Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 38 New Discovery

Chapter 38 New Discovery
Martin, who has been affected by the soul-moving technique, has completely become Nie Bao's servant. Even if he is asked to die, he will do it without hesitation. He has completely lost himself. Except for those with the ability to control the mind, I believe that no one can change Martin's camp anymore. When I have time in the future, I will study the restriction and put a restriction on Martin's soul. I believe that no one will be able to confuse Martin.

And the reason why Nie Bao made such great efforts to control Martin, an ordinary person, is because in this world, even ordinary people can sometimes kill superheroes. This is very different from the world of cultivating immortals, where it is completely useless The soul-moving technique is also useful here.

Nie Bao is alone in this world, and there is a dangerous organization called Hydra. Although they haven't found out the real situation of Nie Bao now, there is no guarantee that they will not in the future. It just happens to control a few Hydra's younger brothers now. In the future, if there is an enemy, you can pass information to him and block the gun for Nie Bao, which can serve multiple purposes.In the ordinary world before, how could this kind of elites give him a part-time job without any money? This is something I dare not even think about, but Nie Bao dare not use this kind of soul-shifting technique more, this world is too dangerous, it is difficult to use it more , will be found by others to deal with it.

But now it doesn't matter to these few people who are watching him, and I believe no one will doubt it. With the help of Martin, the traitor, Nie Bao questioned all the other four agents. With a black line, all five special agents are Hydra's undercover agents. I don't know if they were unlucky or Nie Bao was lucky. Now they all hit the muzzle of the gun.But this is just right, when Nie Bao came here, he was still struggling with what to do if there were real SHIELD agents among the five people, but looking at it now, there is no need to worry about it.

Nie Bao was sitting on a chair in Martin's house, looking at the straight five agents standing in front of him, he was very excited. As expected of being trained by S.H.I.E.L.D., these five people actually had three level [-] agents and two level [-] agents monitoring him When Nie Bao heard the news, he sighed in his heart that S.H.I.E.L.D. really looked down on him, and he didn't know if he could recover the cost after investing such a large amount of money.

However, it’s all cheaper now, Nie Bao. Among these five people, there are four field personnel, all of whom are skilled in various firearms, fighting, shooting, tracking, etc. They can be completely elite among the elites, and there is even a Russian. Suvorov is good at the electronic field, and he is absolutely leveraged in computers. Although he is far behind Stark and his artificial intelligence, he is not weaker than the hackers of the Rising Tide organization at all.Even S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't know about this ability. It's a talent from Hydra Xuezang, and now it's under Nie Bao's subordinates.

Nie Bao inspected several of his subordinates, and then told them to go their own way and continue to monitor him. If there is no special situation, do not take the initiative to contact him, and then left the building swaggeringly. He has already asked several special agents who are responsible for monitoring For Nie Bao, there were only five of them, and no one else. After getting this information, Nie Bao was completely at ease, and he didn’t have to worry about any secrets being discovered by Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nie Bao walks along No.17 Street towards the Sixth Street of Chinatown. This Sixth Street is controlled by the Green Gang. It is the largest trading block. The daily trading volume is huge, and there are endless crowds. They are not fashion products, but antique calligraphy and paintings, wood bracelets, walnut stamps, etc. The items used for collection are generally items with Chinese characteristics.

Nie Bao suddenly wants to go here tonight, of course he has his reasons. Ariel’s words reminded him today that he can’t always hide in the shop in the future, and sometimes he has to go out to find materials and do something. The shop can't stop, so naturally we have to find a trustworthy person to be the chef, pointing to Ariel's poor craftsmanship, and wanting to cook heavenly delicacies for him, the small shop must die.

So he thought of the Immortal Method Yellow Turban Warrior, this kind of puppet fairy method has all levels, it depends entirely on the level of the material, it can be seen that it has a simple spirituality, although it is not very useful in battle, but it is very powerful, admitting labor and admitting grievances, Can perfectly fulfill the master's orders, and with the spirituality of a wrestler, he is completely qualified for the job of a chef, but he can't communicate with people in a complicated way.

It’s just that if you want to make a yellow scarf warrior, you need wood with aura, and the older the wood, the better. Although there is no such thing as aura in this world, there are Qiankun Ding to transform the law, and the older the wood, the better you can get. The better it is, this way, you don't need to alienate the bronze cabinet, which can save you a lot of time.Exchanging money for time, it happened that Nie Bao had a good income today, and Qiankun Ding had a lot of funds, which was more than enough to buy a piece of wood.

Through the shortcut between the two floors, Nie Bao came to the intersection of Sixth Street. Although it was dinner time, looking into the street from the street, it was bustling with people. No one drove here but walked. There are constant hawking and crowds, but there are not many real goods displayed outside, and there are occasionally a few luxuriously decorated stores, which are different from the outside ones.

Nie Bao wandered into the street, not taking time to observe the goods on the stalls, and walked several hundred meters. Most of them were small objects such as cups, plates, bowls, calligraphy and paintings, but there was nothing he wanted. At first, he thought that it would be like a novel, that there are treasures everywhere he goes, and he can pick up any leaks, but now it seems that he thinks too much. Under the scanning of mental power, there is no real thing, even if there are one or two pieces of wood, They are all forged from rotten wood. Sure enough, there are no fools in this world.

He sighed lowly. It seemed that he couldn't do anything if he wanted to save some money. He resigned himself to finding a formal store selling bracelets and walked in. As soon as he entered the store, a beautiful waitress came up to him, showing professionalism. With a smile, he bowed slightly and said, "Welcome, is there anything I can do for you?"

Nie Bao looked around. There was a security guard with a gun on each side of the door. The shop was very spacious, with a marble floor, walls made of solid wood grilles, a huge bulletproof glass counter, and a nine-turn corridor separated by each counter. There is a beautiful waitress, and the counter is full of jade ornaments, gold and silver ornaments, wooden ornaments, crystals, etc. In the center of the store is a brave, with a huge golden incense burner on its back, and faint green smoke floating on it, exuding a faint fragrance. Sandalwood, the whole arrangement can be called antique, very Chinese style.

(End of this chapter)

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