Flower Room

Chapter 12 Whistleblowing

Chapter 12 Whistleblowing
Shao Junbang was on a business trip, and he left a note on the table, listing a list of things Manzhi had to do.

A morning passed like this.

At noon, Lu Fang was not found, and she was busy in some corner, but I heard a girl from the administrative department talk about Shao Yun's engagement dinner at the Yilu Hotel tonight.Lu Fang sat in the hotel all day and was busy with this matter.Manzhi was extremely depressed, so she ate her lunch hastily and went back to her office to confine herself for a while.

She had to force herself to make a decision, whether to continue to track down her sister's whereabouts, or go back to F City to pursue her own future.She had already spent three months in Shao's, and had been dealing with Shao Yun for two months. She even used very clumsy means to follow him after get off work, but there was still nothing to gain.Manzhi's nature is honest and kind, so she can't figure out how Shao Yun has the ability to keep his mouth shut under his stalking. Is it necessary for him to do this?Besides, what good would it do him to hide Manqi?
Manzhi finally began to doubt his original judgment. Maybe he really didn't know about Manqi's whereabouts, or maybe he really blamed him by mistake.

The coffee on the table gradually became cold, and Manzhi finally made up her mind, despite all her helplessness.

Staring at the computer screen and talking for a long time, but failed to write a complete sentence, she got up impatiently and went to the tea room.

The lobby seemed to be very quiet this afternoon. I heard that many people were dispatched to the hotel to help, and there seemed to be a dance at night.

After drinking the water, Manzhi straightened up sullenly. Out of her corner of the eye, she caught a glimpse of a thin figure blocking the narrow doorway. It was Shao Yun.

Usually, Lu Fang would bring him tea and water, but today he can only do it himself.

Holding the teacup, Manzhi walked to the only exit and said with a blank expression, "I'm sorry, excuse me."

Probably used to looking like a debt collector every time he saw her, Shao Yun was a little surprised by her reaction today, but obediently stepped aside and let her pass.

After walking a few steps, footsteps came from behind, and Shao Yun's voice came to his ears, "Wait a minute."

Manzhi stopped and turned her head, seeing him coming out empty-handed, with a strange expression on her face, so she frowned at him.

When he came to him, Shao Yun hesitated again.

"I'm going out in a moment."


"Go to the hotel, tonight...I'm engaged."



Manzhi interrupted him unceremoniously, "You stopped me just to talk nonsense?"

Shao Yun looked at her, hesitated to speak, the hesitant look suddenly made Manzhi realize, and then said coldly: "Don't worry, I won't disturb the situation. I have no interest in your affairs at all - there are better things." The news tells you that I will leave Shaw soon, and you don't have to worry about seeing me anymore." She said, feeling a little sad, and after more than three months of tossing, it was all in vain.

Shao Yun said in a difficult tone, "That's not what I meant."

"What on earth do you want to say?" Manzhi became impatient. If it wasn't for Manqi, she wouldn't have any intention of talking too much with this dude who is always fooling around. She and him, from life to life attitude, are completely different. Two different types of people.

"Manqi, she... gave birth to a daughter."

When she first heard this, Manzhi was astonished. She stared at Shao Yun as if she was looking at an alien, and almost suspected that there was something wrong with her auditory system.

"What did you say?"

Shao Yun's expression was quite unnatural, he glanced at her hastily, and said, "Come to my office and talk." He walked to the front with big strides.

Manzhi still hadn't recovered from the shock, and after a few seconds of delay, she came back to her senses and followed closely.

She didn't expect that when she was about to give up, she would easily receive the answer.

The door was firmly locked, and Shao Yun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, with his back to Manzhi who was also standing there with an excited face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you before, Manqi was indeed picked up by me."

Manzhi only focused on holding his breath, and listened to him with a hanging heart, afraid that his words would be inappropriate, so he tightly closed his mouth again.

Shao Yun looked at a place far away from the window and spoke slowly.

"I saw Manqi for the first time at the New Year's party last year. She just sat quietly, but it made people feel so unusually beautiful. I asked her to dance, she said no, so I stayed with her Chatting, she is not the kind of flamboyant girl, a little shy, I admit that I was fascinated by her... Later, I asked her out a few times, and once I couldn't help it, I just..."

