Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 70 Iron Man's Anxiety

Chapter 70 Iron Man's Anxiety

It's a pity that the eggs were harvested a bit late, and the old hens had already started to cuddle. Nie Bao wanted to move their offspring, but he was naturally resisted by a male and a female. Nie Bao had no choice but to give up. I have to go, I can only try this kind of eggs later, and Nie Bao has been disappointed for a long time.

When these two chickens saw Nie Bao appearing, they seemed to have seen delicious food, and rushed towards them with flapping wings. He lives a life of wearing clothes, stretching out his hands to eat, and opening his mouth every day. Even if he drives them away now, they won't leave.

"Little lord, little mother, your appetite is getting bigger and bigger. I just fed you in the morning, and now I'm hungry. I won't be able to feed you anymore." Nie Bao casually took out a few cabbages from the Qiankun cauldron, Tomatoes and other things were thrown into the trough, and the little father and mother immediately gave him a disdainful look, turned around and chased after him to eat and drink.

"Damn, you actually dare to look down on your master, be careful that I don't give you food, you don't even give me your eggs, it's too stingy, can you say you are sorry for me?" Seeing their eyes, Nie Bao was not angry scolded.

The little father and mother looked up at him, their eyes were full of white eyes, as if they were talking about a few meals, and they wanted to change our children, are you dreaming?Then he lowered his head and ate again.

"Hmph! I really have a small white eye. I should have stewed you all. There are no eggs to eat. What use are you saying? It's a waste of my food."

"Hehehe, da!" The little father and mother seemed to understand, and immediately stopped doing it, and rushed towards Nie Bao fiercely.

"Damn, I'm killing you, you guys are so heartless, you can't complain a few words. Oops!" Nie Bao was screamed strangely, and hurriedly fled to his room, and the little father and mother seemed to have won the battle , returned to his territory with his head held high.

Nie Bao closed the door with a bang, and he was relieved. The two chickens were so cruel. Leaning against the door, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. The more he thought about it, the less angry he became, he opened the door, gave his middle finger viciously in the direction of the little ones, and then quickly closed the door, only to play with the computer in a good mood.


Time flies, and it is already afternoon in a blink of an eye. Nie Bao played games for several hours, and finally felt a little hungry, so he went downstairs. Ariel is directing the yellow turban wrestlers to clean up. He is very satisfied with these three employees. He is very obedient and never contradicts. He works hard without complaint, which relieves a lot of pressure for Ariel. Complicated jobs will do.

It's just that these people are very weird, and their IQ is not high, just like a mentally retarded, it's just that they never talk, but they have never seen them eat. If Nie Baoyan ordered him not to get to the bottom of it, he really wanted to ask. He was only interested in money. After Nie Bao said it, he put away his only curiosity. This is what Nie Bao is most satisfied with him.

"Oh my god! Nie, you finally came out. I noticed that you've been getting lazy recently." Ariel said exaggeratedly.

"Ah~! Huang Yi, I'm hungry, go and make this for me." Nie Bao pointed to the menu on the wall, and said to the yellow turban wrestlers who were in charge of cooking. won't understand.They are like a robot with a simple program, repeating the same actions every time, completing simple instructions, and even the taste of the dishes is exactly the same every time.

Huang Yi's big palm patted on the head, and then walked into the stove expressionlessly, cooking for Nie Bao.

"Nie, you employees are too strong. When you don't have a job, you can lend me out, show your prestige, and teach those guys who robbed me a lesson." Ariel looked enviously at the big man in the yellow scarf, and compared After seeing his arms and legs smaller than his own, he said with anticipation.

"You are dreaming, Ariel, let me tell you, except for the needs of the hotel, you are not allowed to take them out, and you are not allowed to step out of this door." Since the last time Yu Jian flew and saw the other side of the city, Nie Bao became more and more excited. Be careful, yellow turban wrestlers have no IQ, so it is hard to guarantee that you will go out and cause trouble. Even if you don't go to trouble others, you may meet someone who can see wrestlers and bring you some disasters. It's hard to guarantee, let alone other things.

What's more, Ariel's going out with Lux is obviously looking for trouble, it's too eye-catching, so Nie Bao firmly opposes this matter.

"Don't be so stingy, Nie, aren't we good friends? They are so strong, nothing will happen to them, just once." "This is the principle, it must not be done." Nie Bao folded his hands on his chest, resolutely denying road.

While the two were talking, the breakfast prepared for him by the Yellow Turban Lishi was served, and Nie Bao gave him a thumbs up, and then ate heartily.

The two people in the small shop were chatting and laughing, and it was very lively. At the same time, Tony Stark, on the other side of New York City, was not doing very well. Since he used the new elements, although his life was not in danger, he was arrested. Plagued by unprecedented anxiety attacks.

He felt that his condition was getting worse and worse, but his arrogant and awkward personality made him keep this secret hidden. He relied on crazy upgrades and steel suits to distract his attention every day. Not even his girlfriend Pepa Knowing this, I just thought that this guy's character was getting worse and worse.

Tony, who was getting more and more anxious, once thought that he might die. Until recently, Director Nick found him and brought him some magical little things. These things really exceeded his cognition. With his developed This is the amount of reserves, and with the detection of various equipment, the working principle of these small things has not been discovered.

Director Nick gave him the Rejuvenation Talisman and coffee beans. These two things helped him a lot. The Rejuvenation Talisman solved many hidden wounds on his body. With continuous use, the shrapnel on his chest became farther and farther away from his heart. , His body is recovering to its peak.Although the rejuvenation talisman is very powerful, it is for his anxiety, but it doesn't help much.So the second thing, the coffee beans grown by Nie Bao, played a big role.

At first Tony didn't care about the coffee beans, he just researched the rejuvenation talisman with great interest, but after a long period of experimentation, Tony got nothing, and finally got a little impatient, and gave up this kind of meaningless research, anyway, he couldn't do it Know everything in the world clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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