Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 250 Infinity Stones

Chapter 250 Infinity Stones
"It's you!" Peter looked at the Qiankun Ding floating in front of him, his eyes widened, and he shouted in disbelief.

After speaking, he realized his situation again, and quickly looked around. He found that all the prisoners around him were looking at him with terrified eyes, and they didn't dare to move forward. They were obviously frightened by the strange attack just now, but they But he turned a blind eye to the Qiankun Cauldron floating in the air, as if this thing was invisible.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be quite capable of fighting, but why didn't I see what weapon you used to attack, did those prison guards miss something?" Knowing how these people were defeated, but they were all accidents when they attacked Peter, it was obvious that Peter must have done something.

Peter didn't answer Rocket's question, but just shrugged his shoulders, because he really didn't know how to explain it. Could it be that he picked up a strange thing in the universe, and it could fly, hit people, and become invisible? , which no one else can see except himself.

Peter believed that as long as he said that, others would regard him as crazy, so at this time he could only keep silent and walked quietly to their cell.However, his expression, in the eyes of outsiders, is a bit indifferent. It is completely pretentious and profound. Wherever Peter looked, no one dared to look at him. He lowered his head and pretended not to see anything. The anger just now The cursing and the evil eyes all disappeared at this time, or they turned into curses secretly in their hearts.

But Peter didn't care about this. As a scavenger's face, he wouldn't be frightened by a harmless curse.He felt very refreshed at this time. He thought that if he entered the prison, he might suffer some crimes, but he didn't expect that a Qiankun cauldron would appear suddenly, which would help him a lot and knock down all the attackers. The other prisoners would never dare to offend again. He, the feeling of being feared by others is too strong, at least he won't suffer.

Peter and the others came to their respective cells, while Peter and Rocket were arranged in the same place. Because of the accident just now, the prisoners here hid in fear like a mouse seeing a cat when they saw them, not daring to disturb them .

When he got to the bedside, Rocket sat down cross-legged, staring at Peter with dark eyes, his eyes full of inquiry, his question just now hadn't been answered yet.But Peter didn't care about noticing the rocket. The Qiankun cauldron floating beside him had already attracted his full attention. Now Peter was eager to know what this Qiankun cauldron was and why it kept following him.

"Could it be that I have turned on the protagonist mode, and I can pick up treasures at any time. If I can always carry this thing with me in the future, wouldn't it be an extra bodyguard that others can't see? Let's see who dares to provoke me." Peter was dumbfounded Looking at the Qiankun cauldron floating beside him, he was completely lost in thought.His only doubt now is that this Qiankun Cauldron of unknown origin cannot detect the real data no matter what means are used. If it weren't for the fact that he picked it up by accident, Peter would have suspected that it was Yondu's conspiracy.

Keep in mind that there was silence for a while, and the atmosphere of embarrassment and depression permeated. Everyone stared and stared, not daring to vent their atmosphere, for fear of disturbing the two evil stars, especially Peter, who was thinner and smaller than them, but still outside. The few companions lying down let these people clearly realize how cruel this humble earthling is.

However, Rocket doesn't care about these, Peter is his prey, and he has been staring at him for so long, Peter completely ignores his existence.Rocket's patience has been worn out, and finally he couldn't help asking him: "Hey, I helped you, why don't you explain to me? How did you kill those bastards? Did you hide and pass the inspection? Bring the weapons in."

Peter was awakened by Rocket's words. He glanced at Rocket and said, "I'm afraid you have some other purpose in helping me! I remember you said that you were going to arrest me to receive the reward. Why did I tell you?"

"Are you holding grudges? Don't worry too much about it. Although this is the truth, at least in this prison, we are not enemies. What do you think?" Rocket said indifferently.

"It's acceptable for you to say that." Peter said, holding his chin. He still knows about rockets, and he has successfully escaped from prison many times.Although he has bad intentions for him, he can still use it in prison. As for after he is released from prison, he has a way to escape.

The concept of time in the universe is getting weaker and weaker, and it is time to rest in a blink of an eye. After a period of testing, Peter completely gave up on the study of the Qiankun Ding. No matter what he said or tried, the Qiankun Ding just floated quietly Around him, there was no reaction at all.

The big reason is that the appearance of the Qiankun Ding is too deceptive, Peter finally can only believe that this is just an item with magical power, not some intelligent life, its function is to protect, as long as someone attacks him, it will Counterattack autonomously.Although he didn't know the reason yet, Peter knew that he had obtained an incredible treasure.

Nie Bao silently watched all this happening in the Qiankun Cauldron. When all the belongings on Peter were taken away, Nie Bao secretly put the Cosmic Spirit Ball into the Qiankun Cauldron, and then took advantage of people not paying attention. Return to the other side.In his opinion, the safest place is next to the protagonist, quietly as an object, no one will notice him.

Nie Bao just didn't expect that Peter would be in danger as soon as he entered the prison. He thought about it, and finally decided to save Peter. After all, he still had to rely on him to attract Thanos' attention, and even that Luo Nan was quite at the Golden Core stage. With cultivation base, Nie Bao didn't want to be the first to deal with these people.

And Nie Bao secretly reckons that in the end Peter, who is as weak as a chicken, may be able to defeat Luo Nan because of the cosmic spirit ball, so he can't just walk away. Once the plot changes, if the protagonist loses the cosmic spirit If the ball is killed by Luo Nan, then no one will be able to stop the enemy. Maybe Thanos will hit the earth in advance.

So Nie Bao decided to follow Peter first, observe the development of the plot, and occasionally help them, pretending to be a lifeless treasure, until the end of the plot, he will steal the universe spirit ball without anyone noticing.

As for why Nie Bao got the cosmic spirit ball in advance, because he wanted to see what was in the spirit ball.It can emit such a strong energy breath, which can cause the Qiankun cauldron to vibrate. As a treasure refiner, how could it be so easy to give up.

It also happened that when Nie Bao was concentrating on studying the universe spirit ball, Peter began to study the Qiankun Ding, and Nie Bao naturally had no time to talk to him, which made Peter misunderstand, thinking that the Qiankun Ding was just a treasure without wisdom.

Nie Bao opened the cosmic spirit ball, and was surprised to find that it was a purple gem inside that really emitted strong energy fluctuations, and its power could reach the level of innate spirit treasures, which was amazing.Seeing this Infinity Gem, Nie Bao knows no matter how stupid he is, except for one of the six Infinity Gemstones, there is no other treasure of the same type in this universe that can reach this level.

Holding this gem, Nie Bao was very excited. This is the second powerful treasure he got, and he felt heavy in his heart. This thing is too hot, but it is absolutely impossible for him to let go. He has to plan well.

(End of this chapter)

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