Flower Room

Chapter 20 Return

Chapter 20 Return
The early winter sun shines down through the glass roof, passing through the layers of overlapping branches and leaves, reflecting a clear static projection on the light gray ground, just like a simple sketch.

It is very warm in the greenhouse.Manzhi squatted on the ground, poking her head down at a Clivia plant.It is said that this is the most difficult kind of orchid to grow. The soil, nutrients, sunlight, and water are all very strict. If there is any mistake, it will die young.

I fell in love with this orchid because of its name.Manzhi also saw her father raising her before, but it was really difficult to take care of her, so she gradually lifted her hand.

Manzhi has taken good care of it according to the steps in the book until it is about to bloom.In the cold weather, she took extra care to protect herself.

The door was half open, and the sound of tapping footsteps entered the ears, and Shen Yufang's soft tone was heard immediately.

"Mengmeng, don't worry, mom must be here, if you don't believe me, let's go in and have a look."

Before the words fell, the old and the young staggered in.

Mengmeng jumped over happily when she saw Manzhi, "Mom!"

Manzhi's hands were covered with black mud, but she still stretched out her arms with a smile on her face, hugged Mengmeng carefully, and kissed her on both cheeks.

"After playing on the swing for a while, I was clamoring for you. I had no choice but to find you." Shen Yufang said, bending down, and stroked the two thick, black and bright leaves of Clivia. The veins are prominent, and the surface is very smooth, like a wax film.I secretly sighed at Manzhi's patience.

She touched the tightly wrapped bud again, and said with a smile, "Oh, it's about to bloom."

Manzhi said: "According to the book, it may take another week or so."

Shen Yufang lowered her head and calculated, "Coincidentally, Ayun should be back by then."

Shao Yun was sent to Japan for two months on business, and he has been there for more than a month.

Manzhi smiled lightly, but said nothing.

During Shao Yun's absence, the family of three lived quite leisurely. Shen Yufang was born with a good temper and was not in a hurry.

After Mengmeng's nap, the two often sat in the garden drinking tea and chatting, usually Shen Yufang talked a lot, Manzhi listened, and the afternoon slipped away quietly in the warm sunlight.

Shen Yufang talked about Shao Yun the most.

"My two sons, what worries me the most is Ayun. He has a stubborn temper and tends to be anxious when encountering things. He has caused many troubles since he was a child. When his father was around, he was not very able to control him. "

Manzhi listened, her thoughts wandered involuntarily, the long past flashed before her eyes, she was somewhat in a trance.

"However, I think he is very attentive to you, and he can listen to what you say. Seeing you live a good life, my heart can be regarded as letting go."

Manzhi lowered her head and sipped the tea, the warm tea slowly flowed from her mouth to her heart with a delicate fragrance, it was warm and gradually suppressed the uneasiness in her heart.

Shen Yufang suddenly smiled, "I always wanted to have a daughter, but in the end I even gave birth to two boys, both of whom were boys."

She glanced at Manzhi, her voice was very kind, "Although you are the daughter-in-law of the Shao family, I have always treated you as my daughter."

What he said made Manzhi feel a little embarrassed.She lost her mother very early. Although she survived all the way through being strong, it is not that she does not yearn for maternal love deep in her heart.

Looking at Shen Yufang's pitiful eyes, she finally called out to her mother, and the call came from the bottom of her heart, and both of them had red eye circles.

One evening, Shao Junbang brought his wife Chen Rufen to visit.

This is the first time that Manzhi saw Shao Junbang again in more than two years.After the greetings were over and everyone took their seats, Shao Junbang said to Manzhi angrily, "Shouldn't you call me second uncle?"

Manzhi was very embarrassed, Shen Yufang said with a smile: "Yes, Manzhi, we will be a family with my second uncle from now on." Mengmeng stared at the two unexpected guests curiously.When Chen Rufen saw her, she quickly hugged her and said in a fuss, "Ah, this is Mengmeng, she looks exactly like Shao Yun when she was a child."

She nodded at Mengmeng's nose and said: "This is great. Mom and Dad love you, grandma loves you, and a little uncle will come back in the future, and he will love you the same."

