Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 210 Reaction of all parties

Chapter 210 Reaction of all parties

"Damn it!" Coulson wanted to stop them, but when he took out the rune folder in his pocket, it was empty. It turned out that his runes had been used up, and without the runes, he was helpless for a while. Angrily roared.

These days, in order to deal with the crazy attack of Hydra, they have gone through a lot of battles, and the convenience of the rune has been verified. It is all thanks to this inconspicuous little piece of talisman that Coleson and others can be intact , relatively light gun to deal with the past.With these runes, Coulson is simply a multi-faceted superpower user. As the enemy becomes stronger, the frequency of use of runes becomes more and more frequent, and the consumption increases sharply.

In addition, the headquarters of SHIELD also began to spread the magical legend of runes. Occasionally, some senior agents would take some runes from him for self-defense. De also took some, but now they are used to deal with them. After going back and forth, the runes in Coulson's hands are not enough. This is why this predicament appeared. Unknowingly, he has begun to rely on runes Wen's magic power.

"Sir, what should we do next?" Trip walked up to Coulson and asked.

"Of course it's to take back my Airbus, and then catch the traitor." Colin said unwillingly.

"Then where should we start? Do I need to hack into the Airbus system?" Skye asked angrily. Haoxuan was taken away by Ward.

Coleson remained silent, and secretly touched the runes on his waist, which were all consumed, before he raised his head and said, "Don't worry, it seems that we need a lot of money."

"Sir, what do we need money for?" Tripp asked in surprise. He has not joined the team for a long time, and he doesn't know much about most things. He has never worried about money before.

"I have a hunch that we are not far from the final battle. The people behind the scenes and the unexpected insiders have all surfaced. Whether we win or lose depends on this time. This battle is not easy to fight, so we need to Some available equipment. Without the support of the headquarters, we can only rely on ourselves now." Coulson said.

"That means we belong to the vigilantes now!" Simmons said excitedly.

"Believe me, you can do it too, as good as Iron Man and the others." Coulson took another sip of chicken soup, and several team members immediately cheered up.

"Sir, I've always been curious, what kind of equipment is that on your waist? It's amazing, it has everything." Trip asked in a timely manner.

"You will know soon, it will definitely surprise people, this is also the purpose of preparing money, without S.H.I.E.L.D., we have to find a way by ourselves. There is a guy who recognizes money but does not recognize people. Sometimes I even think that he makes me more angry than Ward, but who made us beg others!" Coulson said helplessly.


At this time, on the other side of the Airbus, Ward is being trained by Garrett. The failure of the mission means that the real content of the "resurrection" plan cannot be obtained. Garrett's health is deteriorating, and he can't last long. up.His current situation is that in order not to perish, he is completely crazy. As long as he can survive, nothing else is important.

The 'resurrection' plan was the only life-saving straw, and now Ward actually told him that it had failed, and that even Mike couldn't wipe out the remnants of SHIELD, which made Garrett furious.

"I can't help it. The mysterious weapons that Coulson got from nowhere can be compared to super powers. It's really tricky. I said a long time ago not to underestimate them. It's best to find out the source of those weapons before doing it. Now you are so passive." Ward's tone was also slightly dissatisfied.

"I don't want to listen to any reason. The order I gave you is Skye and the resurrection plan, but now?" Garrett said coldly.

"I've been exposed now, it's too late to say anything, I need time to re-plan." Ward said.

"No, what I lack most now is time. Time is running out for me, so I don't want to waste any more. It's time to start the final plan." Garrett said with a grim face.

Ward's face changed when he heard the words, and he let out a breath of surprise and asked, "Are you sure? You haven't reached that point yet! I have to remind you that once that plan is launched, you will be an enemy of the country, and you will never be able to Turn around, this is no joke."

"Just kidding, do I look like I'm joking? I don't have time to look back, and I don't need to look back, even if I am an enemy of the country, if I die, everything will be a cloud, fuck the army, Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D. Those are only threats when I am alive." Garrett is getting more and more crazy, and he is approaching death bit by bit. This kind of terrifying pressure has made him a little abnormal. Now that the robbery failed, he has already When you are desperate and pray for the enemy's mistakes, it is better to make a last-ditch effort.

"Okay! Now that you're sure, what do I need to do?" Ward said helplessly.

"Well! Go to Quinn and tell him that no matter what method he uses, activate the Death Warrior Plan and execute it on the centipede warriors, and create a batch of the most powerful fighters for me in the shortest possible time. He dies."

"Okay!" Ward agreed on the surface, but in his heart he was very dissatisfied with Garrett, who only cared about himself and completely ignored the lives of his subordinates. agreed to come down.


In New York, Steve was already in a daze. Looking at Nick lying on the hospital bed, he couldn't turn his head. Isn't the director already dead?Why are you lying here again now?Looking at the busy doctor and the strange female agent, he somewhat understood that this was probably a fake death scene directed by Nick.

It's just that he didn't expect that Nick really didn't fake his death this time, but almost died. He was injured more seriously than in the plot. With this secret base and simple equipment, facing such a serious injury, even a doctor No matter how good the medical skills are, it is still a bit scratchy.Fortunately, Nick took out a rune tremblingly and asked the doctor to use it for him.

Looking at the weak Nick on the bed, Steve and Falcon learned about all the plots from here, and planned how to counterattack, but first he understood what he saw in front of him.

A piece of folded white paper, what they call runes, can actually emit a green light. The wound on Nick's chest is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the green light is too little after all. Although Nick's life Slowly recovering, but not fully recovering.

(End of this chapter)

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