Flower Room

Chapter 15 Nanny

Chapter 15 Nanny
Among the three, Feng Tao is the oldest, and at this time, he can't help but grow old, "According to me, you put your face on the ground and apologize in front of the old man's bed, then it will still be the same. Rain. As for fooling around with us?"

Zhang Kun laughed aloud, and said, "Yes, yes, go back quickly and take back the power. In the future, my brothers will still be waiting for your meal."

Shao Yun sullenly turned his back on them, and after listening to them enough, he said: "Stop talking nonsense, let me understand, will you help me with this favor or not?"

Feng Tao frowned and said, "It's not that we don't help, it's just that someone like you can endure this hardship? You, you just sit in the office."

Gu Chao came in from the door, took out the cigarette in his hand as he walked, and smiled when he saw Shao Yun, "Yo, Young Master Yun is here, why don't you know?" He leaned against the wall and sat down beside Shao Yun , with a particularly rough voice, "Is your old man okay? What did he say about us back then?"

He squinted his eyes, as if recalling, "Say we are hooligans, scum! Hey!" He patted Shao Yun's shoulder, "How dare you go back and forth with us behind his back?"

Shao Yun's face was livid, Feng Tao immediately cast a wink at Gu Chao, and shouted: "Don't spray dung as soon as you come, he is blocked."

Gu Chao was just joking, how could he not know Shao Yun's situation, and when he saw the situation, he immediately accepted it.

Zhang Kun couldn't help it, so he spit out: "I have a batch of woolen sweaters at my place. They were selected by foreign trade. The material is not good. It's a pity that the Yankees are too strict in quality inspection, so they bought the next batch. It almost killed me. So, I'll give it all to you, friend, don't worry about money, as much as you can sell, you will earn it."

Shao Yun's face softened, and he said in a low voice: "That's not going to work, it's still calculated according to your rules, and you can give the money as you want."

After hearing this, Feng Tao felt compelled to contribute, "My shop on Hengshan Road was vacated just last week, and I haven't had time to rent it yet. You can put it there."

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "The area is pretty good. Girls shop around a lot, so there must be business."

Gu Chao patted his chest, and said loudly: "In this case, brother, I will go to practice with you, more people will do more."

Feng Tao looked at him sideways, "You didn't go for Ayun, you went for the girls there, right?"

Everyone is happy.

Shao Yun asked, "When are you going to pick up the goods?"

Zhang Kun said: "You can do it whenever you are free."

"Then go now." Shao Yun came quickly with a vigorous temper.

Gu Chao also stood up, "I'll go with you."

Walking to the door, Feng Tao stopped Shao Yun, "Your current house is really unlivable, don't mess with yourself, move to my place, my apartment is empty and empty."

Shao Yun lowered his head and smiled, and said, "Thank you Brother Tao, I can't rely on you all the time to eat and drink for free. It's okay there, it's nothing more than a place to sleep."

Feng Tao shook his head and sighed, and didn't say anything more. After thinking for a while, he took out a stack of banknotes from the drawer, walked over and stuffed them into Shao Yun's hand, "Milk powder money. Just take it as some kindness from us uncles to the children." .”

Several people put away their originally smiling faces, and turned their dignified gazes to the young father.

Shao Yun's heart warmed up, he pursed his lips vigorously, and did not refuse, "I will remember all your benefits, and I will definitely repay you twice in the future."

The next day, Shao Yun set up a stall on Hengshan Road early in the morning, and Gu Chao also came to help. He was originally from a stall practice, and he had more experience in store layout than Shao Yun.Before nine o'clock, the two of them stood outside the narrow shop and smoked firmly.

There were not many people in the morning, and the nearby shops were a little lazy.Gu Chao took the opportunity to grab Shao Yun and speak.

"Are you really going to mess around like this?"

Shao Yun gracefully flicked the burning cigarette in his hand with his fingers, brought it to his mouth again, smoked it slowly, and looked at Gu Chao with a half-smile, "Isn't it good to live on your own?"

Gu Chao spat hard on the ground, "What a fart! If I had a rich father, would I still come out to drink the Northwest Wind? I would be happy to lick his feet every day!"

Shao Yun snorted, didn't want to pay attention to him, and turned his head to look into the distance.

Gu Chao resentfully said: "You just read too much, probably ruined your brain. If you leave it alone, you won't live a good life!"

A few girls came over chirping and stopped in front of their shop to look at their clothes.Only then did Gu Chao get excited, walked over and said, "Beauty, do you fancy anything?"