Shen Yufang walked over with a smile, and took Mengmeng, who was writhing all over because of discomfort, "Well, most of my daughters look like my father! Even their tempers are similar, and Ayun was like this when he was a child. called."

Shao Junbang's eyes quickly passed over Manzhi, seeing that her expression was as usual, her eyes became darker.

Chen Rufen said: "How is Shao Yun in Japan? Is he coming back soon?"

Shen Yufang said: "Yes, there will be more than a week. Instead, I often call back, saying that things are almost inseparable, and I want to come back sooner."

When Chen Rufen heard this, she immediately smiled and said: "It's really different after being married. I used to wish I could spend time outside every day." Saying this, she couldn't help but cast a blank stare at Shao Junbang, "Look at you as an uncle, how can you be so tough?" The reason for breaking up a young couple?"

Everyone present laughed, Manzhi blushed and felt embarrassed.

Shao Junbang laughed and argued: "I didn't want him to exercise! Ah Yun is too young and has little experience. If he doesn't study hard, how will he be in charge of the overall situation in the future?"

Shen Yufang went on to say: "Second Uncle is right, it is time to let him do more now. In the past, he was always fooling around, which made people worry."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, Ayun is a lot more sensible now, and he is more practical in doing things." Shao Junbang said with a smile on his face.

Several people chatted for a while, Shao Junbang and his wife stayed for dinner again.

It was getting dark and Shao Junbang was still on business, so he had to leave first and asked Chen Rufen what he meant.

"You are busy with your work, I will talk to my sister-in-law for a while."

Shao Junbang no longer forced himself to leave first.

Manzhi stood up proactively and said, "Second...uncle, let me see you off."

Shao Junbang raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly, "Okay."

Stepping out of the door, the two walked side by side on the winding path. Shao Junbang took the lead and said: "I heard that you moved back with Shao Yun. I should have come to see you earlier, but I was too busy. Didn't find time until today."

Manzhi was flattered, "Look at what you said, it should be me and Shao Yun who went to see you."

Shao Junbang smiled wryly, "I don't dare to expect Shao Yun to come to the house... He has always misunderstood me because of your sister's matter, thinking... I pushed you to cause your sister to have an accident."

Unprepared, Manzhi felt as if a needle had been stabbed in her heart, her face turned pale, and she unconsciously lowered her head.

According to Shao Yun's logic, then the two of them were the ones who killed my sister?The wound that had been numb for a long time seemed to be torn open again, and it started to hurt bit by bit.

Shao Junbang continued: "But he is born with that kind of temper, and I will let him go... As long as you don't think so, I will feel at ease."

Manzhi was silent for a while, and then she recovered, and said softly: "It's all over."

Shao Junbang said with emotion: "Yes! It's all over, so don't mention it. I was always worried about you, but I didn't expect that we became a family, ha ha."

Manzhi couldn't get emotional anymore, so she gave a forced laugh.

When he reached the door of the garage, Shao Junbang stopped suddenly, turned to look at her sideways, and said after a while: "Manzhi, come back and help me."

Seeing his serious expression, Manzhi froze for a moment.

Shao Junbang looked directly at her and said: "You should know that I have always valued you very much. I understand that you left the company after such a thing happened, but at the same time I also feel that it is a pity. Now that your wish is fulfilled, it is time for you to Make some plans for yourself."

Manzhi muttered, "I..."

"Don't tell me, do you want to be a housewife with nothing to do for the rest of your life? Manzhi, your ability is definitely more than that."

Of course Manzhi is not willing to stay at home forever, she also had a plan, but it was in a hurry and hadn't taken shape yet, at this time Shao Junbang's words moved her heart.

Returning to the track she had hoped for before was something she had longed for.However, if it was going back to Shaw Brothers, she always seemed to feel a little awkward.

As if reading her doubts, Shao Junbang smiled slightly, "You can choose to go to other companies, but the opportunities may not be more than those in Shaw. Many people have worked hard for several years, but they are still standing still. Examples abound.”

Manzhi lowered her head and remained silent.

Shao Junbang glanced at her hesitant face, and said with a smile: "It seems that in your heart, you haven't really regarded yourself as a member of the Shao family!"