When Manzhi heard this, she couldn't help turning her face away, feeling strangely embarrassed, although Shao Yun was always facing out of the window and couldn't see her reaction.

"The longer I spend with her, the more I like her. But later, I felt that something was wrong. She was different from the women I knew before. I couldn't bear to hurt her, so I told her tactfully that I have a girlfriend. How smart and kind she is... As you said, in the end she left me on her own initiative."

Shao Yun sighed silently and turned around, with a rare expression on his face.

"Before I went to find her, I didn't think about what to do with her and the child in my womb. I didn't expect such a coincidence...she would be pregnant."

Manzhi closed her eyes, she only found it harsh to hear such words.

"She said she didn't want anything but to give birth to the child. She cried to me, and my heart was almost flooded by her tears. I have always liked her. At that moment, seeing her appearance, so I bet my whole life on me without expecting anything in return, what else can I say? I can’t help being shocked! I can’t bear to persuade her to forget the past, so I can only find a way to help her.”

"...she accepted?"

Shao Yun nodded.

"Since she insists on giving birth and the child is mine, it is better for me to bear it than for her to bear it alone. I can't give Manqi a marriage, but I will ensure that their mother and daughter have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives."

Manzhi took a deep breath and said very seriously: "You may have considered everything thoroughly, but I think you probably forgot the most important point, the most basic needs of a person, her dignity."

Shao Yun stared at her, and said slowly: "I don't deny that what you said is reasonable, but there is no absolute right or wrong in the world. Whether a person is happy or not depends on her own feelings. You and Manqi are Two completely different people, so please don't impose your own values ​​on Manqi."

Manzhi snapped sharply, "What about you? Do you think it's your happiness to step on two boats like this?"

"That's not my intention, but at least for now, it's the most comprehensive approach I can think of."

A cold smile appeared on Manzhi's face, "Your fiancée also thinks so?"

A dark cloud passed over Shao Yun's face, "I won't let her know. Besides, for Manqi and the child, I just fulfill my duty of support, nothing else. In the future, if she wants to marry, I will never interfere."

Manzhi couldn't help sneering, "Is there any difference? If you let her live in your shadow, is it possible for her to fall in love with someone else?"

"No one can say for sure, just like I never thought that I would be with her until today."

"You shouldn't have started with her at all!" Manzhi roared angrily.

Shao Yun looked directly at her and said calmly, "I'm not a saint. Manqi and I have a crush on each other, and it's normal for us to get together."

"But you can't give her promise and happiness."

Shao Yun raised his chin slightly, and regained his former arrogance, "How many loves can go to the end?"

"But you keep saying that you like her, and you like her, but you don't think about her at all."

Shao Yun half-closed his eyes, and there was a trace of sullenness looming in his eyes, "I said it before, please don't take Manqi as you, you think you will find an honest and responsible person for her to marry, and an ordinary life will be Happiness, but Manqi doesn't think so. What she wants is love, the love I give her. You don't know her at all."

Manzhi nodded, and said bitterly: "Yes, I really don't understand her, nor do I understand people like you who obviously did such a shameful thing and found a lot of high-sounding reasons for themselves."

Shao Yun smiled instead of anger, "Preaching is usually an easy task, but those are all the cool words of bystanders. If one day, you yourself are caught in it, I see if you can say such things in a righteous way. Come."

Manzhi raised her head high and said solemnly: "I will not let myself walk into such a chaotic quagmire."

Shao Yun shrugged, made a gesture of admiration, and said: "I don't think I am a very good person, so no matter how you criticize, I will accept it. However, I still hope that you will not interfere too much with Manqi, she Your life is not your life."

"She is my sister, I can't just watch her go crazy like this and ignore her." Manzhi said coldly. "But she said that she doesn't care about status, as long as she can be with me, she is happy."

"That's because she's stupid." Manzhi's mouth was full of bitterness. She couldn't imagine how her sister abandoned her self-esteem in front of this person, just to seek an illusory love.

"Where is she now?"

"I can't tell you that."

"I want to see her."



Shao Yun said firmly: "Telling you about this is already my bottom line, you just need to know that she is fine now."

"If I can't see her, how can I believe that what you said is true." Manzhi asked aggressively.

