Flower Room

Chapter 25

Chapter 25
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and flower shops are very busy.

Manzhi didn't expect Shen Yufang to come to the store to look for her without even making a phone call. Fortunately, Su Jinbao was not there, otherwise she would be suspicious.

The two sat in the small and cramped shop for a while, and Manzhi saw that she seemed to have something to say to herself, but she couldn't say it in front of Li Qian and the customers, so she put down what she was doing and said, "Mom. , why don't we go to the tea room next door and sit down, it will be quieter."

Shen Yufang couldn't get what she wanted, so she immediately got up happily.

Asked for a pot of Biluochun, Manzhi carefully poured a cup for Shen Yufang.

"I'm not here, how is Mengmeng?" After all, she couldn't let go of the child, even if she called back every day.

Shen Yufang nodded, "It's good, I thought she would make trouble... This child is really good, you don't have to worry."

Manzhi felt even more uncomfortable when she heard that, Mengmeng was so sensible that it made her feel distressed.

Shen Yufang frowned suddenly, and sighed lowly: "You haven't been here for the past few days, so you probably don't know, Second Uncle...something happened."

Manzhi was taken aback, her eyes widened unconsciously, "What's wrong with him?"

"I didn't pay attention while driving out at night, and hit a truck... I spent a day and a night in the hospital to save my life, but my spine was broken, causing... my whole body to be paralyzed."

Manzhi gasped, and murmured, "How could this happen?"

Shen Yufang also looked sad, and sighed: "It's not easy for the second uncle. After all these years of hard work for the company, I didn't expect it to be so miserable... I always advise Ah Yun to forgive others and forgive others. Don't keep fighting with your uncle, he can still do it for a few years, and he will retire sooner or later, I don't want the whole family to fight for money."

Manzhi listened silently and agreed in her heart.

Although in life, she and Shao Yun have nothing to talk about, but at work, she has been quietly working hard to reconcile the conflict between the two. She admires Shao Junbang's management mind and work ability; for Shao Yun, Putting aside personal entanglements, Manzhi has to admit that he is shrewd and capable.After all, he is young and quick to learn, and he is never bureaucratic, and he can always grasp the main contradiction in the shortest time.In the company, the meetings organized by Shao Yun are usually the shortest and most efficient.Coupled with his special status, therefore, in only two or three years, his influence in the company has been equal to that of Shao Junbang.

However, the facts proved that Manzhi's efforts could only be counterproductive. The struggle between her uncle and her nephew intensified. peace of mind.

Beside her ear, Shen Yufang was still complaining: "Ah Yun, he always refuses to listen to my advice, and insists on twisting it. This time he completely kicked out Second Uncle. You think Second Uncle is such a proud person, How can I bear such grievances. Alas! The accident this time must be because I was unhappy and drank a few more glasses."

Manzhi lowered her head, thinking of all the benefits Shao Junbang treated her in the past, she felt sad.

"If you have time, go and see him. He treated you well in the past." Shen Yufang finally said.

Manzhi agreed in a low voice.

The sudden coldness made the two people who were usually very good at talking suddenly unaccustomed, because they both knew what kind of problem lay ahead.

It was Shen Yufang who broke the silence first, "Manzhi, have you...considered it?"

In embarrassment, Manzhi froze her hand holding the teacup lightly and remained silent.The exquisite platinum ring on the ring finger of her left hand has not been worn out for so many years, and it is still shining brightly. She subconsciously reached out to touch it, and it was slightly cold.

These days, she has been thinking about the same question all the time, what should she do in the future?
She has always forbeared, and she is used to forbearance, and even regards forbearance as her destiny in this life. Only in this way can she relieve the pain rooted in her heart.

People will have a certain inertia, especially when they don't intend to change.If Shao Yun hadn't quarreled with herself like a few days ago, then she might have continued to live this lonely life as before, just as Chang Shaohui was just a beautiful phantom that once appeared in a dream .