Manzhi told him to break his mind, and immediately blushed.She abruptly inserted into this environment where she didn't have a place in the first place, and she really couldn't be free from suspicion and confident.

In the confusion of thinking, Shao Junbang's voice sounded again, "Do you still remember what I told you before, when I was working, I didn't look at the qualifications and background of the employee, but only recognized his ability."

He fixed his gaze on Manzhi, and said solemnly: "So, I invite you back not because you married into the Shao family, but because I really like you."

Manzhi felt a surge of heat in her heart, and her eyes couldn't help piling up gratitude, as if she had returned to the old time when the two were commensurate with each other.

Shao Junbang looked at her coldly, knowing that she was already moved.

"Then I... discuss it with Shao Yun." She finally relaxed her tone.

"Okay." Shao Junbang responded, and couldn't help reminding her quietly, "However, I believe you are a child with your own opinions. You can refer to other people's opinions, but you have to make up your own ideas."

Manzhi nodded thoughtfully.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Shao Yun finally returned home in a hurry.

During the seven-hour journey, there was almost no rest, so it was impossible not to be tired, but he was in good spirits.

Before the car came to a complete stop, Shao Yun couldn't wait to push the door down.

Lao Zhang couldn't help it, and said with a smile: "Take it easy, we're already at the door, don't be in a hurry right now."

Lao Zhang began to work as a driver for Shao Junkang when he was in his 30s. After driving for ten years, he became very close to the Shao family and was quite familiar with Shao Yun.Being able to stay in Shao's house all the time is entirely due to his honesty and honesty, he seldom talks about right and wrong on weekdays, which is deeply appreciated by Shao Junkang.However, today, when I received Shao Yun from the airport, even though the two of them were talking and laughing, Lao Zhang could still see the anxious expectation in his brow, and he could see through his thoughts with a single glance.

Shao Yun didn't care about responding to his kind joke, and hurried out of the garage.

Shen Yufang was still busy in the restaurant wearing an apron, and the table was full of sumptuous dishes.Hearing the call, she looked up, immediately beamed with joy, and went to meet her.

When she got close, she helped her son to look at him carefully, "It seems to have lost weight."

Shao Yun giggled, "Mom, sashimi is not as delicious as your cooking!" But he didn't look at the tempting food on the table, but shuttled back and forth in and out of the living room.

Shen Yufang saw it, and said angrily, "Manzhi took Mengmeng for a walk."

Shao Yun was guessed by his mother, and smiled, but he didn't feel embarrassed.

After a while, Lao Zhang came in dragging his suitcase and greeted Shen Yufang politely.Shen Yufang invited him to have dinner with him, but Lao Zhang politely declined, put down the suitcase and left.

Shao Yun walked out together with him, Lao Zhang looked back at him, and said with a smile: "Just now when I walked around the lawn, I saw Mengmeng and her mother playing on the swing."

Shao Yun couldn't help smiling, his eyes met Lao Zhang's humorous wink, and he couldn't help but lightly punched Lao Zhang, who laughed and walked away.

On the left hand side of the villa is a lawn. There were only some tables and chairs in the past. When the weather is fine, you can drink tea in the open air and enjoy the sunshine.

When Shao Yun was finally willing to move back, Shen Yufang was overjoyed and moved a little bit, and specially built some children's play facilities on the lawn.There is nothing Mengmeng favors more than a swing.

At this moment, her whole body was flying in the air, her short calves were kicking wildly, giggling and screaming: "Mom, let's be taller!"

Manzhi watched her little body swing higher and higher, her heart was already in a mess, and she shouted: "It's already very tall, Mengmeng's hands must be held tight!"

As soon as Shao Yun saw their figures, his footsteps stopped involuntarily.

The setting sun is sinking quietly, gathering the sunlight back bit by bit while sinking, the sharpness of the day is gone, only the soft afterglow is left, and it is reluctant to part with it. It was covered with a layer of extravagant gold, glowing with a faint light, as beautiful as an oil painting.

Manzhi and Mengmeng are the only jumping notes in the painting. Their laughter flows into a beautiful piece of music, flowing softly through Shao Yun's heart, creating warm currents and enveloping him completely.

