Flower Room

Chapter 40 Choice

Chapter 40 Choice
Manzhi sat on the floor in a daze. It was hot and she was using the air conditioner, but she was still sweating in bursts. It was cold sweat. She had been sweating intermittently all afternoon.

She hugged her shoulders subconsciously. On the glass table in front of her were airline tickets and her passport, brand new with a dark purple luster. She didn't turn on the light. It was past six o'clock. Very bright.

She stared at these documents for a while, then slowly stretched out her hand, took the ticket in her hand, flicked her fingers lightly on the surface, as if she wanted to dust off some dust, and then spelled the letters on it one by one , her own name written in English, combined with the city that she had only seen in books before, made her look so strange and unreal.

Tomorrow, she will leave, leaving the place where she was born and raised. Many things seem inconspicuous, and even she is tired of them, but they have subtly penetrated into the bone marrow in the daily life. Now, once you want to smoke When she left, she felt an uprooting pain.

She thought she was really old, and before the journey, there was no joy and longing, and her heart was full of resistance to the unknown and endless emptiness.

The more silent she is, the more empty she feels in her heart. Now she has no fetters or responsibilities on her body, just like a complete vacuum.

She struggled to get up and took the phone, she was afraid of such a void, she had to find a way to fill it.

She called people one by one, everyone she thought she could talk to, and kept talking, and she heard her own voice echoing in the room, buzzing, with a tinge of false happiness.

When the search icon stayed on Shao Yun's name, she didn't follow the inertia to press the dial button, but stared at the two words. The abstract Chinese characters overlapped his vivid and concrete picture in front of her eyes. face.

His shocked and pity expression when he looked at her in the hospital made her heart throb!He was a thorn in her heart, it still hurts, but pulling it out—it hurts too.

Manzhi had to put down her cell phone and stop this boring behavior.She turned on the TV and let the croaking continue to fill the void in the boundless room.

There wasn't much left in the refrigerator, but she went out lazily, and ordered to eat noodles in clear soup, which was bland, but she was still full.

After finishing dinner, she had nothing to do again, watching TV while playing with her phone upside down.

She knew very well that she was suffering from stage fright, out-and-out stage fright!

A burst of longing suddenly surged in her heart, she wanted to see Chang Shaohui, she wanted to convince herself that her trip to America was not a dream she made up out of thin air.

She eagerly dialed his number, which rang for a long time, but no one answered.The waiting made her feel in a trance, and she suspected that she might really be dreaming.

"Manzhi?" His voice finally came from the phone, very magnetic, with a rustling feeling.

She got connected, but she didn't know what to say.

"What's the matter, Manzhi?" Seeing that she was silent, he repeated it again. His end was extremely quiet, and there was a little empty echo.

It turned out that she was not dreaming, it turned out that everything was real!Her heart dropped heavily because of this confirmation.

"It's nothing," she said, "I... just had dinner and I'm feeling a little bored."

He smiled softly at the other end, "Are you too excited? Rest early, and you have to catch a plane tomorrow."

"...Okay." She agreed, hesitated for a moment, and said again: "Can you... come over tonight?"

There is still a long night for her to face, and she feels that she can't hold it anymore, and she is afraid of her loss of control today.

He seemed to be taken aback for a moment, a little embarrassed, "I'm still in the laboratory, today is the last day, I'm very busy, and the end will probably be very late..."

Her silence made Chang Shaohui feel uncertain, "What's wrong with you?"

In addition to being lost, a sense of relief emerged spontaneously. She whispered: "I'm fine, but I'm a little... reluctant."

He somewhat understood her abnormality, so he said softly, "Go take a bath, relax, and sleep well... After tonight, everything will be fine."

Her gaze was still on the bright TV screen, silently listening to his soft tone, but tears flowed down without warning, slid across her cheeks, and dripped on the thin skirt.

Hearing her choked voice on the phone, he suddenly became nervous, "Manzhi, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

She shook her head, bit her lips tightly, trying not to let herself cry, but her body was shaking violently.

She finally plucked up the courage, sobbed, and asked with difficulty: "If... I say... I don't want to go, will you... be angry?"

She felt like a rogue child, not only wanted to repent, but also tried to get forgiveness from adults.

He was silent for a while, and said a very short word, "Yes."

