Flower Room

Chapter 17 Reminder

Chapter 17 Reminder
Manzhi didn't keep Shao Yun waiting too long, in fact, she replied to Shao Yun the next day.

After Mengmeng fell asleep, the two sat in the living room, discussing "big things in life" under the dim light.

Manzhi looked solemn, while Shao Yun remained indifferent as usual.

"Since it's a marriage by agreement, I also have conditions to mention."

Shao Yun lay halfway in the depths of the sofa, with one foot on the coffee table, and was peeling an orange and slowly putting it into his mouth one by one. Hearing what she said, he nodded expressionlessly and said, "It should, you Say."

Manzhi stared at a corner of the coffee table, and spoke eloquently as if endorsing a letter.

"First, before Mengmeng becomes an adult, her life experience cannot be made public, otherwise it will have an impact on her growth."

"I have no objection." Shao Yun replied without thinking.

Manzhi pursed her lips, and continued, "Second, when Mengmeng turns 18, our agreement can be terminated... At that time, if Mengmeng is willing to come with me, you can't object."

Shao Yun's hands and mouth stopped at the same time, narrowed his eyes and stared at Manzhi, thought for a while, then resumed chewing, lazily said: "I agree."

Manzhi didn't expect him to agree so readily, she finally let go of her heart that was in the air, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The oranges were all gone, Shao Yun accurately threw the orange peels into the trash can in the corner, then retracted his feet on the coffee table, stretched them out comfortably, covered the back of his head with his hands, and looked at Manzhi with a half-smile, "Still Is there any?"

Manzhi's expression was a little unnatural, she bit her lower lip, and said in a low voice: "There is one last thing, since we are only married formally, we can't interfere with each other's life after marriage, let alone...violate each other."

Shao Yun stared at her for a long time, and finally figured out what she meant, and suddenly burst out laughing, looking at her with some viciousness, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in people like you at all."

Manzhi blushed and raised her head slightly.Now that Shao Yun made it clear that he would still go out to make trouble, she must also completely separate from him, at least she can still maintain her dignity in front of herself.

Shao Yun then asked sarcastically: "Do you still need to sign a written agreement with me in order to obtain legal protection?"

Manzhi looked at him with peaceful eyes, she really thought about it, and said: "That's good, so I won't be unclear in the future, I will be ready to bring it here tomorrow."

Shao Yun suddenly became angry for no reason, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Manzhi's arm, dragged her whole in front of him, stared at her very closely, with faint fire in his eyes.He gritted his teeth and said, "Su Manzhi, I don't care who you want to protect yourself for, but don't act like a saint in front of me! I look awkward!"

Being too close, Shao Yun's face seemed to be magnified several times in Manzhi's eyes. She could clearly see the blue stubble on his chin, his firm nose, sharp-edged thin lips, and His unique masculine breath mixed with a faint smell of tobacco also rushed into Manzhi's nose. For some reason, she was a little dizzy, and her heart beat a few beats faster. Surprised, he struggled a few times.Fortunately, Shao Yun quickly let go, she stepped back, tried to calm down, frowned and said: "If you are not happy with my conditions, you can say so, let's discuss again, don't lose your temper like this all the time. "

Shao Yun laughed a few times, and said in a weird voice: "I'm not unhappy, why should I be unhappy?! It's so worth it to exchange a marriage certificate for a college student to be a free full-time maid!"

Manzhi didn't jump up to refute, but just sighed. She felt that she was going numb to Shao Yun's bad attitude, and she didn't know whether to be lucky or sad.

But she didn't understand why Shao Yun suddenly acted so violently. Could it be that he married her because he really wanted to get her?This is impossible, absolutely impossible!Manzhi finds it ridiculous, she is Su Manqi's younger sister, and Shao Yun should love her sister deeply, how could she have that kind of thought about herself?
Manzhi couldn't help raising her eyes to glance at Shao Yun, but saw that he was staring at her, with a hint of sullenness and an inexplicable meaning in her eyes, she quickly turned her eyes, picked up her things, got up and walked out the door .

"It's getting late, I'll go back first. I'll come over later tomorrow, and I'm going to inquire about the specific procedures for applying for a permit."

Shao Yun remained silent, his face gloomy.