Shao Yun was a little bewildered, he had never seen such a beautiful picture, he didn't know how to describe it, he just wanted to sigh, and the tenderness gradually appeared in his eyes.

After a long time, he could still clearly remember the scene of the winter evening, as if it had been deeply imprinted in his heart, even if it was covered with dust, those textures and imprints were still there, and they could not be easily wiped off in this life.

At that time, he didn't know that all beautiful things are only in a moment.

Mengmeng was ambitious and wanted to continue swinging, but Manzhi refused to do so anymore. The little guy was having fun, but she was really worried and tormented, so she couldn't help but hug her down.

Mengmeng pouted and wanted to explode, but when she looked up and saw her father standing far away, she immediately forgot all her troubles and rushed over like she was having fun.

Shao Yun squatted down, opened his arms, and welcomed the bird-like daughter into his arms.

Manzhi walked over with a smile, her eyes met, she could feel the heat in Shao Yun's eyes, but she was still not used to it, so she raised her hand to touch Mengmeng's arm, and asked lightly: "Is everything going well? "

"It's okay." Shao Yun replied, staring at her intently, wanting to hold her in his arms, but Mengmeng became impatient, patted Shao Yun's head and shouted: "Dad, I want a gift ,Gift!"

Shao Yun reluctantly turned his gaze away from Manzhi, and said cheerfully: "Of course there are gifts, if I don't buy gifts, I dare to come back to see my baby."

Unable to wait for dinner, Shao Yun began to distribute gifts under Mengmeng's strong request.

In addition to a bunch of colorful Disney toys, he also specially bought a Swarovski crystal necklace for his baby girl, and the pendant is a crystal clear hellokitty kitten.

It's a pity that Mengmeng's interest in toys is far higher than that of necklaces, so Shao Yun has to leave it to Manzhi to keep them.

Shen Yufang laughed and said, "It's never too late to watch after dinner, Mengmeng is good, Dad is already very tired."

Under Manzhi's persuasion, Mengmeng finally sat down on the table reluctantly, digging rice with a small spoon and stuffing it into her mouth, while absent-mindedly glancing at the things she was interested in on the table.

Shao Yun asked his mother, "Is it time for Xiaolei to go on winter vacation?"

"It's been released early, but I won't be back for a while. What project has the instructor assigned, and I have to finish it during the vacation."

Shen Yufang suddenly patted Mengmeng's head and said, "After the new year, Mengmeng is one year older, and she can officially go to kindergarten in September."

Shao Yun laughed, "Yeah, Mengmeng is about to become a big girl."

Shen Yufang looked at his face and continued: "Once you come back, Manzhi will have time. If you are bored at home all day, you may get sick. Why don't you let her go to the company to do something."

Shao Yunwen was stunned for a moment, lost his mind for a while, and glanced at Manzhi, "What do you think?"

Manzhi looked at him and said in a low voice, "I also hope to go out and do something."

Shao Yun thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll see if there is a suitable position for you later."

Manzhi glanced at Shen Yufang, and she immediately understood.

"Ayun, you still have to say hello to your second uncle about this matter, don't make any claims, no matter how he is now the head of the company, if you try to overtake him, the subordinates will talk nonsense, which is not good for Manzhi .”

Seeing Shao Yun frowned and his face darkened, Manzhi felt a little nervous.

After thinking about it for a few days, she finally decided to accept Shao Junbang's suggestion and return to Shao's.But if Shao Yun refuses to agree, she can't be too forceful, after all, she doesn't want to destroy the harmonious situation that she has won so hard for her own affairs.

Shao Yun pondered for a long time, his face gradually calmed down, he continued to eat as usual, and said lightly: "Just do what Mom wants."

Shen Yufang and Manzhi smiled at each other and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.Shen Yufang was especially relieved that Shao Yun was really sensible, and his temper was much restrained than before.

The thin and dense stream of water rushed down from the neck, warmly covering Manzhi's whole body, and when he opened his eyes, he could only see a cloud of white water vapor.

Being in such a fog, the sense of unreality buried deep in her heart was entangled again, and she asked herself in horror, where am I?His thoughts suddenly panicked, like driftwood in the water drifting with the current, he couldn't help himself up and down.