But now, Shao Yun's face-changing has completely overturned the illusion of a perfect family, and all the dilapidated past hidden in the hidden places have been brought to the fore, forcing her to regain her tranquility calmly.

She knew very clearly that she really couldn't go back.

Shen Yufang's concerned eyes cast some kind of expectation on her face, and Manzhi didn't know how to reply for a moment.Six years passed slowly in my heart, and she was the one who gave me the most warmth.

Shen Yufang had actually seen Manzhi's heart from Manzhi's expression. They used to get along so tacitly, some things need not be said, the other party already understood.

Unexpectedly, Shen Yufang said: "I came to see you today, not to persuade you to go back with me."

Manzhi was very surprised when she heard this, and unconsciously raised her eyes to look at her.

Shen Yufang's face was unexpectedly calm.

"In the past few days, I haven't been able to sleep well. I've been thinking over and over again about what happened to you in the past few years."

Thinking of Shen Yufang's body and the constant hard work, Manzhi looked ashamed.

Shen Yufang sighed for a long time, "To be honest, Manzhi, I really miss you. But these years, you have suffered too much in Shao's house. I see it, how can I bear to keep this old face I beg you to go back!"

Her eye circles were red, which made Manzhi feel uncomfortable, so she couldn't help reaching out and holding her gently.

"I've also figured it out. People can't be too selfish. If, if you really don't want to live with Ah Yun anymore, I... won't force you."

"Mom!" Manzhi couldn't hold back anymore, and finally cried.

This cry contains too many things, gratitude, guilt, reluctance, and so many complex emotions that Manzhi can't explain clearly.After all, six years is not a short period of time, not to mention that Manzhi did not spend it peacefully. At this time, she suddenly decided to give up, and she was not without hesitation.

The two hands are tightly held together, but even if there is a lot of reluctance, there must be an end.

Shen Yufang wiped her tears and continued: "Ah Yun, I will talk about it."

After a long time, Manzhi calmed down her sobbing slowly, put away her messy thoughts, and asked softly, "Mengmeng...what should I do?"

This is indeed a difficult question, but it cannot be avoided.

Shen Yufang hesitated for a moment, and said tactfully: "Manzhi, I don't read much, and some words may not sound good when I say them, and they may not make sense. Don't take offense."

Manzhi hurriedly said: "It's okay, just say what you have to say."

"For Mengmeng, sometimes, you may... be too pampered. Mengmeng relies on you blindly, and she is introverted. If this continues, it may not be a good thing."

Manzhi bit her lips and listened with pity. She not only loved Mengmeng, but also felt guilty towards her sister.

Seeing that her expression hasn't changed much, Shen Yufang said with a little relief: "I know you love her dearly, but you always protect her too well like this, Mengmeng will become more and more vulnerable, what do you think?"

Manzhi forced a smile, but didn't reply.She admitted that what Shen Yufang said had some truth, but she couldn't just throw it away, Mengmeng was still so young.

"I don't know what you young people are thinking now, but I believe in fate. Everyone should walk their own way, others can't help much, it's better to let nature take its course. You... It's impossible Help Mengmeng forever."

Manzhi bowed her head and remained silent for a long time. She thought of Manqi, how she had persistently interfered with the way she wanted to go.

Shen Yufang said again: "Having said so much, it's not that I don't want you to take Mengmeng away, it's just...it's really difficult for Shao Yun. You two...someone must be willing to give in."

"Mom!" Manzhi finally raised her head and interrupted her, bit her lip and said, "I understand what you mean, let me... think about it again, okay?"

Shen Yufang agreed, again helplessly, but at the same time she patted the back of Manzhi's hand in relief.

It was very late, and Shao Yun hadn't come back yet.Shen Yufang sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for him.

Shao Lei came out of the room after taking a shower, saw his mother still persistently standing there, frowned and said: "Mom, you should go to bed early, don't wait for my brother, he is busy. If you can come back before eleven o'clock Not bad."

Shen Yufang said, "I have something to do with him."

