Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 57 The Unexpected Enemy

Chapter 57 The Unexpected Enemy

Listening to the noisy voices outside, Nie Bao couldn't fall asleep at this moment. He kept thinking about his gains and losses. Since he came to this dangerous world, he has always lived a life of being an otaku and never taking the initiative to provoke troubles. It is also out of the way of a small citizen, but today so many lives are dissipated in my hands, and I have no ability to resist. To my former self, these people were all legendary figures, but now they are all my subordinates Until now, he seemed to be dreaming, and it turned out that he was no longer an ordinary person.

Moreover, the attack like today will never be the last time. I must become stronger to ensure a peaceful life in the future, otherwise I will be like Iron Man, facing endless dangers every day. Mistakes, civilians protected by him will immediately jump out and criticize him. This kind of thankless life is not what Nie Bao wants.

Numerous thoughts flashed through Nie Bao's mind, and he felt a little depressed.He couldn't lie down any more, got up irritably, sat by the window and looked down calmly, the workers who were busy repairing it, and hoped that tomorrow morning, here will be the same as before, in terms of infrastructure construction, this country, to the end It's still relatively sound, and it's extremely efficient.

"Om~~!" The phone vibrated, awakening Nie Bao's contemplation. When he picked up the phone, it turned out to be Suvorov. Nie Bao's heart moved, and he asked calmly, "Old Su, what's the matter?" These foreigners The name is too long, and Nie Bao has always been very uncomfortable calling it, so most of the time, he always calls himself some simple names for his subordinates.

Su Wo's excited voice came from the opposite side of the phone: "Boss, I accidentally discovered that the Hydra headquarters in Whitehall was in chaos. I finally hacked into Dr. Whitehall's company just now and got an administrator privilege. I found a Important information, it turns out that the one who attacked you this time was not Whitehall himself, but one of his subordinates, Wright, who made arbitrarily asserted claims and mobilized field teams to launch the attack under the guise of Whitehall. At this time, Dr. White has already found out that something is wrong, After exposing them, he became furious and is frantically chasing this person."

"How is it possible? I don't know this guy. What kind of enmity does he have with me? Why does he want to get along with me?" Nie Bao was very puzzled. He looked through Nie Bao's memories before, and he had no impression of this person at all. Why did he take the risk to deal with him? For myself, you must know that White is a very cruel person, how could this guy take such a big shame.

"Boss, I found a word in their wanted briefing, the Rosicrucian League. I searched for information about this, as well as information about the Hydra investigation, and got an amazing discovery. This is a very mysterious Organizations have always existed only in legends. If it weren't for this incident, I thought this organization was just a story.

This organization has a deep mysterious origin and a long history. It has existed longer than Hydra. At the end of the [-]th century AD, it was founded by German Ross Kubel. It is a crazy alchemy group specializing in occultism. I don’t understand. Before that, I only thought that alchemy was just a myth. It’s funny to think about it. Could it be that they are witches, magicians, or they don’t know if they can ride a broom.As long as their members are official members, everyone has a tattoo of a cross rose on their arms. Isn't this courting death?Isn't it stupid. "

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, what else to say, talk about it later, after hanging up the phone, laugh hard at the wall, no one will stop you." Hearing this organization, Nie Bao felt bad He had a hunch that this was never mentioned in the American manga movie, and it was only then that he realized that this place is not all American manga, there are still many unknown secrets, and if he is careless, he will not even know how he died.So he wants to know why such a big organization is so interested in such a small person like him, and whether he is attractive.

"Boss, please spare me! Let me see the white wall, I would rather see the white buttocks of beautiful women. I will continue to say that this organization is very good at combining some kind of esoteric religion, tarot, divination and alchemy to create unique Some things, I used to think that they were just fantasy things, but I didn’t expect real people to appear. It’s amazing, God! This world is getting more and more strange, and all kinds of strange characters have appeared, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable acknoledged.

There are also these people who are madly pursuing alchemy and are very interested in any mysticism. I think they may have seen some misunderstood information from you, the boss.Ha ha!Maybe they thought that you might be an alchemist or magician, so they wanted to get something from you, and they might really be able to do something with their crazy pursuit of mysticism. "

Hearing this, Nie Bao has basically understood the greatness. The only thing he was exposed to in front of the Hydra was to use the black iron shield that time. His runes were exposed, which aroused their interest. The treasures he made for cultivating immortals were similar to occultism, so they were greedy.Suddenly such a large organization popped up and attacked him, which really put Nie Bao under a lot of pressure.

"Does this inexplicable organization have any enemies?" Nie Bao thought of something, his heart moved slightly, and he asked.

"Of course there are and there are many, otherwise they wouldn't have been hidden so deeply, but the time was short and I didn't have time to find out, but when they turned behind the scenes, there was a big event.

At first, due to the rich knowledge storage of this organization, many well-known scientists were trained, and they got the support of big figures, which promoted the development of society at that time. According to legend, they used alchemy knowledge combined with science to invent many incredible things, and they were once very popular.

They then got carried away, and then proposed that knowledge changes everything, and put forward slogans such as the theory of the center of the universe and the sun, etc. These statements touched the nerves of many organizations, and some scientists were executed because of this, but they were very powerful at the time, and some ambitious people Coveting their inventions, they saved most of the people, and instead of being weakened, this organization became stronger, which also made them even more unscrupulous.

But the greater the power, the greater the ambition. When their development encountered a bottleneck, they gradually no longer satisfied with the immediate results and wanted to pursue stronger power, so they frantically searched for all mysterious knowledge and scientific knowledge all over the world, using cruel and domineering methods. "

(End of this chapter)

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