It turned out that the anxiety never went away.

She tossed her hair, suppressing the unpleasant thought, at least for now, everything is fine.What else is she not satisfied with?
After taking a shower, he came out and saw Shao Yun leaning on the bed, fiddling with a small box in his hand.Sweeping at her from the corner of the eye, he immediately retracted his palms, hid the things, and stared at her with a half-smile.

This was the first time the two of them had been in the same room formally. After dinner, Shen Yufang cleverly coaxed Mengmeng into her room. "Why stand there stupidly, come here." He raised his eyebrows at her.

Knowing what he would do to her when she walked over, Manzhi looked forward to it, but at the same time was a little bit shy, between conflicts, she was stunned for a while.Maybe they were too guarded against each other in the past, and Manzhi was too separated from him consciously, so it was always a little uncomfortable to be so intimate suddenly.

Shao Yun became impatient with waiting, got out of bed, walked up to her and stood still, carefully examining her face, "Manzhi, do you... have any concerns?"

Manzhi was stopped by his question, but couldn't speak, so she forced a smile and said, "I don't know why, but I'm a little afraid of you now."

Shao Yun raised his eyebrows, as if he couldn't laugh or cry, "Are you afraid of me? You really know how to joke. Forgot how you drove me into a rage before? In fact——I should be afraid of you."

Thinking of all the past, Manzhi smiled, and those inexplicable emotions just now dissipated in an instant.

Seeing her smile, Shao Yun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. He stretched out his arms to hug her, and habitually lowered his head to kiss her fragrant neck.

"Why didn't you ask me for a gift?" He lingered on her, asking vaguely.

"Since it's a gift, how can I ask for it?" Manzhi retorted, his body became a little hot.While kissing her, Shao Yun said, "Mengmeng just ask me what I want."

Manzhi laughed and didn't know what to say about him. Occasionally, he would show a childish willfulness in front of him, even though he was four years older than Manzhi.

"I'm not a child." She said helplessly.

Shao Yun stopped suddenly, looked into her eyes, and ordered: "Close your eyes."


"Shut up." He repeated it without explaining.

Manzhi had to obey.

She felt that Shao Yun grabbed her hand, put it on her lips and kissed it lightly, and then, there was a cool touch between her fingers.

"You can open it now." He leaned close to her ear and said with a smile.

On the ring finger is an exquisite platinum ring, dotted with a small diamond, under the light, it reflects a dazzling brilliance, noble and unassuming.

She suddenly looked up at Shao Yun.

"What I owe you all the time, I will make up for it now." He said softly, his eyes full of love and compassion.

Manzhi buried her head in his arms, and suddenly felt the urge to cry.

Shao Yun presented thick materials to Shao Junbang's desk, and then sat down opposite him.

Shao Junbang took it in his hand, weighed it, and said: "It seems that your trip to Japan has been rewarding!"

Shao Yun smiled calmly, and said eloquently, "I have compared carefully, and our machining capabilities are not inferior to those of Japan, but the labor cost is much lower. More importantly, it is convenient to purchase metal materials in China. And the price advantage is unmatched by Japan. This is the most fatal attraction for Japanese companies. Among the several companies I have contacted, Fuzhida has the highest cooperation intention. Their general manager Ida has had a relationship with me. After three contacts, I also showed the relevant data to Mr. Ida one by one, and he has great confidence in us."

Shao Junbang nodded, "Although machining is no longer the focus of Shaw, as a traditional industry, we were once considered leaders. If we can enter foreign markets, we may be able to take another step forward." He said slowly , looked approvingly at Shao Yun, and said slowly: "Ah Yun, you have really improved, and you have started to work hard, which is very good."

Shao Yun only smiled and said nothing to Shao Junbang in his heart: "It's nothing, one day, I will convince you to give up the seat under your buttocks."

When it was about the same time, Shao Yun mentioned that Manzhi wanted to return to the company.

Shao Junbang said joyfully: "I've always hoped that she would come back. Hmm...just now there is a vacant seat for an assistant in the operations department, and I'll keep it for her. You should discuss it with her and get in as soon as possible."

Shao Junbang's frankness was within Shao Yun's expectation. After all, Manzhi used to be his assistant and was quite appreciated by him, but at the same time he was a little surprised because the position he just mentioned was not low.

