Chapter 40
While observing the environment on both sides, Nie Bao boasted: "Boss Qian, you really know how to enjoy life. The layout here is well-organized, and you can see people who understand life at first glance, especially in the store, which is completely arranged according to the Feng Shui pattern, which is really impressive. profound."

Qian Duobao paused when he heard the words, turned his head to look at Nie Bao with surprised eyes, and said in a surprised tone: "Mr. Nie still understands this way, which is really surprising. Even in the Celestial Dynasty, few people know about it." Regarding the matter of Feng Shui array, I never expected to meet a bosom friend in this strange country. It is really a happy thing. It was just fiddled with according to ancient books. I don’t know if it will work or not. Zhengchou has nowhere to ask , please give me one or two pointers."

Nie Bao was a little dizzy by his well-written and half-understood old sayings, but he understood the last sentence. It turned out that he was the one who set up the Feng Shui formation. He said: "That's really unexpected, but let's forget about the pointers. I haven't had time to learn the array. I can't play it. If you ask me now, I can't answer it." , maybe in the future, I might be able to teach you a thing or two."

Qian Duobao was still very confident about his skill. He was just saying something modest at first, but when he met Nie Bao, he was so thick-skinned that he didn't even gasp for big words.But whoever let others be the patron, Qian Duobao could only smile helplessly: "Hehe, then I really look forward to that day!"

While the two were talking, they had already reached a large iron gate. Under Qian Duobao's complex operations of fingerprints, passwords, etc., the gate opened slowly, and suddenly a fragrance of various woods wafted from it. Nie Bao walked into the warehouse, looking left and right like Grandma Liu. There are really a lot of materials here, such as jade, bronze, and various woods, etc., neatly stacked in the grid, and the quantity is quite large. It seems that the boss Very powerful, able to get so many materials.

Nie Bao let go of his mental power and enveloped the entire warehouse. In an instant, the situation inside was clear, and other materials were ignored. Anyway, he would not need it for the time being. He focused all his attention on the wood. There are quite a lot of wood types here. , lobular sandalwood, nanmu, pine, etc., most of which are not old enough, and the number of rings does not exceed 30 years. It was not until the innermost part that he was pleasantly surprised to find that the three types of wood were old enough, and he fell in love with them at a glance. , 50-year-old ironwood, even nearly a hundred-year-old pagoda wood, and hundreds-year-old rosewood.

However, Nie Bao did not intend to use the oldest rosewood wood. As for the reason, one is because the price of this kind of wood is too expensive, so he is not willing to be such a boss; , can do more things, but has greater restrictions on cultivation.

Therefore, he prefers iron wood and locust wood. The age is just right. Locust wood is Yin and the wrestlers made of it are more spiritual. extremely high.

"Boss Qian, you're really nice here. I almost don't want to go out. They're all good things." Standing in the middle of the warehouse, Nie Bao said in amazement.

Qian Duobao broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the words, and felt extremely regretful. Why was he obsessed with ghosts? He forgot everything when he saw the money, and brought this stranger here. He laughed dryly and said, "Guest, you are kidding me. I am nothing but a petty profit, and most of them belong to the Green Gang. I just earn hard money. See if there is anyone here that meets the requirements."

"Yes, of course there are. If you don't have them here, then I'll just give up. Then I want some of these, see how much it costs. By the way, can you give me some iron tree locust seeds? See if I buy them For the sake of so many, how about it as a supplement.” Nie Bao pulled out all the wood that was old enough, and then took the seeds of the trees. A little cheap.

Hearing that money was being collected, Qian Duobao's eyes instantly lit up like searchlights, he picked up the small abacus on his chest, and began to calculate. When it came to the price, the two refused to give in to each other. Fei quickly started haggling over the price, and no one would give in to you. Finally, after a lot of effort, Nie Bao was defeated. His superhuman physical strength was no match for Lao Qian's lung capacity, so he had no choice but to Surrendered, and finally paid the money unwillingly.The pieces of wood were not big, [-] centimeters long and thick as an arm. Nie Bao carried them one by one in his arms, and was driven out by Qian Duobao.

"Hey, ha, hey! Ha~!" The two of them walked back all the way. As soon as they arrived in the greenhouse, they heard the excitement inside suddenly, as if they were practicing martial arts alone. It's just a young beauty, and her aura has weakened by three points before she saw anyone.

Nie Bao looked at the open space in the middle of the greenhouse. A girl about 1.5 meters long, wearing a red patterned cheongsam, was doing an unknown boxing style. His boxing movements were very standard and beautiful, with a light body, wide opening and closing, strong and powerful , cadenced, every time he raises his arms, he will bring out the wind of fists, and with the sound of shouting, he looks like a master who has practiced martial arts for many years.

Attracted by her movements, Nie Bao looked at her very seriously. Following the beautiful girl's turn and appearance, he finally saw her appearance clearly. At this moment, only one impression remained in his mind.God!What did he see, a white and tender big meat bun without wrinkles.

This girl is full of youthful vigor, sweet and lovely, with a white face, with natural baby fat, and two round buns tied on the left and right of the head.With a round face and two temples, it looks like a big meat bun with two small steamed buns on it. Nie Bao's eyes are full of buns, and he can't think of anything else.Just as Nie Bao was watching her boxing, the beautiful girl turned around and saw Nie Bao secretly learning her boxing.

Suddenly, meat buns, uh!No, it was the beautiful girl with steamed stuffed buns who yelled, "Stealing a scholar!"

At the same time, he jumped up and swooped down. With all the strength in his body, he hit Nie Bao's fat face with a heavy punch.Seeing this, Nie Bao was taken aback, not knowing how he had offended her.

However, he didn't panic. After becoming an immortal cultivator, his reaction speed increased greatly. I saw that he was not in a hurry, as if by magic, he suddenly pulled out a white frying pan from his back and used it as a shield to block it in front of his chest. .

"Dang!" There was a crisp sound, and the fist hit the center of the pot heavily. It can be seen that the girl was exerting so much force that Nie Bao's hand ached even listening to the sound.

At this moment, everything seemed to be at a standstill. The bun girl was frozen in the movement of punching, and the fist felt a sharp pain, which made her tender and powdery face instantly turn into powdery white, like cooked shrimp, more like a red bean steamed stuffed bun.

(End of this chapter)

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