Shao Yun stared at her for a long time, and anger was clearly gathering in his eyes, "I have warned you a long time ago that being too persistent is not a good thing. You just think that I will stop you from seeing Manqi, but have you ever thought about it?" What about your own reasons?" He paused, and then said word by word: "Actually, it's Manqi who doesn't want to see you."

Manzhi was stunned on the spot, "...why?"

"She said she was afraid of you."

Embarrassment spread all over her body, and she felt like a knife was stabbed in her heart. Her sister, who had been close to her since she was a child, had such an attitude towards her.

After being dazed for a long time, I heard Shao Yun say to her softly: "I hope this matter ends here, at least, you can rest assured."

Manzhi was extremely lost, she just murmured and asked: "...Did Manqi ask you to tell me?"

Shao Yun's face obviously froze for a moment, "No. I think you are really worried about Manqi, so I couldn't help but tell you... But, I regret it a little now."

Manzhi didn't seem to hear his last sentence, she nodded numbly and said, "Thank you."

Shao Yun watched her open the door and leave, feeling a little bewildered in his heart.

Yes, why did he tell her?Is it because I really don't want to see her, or can't bear to see her anxious and worried eyes?

A thin paper of resignation was handed over to Shao Junbang, he glanced roughly, and then looked at Manzhi, without showing too much surprise.

"You have achieved the purpose of coming to Shaw Brothers, so you have to leave, right?" His tone was very calm, like a chat between old friends.

Manzhi's face turned gray, she lowered her head and said, "No."

Shao Junbang sat back in his chair and looked directly at Manzhi, "Can you tell me what your purpose is, maybe... I can help."

Manzhi avoided his gaze, and said softly: "No need, there is no need to talk about it."

Shao Junbang turned his gaze to the paper in his hand, "So, you have made up your mind to leave?"

"Yes." Manzhi replied sadly, although she had already begun to have some kind of attachment to this job and the leader in front of her.

Shao Junbang continued to stare at the paper in his hand, pondering for a long time.

Manzhi thought he would stay, after all, their cooperation is still very pleasant.He is undoubtedly patient with Manzhi, and he is completely cultivating her as a backbone.She learned a lot from him, not to mention trivial office skills, but Manzhi benefited a lot from his rigor, fairness, and consistent style of dealing with everyone.

"When working, you don't need to care about your original qualifications and status, just remember that you must do your best to do things well." He often said this to Manzhi.

Being able to meet Shao Junbang is really a windfall for Manzhi coming to Shaw Brothers.

"...Okay." Shao Junbang didn't say anything more, picked up the pen on the table, scribbled and signed his name in the column of boss's opinion, and handed it to Manzhi with a smile.

Manzhi accepted it sullenly, with a trace of melancholy in her heart, knowing that this place is not a place to stay for a long time, but she still feels a little bit reluctant. "Thank you, I'll go to the personnel department now." She tried her best to smile, then turned and walked towards the door.

The moment she opened the door, Shao Junbang's steady voice reached her ears.

"Give up so easily?"

The smile still stayed on Manzhi's face, she turned around and looked at Shao Junbang, but she didn't react for a while.

Shao Junbang looked at her gently, and repeated the question just now: "Just give up so easily—is your sister?"

Manzhi suddenly turned pale with shock, and asked instinctively, "How do you know?"

Shao Junbang maintained a kind smile and said: "It's not easy, just use your brain a little, and go to the personnel department to check it out. Although you didn't mention Su Manqi's name in the file, the information on your resume is registered with her." They are basically the same. Su Manqi left the company inexplicably at the beginning of the year, and then you want to join the company for inexplicable reasons, isn’t there an answer?”

Manzhi was surprised, but had to admire Shao Junbang's judgment and carefulness. Just because of what he said casually during the interview, he was able to seriously check it out.However, what was his reason for doing this, Manzhi had to be vigilant.

Shao Junbang obviously saw her suspicion, waved his hand at her and said: "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, it's all because you work well here, as a boss, I hope to know more about you." Pause After a while, he said again: "Although you didn't come to Shaw's out of your original intention, I thought you would like this job in the end and stay. It's just that I didn't expect you to leave so soon."

Manzhi bit her lips tightly, her heart was surging. Shao Junbang had always been rigorous and never praised others easily. The love for talent in these words was beyond words.She turned her mind a few times, and suddenly there was a glimmer of hope that maybe there was still room for maneuver.