The operation department is the headquarters of the group. In order to drive efficiently, the staff is extremely streamlined. The head is Shao Junbang. Shao Junbang usually has to take care of too many aspects, so the general affairs of the operation department are basically decided by the assistant.

Shao Yun hesitated and said: "Manzhi is too young, I'm afraid she may not be able to do it."

Shao Junbang said confidently: "Ayun, you have underestimated Manzhi. Although she is young, she is quite experienced and smart. I am absolutely assured. Besides, you are the one who communicates with the operation department the most. The planning department is over, and as the minister, communication in many aspects will be much smoother in the future, and if the two of you are too late to finish at work, you can still have a meeting to discuss after work, haha." He even laughed humorously after talking.

Shao Yun snorted and didn't care.Thinking of the fact that I had a lot of conflicts with my previous operation assistant, changing Manzhi would naturally save me a lot of trouble, and I didn't feel bad at the moment.

Shao Junbang was happy for a moment, went to the side wine cabinet and took out two goblets, filled them with red wine respectively, raised his hand and handed a glass to Shao Yun, "Come, I wish your plan an early success."

The wine cabinet was left by Shao Junkang. Seeing his familiar operation, Shao Yun felt uncomfortable. He didn't drink the wine, but put it back on the table, twitching the corners of his mouth, and said lightly: "Wait to sign the wine." Let's talk about it after finishing the contract."

Shao Junbang's expression froze for a moment, but he returned to normal in an instant, and he smiled to hide his embarrassment, "That's right, then, I'll wait for your good news."

Shao Yun stood up, nodded to him politely, and turned to leave.

The sunlight is projected in from the outside of the blue glass, and a thick silhouette is reflected on the desktop, which is a bit hideous.Shao Junbang looked at it coldly and didn't feel terrible, but smiled fiercely at it twice, as if to vent his anger.

Manzhi finally returned to her dreaming workplace and became a standard office worker.Of course, compared to other colleagues, she was much luckier and got a fairly high position without any effort.

In any group, there will always be the privileged class, with the special treatment and rights that go with it.In the past, when Manzhi confronted it, he could only look up, and always felt that it was far away, but now he suddenly became one of them, except for the cramped feeling of being rewarded for nothing when he first entered, As time went by, what was more important was the great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that the work itself brought her, and she subtly accepted this fact, which became a matter of course to some extent.

Maybe it's because she's yearned for it for too long, but she's fully adapted to it, and it can even be said that she is highly responsive to Shaw Brothers' high-paced work efficiency.It is undoubtedly the most gratifying thing for Manzhi to be able to serve under Shao Junbang again and receive his careful guidance.

Shao Junbang did not break his promise. He really valued Manzhi very much. In addition to giving her a big room for development, he also analyzed and communicated with her on some specific cases, almost teaching her how to deal with things tactfully and thoughtfully. .Manzhi once again regained the tacit understanding and trust he had when working with him.

Manzhi is not born with arrogance. Even though she is now Shao Yun's wife and assistant to the high command, she is still humble and polite to others, just like before.

She concentrates on her work with high efficiency. Gradually, her ability has been recognized by her colleagues and departments. Those who originally regarded her as an appendage or a vase have lowered their voices. People are getting used to calling her Assistant Su. It was when she was behind her back, instead of secretly calling her Shao Yun's wife like in the beginning.

The turnover of enterprises has always been frequent. In more than two years, the office has been replaced by a group of new faces, including Shao Yun's former secretary Lu Fang, general secretary Xiao Qiao, and a group of young girls from the administration department and the personnel department. They have all gone, and there are almost no people she knows left.Only the leaders of a few main departments, Manzhi still looked familiar, but they had very little contact with each other in the past, and they were not familiar with each other.They probably have no impression of Manzhi at all, and even if they have, they are just rumors from the latest popular gossip news.

There is nothing wrong with fresh blood for Manzhi, at least you don’t have to be caught by old acquaintances to interrogate the past two years, those are scars that she dare not talk about and don’t want to mention, she just wants to cover up forever and bypass carefully .

