Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 24 The Magical Use of the Spring Talisman

Chapter 24 The Magical Use of the Rejuvenation Talisman
Anger made Mike move faster, and at the same time, the cracks on his face, the looming red light flickered faster, as if it was about to explode at any time, and the situation became more and more dangerous.

Coulson saw that the situation was not good, he stepped back, and hastily activated the golden armor talisman, and a golden light covered him like an armor.As soon as he finished this action, Mike's fist slammed up.

"Dang!" Mike's fist hit the golden light, making a loud sound of metal collisions, and the golden armor was covered with ripples, appearing from the fist attack, but after the ripples, the golden armor's energy shield remained motionless, extremely strong.He had never seen such a strange sight before him, and when he suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, Mike couldn't help being stunned, then reacted, continued to wave his fists wildly, and attacked the golden armor mask more violently, flickering the mask, shaking it endlessly.

Standing in the middle of the golden armor, Coulson saw Mike's heavy fists hitting the golden mask like raindrops. If he hit him with his fist, there would be no broken bones. He could only silently pray that the quality of Nie Bao's items passed the test.

"Dang Dang Dang!" With heavy punches like a storm, the mask shook endlessly, revealing Mike's impatience, but the golden armor just didn't break.The power of the golden armor talisman has withstood the test after all. Coulson was relieved, hid in the golden armor cover, slowed down his tone, and persuaded Mike patiently: "Mr. Mike, we are not malicious, you are very Danger, there is a possibility of explosion at any time, only we can help you, this is your only chance. There are too many helplessness in this world, you are not alone in the misfortune, what matters is how you look at it. Even if you don’t do it for you Think about your child yourself, do you want him to be an orphan? Do you want him to be more unfortunate than you? Think about it! Who would want to have no parents.”

Mike, who was furious, heard his child's heart tremble, and immediately slowed down his attack, and his anger gradually subsided. Coulson's questioning was like a sharp knife piercing into his heart, hitting the vital point. This is a question he can't avoid no matter what. Mike withdrew his fist and glared at Coulson, asking anxiously, "Son, where is my son?"

"He's safe. We didn't mean anything malicious. It would be more dangerous if he was by your side. If you exploded, he would be the first victim. Do you really want this?" Coulson asked rhetorically.

"You don't keep your word, why should I trust you, just now you didn't hesitate to shoot at me, trying to kill me, you are as bad as those capitalists." Mike said with a cold snort.The newly promoted capitalist, Nie Baoxian, was also shot while lying down. He said that he was very innocent.

"It was a misunderstanding. I can guarantee that this kind of thing will never happen again. Someone tried to kill you just now, a man and a woman. I believe you have seen it. You should be very clear about who it is. Now it is only us There is only one life to save you, for your child, you must trust us, your condition is very bad, and you will be in danger at any time." Coulson looked at him sincerely and said.

Perhaps it was Coulson's sincere eyes that touched Mike. The unwillingness in his heart, the grievance he suffered, the child's worry, the desire for life, and various emotions made him struggle for a long time.Finally, the clenched fist was gradually released, and the ferocious face slowly relaxed. He gave up resistance and decided to trust Coulson again.

"Ah~~!" Seeing that he was willing to surrender, Coulson was overjoyed, and immediately lifted the golden armor technique, and stepped forward to say something. Red light suddenly radiated from Mike's whole body, and the centipede serum on his arm rolled endlessly. The cracks gradually peeled off and intensified, looking hideous and terrifying.At this time, Mike's whole body was in severe pain, as if it was about to split open. He couldn't bear it anymore, knelt on the ground, and screamed loudly.

When Coulson saw this scene, he couldn't help being stunned, and then realized that the hidden danger of the serum finally broke out, and he was about to explode. If Mike exploded, its power would definitely set the train station on fire.

"Hey! How are you? Be sure to hold on, we will definitely save you." Coulson hurried forward, while comforting Mike, while forcing himself to calm down, his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking of ways to rescue him.

If the time is long enough, you can take him back to slowly find a way to study, but now that Mike is in danger of life, it is too late to study.Coulson was at a loss and didn't know what to do. If it really didn't work, he would have to let everyone leave and give up on Mike, but this was the last thing he wanted to do.With such a great sacrifice, it was hard to convince people that all previous efforts would be wasted if it exploded. How could Coulson be willing to do so.

When I was in a hurry, I could think of any way. Coulson suddenly remembered that there was another rejuvenation talisman that was useless. Nie Bao said that this can not only heal injuries, but also get rid of negative states. Well, a dead horse can only be used as a living horse doctor, and it can only be tried, which is better than giving up without doing anything.

He frantically took out the Rejuvenation Talisman, activated it clumsily, and a green light flew out after the rune burned out. Under Coulson's control, it instantly submerged into Mike's body. As soon as he came into contact with the green light, The red light erupting from his body suddenly slowed down, and Coulson actually smelled a faint, sandalwood-like fragrance from him, and the green light seemed to have an effect.

At this moment, the screams slowed down, and Mike's painful expression gradually subsided. After a while, the red light on his body calmed down, and an expression of enjoyment gradually appeared on his face, and he couldn't help humming.The faint green on Mike's face appeared and disappeared, and the red cracks gradually healed. In a short period of time, the injuries that everyone was helpless to healed healed.

"How are you?" Coulson saw that the rune was working, he rushed forward to help him up, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, you, you're a superhero." Mike looked at his hands in amazement, checked his body, it was completely intact, he felt that his condition had never been so good.For the green light from Coulson and the golden light at the beginning, he was in awe from the bottom of his heart. He didn't expect to meet a higher-level alien. No matter what he said, he didn't dare to be arrogant anymore.

"I'll talk about this later. You need to rest now. I'll take you to a safe place. Your son is waiting for you outside. Go!" After the crisis passed, Coulson breathed a sigh of relief. He instinctively responded to Mike's question. He didn't want people to know, but arranged for someone to escort him out.

Through these three runes, he already knew that Nie Bao's extraordinaryness, even if the runes could not be mass-produced, but now these are enough to attract his attention, and these alone can make an ordinary person no less than a stranger. The means, and the means are more abundant and magical than Yiren. If you can get some runes from him, it will definitely be a big help. His importance is more important than ordinary Yiren. It seems that the level of secrecy for Nie Bao , should be promoted to eighth level, or higher, and must be reported to Nick Fury before deciding on the future attitude towards Nie Bao.

(End of this chapter)

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