A girl with big eyes asked suspiciously, "Are you the boss?"

Gu Chao giggled and pointed to Shao Yun, "He is the boss, and I am only responsible for working for him."

Shao Yun turned around and nodded slightly.

"Hey, I said that handsome guy, how much is this one?" Another bold girl was holding a dark blue sweater in her hand and stared at Shao Yun with a smile and asked.

Shao Yun was stunned for a moment, and said with a little embarrassment: "Ninety."

"It's so expensive, can it be cheaper?"

Shao Yun didn't know how to deal with it, he had never done business before.

Gu Chao went up, Ji Li Gua La and the girl bargained for a while, and finally it was [-] cheaper.Gu Chao also put on a sad look and said to the girl: "I have lost a lot this time, you have to call me 'handsome guy' to make up for it."

The girl raised her neck and said in a strong tone: "Then I can't speak out of my conscience, how handsome are you?"

Gu Chao did look a little sorry, just a pair of goldfish eyes is completely incompatible with the word "handsome".

After the first caller left, Shao Yun frowned and asked Gu Chao, "Shall we sell at a loss?"

Gu Chao "cut" him, "Do you really believe what that scumbag Kunzi said? He said that this product sells for [-], so it is estimated that it can be worth [-]. It is not bad. A profiteer and a profiteer, there is no profiteer."

After a few days, Shao Yun's face thickened, and he even dared to yell in the street.Sometimes Gu Chao can't come because of something, and he can handle it alone.

In the afternoon, there were still people coming and going, and Shao Yun was very busy.

A silver Mercedes-Benz stopped at the opposite corner, and a short-haired girl got out of the car, leaning against the door and looking towards him for a while.

Shao Yun turned around by chance, saw the car opposite, was slightly startled, and moved his gaze upwards, it was indeed her.

Seeing that he saw her, Shi Min walked over. The two stood facing each other, but they didn't know how to speak.

It was Shi Min who said first: "I came out to do some business, I didn't expect to see you here."

Shao Yun grinned, a little bluntly.

"...Is business going well?"

Shao Yun shrugged and said, "It's okay."

A customer asked Shao Yun the price inside, Shao Yun turned his head and replied, but his feet did not move.

"Will it not delay your work?" Shi Min was still very polite.

Shao Yun just looked at her, seeing a trace of frustration in her composure, she was always like this, even if she cared, she would put on a chic look.

"I don't care if the business is more or less."

Shi Min listened silently, then raised her face, and finally said wistfully, "I never thought we would have today."

"I didn't expect that either." Shao Yun's voice sank, and finally there was a little apology on his face, "Shi Min, I'm sorry."

Seeing him like this, Shi Min felt a little uncomfortable, forced a smile and shook her head.

"You don't actually love her, do you? If you really love her, with your personality, you will marry her desperately instead of hiding it."

Shao Yun stared blankly at Shi Min's mouth, as if it was difficult to digest what she just said, of course he understood who Shi Min said "she".

He seldom thought about the issue of love, and always felt that it was a word that only a man with a mother-in-law would talk about.For him, there are only two kinds of things, what to do and what not to do.

Indeed, he likes Manqi, so he can't help approaching her, but from the very beginning, he knew very well that it was impossible for him and Manqi to get together in an open and honest way. There were too many barriers between them, and he didn't have the ability and courage to overcome them. .

But Shi Min's words startled him, he had to ask himself, did he come to this point because he didn't love Manqi enough?
"You pity her and feel sorry for her, so you can't face your father. Am I right?"

Shao Yun couldn't answer, just kept silent.

Shi Min looked down at the ground, played with the cap of a bottle of mineral water with her feet, then raised her head and said with a smile: "Of course, you don't necessarily love me. You're just used to having me by your side."

Shao Yun's brows were tightly knit together, he looked at Shi Min again, hesitant to speak.

Maybe, she was right, after they broke off the engagement, he didn't feel much pain, but felt deeply sorry for her, this kind of feeling was probably not love, thinking about it like this, he still felt sad.

From the moment he deviant, she was the only one who knew him best, always cared about him, and had an outlet for his angry teenage years, even if it was not enough.

But now, even she is finally leaving him.

Shao Yun smiled wryly before saying, "Is my love important to you?"

Shi Min fiddled with the red cover for a long time, finally raised his head, looked at him, and said calmly: "It's not important now."

She finally said: "Go back and have a look when you have time, he is your father after all." She turned and walked towards her car, took two steps, and turned to look at Shao Yun again.