"Hey, what can't we talk about tomorrow? You have to talk to someone in the middle of the night. I've been busy all day and I'm exhausted. How can I listen to your gossip?"

Shao Lei witnessed his brother's busy work in the company.Ever since he took the highest seat, Shao Yun seems to have completely changed himself. He is able to make decisions with ease, not losing to his second uncle. Apart from admiration, Shao Lei also feels sorry for his brother, especially now that his sister-in-law is still away from home. In the state of running away, Shao Yun did not delay his official business because of this.

But Shao Lei could tell that this blow was still a big blow to his brother, and he was surprisingly silent for a while.Shen Yufang waved at him, "Don't worry about it, just go about your business."

Shao Lei didn't bother to argue with her, so he walked into the room and said bitterly: "Okay, wait, it's no wonder he doesn't scold you for a while."

Facing the TV, Shen Yufang was uncharacteristically not drowsy because she had something on her mind.The soft singing voice of Yue opera babbled in her ears for a long time, but she just listened to it.

Finally, there was movement at the door, and she stretched her neck to see that it was Shao Yun who had returned.

"Ayun." Shen Yufang called him.

Shao Yun walked in, his face darkened, and he frowned dissatisfiedly: "Mom, why haven't you slept yet? Didn't I tell you not to wait for me?"

Shen Yufang looked at his haggard face, felt distressed, and said softly: "Are you hungry? Let me cook you some supper."

Shao Yun took off his coat, threw it on the sofa, sat down with him, threw his head upright on the backrest, closed his eyes, and said tiredly, "I don't want to eat."

Seeing that he looked so tired, Shen Yufang hesitated, sitting there, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Sitting quietly with him like this for a while, Shen Yufang still felt overwhelmed, instead of procrastinating endlessly, it would be better to make a decision early.

"I went to see Manzhi today." She said softly, carefully watching Shao Yun's face.

Shao Yun maintained that supine position without moving, as if he had fallen asleep.

But Shen Yufang knew that he was not asleep, and that he was listening to her carefully. She knew her son very well.

"Ayun, you and Manzhi...separate up." She finally said this with difficulty.

Shao Yun's head shook slightly, and the center of his brow twitched, as if he had touched a sore spot, but he still refused to open his eyes, and remained silent.

Shen Yufang sighed, and continued: "To be honest, I don't want this either, but this kind of life should come to an end. It's good for you all to separate..."

"No!" Shao Yun opened his eyes suddenly, and answered quickly, his brows were full of stubbornness.

Shen Yufang was taken aback for a moment, and then said helplessly: "Why are you bothering? It's all gone so far..."

"I don't—" Shao Yun still refused to change his words, but his tone was full of desolation and pain. The hands resting on his knees were clenched into fists, and the knuckles were turning blue due to too much force.

"Mom can tell that you like Manzhi...but when two people get along, it's not enough to just like each other. You must know how to tolerate and give in. You...haven't done it...ah! It's also my fault at that time, you were too young."

Shao Yun's face twisted slightly, and Shen Yufang unconsciously reached out to hold his cold fist. Looking at his appearance, she felt no better than him.

"Did she mean it?" He asked darkly.

Shen Yufang nodded.

A burning pain flashed in Shao Yun's eyes, he turned his head, and said stubbornly: "Let her tell me herself——I will believe it."

Seeing his expression of not giving up until the Yellow River, Shen Yufang felt distressed and helpless, shook her head, and finally slowly handed the ring in her hand to him.

Shao Yun lowered his head and glanced, his complexion turned pale and his eyes were shattered.

It was the wedding ring he gave to Manzhi and put on for her by himself.Over the years, no matter how much they quarreled, Manzhi never took it off.

But now, she actually returned the ring to herself!

She really gave up on him!
In an instant, Shao Yun was devastated, and the pain in his heart that was torn apart could hardly be described in words!
Seeing this, Shen Yufang felt extremely heartbroken.

