Chapter 253 Doubts
"Kolson, how do I know what Coulson is, whether it's real or not, anyway, I don't have time, I prefer to stay at home and sleep, now, please leave my room, or I will call the police." Ke is like a cat that has stepped on its tail, acting a little nervous. Over the years, he has been made nervous by the haunted building, and his attitude towards the unexpected guests in front of him is even worse.

"Hey! It seems that you have chosen an unwise decision, so let my assistant talk to you! Believe me, you won't like this way, why can't you be more rational?" Coulson With a low sigh, he shook his head, and then withdrew back to make room.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, anyway, get out of here...uh!" Huck was extremely proud when he saw him backing down, and roared fiercely with his mouth open, but he didn't finish speaking.A pistol suddenly protruded from behind Coulson, and it was directly stuck into his mouth. At this moment, only fear remained in his eyes, and the cold taste of gunpowder in his mouth made his legs tremble. Almost collapsed on the ground.

Seeing that Huck had finally calmed down, the owner of the pistol slowly came out from behind Coulson, with a slim figure and indifferent expression, this person was Melinda.It turned out that after Coulson officially became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., May also became his personal assistant.Although the clairvoyance incident has passed during this period, the status of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the world cannot be restored to the past.

Behind the scenes of S.H.I.E.L.D., things are so complicated that Coulson can't breathe. In addition, he himself is a little abnormal. He often draws some weird symbols for no reason. He couldn't suppress it, so there must be someone who can take care of him by his side, and help deal with some emergencies and protect Coulson's safety. There is no better job than May for this job.

Therefore, during this period of time, Mei and Coulson stayed together every day. It happened that there was an accident in this block, and Coulson had to deal with it himself. , making Huck obedient.

Under the duress of life, Huck could only honestly invite two people into the house,
As soon as he entered the house, Coulson took the lead. Before the host invited him, he looked at the whole house on his own, and put away an old photo of a haunted building that he found accidentally. Huck said with a smile: "Please sit down! Mr. Huck, this is your home, so don't be polite to us."

"Yes, yes, yes," Huck nodded quickly, and glanced cautiously. Mei, who was standing behind Coulson with an expressionless face, sat down obediently.

"Mr. Huck, please don't be nervous. I'm really just looking for you this time to learn something. This is my assistant. Although his expression is a bit cold, he is still a very easy-going person." Coulson smiled Introduced Mei to Huck, although he was a bit suspected of lying, but Huck could only nod in response, not daring to say anything more.

Then Coulson started chatting with Huck, the chats were just some short and trivial things in the parents, from complaining about neighbors and sleeping together, to talking about work, Coulson seemed to be like a roundworm in Huck's stomach, and he could talk about him in every sentence heart.Gradually, when the conversation was happy, Huck let go of his guard and chatted with him enthusiastically, until he got so excited that he even forgot their identities.

Coulson saw that Huck had let go of his defenses, and the relationship between them had eased, so he turned his head and gave Mei a look, and Mei understood, turned around and walked to other rooms.

"Hey! What is she going to do?" Seeing May's action, Huck was startled. He wanted to stop him, but he didn't dare. He could only stand up and ask Coulson after May left.

"Don't get excited, she just wants to go to the bathroom, let her find it by herself, let's continue talking." Coulson waved his hand and continued.

"Then Mr. Huck, can you talk to me about your ghost building? Since the ghost building doesn't make money, why don't you sell it." After Huck sat down, Coulson suddenly changed the subject, and finally brought the topic to the fore. Arrived at the haunted house.

"Oh! You said that, damn it, when you mentioned that haunted building, you got angry. I don't know where I offended God, and such a bad thing happened." Maybe it was Coulson's intentional flattery. As a result, when this matter was brought up, Huck finally let go of his vigilance, and began to complain endlessly, as if he was full of grievances, and finally had a place to vent.

"Let me tell you a secret. Maybe you don't believe it. I don't want that broken place for a long time. I once thought about selling it to others, but every time I move that place, I always have nightmares." Said Here, there is a trace of despair and fear in Huck's eyes, as if he has given up hope for life.