"I've seen a photo of you and her in City H. Someone sent it to me anonymously. I think this person must be very concerned about you."

After Shi Min finished speaking, she hurriedly crossed the street, got into the car, and quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

Shao Yun stared blankly at the direction the car left, chewing over and over the last sentence she said in his heart.

Who will it be?Who could have done such a thing?

The days of autumn rain have made people feel a little wet in their hearts.

The day finally cleared, and the balcony was immediately covered with colorful clothes and sheets, waving in the wind like colorful flags.

After eating, Manzhi hugged Mengmeng in her arms, touched her back with his hand, and said to Aunt Qiu: "Good morning, give her a bath."

Aunt Qiu was already obedient to her, and immediately went to the aisle to light the stove to boil water, which was learned from Aunt Liu to save gas.

Manzhi cleared a piece of the floor of the small living room and put it on the largest basin that Aunt Qiu used for laundry. Mengmeng was lying on the plastic floor mat beside her, eager to crawl over, but the three-month-old child had no Unable to crawl, he began to babble and complain.

Seeing this, Manzhi carried her into the basin with a smile, and asked her to hold the edge of the basin with both hands, "Mengmeng, is it fun?"

Mengmeng tapped the rim of the basin with her small hands, giggling happily.

After Aunt Qiu boiled the water, the two adults closed the doors and windows tightly and started to get busy.

Manzhi gently rubbed her little hands, and said happily: "It seems that she has gained a lot of weight."

"Two days ago, Mr. Shao also said that this child seems to be fat, and there is flesh on his body."

Manzhi asked calmly, "What is he busy with now?"

Aunt Qiu quickly rubbed Mengmeng's chubby back, and said, "It seems to be some kind of business."

Mengmeng slammed her palm on the water inadvertently, and the water splashed everywhere. Manzhi's eyes flew into the water, and she couldn't open her eyes for a while, and said with a smile: "This little villain."

"It will become more and more skinny in the future."

There was a sudden sound of the door lock turning, and the two people inside the door were stunned.

"It can't be... Mr. is back, right?" Aunt Qiu stammered and guessed, and suddenly panicked.Unfortunately, Aunt Liu went back to her mother's house today, Manzhi thought it was not such a coincidence, so she stayed, but she just agreed to that sentence, there is no such thing as a coincidence.

Manzhi quickly glanced at the room, there was not even a place to hide, but she still held her breath and said to Aunt Qiu: "Wipe the child first, it will be bad if you don't catch a cold."

Aunt Qiu responded in panic, and the door opened, and it was really Shao Yun who came in.

He was shocked to see the situation in the room, his eyes changed from surprise to anger, he pointed at Manzhi, and asked viciously: "Who let you in?"

Aunt Qiu was so flustered that her hands were trembling.

Manzhi was not so nervous at this time, she put Mengmeng's clothes on in an orderly manner, and then put them in Aunt Qiu's arms, and said softly: "Then I'll go first."

She didn't speak to Shao Yun, nor did she look at him, but she could imagine the fierce look on his face when he stared at her.

Aunt Qiu nodded, only carefully checking Shao Yun's expression.

As soon as Manzhi walked out, the door was slammed shut.She turned around and glanced, unconsciously sighing.I feel sincerely sorry that in this way, she can no longer see Mengmeng so smoothly, and Shao Yun will definitely take strict precautions.She didn't knock on the door of Aunt Liu's house, so as not to be discovered by Shao Yun and cause more trouble.

Two days later, Manzhi couldn't bear it anymore, so she tried to call Aunt Liu, and she came back from her natal home.

"Oh, Manzhi, Aunt Qiu was driven away by him."

"What?" Manzhi was taken aback, filled with guilt, and murmured: "Then I really hurt Aunt Qiu. What should the child do now?"

"I saw a new babysitter yesterday. She looks quite young, but she has a bad face. She is a foreigner and not very easy to deal with."

Manzhi's heart was heavy, she thought for a while and said, "I'd better come." Even if it's Hushan, she has to go up.

When they arrived at the compound, Manzhi went to find Aunt Liu first.

Aunt Liu shook her head straight at her, "This little girl is not easy to deal with, she is so fierce. Pity your child who has been crying since morning."

When Manzhi heard this, she felt pain in her heart, and she didn't care too much, so she had to go out and knock on their door, and Aunt Liu followed enthusiastically.

A girl with heavy makeup opened the door with an impatient look on her face, "Who are you looking for?"

Aunt Liu immediately said for Manzhi: "This is the child's real mother, come and see her."

