Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 295 Magician, kill without mercy!

Chapter 295 Magician, kill without mercy!

Of course, there are always accidents. Their conflict did not last too long, and then new changes appeared, and the civil war of superhumans broke out.

As a country with superhuman rotten streets, the United States has encountered a catastrophe this time. The civil war between Captain America and Iron Man broke out. This battle was fought in the dark. Some heroes headed by Iron Man are willing Accept the registration bill, while others, headed by Captain America, are unwilling to accept it, and some are neutral.

This time, S.H.I.E.L.D. took advantage of the bill to gain the right to control superhumans, and finally cleaned itself up and got rid of the hostility of the military, because they got the support of Iron Man and others, and while their strength increased greatly, they relied on The weapons he got from Nie Bao also had the upper hand against the anti-registration faction headed by Captain America.

But for this matter, Nie Bao has a different view. He thinks that he is also a member of superhuman beings. If the bill is passed, wouldn’t he also be subject to control, which makes Nie Bao who is used to freedom greatly Contradictory, after all, he has nothing to do and has to go around the country twice. If he is wanted by this bill, it will be as disgusting as eating flies.

Although this matter was not a big deal for Nie Bao, he didn't like this bill from the bottom of his heart, so he had a dispute with S.H.I.E.L.D. And the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, which has greatly increased its power, can't find Nie Bao's residence, so naturally they have nothing to do with him.

Coulson himself has a good personal relationship with Nie Bao, but public affairs are public and private is private. Even if he is worried about Nie Bao in private, he will firmly stand under the government's decision on the right and wrong of the bill. Independent, most of the high-level people among them belong to the United States, so there will naturally be partial gangs in their actions.

Just like that for a period of time, the situation changed suddenly, the former friend became the enemy, but the enemy became the friend again, the identity change was very rapid, when the military came to make trouble again, Coulson no longer shy away from it, this Once was the opportunity for them to turn from underground to public.

It's just that he didn't expect that Tarbert, a man with an abnormal brain circuit, went crazy for some reason, and led his elite special forces to break into their base.

Coincidentally, Captain America, who has been hunted down by them, came with his anti-registration team. So many people with malicious intentions arrived, and they alone couldn't stand it, so he sent Iron Man's team Also called over.

As a result, the slingshot base in New York suddenly became lively. These amazingly powerful guys got together. This is not a good thing. One is weak and two are strong. .

This time the superhuman confrontation, only missing a new superhero Doctor Strange, this guy himself is not interested in civil war, and as a magician he has more important things to do, that is to find Nie Bao, who is wanted by Gu Yi, because this guy hides so well, no matter where he goes, there is no trace of information, which makes them very angry.

Originally wanted to go to the Celestial Dynasty to investigate, but hit a wall. I didn't expect the hidden power of the Celestial Dynasty to be so strong, and I would rather die than let them search, so a battle is inevitable.It's just that this time it was beyond everyone's expectations. Even though dozens of magicians took action, they still didn't take advantage of it in the end. Even Doctor Strange participated in it, and still didn't take advantage of it.

This had a great impact on Doctor Strange. He couldn't figure out why those old guys who seemed to be old at any time, as if they would be blown down by a gust of wind, were so strong in certain places. , even his power of time is a bit difficult, this is the first time he has encountered such a strong opponent except Dormammu, of course they are not as good as Dormammu.

After experiencing these things, the arrogant magicians finally restrained themselves, but they still did not give up on the search for Nie Bao, because his damage to the power of the magic node was too great, which was equivalent to cutting off people's wealth, and That's why they bit Nie Bao to death.

People are always blessed, but misfortunes never come singly. Maybe the magicians have been arrogant for a long time, and this day they finally started to have bad luck.

In California, USA, in a small town,
On the busy street, three strange people in long robes appeared. They hid themselves under the hoods one by one, looking very gloomy, as if they were about to do something bad.

Even the patrolling policemen found out that there was something wrong with such strangely dressed and strangely behaved guys. They unconsciously touched their waists, quietly surrounded them, and stopped the three magicians.Now is the critical period for the country to implement the registration law, and mutant humans with strong destructive power can be seen everywhere, wreaking havoc, so they have to be careful.

"Stop the policeman, stay where you are, and show your ID." One of the policemen shouted loudly. Immediately, pedestrians on the street ran around and looked here curiously. As a dangerous country, they I have long been used to such a scene, and while protecting my own safety, I can also face it calmly.

When the three magicians saw the policemen approaching, they paused slightly, stopped, and looked around.

"Is there anyone found?" "There is no abnormal reaction to the search magic, and it seems that there should be no one here."

One of the hooded men didn't seem to see the surrounding situation, and the other hooded man's finger flashed a little, and the special fluctuations that enveloped the entire town replied.

"Did you hear me? Lie on the ground with your head in your hands, or I'll shoot you!"

The three arrogantly ignored the attitude of the police, which obviously angered them. The surrounding policemen took out their pistols without hesitation. As long as the three of them made any move, they would shoot immediately.

"It's really troublesome, I just said that I won't wear such conspicuous clothes." The action of the policeman finally attracted the attention of the magician, and one of the hooded men complained in a relaxed tone.

"Bang bang bang!" The contemptuous behavior of the three finally broke the nerves of the policeman, several pistols spewed out flames, and the bullets flew directly towards the magicians.

One of the magicians suddenly took a step forward and pinched the magic formula with his hands. The three of them were surrounded by bullets, but they were not hurt at all. The invisible energy shield protected them in the middle. The crowd who watched this scene saw this scene , couldn't help screaming loudly, the timid one was already so frightened that he rolled and fled outwards.

"I want to kill them." The other magician was very impatient. He summoned his staff with a wave of his hand and gave a heavy blow to the ground. The space was cut and they were separated from the police in a separate space and separated from ordinary people in reality. open.Seeing this scene, the policemen immediately understood who they had offended. They were so frightened that they couldn't even hold the guns in their hands. They wanted to escape but didn't dare, so they could only tremble in place.

"Stop, they are not the target, they are just a group of ordinary people, we should not shoot them." Another magician wanted to stop him.

"This is not allowed, and that is not allowed. I have had enough. If an ordinary person rides on his head and shit, why should I practice magic?" unwilling to be bound.

Seeing that he was about to use magic to attack those policemen, the space that enveloped them suddenly appeared like glass, with cracks in a spider web, and then shattered into pieces, fading like an old movie, and the noisy man appeared around him in a blink of an eye The screams made the three magicians slightly taken aback by this change.

Three black holes appeared on the street, with water ripples on them, and transparent human figures gradually appeared, clearly.The first thing to appear was a pair of walking shoes embroidered with clouds and mist, followed by black tights, with a black mask on the face, and a three-foot-long ninja sword on the back. They walked neatly, Coming through the space, the murderous look is shocking.

"The boss has an order, all magicians, kill without mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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