The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 203 Dare to be the first in the world

Chapter 203 Dare to be the first in the world

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Jiang Chuan said: "The concerns of the three generals are not unreasonable, and what the military adviser said is the most reasonable thing about training and leading troops. If an army wants to become a truly elite army, it will be difficult for it to survive a hundred battles." Division, the division of tigers and wolves, in addition to harsh and even cruel training, as well as strict and strict military law, the role of being a commander is of course the key among the keys."

"The three generals are concerned that these captives' combat effectiveness is too poor, and being incorporated into our army will affect our army's combat effectiveness. In fact, we can use appropriate methods to minimize this situation.

First, we can select captives into the army in batches, and gradually digest the captives;

Second, we can follow the method of mixed formation. In each military unit, the former soldiers of our army are the main body, and the supplementary captives are the auxiliary. The veterans drive and supervise the recruits to gradually help them improve their combat effectiveness.

For example, what is the smallest unit in our army?Each Shi is ten soldiers.Then we can keep the original seven soldiers and add three captive soldiers.By analogy, the main body of the entire army is still the soldiers of our army, which can also prevent these Ming army prisoners from forming separate camps and interacting on the battlefield to cause defeat.

It can be said that the role of our army veterans in normal training is to drive these captive recruits.In wartime, they act as the supervisor of the battle team. If these recruits show signs of defeat, the veterans can kill them in time to prevent the defeat.

According to this configuration, these captive recruits cannot form the main body, so even if there is a rout on the battlefield, it will not affect the overall combat situation of our army. "

Jiang Chuan's words made the three of them, Ran Wu and Liu Ji, think carefully. Judging from their expressions, they all think that this method is feasible.

In fact, the method Jiang Chuan mentioned was not his own idea. He mainly referred to our army's practice of transforming prisoners during the War of Liberation.

Of course, the People's Liberation Army also has other methods to help, such as remembering bitterness and thinking sweetly, and complaining conferences. Jiang Chuan is also considering whether to join in this regard.

Seeing that everyone was fascinated, Jiang Chuan took a sip from the teacup in front of him and continued: "In order to integrate these captive soldiers into our army as soon as possible, we can select these captive soldiers into recruit training first. camp.

Let them go through the two-month new barracks, re-learn our army's military regulations, military discipline, and military laws, and get rid of some of the bad habits and bad habits they developed in the Ming army.

For those who have serious bad habits and do not abide by military regulations, a picket team will be set up to investigate and deal with them. According to the severity of their behavior, a military court will quickly pronounce a sentence, or punish them with a stick, or imprison them, or punish them with hard labor, or behead them for public display. To publicly deter the captured soldiers, let them feel the sternness of the military law, and never dare to commit crimes again, so as to ensure the purity of the atmosphere in the army.

After two months of this, these captive soldiers have basically eliminated the bad habits that they had acquired in the Ming army.According to the training and assessment results, they can be assigned to each battalion of our army, and mixed according to the method I mentioned above, with the old leading the new, and the more supervised and the less, so as to ensure that the basic combat effectiveness of our army will not drop too much. "

There are charcoal stoves in the four corners of the conference hall, and thick animal skin curtains are hung on the door. The whole room is as warm as spring. Jiang Chuan felt a little dry after talking all these in one breath. He picked up the teacup in front of him and drank again. Take a sip.

The plan he just mentioned also refers to the basic method of training and assigning recruits of the People's Liberation Army.The People's Liberation Army implements a two-year military service system. Every year, a certain percentage of veterans are discharged and a considerable number of new recruits are also recruited.After recruits join the army, they undergo three months of training in the new barracks, and then they are assigned to each unit. Basically, they are allocated according to the ratio of two to three recruits in each squad, and the old leads the new, so as to ensure the basic combat effectiveness of each unit.

Qi Xuan, who was sitting at the end of the rectangular conference table, was writing with a goose-feather pen with her head down, recording what Jiang Chuan said just now.

Jiang Chuan took a sip of tea to moisten his mouth, looked at the others, and waited for their speech.He believes that this set of methods can impress these few people at all, after all, these methods have been proven to be feasible through historical tests.

Take many PLA soldiers who were captured in the War of Liberation. When they were in the national army, they were often defeated at the touch of a button. However, after joining the PLA, many people fought bravely and did not fear sacrifices. Many combat heroes even emerged. This is the environment The great changes brought about by the role of the society and the transformation of ideology.

Liu Ji shouted excitedly: "My lord's method is really wonderful, and I think it will be feasible. In this way, it will avoid the large-scale defeat that may be caused on the battlefield after the prisoners form a camp alone, and will not It is really a clever plan to reduce the combat effectiveness of our army too much.

My lord, this method will become a long-standing practice in the future, and the prisoners obtained in each battle will be collected according to this method, so that our army's strength will continue to expand, but it will still be able to maintain its basic combat effectiveness.After these captive recruits experienced several fierce battles, they became elites.The lord is thoughtful and careful, and the Dharma rings are interlocking, step by step, Liu Ji can't match it. "

Jiang Chuan smiled and said: "The military adviser is too modest. I have obtained this after careful consideration in the past few days. There must be many details that need to be discussed with you before it can be implemented."

Ran Wu also nodded and said: "After thinking deeply, my lord, this method is indeed feasible. These captured soldiers were tempered by the new barracks and then distributed to each battalion. The basic concepts of military regulations, military discipline and military orders have been developed. Veterans only need to help drive It only needs to increase the ability to kill the enemy, and it can also save a lot of energy, it is really a wonderful method."

Bai Shan also said: "This method is indeed feasible, my lord thinks wildly, but is meticulous, I will admire it in the end!"

Shanjia said loudly: "The lord is indeed a genius. He can come up with such a wonderful way to collect prisoners. The last general has never heard of it. All the armies have always turned the prisoners into servants individually. They are used as coolies on weekdays and as cannon fodder in wars. No one Dare to join the army. Only the lord has such courage, such a broad mind, such courage and dares to serve the world, and the mountain armor admires him."

Seeing that everyone had unified their minds and agreed with his method, Jiang Chuan was also very happy, and said with a smile, "Since the military adviser and the three generals agree with this method, let's discuss the detailed rules for taking the prisoners of the Ming army. In addition, this method It is only suitable for recruiting the prisoners of the Ming army and the Han captives who will be fighting in the future. If they are prisoners of foreign races, such as the Manchu Qing Tartars, they are not included in this list. Please note.”

Everyone believes that in this era, there is no concept of national unity, and everyone adheres to the idea that "people who are not my race must have different hearts." Naturally, Jiang Chuan can't risk the world's dissatisfaction to achieve this kind of national equality. There is no need to do such a thing.

 Officially the first update arrived today.

(End of this chapter)

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