The little nanny looked serious, "Mister told me that no one can see the child without his permission."

After speaking, he closed the door forcefully.

Aunt Liu sighed, "Look at it, look at it, it looks like this, alas."

Unwilling to give up, Manzhi jumped up and knocked again. After a while, the door opened again, and the little nanny yelled at her angrily, "If you dare to knock again, I'll call 110."

Manzhi was already furious, and instead of talking to her, she went straight in, "You can call 110 and I have to see her. I heard the child crying all the time. How did you take her with you?"

Aunt Liu followed and yelled in the same way, "That's right, there's no reason for the mother not to see the child."

The little nanny didn't expect them to behave like this, and suddenly panicked.

Entering the room, Manzhi froze for a moment. There was still someone in the room. He was a thin man, not very old, with a crew cut and a bit of a mischievous eye. He packed bundles of things on the floor, and even Mengmeng was packed in a travel bag. Here, weeping in the dark.

"What are you guys doing?" Manzhi's voice changed.

When the man saw it, he knew it was not good, so he suddenly dodged and ran outside quickly.

Although Aunt Liu was fat, she was really clever, and immediately followed her out with a yell.

"Catch him, that red guy is a human trafficker, come and catch him!"

While talking, Pingtou had already rushed downstairs, and there were quite a lot of people in the compound during the day, and he was very familiar with Aunt Liu. Hearing her call, he hurriedly took action. In the end, Pingtou was held down by the trash can, and a pass Punch and kick.

The little nanny panicked and wanted to slip away, but Manzhi grabbed her and said angrily, "It's my turn to call 110 this time."

"Elder Sister, it's the first time for you to hold your hands high." The little nanny lost all strength and just begged.

Where is Manzhi? If she didn't insist on breaking in today, maybe she really let them get away, then she and Mengmeng, maybe it will be difficult to see each other again in this life. Thinking of this, she is afraid and hates .

Shao Yun came back in a hurry after six o'clock, with a tired look on his face.Still looking for the key, Aunt Liu, who was diagonally across the door, shouted behind him, "Mr. Shao just came back, something big happened today!"

Shao Yun stopped his hands and looked at her puzzled, "What's the matter?"

Aunt Liu told the story of the little nanny trying to steal the child, and Shao Yun's face paled when he heard it.

"It's thanks to Manzhi, otherwise you won't be able to see the baby when you come back. Oh, you guys are too, the young couple has a baby, and if there is any problem that can't be solved, it's better for the baby if you get married sooner." Aunt Liu said no After a lot of persuasion, Shao Yun was secretly annoyed, thinking that Manzhi might have talked nonsense with her, he didn't bother to argue with others, so he nodded numbly, opened the door and entered the room.

Manzhi played with Mengmeng on the floor mat, cooked several dishes on the small dining table, and cooked them carefully with a bowl.

Shao Yun threw the bag in his hand and the coat he took off onto the sofa heavily. He didn't chase people away like last time, but he still lowered his face and said, "Why are you so shameless? You are not welcome here."

Manzhi was still afraid because he almost led wolves into the house, and said unceremoniously: "If I don't watch here, I won't know when the child will be sold."

When Shao Yun mentioned the pain to her, he was a little speechless.But he couldn't stand Manzhi's way of asking questions, so he couldn't help raising his voice: "Don't blame Sang and scold Huai, Aunt Qiu has always taken good care of her. If you hadn't intervened, this kind of thing would have happened today?"

Manzhi was about to say a few more words, but on second thought, it would be difficult to annoy him, she might as well let him get away with it, she still has something important to discuss with him.

So he slowed down and said, "Let's have dinner, I've been burning it for a while, I'm afraid it's going to be cold."

Shao Yun ignored it, leaned back on the sofa, and said to the ceiling, "Let's go."

Manzhi's heart turned cold, she subconsciously hugged Mengmeng tightly, and murmured: "Can I... can I take Mengmeng with me?"

Shao Yun stared at her suddenly, and said angrily: "Su Manzhi, you really want to provoke me, don't you?"

Manzhi said at a loss: "I didn't mean that, Mengmeng has no one to take care of her at night, I just want to..."

"Don't even think about it, she is my daughter and has nothing to do with you!"

Manzhi was still worried, "But you are a man, how can you take her with you at night?"

"Don't worry about it! You've done me the greatest favor by disappearing from my sight immediately!" Shao Yun couldn't bear it anymore.

