Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 280 The unexpected person

Chapter 280 The unexpected person
Seeing the flames of the explosion outside, Nie Bao was stunned for a moment. Seeing that Sadako's clone was about to be killed by him, he didn't expect another disturbance. Because of the limited spiritual consciousness, he couldn't know the outside situation, but according to With the current development of the plot, his next goal may not be so smooth.

Nie Bao, who didn't want to expose himself in front of people, immediately gave up Zhenzi who was about to fail, and flew into the Void Escaping Boat in a flash, and the Void Transformation Technique was activated, and the person and magic weapon disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At this time, Sadako, who was running away in a panic, suddenly found that the energy that wanted to devour her had disappeared, and her pressure was greatly reduced. The battleship she was scared to death, and a stranger who broke in, all disappeared at this moment, and she seemed to be out of danger.

This kind of inexplicable thing made Sadako stunned for a moment, feeling extremely complicated. After so many years, it seemed that she was being played by someone for the first time, but she should feel grateful for keeping a clone. The feeling of anger and joy made Sadako a little at a loss.

"Boom!" Sadako was hesitating when another huge explosion sounded outside the ghost domain, as if a fierce battle was happening there, and the dazzling light of the explosion made Sadako feel uncomfortable.Sadako's blood-colored eyes looked at the flames in the distance, and her eyes were full of murderous intent. Obviously, she didn't feel any gratitude to those who accidentally saved her. Instead, Sadako became even more angry and wanted to tear them apart.

Looking at the ghost domain that she had finally refined, the spider web fragments gradually appeared in the explosion, as if it would break at any moment, instead of being in a hurry, Sadako let out bursts of eerie laughter, her pale face gradually Dissipated in the air, the surrounding space returned to the dark silence of the past.

"Boom!" Finally, Huangquan could no longer withstand the successive explosions, and it shattered like glass. The block that had been closed for more than a month was finally exposed to people's sight again.

It's just that there are no reporters outside the block at this time, and the onlookers are only heavily armed troops, tanks, troop carriers and other heavy weapons, and they point their black muzzles at the block.

When these big soldiers who were waiting in battle saw the shield that had blocked them break for a long time, they suddenly forgot to breathe nervously, staring fixedly inside, the mysterious veil was lifted, no wonder they were not curious.

The moment the domain shattered, a gust of wind swept across from the ghost domain and brushed over the soldiers' bodies. They couldn't help shivering, and their hands holding the guns tightened.

It's a pity that when they saw the situation inside, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. There was nothing behind the black lacquered shield. The people who saw here during the day disappeared completely at this moment, as if they were all sleeping, but this The possibility is very small, how could the people here not hear such a loud explosion, there is indeed a problem here, this thought flashed through the hearts of all the big soldiers.

"Boss, what are you talking about here that made you suffer? It looks really unusual." In the headquarters behind these troops, the colonel watched the situation on the front line through the screen. When he saw the ghost domain When asked about the internal situation, he couldn't help asking in surprise.

The police chief had a gloomy face, suppressed his anger, looked coldly at the place that brought him nightmares, and said through gritted teeth: "Don't underestimate this place, this is a cemetery abandoned by God, a playground occupied by the devil, my subordinates Dozens of good boys have been swallowed up by this place, if not for the tens of thousands of residents here, I wish a missile would have razed this place to the ground.”

These days, the chief of the police sub-district in this area has not had a peaceful day. The tens of thousands of people who disappeared in the ghost domain have already turned their hair gray. It has already caused panic across the country.

However, sooner or later, when the matter could not be covered, the government did not hesitate to dispatch the army to evacuate the surrounding civilians, but it was useless, no matter how powerful the thermal weapon was, there was no room for it here, and there were tens of thousands of people here , They were wary and did not dare to use heavy weapons, so the matter was arguing and dragged until now.

Until today, a colonel in the military department who claimed to be a special event handling agency found the director, and this scene happened.

I wanted to break open the tortoise's shell with a weapon, but I didn't expect that they only attacked halfway. A locomotive full of flames suddenly rushed in the direction of the army's attack. The colonel would not be polite to this uninvited guest, and directly asked for an attack. The trajectory headed straight towards the ghost building, and bullets followed it like raindrops.

It's just that I didn't expect that the bullets didn't hit the Necromancer Knight, but hit the shield of the ghost domain. The colonel saw this scene, but he didn't stop attacking, and attacked the ghost domain. Originally, their target was here. Attacking uninvited guests can also attack the intended target.

After the round-robin bombing, they didn't expect that the hateful shield that made them helpless on weekdays was miraculously breached by them. The colonel suddenly became excited. This was the first thing he took over after the establishment of his department, and there was progress. , he naturally wants to take advantage of the victory to pursue, and he is very interested in the protective shield here. If he can get this means, it will be a big help to them, and he will not give up no matter what.

"Colonel, the energy wall has been broken, can someone be sent in?" A soldier walked in and asked him.

"Wait a minute."

Now, the unknown opportunity was exposed in front of their eyes, and the colonel was a little hesitant. He couldn't just bet on the lives of soldiers, and it would be difficult to explain if he sacrificed too much.But it's impossible to give up. After finally breaking the barrier, I have to explore it no matter what.

Suddenly, the colonel's heart moved, thinking of those people hiding behind him, maybe they can be used.He walked up to one of his subordinates and whispered something in his ear.

Not long after, there was a roar from behind the army, as if some monster was making trouble. When the soldiers heard this movement, there was a commotion.

"Don't mess, don't mess, stay vigilant, remember your position, you will die if you move around. Shut your mouths when you see anything in a while, don't be surprised, don't ask random questions! Control your mouths. "

While the captains were maintaining the order of the team, a series of blood-red figures rushed from the back of the team to the front. Their movements were flexible and quick. In the eyes of the soldiers, they were just blood-red lights and shadows flickering. Fortunately, there was an officer Only with their reminders can they maintain their formation and not mutiny because of the terrifying scene.

The appearance of these blood variants shocked everyone, but at this time their huge figures stood in front of the soldiers in a row, with blood-red eyes, suppressing the tyrannical impulse, calmly waiting for orders.

"These things look really good, but I don't know how powerful they are?" The colonel was really surprised by their movements and shapes when he saw the blood aliens for the first time, and he was full of expectations for them.

"Hehe, then you can enjoy it, the next good show." Mijiena smiled, said confidently, and then said something in the communicator next to her ear.

"Roar!" As soon as Mijiena finished speaking, the blood aliens on the battlefield in front of them seemed to have received some orders, and they roared in unison and rushed towards the former ghost domain. More than ten blood aliens rushed in together, like a galloping horse. .

(End of this chapter)

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