Chapter 84
Coulson and others made trouble unexpectedly, the island was already panicked, and the guards in the warehouse were already not so tight.But Nie Bao still did not choose to enter through this entrance, the space there is too narrow, even if he is invisible, he is very likely to bump into people, or other accidents, even with a shield, who can guarantee that Kui Well, there is no other black technology. Once discovered, it will be too late to cry.

So Nie Bao flew to the back of the warehouse, which is a sparsely populated place, and it is a cliff. They didn't expect that someone would make an idea here, so they didn't send any guards. Usually there are only fixed patrols, who come to check regularly. But they are too busy to take care of themselves now, so naturally they don't care about this inconspicuous place.

When he got here, Nie Bao showed his figure, stepped on the invisible sword light, and the corners of his clothes swayed with the wind, floating in mid-air, looking like a fairy from a distance.Of course, in this fucking world where three views are completely ruined and miracles are everywhere, this is not surprising. At least a dozen people can do it, or even better.

Nie Bao pinched the magic formula against the cliff and used the spell of cracking rocks. Qiankun's mana is very convenient because it can transform the mana of its attributes and exert its power 100%. Transformed into dark yellow mana, submerged into the cliff stone, and then a slight boom sounded.

The cliff in front of Nie Bao began to shake, small stones kept sliding down, plopping into the sea, and then it seemed that an invisible big hand inserted into the cliff and divided it into two halves, revealing a one-meter-high, two-meter-deep fissure.He flew into the hole, randomly found a foothold, and then continued to use the stone-cracking technique to dig in. Ever since he refined the Daoyan Eight Diagrams Bead, other functions have not yet been revealed, only the spell, which is a big advantage. With the help of this magic tool, many spells can be put into the beads for analysis, and it is more effective to learn, which greatly shortens the learning time. Later, if you use the multi-treasure body to fuse, the spells will not be easy to come by.

As Nie Bao continued to dig, he got closer and closer to the wall of the warehouse. Finally, with the harsh creaking sound, the stone cracking technique lost its effect, and the dark gray cement concrete wall appeared in front of Nie Bao. Too hard, unreachable by non-Splitting Stones.

But Nie Bao still has a way. With a move of his mental strength, the shadowless sword floating beside him turned into an invisible sword light, and slashed fiercely on the wall. The hard cement concrete did not play any role. Under the cutting, like a knife cutting butter, a large piece of concrete was chopped off in an instant.

The sharpness of the Shadowless Flying Sword was mediocre. Seeing that the Flying Sword was useful, Nie Bao immediately lifted his spirits, and then manipulated the Flying Sword to start digging.Although the Shadowless Sword is invisible, it is a flying sword after all. Its sharpness is beyond the reach of ordinary weapons. Under Nie Bao's control, within a short while, he dug out the sword on the concrete wall. A big hole the height of a person was cut right on the inner wall.

The inner wall is made of steel, which is extremely hard. Even if a flying sword cuts on it, it can only cut a small piece at a time. The excavation speed is greatly reduced, and there is noise. Nie Baosheng is afraid that someone inside will find out. , had to stop digging with the flying sword.

Nie Bao walked forward with a frown, and tapped his fingers on the steel wall. The sound was muffled, at least forty centimeters thick, and the defenses were so tight, which made him even more curious about what was inside, but he couldn't use the flying sword anymore. , too time consuming.So he pondered for a moment, his expression moved slightly, as if he remembered something.

Nie Bao then called out the Qiankun Ding, and the mouth of the tripod sprayed red flames against the steel wall. This is the hottest flame lava fire he can summon at this stage. Once this flame is ejected, it is like billowing magma. The wall was scorched, and within a quarter of an hour, the steel was dyed orange red, and the wall gradually became soft and concave.

Suddenly, the wall cracked, and a strong air flow blew into the warehouse from the outside. Fortunately, Nie Bao didn't put away the flying sword. The heart of the sword was clear, and he felt his crisis. Was blown into the iron juice.

After a while, the air filled the warehouse, and the air flow calmed down. Nie Bao looked in curiously, and was stunned by the golden light. The warehouse, which is thousands of square meters, is full of gold. How many tons are there, and the golden light is dazzling when placed together, which is too impactful. On the other side are various ores of different colors, all of which are not named by Nie Bao, but they can be placed together with gold. It won't be cheap anymore, no wonder the guards are so tight.

I don't know how many bloody methods Quinn, a capitalist, has used to get so much minerals. It really is a mining company. It seems that it is time for him to be punished. Nie Bao thinks he is just. road.

"Beep~~!" A shrill siren sounded, and the enemy's reaction was quick. Nie Bao just dug through the wall and was stunned for a moment before he was discovered.He quickly manipulated the Qiankun Ding and flew into the warehouse.

"Om~~!" The Qiankun Cauldron floated in mid-air in the warehouse, and suddenly the body of the cauldron shook, and an ancient humming sound came from the body of the cauldron, sweeping the world, followed by constant stabbing sounds, and electric sparks everywhere, All the monitoring and other electronic equipment were completely destroyed by self-combustion, and the monitoring screen instantly became snowflakes, and the monitoring personnel could no longer see the situation inside.

Then the Qiankun Cauldron suddenly released infinite white light, sweeping back and forth in the warehouse, where the white light passed, all the gold and ore floated up and shrunk into the cauldron, the Qiankun Cauldron was like a monster with an infinite appetite, and every inch it passed Do not stay.The enemy on the other side of the door was still manually opening the door, but Nie Bao had already swept everything away.After the Qiankun Ding became Nie Bao's magic weapon, the first time he made a move, it showed a power far exceeding other magic weapons.

"Bang Dang~!" The door was violently opened, the electronic combination lock was damaged, and the lock could only be unlocked manually, and it could only be opened by one person, but now it was a waste of time. It was the first time that Quinn hated himself. Why did he repair the Kumen like this? trouble.Originally, he was still searching for the enemy, but he didn't expect that someone would move all his inventory. This made him not in a hurry, he could no longer care about the enemies of S.H.I.E.L.D., and hurried back.

Nie Bao also considered it unintentional, and did Coulson a small favor.At this time, Quinn was sweating profusely, and kept urging his subordinates to open the door manually. Although he was confident in the defense of the vault, he became very anxious when he thought about the unknown situation inside, and finally opened the door through cumbersome procedures. .

But when he saw what was going on inside, Quinn was as frightened as ice, his feet went limp, and he collapsed to the ground. There was nothing in the vault, except for a huge hole on the opposite side, as if the enemy was laughing at his incompetence. Here is all the essence of his minerals, and now it is all gone.

(End of this chapter)

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