She didn't say anything anymore, her heart suddenly felt cold, like sliding over the back of a sharp knife, it didn't hurt, but she was frightened.

They didn't hang up, but they stopped talking. They could hear each other's breathing, and they confronted each other quietly through the receiver.Chang Shaohui sighed suddenly, "I... I'd better come over."

"No!" She cried out immediately, took a deep breath, swallowed the bitterness, and said lightly, "No, I want to be alone."

She didn't want to embarrass him. Besides, tonight she was really unstable, and her mind changed again and again. At this moment, she was a little afraid to see him.

Someone came to talk to Chang Shaohui, he turned his head, muttered twice, his voice moved a little further away, and then approached quickly, his tone suddenly seemed hurried, "Manzhi, stop thinking about it, go to bed early. Tomorrow—I I'll wait for you at the airport, and keep waiting."

His aggravated tone was filled with cold trust, which weighed heavily on Manzhi's heart.

Maybe he's tired of his inconsistency, she thought.

It's not just him, even she herself is tired of herself, she just feels exhausted.

She gave up all mental struggle and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The hot water flowing from the shower made the whole space hot and stuffy. She robbed the thin air. Gradually, her mind was like a jammed phonograph, completely ignoring the ups and downs of the whole chapter, and forever stopped on a certain note. No more turning.

It feels good not to be able to think.Thoughts, after all, are terrible things!

She washed her clean body thoroughly, over and over again...

Walking out of the stuffy space, her hair was wet. She dried it with a hair dryer in the bathroom, then tied up her black hair with a hairpin at will, and changed into a silk nightdress, which was slippery and stuck to her body. More and more icy muscles and bones, very comfortable.

There is a door, but there are two worlds. When she walked into the living room, the cool wind blowing from the air conditioner made the pores of her whole body shrink, and she couldn't help shivering.

She remembered that she hadn't turned on the light in the living room, she remembered that the air conditioner hadn't turned on so cold just now, before she had time to be surprised, the blood all over her body seemed to be frozen, and she was completely turned into a stone, standing where she was, unable to move .

Shao Yun sat on the sofa, staring at her coldly, without a trace of ripples on his face, as if he was a decoration there - a frozen statue.

This day was full of dangers, and she was powerless to shock, as if all her strength had been exhausted, leaving only an empty shell.

"How...how did you get in?" She whispered, surprised that she could still ask such a rational question.

Shao Yun slightly raised his head, looked at her playfully from a different angle, ignored her doubts, but asked quietly, "It's so clean, where are you going?"

She involuntarily cast her eyes on the documents and air tickets spread out on the coffee table, regretting that she hadn't put them away in time - however, there was no sign of them being moved.

He noticed her gaze, and the corner of his mouth twitched suddenly, showing a trace of sarcasm, but his tone was extremely peaceful, "America...is it really so good? It's worth you abandoning everything here—including Mengmeng?" His voice also contained tiredness.

Tonight, probably everyone is tired.

Manzhi's face suddenly lost all color, and she quickly closed her eyes, in time to cover up the fragility that flooded into her eyes in an instant.I have to admit, she was hit to the core by him!
He is always so sharp towards her, he can pierce all her disguises at the most critical moment!

The belief that had been built up with great difficulty collapsed like this, but she couldn't blame him, all the embarrassment came from herself - the reason for leaving was not solid in the first place.

Shao Yun finally stood up and walked towards her step by step. She watched him move closer, like a determined hunter leisurely walking towards the prey caught in the net. take a step back.

A cold touch came from her back, and she was already stuck to the wall, with no way to retreat.

Shao Yun, however, stopped in front of her in a gentlemanly manner, and did not approach her any further. His tone of voice was extremely soft, but she shuddered, "Manzhi, what are you trying to escape? Do you not want to face me, or—— don't want to face me? To yourself?" She is a snail that has lost its shell, presented softly in front of him, barren without any protection.She looked at him almost pleadingly, only shook her head, but didn't understand what she was denying.The chill on the back came up in bursts, and the head began to ache again, why?Why do you have to think about such painful and tangled questions?

His face was calm, as calm as the surface of the sea under the sun, but she could clearly see the turbulent waves quietly surging behind him.

"Do you want to avoid me?" He said with a mocking smile, "If I intend to find you, do you think...where is the safest place to hide...America?"