"Ayun, you told me when you were seven years old that you want to be a man when you grow up... You have grown up so much, and you have never flinched when you encounter things. This time, mother hopes that you can still be the same as before, I can afford it, I can let it go..."

Finally, Shao Yun couldn't hold it anymore, his expression collapsed, he quickly bowed his head, his right hand firmly pressed against his forehead, his voice was hoarse, and his tone was sad, "Mom, I can't do it, I'm sorry, I can't do it..."

His hand grabbed his mother's hand like drowning and refused to let go.

Shen Yufang was in pain from being grabbed by him, but she didn't let go. Instead, she patted his back soothingly with the other hand. If she could bear his pain for her son at this time, she would not hesitate.

She finally realized that she was doing an extremely difficult thing, but no matter how difficult it was, she had to do it. The long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain.

"Mom doesn't want you to separate, but the two of you... hurt each other too deeply. Even if the relationship was good before, after so many years of stalemate, it is difficult to recover... Ah Yun, you are a man, back then... Why don't you give up some Manzhi?"

It's not that mother's words have never been mentioned to him before, but Shao Yun hears them now, and he just feels heart-piercing and regretful!
"Forget it, Ayun, stop torturing each other. Manzhi has had a hard time these years. If you really love her... let her go." Shen Yufang's sigh was like a sentence, heavy The sound fell on Shao Yun's heart, and the echo rumbled.

He hung his head for a long time, trembling and unable to speak.

Gradually, Shen Yufang was shocked to see wet tears dripping down on the floor.

Manzhi stood outside the ward, looked in through the small window on the door, but there was no escort, Shao Junbang was lying quietly on the white and clean hospital bed, as if asleep.

After hesitating for a moment, she tiptoedly pushed the door open and entered. The door made a "squeak" sound, and then closed gently again.

Walking to the bedside cabinet, she carefully put the fruit basket in her hand on it.

"Manzhi." Shao Junbang who was lying on the side suddenly called out.

Manzhi immediately turned her head away, saw him looking at her, and said apologetically, "Second Uncle, I woke you up."

Shao Junbang shook his head, "No, I actually didn't fall asleep, I just closed my eyes and rested my mind."

"Why are you alone? What about the others?"

Shao Junbang sighed quietly and said, "I'll let them go away for a while, and want to be alone."

Hearing what he said, Manzhi felt a little at a loss, thinking that she might not have come at the right time.

Seeing her embarrassed expression, Shao Junbang guessed what she was thinking, and smiled slightly, "I'm very happy that you can come to see me."

Always lying down and talking like this, Shao Junbang was a little unwilling, he motioned Manzhi to raise the bed higher, Manzhi put a cushion for him, and then sat down in the chair next to him.

"It's much better like this, but it can't be too long." Shao Junbang said.

Manzhi looked at his desolate expression, felt pity in her heart, thought that the world is really impermanent, a person who was so beautiful in the past, now can only lie on the long couch alone.

Xu Shi saw the pity in Manzhi's eyes, Shao Junbang somewhat laughed at himself, and said slowly: "Am I in a state of embarrassment now?"

Manzhi couldn't answer, and couldn't bear it, so she lowered her head and peeled an orange in her hand.

Shao Junbang didn't ask any further questions, and said calmly: "I used to be busy all day long, and even a full sleep was considered precious. Now it's good, I can lie down every day."

Manzhi bit her lip, and handed him the peeled orange, he shook his head, Manzhi had to put the orange down again, and looked at him cautiously.

"Manzhi, guess what I think about the most right now?"

Manzhi shook her head suspiciously.

Shao Junbang turned his eyes away from her face, looked at the blank wall directly in front of him, and said calmly: "I was wondering, is there really such a thing as 'retribution'?"

Manzhi stared at him in astonishment, not understanding what he was referring to.

"Back then, even though I didn't mean to harm your sister, I was involved in it after all, so that it led to that tragedy."

Manzhi lowered her head unconsciously when she heard him bring up the old story again.

