Chapter 78
With this magic weapon, Su Wo no longer complained, but couldn't wait to start the research. Looking at the excited agents, Nie Bao thought to himself, "I really spent a lot of money this time, I hope they are worth it." If you don’t pay yourself, you will lose a lot.”

The sudden appearance of such a powerful organization of the Rosicrucian League, causing trouble for him, made Nie Bao very uncertain. He always felt that these people would not let it go. When they attacked him that time, it might not have been so simple. It happened that these agents took every step Constantly monitor themselves, strengthen their strength, and protect themselves at the same time.

Of course, this is just in case. When life is really in danger, Nie Baoda can run away with his sword light, but his own small shop can no longer be opened.

In a short while, Martin and the others had finished refining all the magical artifacts, and Nie Bao casually threw them a talisman made of wood and jade, and then he got up and wanted to leave.

The wooden jade is a hundred-year-old sandalwood grown in the black earth. It is alienated in a bronze cabinet and contains a lot of aura. It is engraved with elementary spell runes and can be used about fifty times. On the wooden jade that Nie Bao gave them, Three spells of invisibility, rejuvenation, and lightness are engraved.With these things, they can be regarded as armed to the teeth. They can't deal with Iron Man and Hulk, but the Rosicrucian should be enough.

Before leaving, Nie Bao focused on arranging for Suwo to find the Rosicrucian within the shortest possible time.With the help of Daoyan Bagua Zizhu, Su Wo's self-confidence increased greatly, and he patted his chest to assure that as long as they didn't break away from human society, then he would be able to find these people.

After getting the guarantee, Nie Bao left with peace of mind. For an ordinary person like him, finding someone to do this kind of work is a waste of time for a blind man to light a lamp, or these professional spies have more connections, and he manipulated Daoyan gossip mother beads , hide behind the scenes, and see how Suwo uses magic weapons as hackers. When he thoroughly studies the functions of magic weapons, Nie Bao can save a lot of time. He will have too many magic weapons in the future. I may only study this one, so this method is very suitable for Nie Bao.

Leaving Martin's house, Nie Bao drove the invisible sword light, and flew back to his hut quietly. With the shadowless sword, the whole process was silent and no one knew. Under the influence of Nie Bao, the world changed again There are five more superpowers.


The next morning, while Nie Bao was still soundly asleep, the door of his room was kicked open roughly, followed by the sound of high heels.

"Damn it, Ariel, didn't I tell you, don't disturb me when I'm not awake, don't want salary, get out of here quickly, I will sleep until I wake up naturally!" Such a big movement, Nie Bao still turned over, without opening his eyes, and complained loudly while lying on the bed.

"Plop, ouch, Ariel, you are so courageous!" This is the person who broke into the house, and he didn't want to let him go, grabbed the quilt and pulled it down, Nie Bao rolled out of the bed, naked The contact with the cold ground woke him up suddenly, got up from the ground, and angrily questioned the visitor.

"Ah~~!" But when he saw the person coming, two screams sounded at the same time, one was from Nie Bao, and the other was from Mi Li.

It turned out that it was Mei and Mi Li who broke into his bedroom. It was Nie Bao, who was all white and fleshy. When he saw these two people, he was immediately dumbfounded. The habit of sleeping naked, I originally wanted to watch the excitement, but I didn't expect to see something that I shouldn't watch. Mi Li immediately screamed out, pointing at him and shouting hooligans.

At this time, Nie Bao also realized his state, and yelled out with his face flushed. Then he thought that he would not suffer a loss if he was a man. This behavior was too shameful, so he bent his face and wrapped the quilt At the waist, he yelled angrily: "Scream! I should be screaming. What are you doing here? You came to my house specifically to let me play you as a hooligan?"

Mi Li also realized at this time, as if she broke into someone else's room at will, and she was the one to blame, so she was speechless and could only look at Mei beside her.

During the whole incident, Mei acted extremely calm, as if seeing something ordinary, not surprised at all.He just looked Nie Bao up and down, and when the two of them calmed down, he raised his eyebrows and said, "There's nothing to see, I think it's time for you to train."

Nie Bao looked at Mei with unfriendly eyes, and asked sullenly: "I believed your evil, you broke into my room early in the morning, just to remind me that it's time to train, you SHIELD are so idle, it's okay Just break into the bedroom, the salary is too good to earn."

At this time, Mei seemed to be in a bad temper. Looking at the bright sun outside the window, she turned to him and said, "You must be early in the morning! My time is precious. I have been waiting here for you for two hours, and we will No wages. If you don’t kick the door, God knows how long you’ll sleep. I’ll give you 5 minutes, and I’ll wait for you downstairs. If you overtime,” Mei said, looking down at Nie Bao’s step , he suddenly felt a chill in his legs, and a gust of cold air hit his thighs, and then Mei continued: "I think you will know the consequences."

Nie Baoqiang pretended to be calm and said, "Why should I listen to you? I'm not from SHIELD or your subordinate. You have no right to order me."

Mei glanced at him before saying, "Your divination is very accurate, please do it again for me? By the way, you still have 4 minutes."

When Nie Bao heard this sentence, his heart moved. Could it be that it is already the third episode, then the gravity proton element should appear soon. Thinking of this, Nie Bao could no longer care about getting angry and was in a hurry He started to put on his clothes, complaining while wearing them: "Is this the attitude of begging for help? It's fine if you don't give money, but you are still rude to the master."

Seeing that Nie Bao was nagging and dissatisfied, but still started to put on her clothes, Mei turned and walked downstairs, while Mi Li followed her step by step like a little follower. , that expression seemed to be looking at an idol, completely without the violence of the past.This made Nie Bao very surprised. It seems that only a stronger tigress can hold down a tigress, which is really a wise saying.

Nie Bao put on his clothes, washed his face briefly, and then came downstairs. He saw Mei sitting at the bar, with Mi Li surrounded by her, with an excited expression on her face, talking endlessly without knowing what she was talking about. , as if there were endless topics to talk about, while Mei smiled and added a sentence or two from time to time, obviously the two of them had a very pleasant chat.I don't know how these two people got together?It doesn't fit at all, could it be that I changed the plot myself, and I didn't do anything too extreme!Nie Bao thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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