His tone was extremely calm, as if he really thought about her, but she was just desperate, her whole body pressed against the wall, wishing she could just disappear.

It turned out that she couldn't escape after all!Can't escape tonight!
The cool wind from the air conditioner caused a few strands of hair to scatter on her forehead, and brushed against her panicked face. He felt itchy for her for no reason, so he raised his hand and carefully tucked her back behind her head.

"Manzhi." He called her softly, his eyes were unfathomable, and his cool fingers touched her face, which gave her a slight shudder.

"Why are you always so stupid? So stubborn?" His breath gradually approached, blowing against her face and earlobes. He was so close to her that she almost suffocated.

His bewitching voice sounded softly in her ear again, "If you keep me in your heart, it won't matter where you run away."

His hand finally left her cheek, but he didn't take it back, but slid to the back of her head.

With a resolute twirl of his fingers, he pulled out the hairpin she had inserted in her hair. With the soundless fall of her hair, the sweet smell of lemon sneaked into her nostrils. This long-lost fragrance was so refreshing that he couldn't help taking a deep breath. The hairpin drew a hazy arc in the air, and it fell on the brick with a "clank edge—" and the sound of metal falling to the ground was light and pleasant, with a bit of coolness.

His face suddenly twisted violently, she was horrified to sense his change, and wanted to run away, but it was too late, he pulled her over fiercely, and kissed her lips viciously!

All his patience and anger permeated into this kiss, he sucked and crushed roughly, no longer sympathizing with her!

What kind of stubborn woman is this, even though he begged her like that, even though she knew what she wanted for him, she still wanted to sneak away without giving him a chance, not even a tiny bit!

She suddenly felt pain, he was not kissing her, but biting her!
She didn't know where the strength came from, she stretched out her hand and pushed out desperately. He was plundering frantically, and he was pushed away by her if he didn't guard against it!

He stared at her like a wolf, his eyes bloodshot.There was blood on the corner of her lips, which was in sharp pain, but she couldn't care less, she just wanted to turn around and run away!

Shao Yun was stunned for a moment, and then rushed forward fiercely, squeezing her against the wall.She was knocked dizzy by the powerful impact, as if a butterfly specimen was firmly nailed to the wall, and she could no longer break free.

He surrounded her like a ball of fire, instantly blocking her view.The burning heat on his lips was quickly transmitted to her, and then spread to the whole body, she was almost burned to ashes under his hot attack.

She only felt hypoxic, dizzy, and when she was almost dying, Shao Yun let go of her mouth suddenly, and she immediately gasped greedily, as if breathing had become a luxury.

But he refused to let her go, his hot lips slid down along her earlobe and smooth neck, and the kiss gradually lost its ferocity, and became lingering and seductive.

His breathing was gradually heavy, and the hands that bound her gradually loosened their strength, and turned to wander around every corner of her body, stirring up her long-forgotten desires.

Manzhi's mind was rumbling, how could she be his opponent, she couldn't even hide it, she could only pant quickly, passively endured, and wanted to push back, but it made him more entangled.

His gaze on her body became deeper and deeper, Manzhi understood what was surging inside, but she couldn't stop it, she couldn't even stop the passion bursting out of her body!
There was a cold wall behind her, but his body covering her was hot. The cold and heat tortured her at the same time. She felt like she was suffering from malaria, and her whole body shivered, but she felt an indescribable joy !
She could really feel the heat on his body.But a few hours ago, she almost thought he was dead!
Dead, cold, no heat anymore...

Manzhi suddenly shivered, and desperately stretched out her arms to hug him, she couldn't bear him turning into a cold body!She can't lose him again!

Her abrupt turn caused him to pause briefly, and he stood still, letting her hug him, as if to confirm something. "Manzhi..." He stretched out his right hand and raised her chin, wanting to examine her, but she just kept her eyelids down, her long black eyelashes were densely closed tremblingly, covering her mind .

Even at this time, she would not give in to him, would not show her heart to him, this stubborn woman!
But he twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled lightly, he didn't mind anymore, wasn't he in love with such an awkward person!

He suddenly picked her up by the waist, her hands were still wrapped around him, but she didn't cry out in surprise, she closed her eyes and said nothing, just buried her head in his chest.She understands that she has sunk again, but she is no longer willing to distinguish right from wrong, and she doesn't want to pursue herself anymore. She has been living too seriously and is too tired. This time, she plans to let herself go...