"She's very troublesome. She needs to nurse at night, and she will pee from time to time. If she wants to make a fuss, you won't be able to sleep well—ah!"

Shao Yun carried Manzhi out with one hand and threw it directly outside the door. Before closing the door, he threw a sentence to her viciously: "Remember, just take care of yourself."

Manzhi threw herself on the door again, shouting loudly: "I will treat the child well, I assure you, just give her to me—"

The door opened again suddenly, and Manzhi was pleasantly surprised, but Shao Yun just threw out one of her coats, and then quickly closed the door.

Manzhi stood disconsolately at the door for a while, put on her coat, and slowly squatted down.

She suddenly became determined, no matter what, she must strike Shao Yun while the iron is hot, otherwise it may be difficult to find another chance in the future.

At four o'clock in the morning, Shao Yun finally fell asleep in a daze.

He tossed and tossed five times in one night, and was woken up once every one and a half hours on average, either because he was hungry, or because he was peeing wet, or because he was making trouble for no reason. He was always a person who paid attention to the quality of sleep, and he just felt exhausted at this time.

When Dongfang gradually turned pale, he went to the bathroom, looked at his black and blue face, and doubted whether he was still a human being.

At the beginning, he was furious and snatched the child out, but once he really raised it himself, he realized how troublesome it was to hand it over to the nanny, and there were always some unsatisfactory things in one way or another.

He never expected that he would have such an embarrassing day. Thinking about it carefully, Shao Junkang's crime is unforgivable, but if Manzhi's horizontal knife did not intervene, it would not be so miserable. Thinking about it this way, Manzhi Even more resentful.

However, Manzhi didn't seem to mind the hatred shown by him, she still went her own way and appeared in front of her again and again. Her persistence drove him crazy. He had never met a woman like her in his life. Self-righteous, relentless, unable to scold or drive away, in front of her, he felt that his hatred seemed a little pale and powerless.

I don't know how long he slept, but Mengmeng next to him started whining and screaming again. Shao Yun desperately opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a while, feeling that his heart was more bitter than Coptis chinensis.

Struggling to turn sideways, Mengmeng has already woken up, looking at herself with a pair of dark eyes, her mouth keeps making a "pop" shape, staring at him curiously, as if making eye contact with him.He looked at it and suddenly laughed, "Mengmeng, are you hungry again?"

Mengmeng babbled and said something, calmly.

Shao Yun was a little discouraged, he was so sleepy that he didn't have the heart to tease her.After thinking about it for a while, he decided that it would be better to feed her. It would be easier for him to feel sleepy when he was full, so he would be relieved.

He got out of bed, picked up the baby bottle, opened the can of milk powder, scooped a few times into the bottle with a small spoon indiscriminately, walked to the living room, pressed the button of the water dispenser, but no water came out, and then looked into the bucket, empty. of.Overwhelmed by frustration, I stood there for a while, before thinking of asking any neighbor for emergency help.

Opening the door, he almost tripped over something soft at the door, and when he took a closer look, it turned out to be Manzhi curled up into a ball.

"You, why didn't you leave?" Shao Yun asked feebly, he no longer had the energy to yell at her.

Manzhi got up quickly, her eyes were sleepy, she also didn't sleep well all night, and she was really worried when she heard Mengmeng's noise at night, but she didn't dare to knock on the door, for fear of really annoying Shao Yun, he has the temper of Hades and can do anything.At this moment, seeing Shao Yun holding the milk bottle in his hand, he immediately understood and snatched it, "Is there no water? I'll ask Aunt Liu for it."

Perhaps due to lack of sleep, Shao Yun was obviously a little dull. He watched Manzhi knock on Aunt Liu's door without any objection. After a moment of trance, he returned to the house.

Not long after, Manzhi came in with a hot feeding bottle, and went directly to the bed to pick up Mengmeng and nurse her.

Shao Yun sighed helplessly, went to the bathroom to wash, then changed his clothes, walked to the door, turned around and glanced at Manzhi and the child, Mengmeng was sipping milk in her arms with peace of mind. Warm.

Forget it, he couldn't find a suitable person to take care of Mengmeng for a while, and he had to go out to make a living.Besides, he had to admit that at least Manzhi was reassuring to take care of the child, and he subconsciously compromised a step in his heart.

In fact, Manzhi was also a little nervous, for fear that Shao Yun would act aggressively again and drive her away, so she was cautious in her words and deeds, watched his words and demeanor, and when she saw that he acquiesced to her behavior and was ready to go out, she immediately became happy.