"Over the years, this knot has been embedded in my heart, and I have never been able to let it go. It was not until this accident that I realized that it is probably time to pay off the debt." He smiled wryly at Manzhi.

Manzhi had no choice but to comfort her in a low voice, "Second Uncle, stop thinking about it, it's been so long."

Shao Junbang sighed, "Manzhi! You are a rare good boy, smart, capable, and kind. My second uncle said something from his heart - I don't think Ah Yun is good enough for you."

Hearing him mention Shao Yun, Manzhi's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately interrupted him tactfully: "Are you tired? Do you want to take a break?"

A trace of fatigue did appear on Shao Junbang's face, but he shook his head to stop him, "No, Manzhi, let me finish my sentence, okay? I've kept some words in my heart for a long time, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't say them."

Manzhi had no choice but to let him.

"I watched the child Ayun grow up. He was naughty since he was a child, and he didn't make much progress when he became an adult. He was involved in some messy things and often caused trouble. But I didn't expect that you would marry him."

Manzhi bowed her head and remained silent.

"In the past few years, you have also seen that he has become more and more violent with me. As an uncle, it is becoming more and more difficult for me! In fact, even if he does not let me come down this time, I have already risen. I want to go."

Manzhi was a little surprised by his confession, but it didn't matter to her whether Shao Junbang said the truth or polite words. She came to visit Shao Junbang today because he treated her well in the past. In fact, it has nothing to do with other factors, this point is probably understood by Manzhi himself.

"Second Uncle is getting old, and when a person gets old, he tends to be soft-hearted and nostalgic. If Second Uncle is ten years younger, hmph, ten Ah Yuns are no match for me."

When he said this, his face was a bit cold and handsome, quite like Shao Junkang who negotiated with Manzhi a few years ago, she saw it in her eyes, and her heart shuddered.

However, Shao Junbang's expression quickly softened.

"Manzhi, when I tell you this, don't think that I want to break you up. In fact, I want to tell you that although Ayun has a lot of misdeeds, he treats you sincerely."

Manzhi looked at him in surprise.

"If it wasn't because he cared too much about you, maybe his attitude towards me would be better." Shao Junbang said sincerely.

At the beginning, when he brought Manzhi by his side, his original intention was to coerce Shao Yun, but it turned out to be the opposite. Shao Yun pushed him even harder and did more ruthlessly. The final result ran counter to Shao Junbang's original intention. Said it was ironic, but he couldn't explain these words to Manzhi.

His words caused waves in Manzhi's heart.

When it comes to how a person should express himself, everyone has different ways and understandings.Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, what Shao Yun did was out of respect for Manzhi, but as the bearer, what she felt at that time was endless trouble and pain.

Because he cares about you, he is always against you and obstructs you in everything. Manzhi would rather not care about you.

Shao Junbang finally felt tired and had to lie down again, Manzhi wrapped the quilt up for him, and he finally said: "Manzhi, just forgive Ayun."

Manzhi was stunned, it turned out that Shao Junbang knew everything.

Coming out of the hospital, Manzhi still couldn't figure out why Shao Junbang would suddenly speak for Shao Yun.

Perhaps, as he himself said, when people get old, they will soften their hearts, but at this time, because of the heavy injury, he attributed the misfortune to "retribution".

"Retribution" requires good deeds to resolve evil consequences.Does he think that persuading Manzhi to reunite with Shaoyun is doing good?

Valentine's Day is long overdue in the eager anticipation of young men and women all over the city.

On the night of the festival, almost every restaurant, bar, and tea room is bursting with sweet couples sitting opposite each other, whispering, and many restaurants hold candlelight dinners to attract romantic couples.

Shao Lei and Shangguan Lin had a candlelight dinner together in the private room of such a high-end restaurant.Shao Lei had already made an appointment here a month ago.

The environment is quite warm. Compared with the bustle of the tea restaurant, it is so quiet that it almost lacks the festive atmosphere. Fortunately, only two people are needed to spend Valentine's Day.And this price is also extremely extravagant.