The enthusiasm of the two has been accumulated for too long, and now they are released on each other, and they are a little out of control. Her nails are deeply embedded in the muscles of his back, but he doesn't even notice it. Fortunately, she didn't stay long.

"Manzhi, Manzhi..." He lingered next to her ear, biting her earlobe lightly, calling her name over and over again.

How could he let her go!

There was a fine layer of sweat on her forehead, she opened her eyes dimly, the light in the room was not turned on, and with the light of the living room, she could vaguely see his naked and solid body, the pendant around his neck was on At the top of her field of vision, at this time, as his impact swayed back and forth, a bright light refracted from time to time.

She pondered for a long time in her vague consciousness.A familiar white light suddenly came into her eyes, she only felt it was dazzling, just like lightning gliding across the dark night sky, she suddenly saw clearly what it was!
He didn't expect her to cry at this time. Hearing her sobs, he froze for a moment, slowed down his movements hesitantly, bowed his head close to her face, and asked softly, uncertainly: "Does it hurt you?"

She shook her head vigorously on the pillow, then straightened her upper body suddenly, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately.

Shao Yun was a little dazed, and responded anxiously, not knowing why, Manzhi had never been so proactive towards him.He didn't know the ups and downs she was going through at this time, so he could only treat her extra tenderly.

In the lingering entanglement of thousands of times, the night is getting deeper and deeper...

After Shao Yun took a shower, she put on a pajamas that Manzhi found out from rummaging through boxes and cabinets. It was a gift from the mall when she went shopping. There was only the largest size left. inside.

Even though it is big, it is still a woman's style. Shao Yun's clothes are still short, and they are tightly bound around his body, as if he is in danger of tearing at any time. He can only expose his chest, and the women's ring on his neck is very eye-catching.He was used to wearing it, it had already become a part of himself, and he didn't feel its existence at all.

He lifted a towel, wiped his wet hair carelessly, and walked into the room. The water dripped onto the floor. Manzhi couldn't help saying, "Let me get you a hair dryer."

She trotted into the bathroom, and caught a glimpse of Shao Yun's change of clothes piled messily by the bathtub, all wet.He didn't have any change of clothes here, and Manzhi didn't think much about it, so he stuffed all the dirty clothes into the drum.Shao Yun refused to accept the hair dryer she handed over, but smiled and said: "You can blow it for me." With a bit of a rascal on his face, he looked at her persistently, Manzhi had no choice but to let him sit in front of the dressing table. Sit down on the stool, and stand up for him to blow. "How did you get in here?" She asked while she was busy, always having doubts, "Is it Shangguan..." She guessed that Shangguan might have done something for him when renting the house.

Shao Yun looked at Manzhi from the mirror, smiled, and said casually: "I stole the key from your bag."

Manzhi paused while holding the hair dryer, doubtful, she thought she would not be so confused, and others would not even realize that she had rummaged through her bag.

Seeing her seriously thinking, Shao Yun was secretly amused, then stretched out his long arm and patted her cheek lightly, "Okay, don't think about it anymore, I'm already in."

Manzhi was in a daze when he slapped him squarely, and belatedly dodged to the side, but he had already retracted his hand.

The hair dryer was whistling, and she gently inserted her hand into Shao Yun's hair and fiddled with it back and forth, as if tickling a cat, which made him feel itchy from the inside out.

He leaned back abruptly, and her undried hair clung to Manzhi's body. She didn't watch out for his move, and hurriedly backed away. A small piece of her breasts was still wet and stuck to her body in the cold , extremely uncomfortable.

Manzhi became annoyed, and was about to say a few words to him, but Shao Yun turned around quickly, reached out and grabbed the hair dryer she was holding, and threw it on the dressing table. He couldn't help but hug her horizontally, and walked to the bed in a few steps.

Before she could stop drinking, she fell onto the bed in his arms, and she was pestered endlessly.Manzhi only felt sore and weak all over, how could she stand another toss, dodged left and right, finally broke away from his lips, and shouted out of breath: "Shao Yun! Can you be more serious?"