Manzhi went out, thinking carefully, still doubtful about the last scene just now.Shao Yun didn't think much of himself, but he used to be such a proud and aloof person, and suddenly he was rejected by him, and he would inevitably be a little irritated.However, if they really wanted to live like this, there were too many things he had to adjust.

Not only Shao Yun, Manzhi herself does not need to adjust and adapt. The road ahead is too vague for her to see clearly, but she has to walk over it. Manzhi does not feel the slightest novelty and joy, but she is not a sentimental person Now that you have chosen this path, even if it is full of thorns, you have to grit your teeth and break through.

18 years uh!Manzhi is not a god, and of course she cannot predict what will be like in 18 years, but she has to set a deadline for herself, so that she can at least feel hopeful.If one day, she is desperate or lost in the fog, she can still use this to encourage herself, people, no matter where they go, they must not lose hope.

I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to inquire and found out that to get married, you need the household registration books of both parties and the unmarried certificate issued by the unit or the street. There is no problem with Manzhi. She is in charge of all the documents in her family, but Shao Yun has nothing. "Let me call your mother." Manzhi thought for a long time and said, she was impatient by nature, and she had already dug out her book to find Shen Yufang's number.

"Why do you have my mother's phone number?" Shao Yun asked with a frown.

Manzhi paused, "...She has visited Mengmeng a few times, your mother is...very nice." Seeing Shao Yun's face turned down, Manzhi said with some guilt.

Shao Yunmi leaned at her, "I don't see that you are quite capable, and you have kept a lot of things from me."

But after all, it didn't stop her after all.

When Shen Yufang heard the news, she was surprised and happy for a moment, so she delivered the materials and bought a complete set of bedding on the same day. When she came to the door, Shao Yun had already gone out, and only Manzhi was at home to take care of Mengmeng.

"I'm in a hurry, so I just bought a few things. I'll give you a big gift when you serve the wine." Shen Yufang smiled sweetly. She liked Manzhi from the bottom of her heart, and fell in love with her from the first time she saw her.

In fact, Shen Yufang has never paid much attention to the so-called family background, and always feels that people are better than everything else, but unfortunately she basically has no say in the family.

Manzhi said embarrassedly: "You don't have to be so polite, we...we don't intend to serve wine, just get a certificate."

Shen Yufang took her hand and said with pity: "How can it be, you are the first daughter-in-law of our Shao family, how can you just do things casually." Thinking of something, she sighed and said, "Wait a minute, When the father and son are reconciled, I'll take care of it."

Manzhi couldn't bear to hit her, so she confused her.

After all the information was collected, the two found a day and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau together.

When he was approaching the door, Shao Yun stopped abruptly, turned his head to look at Manzhi, who was walking very slowly and was full of thoughts, "You really made up your mind? It's too late to regret it now."

Manzhi was stunned for a moment, and then said stubbornly: "Who said I want to go back on my word." But she couldn't restrain the faint hesitation in her heart.

Shao Yun stared at her face carefully, his eyes gradually softened, he put his hands in his trouser pockets, lowered his head and smiled, then raised his head to her, "Go in."

Manzhi walked in behind him dull-headed, feeling that she was not going into the marriage registration office, but a casino.

It is not a festival, there are not many people, the procedures are completed quickly, and the bright red brochures are almost worthless in the hand.

Walking out of the registration office, Shao Yun casually opened the marriage certificate, looked at it for a while, and said with a sneer, "Why are you so old-fashioned?"

Manzhi was also watching, and heard him laughing at herself again, and was about to refute a few words, but seeing her dumbfounded appearance in the photo, she was indeed a bit dull, and it seems that it is difficult to take a satisfactory photo in ordinary ID photos.Looking at Shao Yun next to him, he has clear and handsome features, and there is an indescribably aggressive temperament between his brows, he is indeed much more presentable than her.

She habitually stretched out her hand to Shao Yun, "Give it to me, I'll keep it." She already had an instinctive reaction to keeping the documents, and she always felt that it was not safe to put them in someone else's place.

But Shao Yun raised his eyebrows and didn't listen to her at all. He stuffed the brochure into his upper pocket and said, "This is mine." Then he strode to the front.

Manzhi stood in a daze for a while, then followed her again.