"It's good to have money!" Shangguan Lin had to sigh vulgarly after learning the price of the private room.

To Shangguan Lin's surprise, Shao Lei, who was usually attentive and considerate when he saw her, was uncharacteristically silent today.

Shangguan drank the freshly squeezed fruit juice and reprimanded him with some displeasure, "Why are you languid? What happened?"

Shao Lei glanced at her, and said softly: "I'm thinking about my brother, and it's a little annoying."

He and Shao Yun have always had a good relationship since they were young, but at this moment, they are in love with each other and feel sorry for their eldest brother.

Shangguan's heartstrings twitched slightly, and he put down the cup in his hand as if nothing had happened, "What happened to your brother?"

Shao Lei felt depressed, and just kept dividing the steak on the plate, "Even my mother persuaded him to break up with my sister-in-law... My mother likes my sister-in-law very much."

Shangguan was very surprised, "Really? Then...does your brother agree?"

Shao Lei shook his head and said, "He can't accept it. My brother... really loves my sister-in-law very much."

Shangguan snorted coldly, and said: "Then why did he go so early? It's about to be separated, so I think the other party is valuable, is it interesting?"

Shao Lei frowned, and continued to divide the steak, which was too fine to be cut.

Shangguan tapped his plate with his fork, stared and said, "Don't waste money, it's 398 RMB per plate!"

He asked again: "Then what should we do now? Both of them are in such a stalemate, and neither of them moves?"

"Hey! They have always been like this, they are all bullish, and no one will change it—by the way, where is my sister-in-law? Does she have any reaction?" Shao Lei asked while thinking, "Well...is there any strange man? Have you found her?"

Shangguan gave him a blank look, and said angrily: "Are you men so self-righteous? Oh, if there is a problem with the marriage, it must be because the woman has someone outside?! Besides, if it comes to talking about it, it is your brother who is not serious. , if I were Manzhi, Hongxing would have cheated a long time ago."

Shao Lei left her speechless, so he had to lower his head to swallow the disgusting "beef cubes".

After Shangguan used up his tongue, he couldn't bear to see Shao Lei swallowing his anger. She knew that she had a bad temper, and it was always Shao Lei who let her go and never disputed with her.

At this moment, I can't help but think, Manzhi and Shao Yun, if there is one person who can tolerate a little bit, wouldn't it be possible to get to where we are today?

Shangguan will never let Shao Lei know the hesitation and contradictions in his heart. Although the subtle affection for Shao Yun troubled her, it also made her understand that love alone is not enough for two people to get along. More importantly, mutual tolerance and trust.

Looking at Shao Lei in front of her, she suddenly found herself, feeling safe and sufficient in her heart.

It was very late when Shao Lei sent Shangguan back home, and the two entered the door tiredly. Unexpectedly, Manzhi was still sitting in the living room watching TV, both of them were a little embarrassed.

Shao Lei immediately let go of Shangguan, scratched his hair, and called out, "Sister-in-law."

Manzhi glanced at his reddish face and said with a smile, "I didn't see anything!"

Shangguan was more generous than him. While changing his shoes, he asked Manzhi, "Did you sleep so late today?" She remembered that Manzhi always went to bed early and woke up early.

Manzhi replied vaguely, "Well, I can't sleep a bit."

The sound of the TV was almost silent, only the boring pictures kept flickering, but Manzhi didn't seem to be immersed in the plot.

Shangguan pushed the wooden Shao Lei, and said softly: "It's getting late, you should go back quickly."

Shao Lei was eager to go down the steps, so he responded immediately.

When he reached the door, he hesitated for a moment, then turned back, pondered for a long time, as if he had made up his mind, he said to Manzhi: "Sister-in-law, I have a request, I don't know if it is appropriate to say it?"

Seeing his solemn expression, Manzhi guessed a little bit in her heart, but she still said calmly: "It's okay, just tell me."

"Can you take some time to go back and see my brother? He's... in pain right now."

(End of this chapter)

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