"You just said you could help me, then... do you know the whereabouts of my sister?" In any case, she was unwilling to see Manqi.

"This, I have no ability to find out. China is so big, who knows where she is hiding."

Manzhi was a little disappointed.

Shao Junbang has been watching her expression secretly, "But you can find someone, he will definitely be able to help you."

"who is it?"

"Director Shao."

Manzhi was silent for a long time before saying, "Forget it, I won't look for anyone, so let's do it."

Shao Junbang sneered, "It turns out that you were assimilated by Shao Yun. You really thought that your sister could live a life of worry-free life with him, right?"

Manzhi's heart skipped a beat, and she stared at Shao Junbang, he knew everything.

Shao Junbang continued: "Shao Yun is too playful, especially in terms of his personal style, which has always been Mr. Shao's heart disease. Now that he is engaged, he should be careful. I didn't expect him to be so daring. If Shao Dong knows that he has a foreigner, do you think he can let Shao Yun and your sister go?"

Manzhi felt a chill in her heart, and said: "Since this is the case, let him not know about it."

Shao Junbang got up and walked to the window, and said with his hands behind his back, "You are wrong. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Sooner or later, there will be a day when your sister is caught off guard, and the end is miserable. Why don't you take the initiative to follow her now?" Director Shao confessed that he wanted to save face and was afraid of letting the Shi family know, so he would definitely not make it public, so he could only choose to deal with it in a low-key manner. Maybe your sister can get a lot of maintenance money."

His last words made Manzhi feel extremely uncomfortable, but she could no longer argue. If Manqi's choice was the same as Shao Yun told her, then it would be no different from receiving child support.

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Shao Junbang walked closer to her, and finally said: "You have the heart to watch your sister stay with Shao Yun for no reason? What if in the future, he despises your sister, or Shao Yun Wouldn't it be more embarrassing if your wife went to trouble her?"

Manzhi has never been worried about this. She lingered under Shao Junbang's focused gaze, but suddenly realized something, raised her head, looked back at him, and summoned up the courage to ask: "Mr. Shao, you... why are you doing this?" Hope Director Shao knows about this?"

Shao Junbang smiled slightly under her puzzled eyes. He really saw the right person. The little girl in front of him was not only ice-snow and smart, but also quite courageous. Given time, she would definitely do something.

He turned back and walked back to his seat, explaining frankly: "I watched Shao Yun grow up, and he will soon inherit the power of the Shao family. As his uncle, I naturally don't want him to make trouble. Dong also asked me to pay attention to his behavior several times, and if there was something wrong, feel free to mention it. It’s just that this child is naturally stubborn and difficult to control, and he doesn’t listen to anyone’s words. The only person who is a little bit jealous is probably Shao Dong. I have had a relationship with him. There have been disagreements several times, so if I talk about this matter, it is obviously inappropriate, and it will deepen the conflict between our uncle and nephew." He raised his finger and pointed at Manzhi, "But you are different, you are Su Manqi's younger sister, and you are the younger sister of Su Manqi. I fully have this position and the responsibility to clarify."

Manzhi listened carefully to Shao Junbang's explanation. Although she vaguely felt that the matter might not be as simple as what Shao Junbang said, the suggestion he made might not be a good idea, even though, in this way, she would be offended. Shao Yun.

Thinking of Shao Yun, Manzhi felt angry and resentful. If he hadn't treated Manqi so irresponsibly, she wouldn't have caused trouble to her upper body. She thought, he should really let Shao Dong clean up.

As for Manqi, Manzhi believed that she was just fascinated by ghosts for a while, and she was confident that she could persuade her.

The sky seen through the blue glass is gray and dark, with no sun in sight, only endless vastness.

Manzhi anxiously turned her eyes back to Shao Junkang's face, which was also gray and suppressed her anger.

Shao Junkang did not express his opinion for a long time, making Manzhi wonder if he was missing the credibility of what he said.She quietly straightened her back, trying to keep herself calm.

She was not sure about Shao Junkang's attitude, and her move was indeed a risk, but after thinking about it, she had no other better way.