After receiving the certificate, life is almost the same as before, the only difference is that Manzhi no longer has to worry about Shao Yun's face all day long.Her love for Mengmeng became even more uncontrollable. From now on, this is her legitimate daughter.

Manzhi has been thinking about how to choose a suitable time to tell her father and elder brother about her marriage. She didn't tell them about it in advance, because she guessed how fiercely they would oppose it.

While she was still thinking about it, they already knew that the aunt of the street office who issued Manzhi's unmarried certificate congratulated Jin Bao when she ran into him, and finally pierced the window paper.

Faced with the angry questioning of her family, Manzhi felt speechless.

Haifeng always thought that Manzhi's obsession with Mengmeng was just a buffer to recover from the pain, but he never expected that she would take it seriously and would carry it out for a long time, even at the expense of her lifelong happiness. Heartbroken!
"Manzhi, why are you as confused as Manqi, you are ruining yourself by doing this!"

Manzhi lowered her head and said nothing, saying anything was futile, any reason would not be understood and accepted in front of her father and brother, silence is worse than silence.

Haifeng was really in a hurry, and his words became more and more serious, and he slammed at Manzhi, making her head hang even lower.

Jin Bao finally spoke from the side with a hoarse voice, not as angry as Haifeng, but a little tired, "Manzhi, have you forgotten what you said before?"

Manzhi was stunned, raised her head in confusion, and looked at her old father.

"You said that after graduating from college, you will earn a lot of money so that everyone in the family can live a good life." Jin Bao said faintly, his dark and wrinkled face has become a symbol of hard work, which makes everyone feel happy. Manzhi felt pain in her heart, but what made her heart hurt even more was what her father said. Every word pierced her heart like a sharp needle.

"Dad, I haven't forgotten, you...give me some time, I will definitely be able to..." Manzhi only felt panicked in her heart.

Jin Bao sighed and interrupted her, "Do you think that we are really counting on you to fail? Silly boy, Dad just hopes that you will stop working as hard as before and live a good life... If—— you really think Marrying him will make your life easier, I have nothing to say."

Manzhi was about to cry, but she tried her best to bear it, she couldn't let her father and brother feel sad for her, she smiled and said: "Dad, I think it's very good, really, Shao Yun...is not like you It's so bad... At least, because of his sister, he is willing to cut off all ties with the family... Moreover, he is very good to the child and to me... "

Jin Bao coughed heavily, his face turned purple due to the severe cough, Haifeng let his back hang slightly, his face was a little sad, for Manzhi, and for this family.But he finally didn't want to say anything anymore, the matter had come to this point, it was useless to say more.

Manzhi gradually moved some of her belongings from home, sometimes it was too late, and she would stay overnight.Shao Yun gave up the big room to her and the child, so he was happy to sleep in the next door.

For the first couple of times, Manzhi was still a little uneasy, after all, she was deeply worried about Shao Yun's rude reaction that day, but after a little while, seeing that he was fine and everything was going well during the two encounters, Manzhi gradually felt relieved.

Soon, Manzhi bought some candy and distributed it to the neighbors around the compound. It was also a simple summoning ceremony, and the sincere congratulations made Manzhi feel more real than the thin marriage certificate.

In the quiet afternoon, Mengmeng fell asleep, breathing evenly.Manzhi squatted on the balcony and looked at the top floor of the high-rise building in the distance, and suddenly felt sad that she married herself just like this.

Time has always been the most delicate thing. When you think it's too much, every minute and every second seems to be frozen.Once you forget it, it is like waking up overnight to find that time has passed.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye, and all of Manzhi's thoughts were on Mengmeng. She took good care of the child day and night.She also bought a bunch of parenting books and read them whenever she had nothing to do, as if she really wanted to raise children in a very scientific way, Shao Yun didn't take it seriously.

"What she will become in the future is mostly determined by fate. If you work hard, you may end up with nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket. Aren't I a living example?" He leaned on the sofa and hit Manzhi disdainfully.

Manzhi has long been used to his arguments, and she doesn't take it for granted, and still goes her own way.