Hack paused, then continued: "That was many years ago. I told the police about it, but no one believed me. They even thought I was crazy, so they almost arrested me. It’s ridiculous to go to the hospital! I spent so much money to pay taxes, but the government can’t give me the protection I deserve. Whenever I wake up from a nightmare, I always find myself leaving my bed and home inexplicably. Somewhere in the haunted building."

Speaking of this, Huck began to tremble violently, his pupils suddenly dilated, as if remembering something terrible, and after a long time to stabilize his emotions, he continued: "Since then, no one believed my words, and I I no longer dare to sell this damn ghost building, I don’t even dare to think about it, I can only throw it in my hands, and rent it to those greedy and dirty poor at a loss at the lowest price. Because no one is willing to believe me, I can only be misunderstood every day."

Coulson couldn't help frowning when he heard this, the capitalist's remarks made him extremely annoying, and he really wanted to slap him in the face, but he had to be patient, because there were more important things.

"Huck, I didn't doubt your words, otherwise I wouldn't have come here. In fact, I came to you because of the haunted building. We have learned from the side. You told everyone that the thirteenth floor is forbidden to enter. ! Can you tell me why?"

Huck was stunned for a moment, and when he reached the thirteenth floor, he thought of something bad again, and hesitated for a while, but when he saw Mei who came back, he didn't dare to hide it anymore, so he had to continue: "The thirteenth floor, um , The thirteenth floor, how should I put it! Just don’t go there, please accept my warning, don’t go there, it’s best not to even inquire, if you still don’t want to die.”

"Really? It seems that you really know something, but I am very puzzled. Since you know that the ghost building is not suitable for living, why do you allow others to live in it? Aren't you afraid that more people will die?"

"Uh, this?" Huck was a little embarrassed when he was questioned, and he didn't know how to answer. After all, he couldn't say that it was because of money, so he didn't care how many people died.

"Hmph!" Mei hated the guy who ignored human life in order to make money.

"Huck, please be honest and answer our questions. We don't know everything. We are only interested in the thirteenth floor. Please tell me everything you know."

"Actually, I don't know much, and I always feel that knowing too much is not good, so I only know one thing, you can't go to the thirteenth floor, there is no escape from the cursed place, so you are curious, It’s best to put it away, or don’t blame me if you die.”

"It turns out that there is a saying that one must die after entering the thirteenth floor, but as far as we know, the two people who died this time had never entered the thirteenth floor. Why did they die?" Coulson asked seriously.

"Impossible, how could it be!" Hearing this news, Huck's face turned pale, stood up excitedly, and subconsciously shouted, "Impossible, absolutely impossible, could it be that she has become stronger again? It’s already spreading to the twelfth floor.”

"Mr. Huck, who is she?" The news frightened Huck so much that he lost his mind. No matter how Coulson tried to persuade him, they could no longer accept the questioning, and they had no choice but to give up and leave.

"How did you gain anything? May." Out of Huck's house, Coulson asked May.

"No, even at close range, the energy detector still doesn't respond. I suspect it's just someone's suspicion. I still don't believe that there is such a thing in this world."

"Don't jump to conclusions. Sometimes it's more complicated than we imagined. It's been recorded in S.H.I.E.L.D. It's not that simple, otherwise I wouldn't let go of what I'm doing, and in terms of micro-expressions, Huck doesn't Didn't panic."

"Hmph! How can such a person's words be trusted?"

"Hehe! I already know everything I need to know, and I didn't intend to get anything from him. This time I came here just to scare the snake away."

"What? Why is that? Are you suspecting that Huck is the murderer?"

"No, it's not that simple. It's just that Huck has some doubts. Don't you think that so many people are dead, why is he the only one who is still alive? Is there a problem? He once said that when he woke up, he found himself in a haunted building. He didn't lie in this sentence, and he woke up on the thirteenth floor."

"How is it possible!" Mei was startled, and asked in disbelief, "Didn't it say there was a curse? Why is he alive?"

"That's exactly what I want to know, it looks like we need to do some preparation first."

(End of this chapter)

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