Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 219 Coulson's Surprise

Chapter 219 Coulson's Surprise
This time Garrett brought all his strength here, and the purpose was not to waste any more time. All the centipede fighters who passed by were replaced with mechanical prostheses. Pain, without personal feelings, can be said to be a killing machine.

Garrett did not find any information about the resurrection plan. His life has been less than half a month, and the approach of death has made him extremely crazy. He doesn't care about any country or Hydra's plan. There is only one thought in his mind now, that To find the alien serum.

So Garrett forced Quinn to reform these soldiers for him. Although he was very unwilling to terminate the military cooperation, under the threat of the crazy Garrett, he had to completely blame the US military and try his best to reform the soldiers for him.Speaking of Quinn, it was also quite hard. The onium elements were all taken away by Nie Bao, and half of the hope of his life was gone. Now he can only trust Garrett to make a big cake for him and work hard for him.

After a period of transformation, he finally completed the transformation of all the centipede fighters before finding Skye. This time Garrett had no way out.Looking at the flickering lights on the top of the mountain in the distance, Garrett's face became more ferocious, he was impatient to wait any longer.

"Let everyone attack! Crush everything here, and then bring Skye to me, remember to live." Garrett spit out a few words coldly.

As the order was issued, the mission objectives appeared in the eyes of all the fighters. These death fighters walked towards Nie Bao's villa with neat steps. Every step made deep marks on the ground, and the metal legs sent It sounded empty.

Coulson, who was still asleep, suddenly felt that someone was approaching him. He jumped up from the bed, took out the pistol under the pillow, and pressed it against the visitor's forehead.

"Why is it you, Mei?" Coulson breathed a sigh of relief when he saw who was coming, put away his gun and asked in surprise.

Mei quietly raised her index finger to her mouth, signaling for him to keep his voice down. This action made Coulson alert quickly. He listened carefully to the movement outside, and at the same time asked carefully, "What's the matter?"

"There is a problem with the people in this family!" Mei said with a serious face.

"How could you have discovered something?" Coulson was startled and asked hastily.

"I heard them all, gathered in a room downstairs, plotting something."

"Let's go and have a look." Coulson was shocked when he heard the words. Now is an extraordinary period. They have no backup, so they have to be careful. If there is a problem with Nie Bao, the consequences will be unimaginable.

So the two of them put on their weapons, woke up the others for the convenience of escape, and tiptoed to the room that Mei said. Suddenly everyone gathered here, no wonder Coulson was suspicious.

The team members carefully surrounded both sides of the door, ready to hear what Nie Bao and the others wanted to do. After all, Nie Bao has not shown any hostility so far. If they guessed wrong, then their early investment will be completely useless. went in.

They only heard the noisy voices in the room, as if there were many people there, but because the voices were mixed together, they were a little confused. Fortunately, there are still a lot of gadgets that are auxiliary agents, and this can help up.

"Crack!" When they took out a small instrument to eavesdrop, the door of the room opened suddenly. Coulson and the others were startled, and quickly rolled behind the sofa before looking towards the door.

The bright light shines through the door and shines into the living room, causing Coulson and the others to shrink their eyes, and then they can see clearly the figure in the light, who is it if it's not Nie Bao?The guy leaned against the door, with a narrow smile on his face, watching their movements in silence.

Seeing Nie Bao's expression, Coulson, who is proficient in psychology, can be sure first, that at least now he has no malice towards people like himself, it seems that he is thinking too much.

After understanding this result, Coulson suddenly became embarrassed, because their behavior of inquiring about others was indeed a little unethical, but they were agents, and it was normal to have such a mentality, so Coulson's embarrassment was only momentary. Zhuan then forgot, and stood up with a normal expression. Seeing the captain's movement, the others also stood up silently, and quietly inserted the weapon in their hands back to their waists. Only Mei kept a frozen face, watching Out of emotion.

"Mr. Coulson, are all agents like you, who have a strong heart for gossip, and like to eavesdrop on the wall in the middle of the night, this hobby." Nie Bao said with a light smile.

"Ahem!" Being ridiculed in person, even though Coulson was thick-skinned, he didn't feel uncomfortable, so he coughed dryly to hide his embarrassment and said, "How is it possible, we just made a little joke, Our hobby is coffee, especially yours."

Coulson flattered without a trace, then changed the subject, and the other team members also said a few words at the right time, trying to smooth things over like this.

Nie Bao watched them with a smile, neither angry nor happy, just watching them playing tricks silently, finally even they themselves found it boring, calmed down and watched Nie Bao's reaction.

"Okay, the show is over, come in if you want! Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with you, I was about to wake you up, but I didn't expect you to come here on your own initiative." After a moment of silence, Nie Bao said Letting out the door, he made a gesture of invitation to them.

Coulson and the others looked at each other, they didn't expect to let them in so easily, but being able to know the truth is the most important thing for them at present, so they were not polite, and followed Nie Bao into the house one after another.

As soon as he entered the house, Coulson found that it was very lively. There were not only the five Martins, but also ten strange men and women. , there was a lot of energy in his eyes, with an astonishing momentum, ready to go, as if choosing a person to eat a cheetah.

Seeing these people, Coulson's scalp became numb. Over the years, he has also come into contact with many people, colleagues, agents, gangsters, etc., and there are many people with extraordinary skills. The characteristics of those people are different from those in front of Coulson. Compared with these people, their characteristics are so similar.

So when he saw these people, Coulson immediately decided that they were unusual and sharp-edged, making it impossible to ignore their existence. It is no wonder that Coulson was surprised to be able to gather so many experts together. He wouldn't be shocked when the Shield Bureau was there, but now that he is short of manpower, he is really a little shocked when he suddenly sees these.

Unexpectedly, he still underestimated Nie Bao, and even more underestimated these guys on the farm. He still remembered a few of them. He had seen some of them when they were grazing on the farm. It's unbelievable that folks are willing to do such humble chores, and the fear of Nie Bao can't help but increase.

"What happened?" Coulson suppressed the surprise in his heart and asked as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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