Shao Yun pressed his whole body on her body, wantonly asking for it. Hearing her accusation, he put his face on her chest and did not move. His hot breath was blowing on the skin of her chest, which made her feel even more tormented.

But he suddenly laughed, then raised his head, looked at Manzhi and said, "I'm hungry."

He hadn't eaten well all day, and the violent "exercise" just now almost exhausted his last energy.

Hearing what he said, Manzhi didn't want to argue with him, she just pushed away his salivating face and said angrily, "Then let me go!"

It was only then that Shao Yun reluctantly fell off her body. As soon as Manzhi was liberated, she hurriedly got out of bed, put on her slippers and ran into the kitchen, fearing that he would go back on his word and arrest him again. It's him.

The refrigerator was almost empty, and there were still two packs of instant noodles in the cupboard, but she knew that Shao Yun never ate such things.She stared at the empty cabinet in a daze in embarrassment. It was so late, it was impossible to order takeaway.

"What delicious food do you have here?" Shao Yun walked in with arms folded, stood behind her, and asked leisurely.

She turned her face away and said regretfully, "There's only noodles left."

Shao Yun looked up and down a few times, and the kitchen looked spotless, so he raised his eyebrows and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as you can eat enough." He took another step forward, leaned into Manzhi's ear, and whispered Said: "Hurry up, I'm about to collapse."

How could Manzhi fail to hear the narrowness in his tone, and the blush on his face suddenly rippled.

She didn't put the seasoning that came with the instant noodles, knowing that Shao Yun never liked it, but he ate it with such relish that he couldn't bear to leave the last mouthful of soup.

"The noodles cooked by my wife are delicious." He wiped his mouth and sighed sincerely.

Manzhi burst out laughing, but at the same time, another thought arose spontaneously. When she thought of her current situation, the smile froze on her face, and she felt melancholy for a moment.

Shao Yun could see the change in her expression at a glance, but he didn't say anything.

From then on, he followed Manzhi all the time, almost never leaving her.

When she was washing the dishes, he stretched his arms around her slender waist from behind, and rested his chin on her right shoulder, watching her wash and wash.

He said suddenly, "I'll go and explain to him."

Manzhi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what he meant, she was stunned for a while, then slowly shook her head.

For Chang Shaohui, at this moment, all she could do was feel guilty. No matter what method she used to show her cards with him, she felt it was inappropriate, and she instinctively objected.

What's more, even if she had to explain, she should do it herself. Shao Yun's participation might only embarrass Chang Shaohui even more.Even if she couldn't go with him, she couldn't bear to embarrass him.

Seeing her silence for a long time, Shao Yun became a little nervous, secretly tightened his chin, and hooked it firmly on her shoulder. Manzhi felt a little painful, twisted her body, and dodged to the side.

Shao Yun straightened up, frowned and asked displeasedly: "You don't still want to go with him, do you?"

Manzhi remained silent, carefully rinsed the tableware on her hands, and applied some hand sanitizer, clasped her hands and rubbed them back and forth, as if lost in thought.

Shao Yun suddenly became ruthless, and opened his mouth to bite the skin of her neck to vent his anger.

She is still hesitating!She's already like herself, how dare she waver!
His strength was actually not strong, but it still made Manzhi feel pain. She let out a soft hiss, quickly wiped her hands, and struggled to turn around in his embrace, facing him.

Seeing the sullen and hurt look in his eyes, her heart softened all of a sudden.

Standing on tiptoe, she carefully touched the corners of his sharp mouth with her lips, softening his sharpness bit by bit, and said softly, "Don't worry, I won't go anywhere."

Shao Yun broke off her arms around his neck, looked at her with a sullen face, and still seemed worried.With a sudden force in his hands, she was tightened so that the whole body fit into his body. He buried his face in her fragrant hair and murmured: "Manzhi, let's live a good life in the future..." .”

Tears welled up in Manzhi's eyes, she quietly lay on his chest, and finally nodded slowly.

The anxiety and irritability of the past few months have finally faded away, and at this moment, she only feels at ease.

She understands that no matter how she chooses, she will fail one in the end.

She couldn't confidently say that her current choice must be correct, because this time, she did not use the usual ethical principles to judge, but followed the true call of her heart.Shao Yun is right, she is always doing what she thinks is "right", but ignoring what she really desires.