"If you dare to take her away secretly, let's see what will happen to me!" Before leaving, Shao Yun couldn't help but warned her, "You can try it!"

Manzhi never thought that she wouldn't be so foolish as to cause such trouble for herself.

Manzhi finally became Mengmeng's "nanny" smoothly, and she was quite satisfied with the result of this victory, even though her father and elder brother strongly opposed it after they knew about it.

"Manzhi, you should find a job and work hard, you have to have your own life!" Haifeng urged her more than once.

Su Jinbao was also very worried, he was afraid that Manzhi would be too stimulated and his mind would be ruined, Manzhi has always been a shrewd child, how could she ruin her future like this.

Manzhi solemnly said to her family: "Don't worry, I'm not crazy, I just do this for peace of mind, I can't let Manqi worry about Mengmeng in the sky."

Manzhi secretly went to a lawyer and wanted to ask about the custody of the child in such a situation, but she was very disappointed. She knew that no matter what, she couldn't compete with Shao Yun. After all, he was Mengmeng's biological father, unless He is willing to give up.But Manzhi also knew that it was absolutely impossible for Shao Yun to do that, so for the time being, she had to continue her job as a nanny, and she had no idea how long she would be.

The only thing that comforted her was that as Mengmeng grew up, she became more and more dependent on herself, and Shao Yun seemed to gradually get used to this little nest where she existed.

Usually as soon as Shao Yun arrives home, Manzhi has to leave immediately. He doesn't want to spend too much time with her, and instinctively rejects Manzhi in his heart.

One afternoon, Mengmeng had a fever, and Manzhi was really worried, so she begged to stay with her for the night. Shao Yun hesitated again and again, and finally nodded.

Shao Yun left the big room to them, and slept next door with a thin blanket.

Manzhi gave Mengmeng a lot of water and some antipyretics, and took her temperature every hour. The child fell asleep, but Manzhi couldn't sleep with her eyes open.With too many thoughts, she was worried about Mengmeng, not to mention that there was a man who didn't fit in with her lying next door, knowing that Shao Yun couldn't do anything to her, she felt a little nervous for no reason.

But Shao Yun fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

He started from the clothing business, and has already done several batches of business, antiques, home appliances, and even cosmetics, in short, he sells whatever he wants to make money.

He has never felt so tired before, he is busy every day, he no longer spends his days and nights in entertainment, plays mahjong with his friends occasionally, and eats a meal in a hurry, always thinking about making money.He suddenly discovered that he could become so vulgar, but this kind of vulgarity is not bad. After a long time, those painful thoughts can be pushed aside, and he grandiosely takes all these as inevitable.To lash out at setbacks with the crudest words and then quickly forget about them.In this way, he basically became a happy person like everyone else.

The only thing that bothers him is the dream, which is not controlled by his thoughts or heart, squeezes in in front of him abruptly, and then kills him.

In the middle of the night, Manzhi heard intermittent groans, uttering painful ravings like someone breathing under a pillow.She got up in horror, turned on a lamp beside the bed, sweated a little by the dim light, and tiptoed away looking for the sound.

That noise came from Shao Yun's room, he probably had some kind of nightmare.

Manzhi stood in front of him at a loss for a while, then hesitantly stretched out her hand to push him, trying to shake him awake and free him from the abyss of terror.

Shao Yun suddenly yelled, "I'm sorry!" He jumped up, sat up while supporting the quilt, his body was already dripping with sweat.

When I woke up, I realized that it was just a dream, but the feeling in the dream was so real, tearing my heart full of pain, it was unbearably painful.

Manzhi handed him a clean towel and said in a low voice, "Wipe off your sweat."

Shao Yun didn't look at her, and didn't reach out to pick her up, but murmured: "It's Manqi, she's here again...she's blaming me for not saving her! It's my fault...I didn't protect her well, I promise Hers, but she didn't do it!"

Manzhi's heart twitched, she saw the pain on Shao Yun's face clearly, her nose felt sour, and her tears rolled down quietly.

Hearing the sound of sobbing, Shao Yun turned his head slowly, the moment he saw Manzhi, his eyes were strange and sharp, which made Manzhi shiver involuntarily.

"Go away!" He said to her through gritted teeth.

Manzhi covered her face and fled back to the room as if flying.

That night, she cried and wet the whole pillow.I have to believe again that Shao Yun is sincere to Manqi. If it is not for him, my sister can at least enjoy the blessing of more than ten years, instead of sleeping in the ground like she is now.

However, she woke up too late.

(End of this chapter)

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