Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 45 Unexpected News

Chapter 45 Unexpected News

Frank glanced at Nie Bao, then ate, and didn't answer him.Since Mark and Nie Bao are not familiar with each other, he was embarrassed to keep silent, so he could only answer: "I just encountered a little trouble, a gang boss who suddenly appeared and wanted to chat with us, but the way of greeting us is a bit special. "

When Nie Bao heard the words, he understood that they should have met, the new boss who wanted to avenge the former boss of the Italian gang, but that guy was a sad reminder in the TV series, and he was killed by the punisher and Mark as soon as he appeared.Why are these two people acting like rats crossing the street now? Has something changed?However, seeing how the two of them kept their secrets, I'm afraid they wouldn't tell the truth to someone he didn't know very well.

"Hey! You're the superhero Daredevil, how could you be made like this by a gang leader?" When Nie Bao said this, Mark just spread his hands and said helplessly: "As you can see, besides, there is another person who is holding back .” After speaking, he glanced at Frank.The two of them couldn't convince the other, they were forced to cooperate only in front of the enemy, and they showed their true colors when they got here.

"Since you don't want to talk about it, forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway, but pay the bill after eating!" Nie Bao shrugged and said carelessly.

"Crack! Have another cup of coffee." Frank snorted at Mark, and then slapped the money on the table. He knew how stingy Nie Bao was, so he had already prepared the money.

Nie Baole put away the big beautiful knife, and delivered the delicious coffee. He still earns money with Reiki food. One meal can cover his daily turnover. I don’t know where Frank got so much money. It’s all about punishing evil. Are you kind and lead the sheep?As he thought about it, he turned his head to look at Mark, with money symbols shining in his eyes.

"Ahem! Look at what I'm wearing. I didn't bring a wallet today, so remember to give it to you next time." Mark sensed Nie Bao's movement and understood that he wanted to collect money. He couldn't help but blushed a little, very said embarrassingly.

"Buzz~!" Hearing that someone wanted to pay on credit, Nie Bao was about to say something to him when the phone vibrated. The agent who has been subdued for a short time will not call himself unless there are special circumstances. Could something have happened, Nie Bao wondered in his heart.

"Hey! What's the matter, tell me!" Nie Bao found a quiet place and connected the phone.

"Boss, something went wrong. Hydra will trouble you these few days, and its power this time is very unusual." Su Wo said in a hasty tone.

"Don't worry and talk slowly, is it that Lena is going to trouble me again? Do you know when?" Nie Bao's face turned cold, and he asked calmly. Although Su Luo said there were many people, to Nie Bao, As long as he was given a little time to make the flying sword, he would be sure to deal with these people.With his life guaranteed, he could barely maintain a calm state of mind.

"It's not Reina, she is now in charge of the centipede warrior, and she didn't have time to deal with this side. Didn't you ask me to monitor the information transmission channel of Hydra, I found your information, another mysterious branch of Hydra found , he is very interested in your abilities.

From the few words I heard when I contacted them, I found that they were preparing to arrest you in the past two days, and made adjustments to their failure last time.However, the various departments within Hydra are not affiliated with each other, and the information resources are independent. I can't find out too much. I can't find out the specific time and participants. I just heard them mention it many times, Hotwell. "

Hearing this name, Nie Bao's heart moved. This is a name that appeared in the second season of S.H.I.E.L.D. He didn't expect it to appear now. It seems that he is still so keen on aliens.

"Okay, I see, you've done a good job, continue to monitor them, don't interfere with this matter, and continue to hide yourself." Nie Bao pondered for a moment, and arranged for them.These few people are just not suitable for exposure. Once they make a move, they will attract others' suspicion. If others know that he can control others, I believe the trouble will only be bigger, and even if they make a move, they may not be able to help. It is better to lurk Come down, maybe it will be more effective.

But let him deal with the attack by himself, and he is a little timid. After all, from his previous life to the present, he has always been a law-abiding citizen. He has never even fought with others, so it's okay to just watch the excitement, absolutely ordinary in Chinese style As an ordinary person, some concepts are not so easy to change. This suddenly put him in line with the terrorist organization that wants to rule the world, and he felt a little guilty.

His eyes inadvertently caught sight of the two punishers. He suddenly thought of a good idea. He thought it was time to ask these two people for help. After being together for such a long time, it was useless anyway, just to let them stand in front. It may be safer to follow behind by yourself. They also like to fight against villains, and each takes what he needs. There is one hero and three gangs. With them, they can feel at ease in their hearts.

The more Nie Bao thought about it, the more he felt that this was feasible. These superheroes were just born at the wrong time. If they really had superpowers, they would not necessarily be worse than other heroes.Perhaps based on their current level, although it is very difficult to deal with Hydra, but with the addition of themselves, they may be stronger. Although Nie Bao has no self-confidence, he can only try now, even if he fails. There are also disadvantages.

Thinking of this, Nie Bao patted his stiff face, walked back to the bar, and faced the surprised eyes of the two, he put on a kind smile on his face, as if he was an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.When Frank and Mark saw Nie Bao answering the phone, their attitudes changed drastically, and they had a very cautious smile on their faces, which gave them a bad feeling.

"The two of you are full. Do you need anything else? Just say what you want. You will feel like your own home when you get here. Don't be polite to me." Nie Bao said with a charming smile on his face.Just as the sirens flashed outside, Frank and the two looked outside vigilantly, with a look of nervousness. It seemed that there were more than one person who wanted to arrest them.Nie Bao remembers an episode in which it seemed that Frank was persuaded by Mark's talk, and he suddenly lost love, and took the initiative to go to jail with the police. It should be at this time?

After making sure that the police car outside was not here to arrest him, Frank turned his head to look at Nie Bao and said, "I'm already full, and I won't pay if you laugh like that, I only pay for the food, tell me what's your purpose. "

(End of this chapter)

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