Manzhi didn't know that Shao Junkang didn't doubt the authenticity of this matter at all. He knew Shao Yun so well that he had the guts to fight against himself even though he was engaged.Thinking of this, Shao Junkang was furious.The reason why he kept it secret was because it was Manzhi sitting in front of him, not Shao Yun, and he still had reason to understand that the matter could only be handled in a low-key manner without letting anyone know about it.

Shao Junkang let out a breath of suffocation, and asked Manzhi lightly, "How do you want me to help you?"

He had to be wary of her. A girl from this kind of family would very likely take this opportunity to ask for a lot of money, otherwise, she wouldn't have come to him directly.

Manzhi cleared her throat, but still couldn't shake off a trace of nervousness, "I want to find my sister."

"What else?" Shao Junkang stared at her coldly and asked.

Manzhi was slightly taken aback, "What else?" She thought for a while and said calmly, "As long as my sister can come back, I have no other demands."

She never brought up the money, Shao Junkang was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it made sense, Man Qi's whereabouts are still unknown, so she can only be cautious, so as not to steal the chicken and lose the rice.

"I can help you, but I also have my request, and I hope to reach an agreement with you."

Manzhi nodded ignorantly, "You say." She thought that a businessman is a businessman.

"After you find your sister, you are responsible for sealing her mouth and not talking around."

Manzhi listened to her ears, and pushed back with neither humility nor condescension, "Naturally, please take good care of Shao Yun, and don't let him come out to cause trouble." When it came to the last four words, she felt a little resentful.

Shao Junkang snorted coldly, and continued: "To be on the safe side, within the next ten years, your sister will not have to appear in this city again."

Manzhi looked at him in surprise, "I'm afraid I can't do this, don't you think it's unfair to my sister?"

"Fair?" Shao Junkang smiled sarcastically, "Then your sister is willing to be raised by others, who is it fair to?"

Manzhi's face was hot and hot, and her heart was full of mixed feelings.

Shao Junkang ignored her embarrassment, and said proudly: "I can pay a settling fee for this, but you must follow the agreement after that."

A feeling of humiliation spread in Manzhi's heart. Shao Junkang contemptuously despised her and her sister, but she couldn't do anything about it. She thought of her sister's blushing mention of love, and she couldn't help smiling bitterly in her heart. How fragile and vulnerable in the face of reality.

However, right now she can't just walk away, she doesn't have the capital, so she gritted her teeth and nodded heavily.

Shao Junkang glanced at her with satisfaction and contempt, and said in a decisive tone: "I will give you an answer in three days."

Manzhi got up to leave, and the door closed slowly behind her. Before it was completely closed, she heard Shao Junkang growling in a sullen voice into the phone, "Come here right away!"

The general secretary at the door raised her head and glanced at Manzhi with alienated eyes. She nodded slightly to the secretary, with a faint but somewhat stubborn smile on her face.

Manzhi meets Shao Yun unexpectedly in the aisle.Shao Yun's complexion was quite ugly, his brows were drawn tightly together, Manzhi's heart was burning like a torch, and Shao Junkang's phone call just now was to him.

When passing by, Shao Yun paused for a moment, and asked Manzhi suspiciously, "Where are you from?"

Manzhi slowed down, didn't intend to answer, left him a meaningful smile, and passed without saying a word.

When Shao Yun saw him, he became more and more gloomy, and walked to the chairman's office anxiously, instead of going in directly, he leaned over to the general secretary Xiao Qiao's ear, and asked softly, "Did someone come to see you just now?" old man?"

Xiao Qiao pursed her lips, smiled sweetly, nodded, and mouthed three words to him. Shao Yun's face turned pale, and he cursed hard in his heart.

"Come on in, I've been waiting for you." Seeing him standing still, Xiao Qiao couldn't help urging.

Shao Yun bit the bullet and pushed the door in.

Xiao Qiao secretly shook his head behind him. How many romantic debts this young vice president has incurred outside, probably even he himself can't count.This time, it must be no exception.

She carefully recalled that the girl named Su Manzhi who came out just now was not very outstanding. Apart from being more handsome, she seemed to have no strengths, and her clothes were too plain, which shows that men are really compatible.

"Bang bang——" a sound interrupted Xiao Qiao's train of thought. She got up hesitantly, stood by the door and listened quietly, then hurried back to her seat, pretending to be nonchalant and lowering her head to do things.