She gradually realized some ways to get along with Shao Yun. She doesn't have to be honest with him in everything. If she really wants to annoy him, she just ignores him. He has no choice. Each goes its own way without interfering with each other.What's more, he stays away most of the time, he has business during the day and entertainment at night, and Manzhi never asks about his whereabouts.When he occasionally stays at home with nothing to do, she will feel inexplicably cramped instead.

Shao Yun kept his word, except that he was not very forgiving, but he never thought about her in that regard, and he never even said frivolous words.While Manzhi is at ease, sometimes she can't help thinking wildly, probably in his eyes, she is not even a woman.However, she was always vaguely confused, why did he marry her?Really just for kids?Or what he called revenge?

Manzhi didn't feel how bad he was to her. Although life was as plain as water, it wasn't as bad as she had imagined.Either her temperament has undergone a great change, as long as she can live a stable life, she can also feel happy.

Manzhi is a restless person. Although Shao Yun will give her ample income every month, and he is not stingy with money as long as she asks for something, she will still find time to find ways to earn some extra money. In the depths, she very much rejects the idea of ​​being raised by others, even though she can't really do much with her extra money, stepping on the sewing machine for others, pasting some cardboard boxes, and translating some technical documents at the highest level.But she still worked very seriously, and silently wrote down the account. Watching the number on the paper rise from two digits to four digits, she felt a little satisfied.

Of course, all these things were done secretly without telling Shao Yun, if he found out, it would be strange if he didn't show his face.Manzhi has been with him for a long time, and knows that he is a very high-spirited person.That's right, it was so beautiful back then, and there were crowds of people cheering and hugging every time he went out. Compared with the present, it was really hard for him to bear it.

Shen Yufang would often come over to see their mother and daughter, but she didn't talk much, and she had to avoid too many topics, so she could only talk about irrelevant things. The most talked about was about Shao Yun's childhood, so Manzhi could listen to it. It is very fresh and interesting. In every mother's mouth, no matter how naughty the child is, it is also the cutest.

Occasionally, Shen Yufang would tactfully hope that Manzhi could persuade Shao Yun to go back and have a look. While sighing, Manzhi knew that Shao Junkang's situation was not good, and she never accepted such remarks. She was not great enough to replace her enemy Be a lobbyist.

There are a lot of women living in the compound, and they are all curious about Manzhi, they come and go, get to know each other well, and often come to drop by, talk to her, and get rid of a little boredom.

But Manzhi still felt lonely, a kind of loneliness born from deep in her heart, and this feeling became more and more obvious after the wound gradually healed.

She often thinks, what would she be doing now without this accident?

Undoubtedly, she must be working diligently in a certain company, she may be scolded by the boss, or stumble with colleagues, but no matter how she assumes it, she thinks it is such a luxury.

And Xiao Feng, she will probably be with Xiao Feng, and they may be planning to buy a house.She once said that she wanted to buy a big house, decorate it beautifully, and then take over all her family members so that they could live comfortably from now on.When she said these words, Fang Zhuyun laughed at her impracticality.

"Your thinking is really naive. What if Xiao Feng's family wants to live here? Your house is not the piece of cake in Jesus' hand, and you will never be able to eat it all!"

Manzhi also knows that she is unrealistic, but people always need to dream. Without dreams, what's the point of living, just like her now, although she is healthy, but in the spiritual world, she is almost equivalent to a walking dead.She has already thought about it in private. In two years, when Mengmeng enters kindergarten, she will go out to find a job anyway. Confined in such a small environment every day, Manzhi feels that she is about to get moldy.

The weather is getting hotter, Mengmeng is very active, and she is sweating after eating. Manzhi always gives her a bath before taking a nap, so that lying in bed will not be sticky and uncomfortable.

Children probably love to play with water. After taking a bath, the ground is wet and bald. Manzhi is also covered in sweat, and feels like her waist is about to break.While dressing Mengmeng, the door lock rang twice, and Shao Yun came back.

Manzhi was really surprised, he seldom showed up at home at this hour, so he couldn't help asking.

"It's a bit uncomfortable to eat with a few vendors nearby, so come back and take a break."

While Shao Yun was speaking, there was a slight smell of alcohol, and Manzhi noticed that his face was indeed red.

"Are you drunk?"

Shao Yun smiled and fell down on the sofa, "Who said it, it's not easy to get me drunk."