Manzhi didn't know that she had already become the idol in the hearts of young female employees, a successful Cinderella.

There never seem to be too many stories like this in this world. Every ordinary or extraordinary girl is dreaming the same dream. She is the protagonist in the dream, and on the other side of the dream is a handsome man riding a white horse. prince.In real life, although there are many equivalent examples, there are not many of them around. Once they find out, girls always love to pass it on after dinner, sigh, and even talk to Manzhi in their hearts. Compare yourself, and the result may be disappointing or full of confidence.

No one understands the heavy price that Manzhi has paid to get to this day, including the bitter past of blood and tears.No one would believe that even today's Manzhi still has deep helplessness and hesitation in her heart.People only see Manzhi as a successful white-collar worker, a Manzhi who is well-dressed and always knows how to smile with restraint, and a Manzhi who is cared for by her husband.

Because they are in the same company, it is inevitable that Manzhi and Shao Yun will be an eye-catching couple and become the envy of countless girls.Fortunately, they are not the kind of extroverted couple who are good at showing intimacy in public.When they arrive at the company together every day, they work separately. Even if they meet occasionally, they always have a business-like face.Some new employees, if they don't listen to the introduction of the old employees, don't even know that they are a couple.

Of course, occasionally when the two meet in a remote corridor, Shao Yun will have a whim and "molest" Manzhi when no one is around, making her blush, but there is nothing she can do about him.

Shao Yun loved her embarrassment after being intimated by him very much, and completely lost the sharpness and shrewdness when facing him from the front. In his opinion, this is what a girl should look like.

Although the two of them did not intend to maintain this indifferent public image, there are still advantages, and it will not cause too much gossip and jealousy.In business affairs, people are more and more able to distinguish the two clearly. Vice President Shao is always Vice President Shao, and Assistant Su is Assistant Su.

Manzhi works more overtime hours than Shao Yun. She loves this job passionately, and often does not know it when it is getting dark.

When the office was sparsely populated, Shao Yun would knock on her door, "Miss, do you know what time it is?" Manzhi raised her head and saw his impatient expression, she knew it was time to go home, so she smiled apologetically , got up, packed his things, and obediently followed him back.

One day he said to her, "You should learn to drive."

Then he asked Shao Junbang for leave directly on her behalf, forcing her to finish her studies within three months.In terms of life, she doesn't talk to him very much. As long as she doesn't feel embarrassed, she usually does what he says.Fortunately, she was talented and quick to learn everything, and she passed all the exams after three months.Shao Yun helped Manzhi get his driver's license in advance through his relationship.When I got home that day, there was a brand new Volvo S40 parked in the garage for her.

It's not that she doesn't know that Shao Yun is kind to her, but he is not the kind of person who likes to talk sweet words all the time. Whatever comes to his mind, he will do it directly instead of asking for her opinion.

He took her to high-end restaurants, taught her how to use Western-style tableware properly, and how to distinguish the quality of red wine; pointed out the style of clothes and color matching for her; gave her a fitness card, and dragged her to the club to exercise every week no matter how busy she was. Once; when he was in a good mood, he went to play tennis, and he would take Manzhi with him. He taught her how to exert strength and how to catch the ball, but she still played badly. She felt that she was born out of touch with these fashionable things , Being in it, I don't feel enjoyment, unlike him, who can handle everything with ease.After a few times, he didn't want to go, and he didn't force her, he just looked at her disdainfully.

Only when the two of them are alone, he will show a strong infatuation. However, Manzhi always feels that he is greedy for her body more than she likes her. Sometimes, she wants to talk to him about business or But Shao Yun didn't like to listen to other things, he was just tired of her, and often pestered her until she couldn't breathe. Only at this time did she realize that he was still that domineering and arrogant person.

Her life is almost perfect in the eyes of outsiders, but Manzhi feels a sense of loss when she is behind her back. If she had to choose, she would probably not marry someone like Shao Yun.

They were not born the same way, but they were bound together as a joke by fate. She couldn't really integrate into his world, just like he couldn't really understand her mind.

In the dead of night, there is often an uncontrollable sense of emptiness and unreliability in my heart, like a terminal illness, which cannot be waved away or driven away.

(End of this chapter)

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