When she came out after washing the dishes, Shao Yun followed her step by step and said, "I'm not leaving today."

He had to keep an eye on her no matter what!Although he knew that Manzhi was a person with strong moral values, it was impossible for him to go far away with Chang Shaohui calmly after tonight, but he was still worried, he almost lost her when he let go last time.

There are too many variables in life, and he must not take this risk.

Seeing that Manzhi didn't respond, he purposely said with a bitter face: "I don't even have a change of clothes, so you won't let me go out in this suit."

Manzhi glanced at his funny attire, wanted to laugh, but held back immediately, put on a serious face, took a thin blanket from the cabinet for him, and said seriously: "Then you can sleep on the sofa."

It was very late, and she was worried that no matter how dishonest he was, he would really not have to sleep that night.

But Shao Yun yawned again and again, took the blanket and fell on the bed, lazily said: "My bones hurt when I sleep on the sofa, why don't you go to sleep?"

Manzhi immediately put on a sullen face, this person is so annoying, and he is so confident in occupying the magpie's nest!
She angrily pulled the blanket that Shao Yun had already put on her body, turned around and walked out of the room.Before reaching the door, he hugged her around the waist, hugged her back with her feet off the ground, and pressed her directly back on the bed.

He laughed and coaxed her with a good temper, "I'm joking with you, let's sleep together in a big bed." Then he quickly raised his right hand and said, "I swear, I will never mess around again tonight."

Looking at his dazzling smile, Manzhi couldn't even express her temper, so she sighed and had to give up.

He was really tired. He had been running around all day, and he was in constant danger. He lay on the bed and fell asleep soundly without saying a few words.Manzhi couldn't fall asleep anyway, she was always preoccupied with something, tossing and turning, it was difficult to fall asleep.

How should I face Chang Shaohui tomorrow?How should I explain it to him?

She has no love for Chang Shaohui. Compared with Shao Yun, she even feels that the love between herself and Chang Shaohui is purer, without any factors other than emotion. Simple.

However, whether it is marriage or relationship in this world, how many of them are maintained only by pure love?There are too many things to worry about, especially for Manzhi.

It was too late for her to meet Chang Shaohui.

She kept thinking, but she also understood that no matter how beautifully her manuscript was typed, there was only one meaning to be expressed, and the damage she caused to Chang Shaohui would not be reduced by it.

She sighed, refusing to think about it, let's talk about tomorrow's matter tomorrow.

Turning around, she was facing the sleeping Shao Yun. She stared at his handsome face for a long time. Compared with before, the lines on his face softened a lot.

He has changed a lot for her, she is not unaware, what else is she dissatisfied with?

Her gaze slid to his neck again, the coldly shining ring was hanging down obliquely, she couldn't help reaching out to hold it closer, it was still so bright, and the diamond in the center was still glowing with crystal cold light.She lifted it to her lips, and kissed it lightly. Shao Yun's body temperature remained on the ring, which was passed on to her warmly.

This ring not only moved her, it carried too much of their past.

Perhaps, subconsciously, she had expected this result a long time ago - she couldn't walk because there were too many entanglements.

To Manzhi, Shao Yun is not only a lover, but also her relative.The six years of being together day and night, whether it is tears or laughter, have precipitated too much...

After a long time, maybe we can really make the past like smoke.But even if those memories of grievances and entanglements were turned into dust, they had already kneaded into Manzhi's body over time, and she couldn't get rid of them at all.

Even today, Manzhi can't distinguish between her and Shao Yun, who owes whom more, and who loves whom more!After all, they both occupied the best and brightest years of each other's life!

Manzhi moved towards him, and put her head in his arms.She had snuggled into his embrace more than once, but it was the first time she felt so secure and warm.

She always thought that meeting Shao Yun was the biggest mistake in her life, but how could she have thought that once she fell in love with him, she would devote her entire life to staying with him!

In the future life, maybe there will be storms, but she no longer wants to escape, nor is she afraid. In this life, no matter what she encounters again, she is willing to face and bear it with him.


The mobile phone was turned off by Shao Yun last night, and there was no noise from the alarm clock here. He woke up naturally after sleeping until he yawned contentedly. It was really a rare good sleep!
Beside the bed, his clothes were neatly stacked, and they had been washed clean.

Manzhi, but disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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