Manzhi tidied up Mengmeng, put her beside Shaoyun, asked him to take a look, and leaned over to carry the basin by herself.

She was wearing a very homely sleeveless dress with a low neckline. When she bent down, the angle was just facing Shao Yun. A few strands of hair were scattered and swayed with her movements.

Manzhi came out after cleaning the tub in the bathroom, and seeing Shao Yun holding a cigarette in his left hand and holding a lighter in his right hand, he hurriedly stopped him, "Hey, don't smoke in the room."

Shao Yun seemed a little dazed. Hearing what she said, he didn't refute. He got up and went to the balcony.

Manzhi put Mengmeng on the bed, she was not tired from playing, she was babbling and refused to give in, so Manzhi could only coax her patiently, and gently patted her lotus root-like calves with her hands.She took pictures slowly and rhythmically. Gradually, Mengmeng became quiet and her eyelids were heavy.

Still smelling the smell of smoke, Manzhi was extremely sensitive to the pungent smell, she frowned, feeling very annoyed, and when Mengmeng fell asleep, she went to the balcony.

Shao Yun was leaning on the railing, smoking a cigarette thoughtfully, the warm wind of early summer was blowing slowly, and the wine was a little drunk.

Manzhi stepped forward and snatched the cigarette between his fingers, threw it on the ground, and stomped it out.

Shao Yun turned around and looked at her in astonishment, unable to react for a while.

"Please don't light cigarettes in any corner of this house in the future, otherwise, Mengmeng is inhaling second-hand smoke. As a father, can't you be more considerate?"

Shao Yun glared at her. Although Manzhi looked sullen, her face was extremely vivid, fair face, ruddy lips, and those scissored eyes. bright.

He suddenly became irritable, and he couldn't get angry with her, so he just said in a low voice, "Don't mess with me." Then he quickly turned around, and the long-lost strangeness rose again in his heart, and it was all over the place. whole body.

Manzhi was ready to face the battle, and she had tolerated him for a long time as far as smoking was concerned.It's just that he didn't expect that he didn't accept the move, as if he punched in the air, a little lost.

"Don't mess with me either." She mumbled softly, as if she had found a step for herself, and turned her head to go back into the house.

Shao Yun heard her provocative whisper, turned around suddenly, and dragged her back, "What did you say?"

Manzhi was taken aback, not at all wary of his sudden and violent reaction, but it was useless to regret it.

Her back was tightly squeezed against the rough concrete wall of the balcony, and the fine grains of sand rubbed against her skin, making her feel numb and uncomfortable.

Shao Yun's face was close at hand, sparks sparkled in his deep eyes, and his aura, both familiar and unfamiliar, wrapped her up completely, Manzhi felt dizzy and almost lost her heartbeat, she tried her best to calm herself down, Shen Sheng said: "Let me go."

Shao Yun didn't let go, instead, he stretched out his right hand to pinch Manzhi's chin and lifted it up gently, forcing her to look at him.

His gaze at this moment could almost be called gentle, and it seemed that two clusters of flames were beating vaguely.For a moment, Manzhi suspected that he might be thinking of Manqi, and once this idea came up, she felt so credible, and at the same time, it made her feel a little bit inexplicably sad.

His gaze gradually shifted and landed on her fresh and tender lips, where he froze for a long time.Manzhi realized something and suddenly panicked.

Seeing him slowly lowering his face with a fiery temperature, his whole face shrouded Manzhi, as if forming a huge shadow, which made Manzhi shudder, she felt that she was going to be unable to hold on, but she Unable to let him go, he whispered in a panic, "Don't forget our agreement."

Shao Yun suddenly heard it, and stood there as if he had been immobilized. His lips almost touched hers, but he finally stopped.Then he straightened up slowly and stared at her closely, his eyes gradually turning cold.

He took a step back and let her go, with a sneer on his lips, "I almost forgot, you are going to be a virgin." After he finished speaking sarcastically, he stepped into the room.

Manzhi was still standing on the balcony in a daze, like a wooden sculpture.

In fact, she wasn't thinking about anything, she just felt a little breathless, as if she lacked oxygen.

When she went in, Shao Yun was no longer in the room.

That night, he didn't come back all night.

At night, Manzhi was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, and the scenes of the day kept passing before her eyes like a movie replay, which disturbed her.