This was the first time that Shao Yun's father had scolded him severely after he joined Shao's.At first, I still listened with restraint, but later, Shao Yun's strength also came up, and he simply succumbed to his heart, and said: "I can't do what you say about this matter, I have already promised her, and I can't say anything." No letter."

Shao Junkang patted the table and shouted: "You, do you still know what shame is?"

Shao Yun sneered, "I don't know what shame is. Dad, do you know? You have been planning to rely on bribery for so many years to build the company into such a large scale. Is this considered shame?"

Shao Junkang was completely irritated by his attitude, without thinking, he picked up a teacup on the table and threw it at him. With too much force, he hit the wall and smashed to pieces, and the tea dripped from the wall. Hang it up and down to draw weird patterns.

"Listen to me, if you still want to stay in Shaw Brothers, just do what I tell you!"

Shao Yun shrugged disdainfully, "Isn't it too late for you to say this? Why did you stop me when I called the school?"

Shao Junkang looked at this rebellious son, his anger reached the limit, his chest felt a piercing pain, he opened the drawer tremblingly, took out a medicine box, trembling to pour out a few, suddenly Can't do it.

Seeing this, Shao Yun couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately walked over, "Dad, I'll come."

Shao Junkang waved his hand violently, "Get lost!"

Shao Yun ignored it, grabbed the medicine box, quickly poured a few pills into the palm of his hand, and stuffed them into his father's mouth. The teacup had already been broken. He glanced around and saw several bottles of medicine waiting to be placed on the coffee table. Mineral water for guests, he stepped forward quickly, grabbed a bottle, unscrewed the cap, and handed it to his father.

Shao Junkang took it bitterly, and took a couple of sips before he regained his breath.Sitting down in the chair, the anger no longer swells up like a leaked ball.

It has always been like this, as long as two people are together, it seems that quarrels are inevitable. When I was young, I relied on beatings. When I grew up, when I couldn't beat them, I would scold them. Later, even scolding didn't work.

"You simply pissed me off, so everyone can live in peace." Shao Junkang said helplessly with a sigh.

Shao Yun was half-sitting on his father's large desk, with his head bowed, not saying a word.

In fact, the two are very similar in their bones, and they are not willing to admit defeat easily.

After a long time, Shao Yun said: "Dad, you should leave this matter alone, I will take care of it myself."

Shao Junkang snorted heavily, "If you break it, you will break it. You have no other choice."

"But..." Shao Yun said with difficulty, "What about the child?"

Shao Junkang said coldly: "You have made things so complicated, and now you come to think about what to do?"

Shao Yun remained silent.

Shao Junkang said: "The child has to come back, let your mother watch it, and tell the outside world... that it was adopted. In short, Shi Min can't let Shi Min know about it."

Shao Yun said urgently: "That won't work, Manqi will definitely not agree, how do you let her live without a child?"

Shao Junkang raised his face slightly, leaned his head on the back of the chair, his eyes were half closed, and his face was gloomy.

"This is the Shao family's child after all. How can she be thrown outside to raise her casually. She is a girl, and she has a plan to conceive your child, which shows that it is not easy. Oh, and her sister, who just walked away from me You are also a thoughtful person, hum, I warned you a long time ago, don't cause trouble outside, you just don't listen!"

Shao Yun listened silently, with a dazed expression on his face. Although he could openly talk back to his father, in the final analysis, Shao Junkang's wrists were far more ruthless than his own. If he decided to do something, he had to do it.He couldn't imagine how the weak Manqi would deal with it. A thorn in his heart a long time ago seemed to be alive and made him ache again.

Shao Yun couldn't help shivering, he had to arrange Manqi properly before his father did anything.

"In this case, I'll listen to you." Shao Yun suddenly became uncharacteristically meek. He jumped off the table and strode outside, "I still have something to do, so I'm going back to the office first."

Shao Junkang didn't stop him, but just smiled sneeringly behind him, he didn't know how many bends his son had in his intestines!

As soon as Shao Yun left, he got through to the director of the security department.

"Old Fu, keep an eye on Ah Yun. He has caused some trouble. Recently, he is not allowed to go anywhere. If he runs away, you are the only one I can ask."

(End of this chapter)

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