into battle will be the enemy's worst nightmare on the battlefield.


Ying Zheng came to a high ground and stood with his hands behind his back, overlooking the two groups of cavalry in the valley.

The breeze was blowing slowly, blowing Ying Zheng's hair, and also blowing his heart that was undercurrent.

This three-piece set of cavalry will be the most critical step for the Great Qin to conquer the Huns!
"Tongwuhou, you can start!"

Ying Zheng spoke calmly, his voice full of expectation.

"Here!" Wang Ben cupped his hands and hurried down to set up the battlefield.

Not long after, two groups of cavalry separated the two sides of the valley.

The soldiers on horseback were gearing up, wanting to perform well in front of His Majesty.

Wang Ben also returned to Ying Zheng, holding several flags in his hand.

"Your Majesty, please look!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Ben waved his hand and waved one of the flags.

In the valley, two groups of cavalry responded immediately.

Equipped with stirrups, saddles and horseshoes, this group of cavalry rushed out of five big men, waving wooden daggers in their hands, clamping the horse's belly, and charged straight away.

On the other side, there were ten unequipped cavalrymen, wielding wooden knives with one hand, and rushed towards this side.

The moment the two groups of people fought against each other, the outcome was almost instant.

After a face-to-face meeting, four people were stabbed under the horse.

And these four people are all unequipped cavalry.

The moment the two sides met at close quarters, the huge force from the weapons made it impossible for them to maintain their balance.

These white board cavalry, on the one hand, have to free up one hand to control the reins, so they can only hold a knife with one hand.

On the other hand, the horse's belly must be tightly clamped with both legs, which must be distracted when riding.

And their opponents, under the blessing of stirrups and saddles, hold spears in both hands, and with a single sweep, they can sweep the enemy off the horse.

"Good! Good! Good!" Ying Zheng laughed loudly and said three good times in a row.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Ben waved another flag.

Several cavalry came out and sprinkled a lot of fine stones in the middle of the valley.

This time, the ratio of the two groups of cavalry was even more exaggerated, and they tried to fight two against ten!

Even Li Xin, who was standing next to Wang Ben, felt that even with stirrups and saddles, it was still impossible to win.

"Marquis Tongwu, are you a bit overbearing?"

"Hmph!" Wang Ben said to himself, "General Li, just wait and see."

The two groups of cavalry charged again.

But before rushing to a piece, the situation happened.

After the group of unequipped cavalry rushed into the battlefield sprinkled with stones, several horses lost control immediately.

The soles of the horses staggered, obviously because the small stones affected their balance when running.

On the other hand, the two riders advanced very safely.

Taking advantage of the opponent's out-of-control formation, the two cavalry quickly pierced through the formation of another ten cavalry.

In just one back and forth, the ten unequipped cavalrymen were all picked off their horses.

Li Xin opened his mouth wide, wanting to say something, but couldn't say anything.

That look, like a fish being fished out of the water, is very funny.

"General Li, why is your jaw still dislocated?" Wang Ben teased.

Then he bowed to Ying Zheng as if asking for credit:
"Your Majesty has already seen that with the stirrups and saddles, the cavalry of the Great Qin Dynasty have greatly improved their combat capabilities on horseback."

"Being able to use long spears and short swords, being able to rush into the enemy's formation, and fighting hand-to-hand is completely different from the previous combat methods."

"With this horseshoe, not only can the cavalry maintain their combat effectiveness to the maximum extent under various conditions."

"What's more valuable is that it can also protect the horse's hoof. Apart from dying in battle, the horseshoe of Daqin suffered the most wear and tear from damage to the horse's hoof."

"With these three fetishes, I can assure you that this year, those Huns will be completely wiped out!"

Ying Zheng exhaled slowly, and turned his gaze to the Daqin Black Water Dragon Flag fluttering in the wind in the valley.

The things that Jiang Sheng had told him once flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

The Five Disordered China, the wild boar skin beating off the pass, the Dongying people slaughtered the Central Plains...

Foreign countries, foreign races, how much you deceive our Chinese people, I will repay you ten times!
Mauryan Dynasty, Macedonian Empire, Roman Empire...

The heroes of the world, no matter how powerful they are, must surrender under the iron hoof of Daqin!

"Tong Wuhou, hurry up to forge the three-piece cavalry suit, step up the training!"

"When the immortal food matures, it will be the time for my royal conquest!"

Ying Zheng finally spoke, swallowing thousands of miles like a dragon!

"Here!" Wang Ben's face was moved, His Majesty even said the words of the imperial conquest, which shows how strong his desire to attack the Xiongnu is.

After Ying Zheng's death, no one was dissatisfied with expectations, whether they were generals or civil servants.

Great Qin Shangwu has become a common practice!

After Ying Zheng left, Li Xin sneaked up to Wang Ben's side again.

"Tongwuhou, how many cavalry three-piece suits have you made here, give me some!"

Wang Ben let out a breath from his nose: "You are also worthy? Let me wait until the old man finishes equipping the cavalry under his command."

"Tong Wuhou!" Meng Yi was not happy, "My brother Meng Tian can return Chen Bing to Shangjun, please give Tong Wuhou to my brother first!"

"Fart, no one else is here, and you still want to help him steal the old man's fetish? Go ahead and dream!"

"Ahhh, Marquis Tongwu, you are so unreasonable, I want to sue His Majesty!"

"If you don't go, you are my grandson!"

(End of this chapter)

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