Eventually, she forced herself to decide that he was just drunk.

After Mengmeng turned one year old, she gradually started to speak.

Many colorful memories about children gradually blurred with the passage of time, but Manzhi never forgot the scene when she heard Mengmeng call her "Mom" for the first time.

That childish call made her freeze on the spot, as if she was hit by an electric current. At that moment, she even felt that Manqi's soul was attached to her body, and she was so excited that she almost shed tears.All the hard work and all the grievances were turned into ashes immediately, and they went away with the wind. Manzhi felt that everything was worth it.

The first complete sentence Mengmeng learned was "Mom, Mengmeng wants it."

Whenever she was hungry, thirsty, peeing, or wanting to play, she always blurted out such a sentence.

Manzhi was particularly fascinated by her words. Every time she heard her shouting like this, she would stop no matter how urgent she was, and rush to satisfy her in a hurry.

Since having Manzhi, Shao Yun has almost kept Mengmeng at arm's length. This does not mean that he doesn't love children, but he is really afraid of being entangled by a child all the time. He doesn't have much experience and often makes things messy.When Mengmeng began to use language, her world suddenly became richer. In Shao Yun's eyes, she seemed to have become a real "person" at this moment, capable of thinking and expressing. Before that, she Not much different from a small animal.

However, Mengmeng is not close to him, Shaoyun occasionally came to tease her in the interest, Mengmeng always had an impatient expression, which was very similar to Shaoyun.When something happened, she still turned to look for Manzhi, "Mom, Mengmeng wants it."

Fortunately, Shao Yun didn't mind, there must be gains and losses, and he is also very often on a whim, as long as Mengmeng is by his side, it doesn't matter who she kisses.

Manzhi often takes Mengmeng back to Su's house.Jinbao and Haifeng had no choice but to accept this fact gradually.In any case, Manzhi's life has returned to normal, although not satisfactory.

At the age of 30, Haifeng finally talked with a stable girlfriend. He worked in the same factory as Liu Shuzhen. Married in the new year of the year.

Manzhi is really happy for her brother.She took out all the money she had saved from odd jobs, and bought wedding items for Haifeng, from pots and pans to bedding, as if it was her own business.Although Haifeng has worked for many years, he doesn't have much savings. He spent a lot of money just to renovate the house.

Deep in her heart, she is not without regrets. Which girl has never dreamed of being a bride, wearing a white wedding dress, stepping gracefully on the red carpet, and standing opposite the man she likes.

It is already impossible for Manzhi herself, but she is willing to see her brother accompany the girl he likes and experience everything she has imagined happily.

The day before the wedding, Manzhi hesitated and asked Shao Yun if he would go, but of course he said no.

He seldom went to Su's house, and every time he went, he sat for a while and was eager to leave.

It was the place where Manqi lived, and he was instinctively afraid that the nightmare that had been dispelled with great difficulty would return again.

What's more, there are few relatives of the Su family who don't know about Manqi, and he went, which will only increase the conversation.

Shao Yun sealed a very thick red envelope for Manzhi, and asked her to take it with her.She somewhat understood his thoughts, so she didn't force it.

Many of the relatives have not seen each other for a long time. Manzhi carried a child so eye-catchingly, there were so many people whispering, even Haifeng was worried, for fear that Manzhi would not be able to bear it, but she sat at the main table talking and laughing freely, thoughtful Presided over the affairs that should be done in the man's family, without the slightest timidity, which made relatives and friends look up to him.

It's not that she is not sad, but she understands that if she wants to live a normal life, she can no longer escape. Isn't life a mirror, if you smile at it, it will smile back, and if you cry at it, it can only pay you back. A mournful face.

Manzhi wants to live a good life with a smile, for Mengmeng and for herself.

It's been a busy New Year's Eve, and the days go by very quickly.Manzhi no longer hesitated, she divided her time into several pieces, made plans separately, and carried them out in an orderly manner.In addition to continuing to do some odd jobs, she spent more time on Mengmeng's education, teaching her to read poems, playing intellectual games with her, and even teaching simple mathematics a little too hastily.

Children under the age of two have extremely limited attention span. Manzhi thinks that she is patient enough, but she still teaches today to forget tomorrow. She finds that Mengmeng is not a genius without regret.

Although Shao Yun doesn't interfere with her behavior, he pays attention to it, and when he sees her occasionally showing a disappointed expression, he will ridicule her for "pull the seedlings and encourage them to grow".

He still has a lukewarm attitude towards Manzhi. Since the "balcony incident", he seems to deliberately avoid the opportunity to be alone with her.There is not much room for communication between them, but because they have been getting along for a long time, there are no frequent quarrels. On the surface, they are no different from ordinary couples with harmonious families.

Occasionally when the weather is fine, Shao Yun is willing to accompany her for a walk in pushing the cute baby carriage.A family of three strolling on the street can attract the envious eyes of passers-by.At this time, Manzhi is always a little apprehensive, she doesn't like false things by nature.Sometimes I can't help but think in a trance, how perfect it would be if Manqi was with them, and when I thought about it, my heart began to sizzle again.

Even if there is such a chance for a threesome in the future, she will avoid it with excuses.

The dinner had just started when Shao Yun's cell phone rang, and he was pouring wine for Zhang Kun.

Feng Tao said: "Ah Yun, hurry up and answer the phone, it can't be the boy surnamed Tong who is calling, the price is too low, is he going back on his word?"

Shao Yun took out his mobile phone calmly, and snorted coldly: "I signed everything, so why regret it?"

Zhang Kun said happily: "Our Young Master Yun's methods of lowering prices are getting stronger and stronger. It's really a tiger father without a dog!"

After hearing his words, Shao Yun felt very uncomfortable. While frowning, he glanced at the number on the phone screen, which was very unfamiliar.

He pressed the button and said "Hello" impatiently.

"It's me." Manzhi's voice came through the phone, but it was timid.

Shao Yun seldom received her calls, so his heart skipped a beat, but his tone was extremely lazy, "What's the matter?"

From her tone, he could guess that it would not be a good thing.

Sure enough, Manzhi said slowly: "After dinner, I took Mengmeng down for a walk. When I came back, I found that the key was left in the house... I called Aunt Liu."

Shao Yun took a deep breath and asked coldly: "Then what do you want from me? Go back now?"

"No, no need." Manzhi didn't dare to bother him, and asked after a pause, "Where are you, I'll go find you."

Shao Yun was silent for a while, and he didn't want to move, so he told her the address of the hotel, and said, "Take a taxi, hurry up."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Chao had already come out of the bathroom and sat down beside Shao Yun.

Feng Tao taunted him, "You are the worst. You started to run to the toilet before you drank the wine. Is there something wrong with your kidneys?"

Among the group of people, Gu Chao is the one who is most used to being made fun of, all because of his open mouth and relatively simple mind.

Gu Chao gave him a sip, "You're talking nonsense!"

Zhang Kun sneered, "Maybe then, among us, you are the sexiest, and you will have a physical reaction when you see a woman."

A few people laughed ambiguously, Gu Chao stared at him first, then he couldn't help but also laughed.

"Who did you answer the phone just now? His face is full of radiance." Gu Chao also has cunning moments, and at this moment he desperately wants to turn the topic on Shao Yun.

"Hey, listen, Lao Gu can also use idioms now, and he speaks in a polite way." Feng Tao continued to laugh.

"Nanny." Shao Yun replied lightly.

"Is the child okay?" Zhang Kun asked with concern.

"It's nothing, I forgot the key in the house." Shao Yun said, not wanting to talk, raised his glass in his hand.

They are all very close friends, and they don't feel restrained, and the wine drinking is extraordinarily lively.

Gu Chao is the type who gets louder the more he drinks. If he opens his mouth, it will be difficult for others to get in his mouth. After talking about it, it is nothing more than which entertainment city has the most beautiful girls and where the massage girls are the most beautiful. stand out.Others listened and regarded it as an appetizer.

Shao Yun was a little silent today. While drinking slowly, he glanced at the stairs on the second floor from time to time.He hesitated in his heart, whether he should have promised Manzhi to let her come over just now, he should actually go back, but he didn't want Manzhi to feel that he was too enthusiastic.

The waiting time is extremely long, but there is always an end.Just as he was restless, Manzhi's figure had already appeared in his field of vision.

In the noisy environment, she stretched her neck to search, her petite figure became much thinner against the light, and she was faintly at a loss.

Shao Yun didn't stand up to signal to her, but just watched from a distance, watching her anxious eyes search back and forth.

Suddenly I was a little dazed, as if I had never known her before.

Manzhi finally saw Shao Yun, with a relieved smile on his face, and walked over quickly.

"It's really hard to find here. I took a few detours and asked for a letter before I touched it."

Shao Yun frowned and said, "You didn't take a taxi?"

"Well, you said it's on Jingui Road. I think it's a bit far away. Anyway, the station is at the entrance of the alley."

Shao Yun glanced at her speechlessly, grabbed a bunch of keys from his pocket, shook, untied the door keys, and handed them over.

Manzhi took it in her hand, only to realize that several people at the same table were staring at her with piercing eyes, feeling a little embarrassed.

Shao Yun didn't seem to want to introduce those present to her, so she raised her hand to shake the hair on her temples, and nodded vaguely to the table out of politeness.

"Then I'll go first."

Shao Yun didn't keep her, just said leisurely: "You should take a taxi back, it won't be safe on the road if it's late."

Still in an impatient tone, Manzhi's heart finally warmed up, she let out an "hey" and walked away quickly.

Gu Chao looked at Shao Yun dumbfounded, "This, this is your nanny?"

Shao Yun ignored him and continued drinking.

Gu Chao just didn't wink, and he was still talking openly.

"Young Master Yun, you babysitter, why do I see that the ladies in Bige City are all fresh? Where did you find it? Or, get one for me?"

Shao Yun was already frowning, Feng Tao looked on coldly, and seemed to see something, so he quickly picked up the cup and sipped the wine again.

After a few glasses of wine, Gu Chao was extraordinarily excited, salivated and approached Shao Yun, winked and said: "I saw her walking just now, she must have not been touched by anyone. Hehe, you are really good enough, put such a You can bear it when you are by your side, it's not like your usual behavior!"

Listening to his nonsense, Feng Tao thought that Shao Yun would probably get angry. He has always been tactful. Although Shao Yun's face was always calm, he still roughly weighed the weight of the girl in Shao Yun's heart based on his intuition.

Just as he was about to reprimand him and smooth things over, Shao Yun stood up unexpectedly, grabbed a bottle of red wine in front of him with his left hand, pinched Gu Chao's chin with his right hand, and pointed the mouth of the bottle at his mouth. He poured it down hard.

Gu Chao jumped three feet high, jumped up frantically, still choked a few times, his chest was wet.Surprised and angry, he shouted, "What are you doing?"

Shao Yun smiled lightly, let go of his hand, and the wine bottle fell to the ground with a "snap", and the crimson juice splashed everywhere.

He sat down without changing his face and heartbeat, raised his eyebrows coldly and said: "Your mouth is too smelly, I will wash it for you."

The atmosphere was extremely awkward.Although Gu Chao had always been a bit afraid of him, after all, in front of everyone, he was a little bit reluctant to get off the stage, standing upright with resentment, his fists clenched.

Shao Yun stared at him sarcastically, and said with a half-smile: "What's the matter, do you still want to fight? Let's go, I'm willing to accompany you!"

Zhang Kun came over with a haha, patted Gu Chao on the shoulder, said to him again, and at the same time said to Shao Yun: "Okay, okay, we are all brothers. If you don't see each other when you look up, why do you have to turn your face? Young Master Yun's temper is Don't worry, the things you said, Gu Gu, are really outrageous."

Feng Tao got up at the right time, and said with a smile, "Kunzi is right, if there is any misunderstanding, let us explain it clearly, we will still be brothers from now on."

After a round of persuading each other, Gu Chao became more sober. Although he didn't understand why Shao Yunyuan lost his temper, he always caused troubles. Although he was vulgar, he could take it and let it go, so he went over to apologize first. .

Shao Yun's expression slowed down, and he didn't want to go too far, so he raised his wine glass and touched Gu Chao's, making peace.

After the meal, he changed to another place to relax, and he was right to apologize to Gu Chao.

Shao Yun suddenly became tired of the beauty who was always wrapped around her body delicately, feeling uninterested, so he found a reason and left early.

(End of this chapter)

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