Chapter 196 Help
"What, Mr. Kun, I didn't hear what you said clearly. Who is he and what is he cultivating." Ye Qinghai's heart moved, and he vaguely heard a word from Taoist Kunxu.

"What? Nothing. Did you hear wrong, don't you know the confidentiality policy?"

"Yes, Mr. Kun, I know, don't ask if you shouldn't know."

"Well, do me a favor. This man's name is Nie Bao. He is from the Celestial Dynasty. He is looking for his traces all over the country. If there is any news, report to me. Remember that he is not an enemy. You must not be good at contact, or do anything to cause trouble. Misunderstanding."

"Yes, I will issue an order immediately, as long as he still appears in any town of the Celestial Dynasty, we will know as soon as possible."

Daoist Kunxu's solemn warning, Ye Qinghai took it to heart, although he was curious as to what kind of identity this person was that would allow Daoist Kunxu, a highly respected figure, to treat him with such care, but he still couldn't bear it. Ask, he will always know when he should know.


"Doctor, doctor, what's wrong with my child, I beg you to save my child." The woman who was rescued by Nie Bao in the hospital tightly grasped the sleeve of the attending doctor, begging anxiously. with.

The old doctor in his 50s frowned while holding the film, with a serious expression on his face, and refused to speak.Seeing this, the women were even more anxious, thinking that something unexpected happened, and became even more uneasy.

"Ms. Zhao Ting, don't worry, don't worry, this is my duty, and I will do my best to save people, just!" The doctor hesitated at this point.

Zhao Ting couldn't help becoming even more anxious: "It's just a doctor, you tell me! I can hold on."

"It's just that your son's symptoms are very strange. There is nothing wrong with the examination, but his body is getting worse and worse, and we have exhausted all means, but we can't wake him up. His case is very strange. We have never seen it before. Experts The medical team can't give an effective treatment plan, so it needs to be hospitalized for observation." The doctor explained with a look of embarrassment, the child's case is really difficult, and all the doctors in this hospital.

Zhao Ting's face froze when she heard that she was going to be hospitalized for observation. The previous emergency expenses and other expenses had already wiped out all her assets. Now that the hospital here is so expensive, she absolutely cannot afford the hospitalization fee.

Coming out of the doctor's office, Zhao Ting walked back to the ward in a daze, looking at the comatose son on the bed through the window, with his pale face, she couldn't help crying out, tears streaming down uncontrollably.She didn't understand what she did wrong. First, the child lost his father early. She raised Nie Bei with all her heart and hardships. Although it was very difficult, but watching her son grow up day by day, she thought she saw hope, but she didn't expect more. Big difficulties are waiting for them.

Her son fell ill unexpectedly, and she spent all her family property in exchange for nothing she could do. Zhao Ting almost collapsed and even thought of committing suicide.

Looking at her son on the hospital bed, Zhao Ting became more and more desperate. At this moment, she suddenly discovered that a puff of black smoke was coming out of her son on the bed, hovering in the sky, and from time to time, a grimace flew out of the black smoke. , constantly tormenting Nie Bei.

This weird scene appeared in front of Zhao Ting's eyes. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief, thinking she was dazzled.But the black smoke is so clear that it can still be seen clearly even through the window.

Zhao Ting covered her mouth in astonishment, for fear that she would scream out loud, fear would make her heart pound wildly, and she couldn't help covering her chest.

Suddenly, when her fingers touched the pocket on her chest, she felt a strange touch, and she realized that there was an extra note in her pocket at some point.

Zhao Ting hurriedly touched her face and took a look, she couldn't help being surprised, remembering that the inexplicable words of Nie Bao when he left were so consistent with this time.She hesitated for a long time, looking at her son who was suffering more and more on the hospital bed, she couldn't help but took out her mobile phone and dialed the number on the note.

At the same time, Nie Bao's figure kept appearing all over the country. Maybe they were in the north the day before, but in the afternoon, they appeared again in the south.

This is very busy for the agents of the Security Bureau, there is no flight record at all, but Nie Bao's whereabouts are so strange, as if he can do a double body, faster than the speed of the plane.These followers complained endlessly and exhausted themselves, but they just couldn't catch Nie Bao's trace, which made Taoist Priest Kunxu even more sure of his extraordinaryness.

Until Nie Bao received a call, then disappeared, and suddenly appeared in a hospital in the capital.

It turned out that when Nie Bao was tasting snacks, he finally received a call from Zhao Ting. Hearing that things had changed, he no longer cared about eating, and flew all the way back to the capital with the invisible sword light.

When he landed in front of the hospital, Ms. Zhao Ting was already waiting at the door.When she saw Nie Bao appearing, her eyes lit up, as if seeing a savior, she rushed to meet him.

Nie Bao walked towards the hospital with Haina. When he saw Aunt Zhao from a distance, he couldn't help frowning. It's been a day since I saw her. Her complexion was so bad that it couldn't be worse. Someone came here to make this family feel uncomfortable, and the method was too ruthless.

When she got closer, Aunt Zhao was about to say something, but Nie Bao stopped her with a stern expression, and then reached out to brush her forehead, and saw a ray of golden light flashing by, and it sank into Zhao Ting's body in the blink of an eye. In the warm water, there is no discomfort and warmth in the whole body, and the spirit seems to be relieved of a heavy burden, and it is unprecedentedly relaxed.

This is evil magic, which is specially used to remove evil spirits, evil spirits, curses and other evil energies. Nie Bao practiced it these days for Aunt Zhao, but he didn't expect to use it so soon.

"Aunt Zhao, do you trust me?" Nie Bao asked sternly.

This sudden question made Zhao Ting slightly taken aback. If it was just a dead horse as a living horse doctor before, then Nie Bao's miraculous performance after the meeting has greatly increased her confidence.Coupled with his selfless performance when he saved people at the beginning, she was willing to trust the people in front of her.

Aunt Zhao nodded firmly, and said in a low voice, "Yes! Of course I believe you."

"Well, let your son go through the discharge procedures! We don't have much time, the sooner the better, I don't have time to explain, I need a quiet place." Nie Bao said calmly.

Aunt Zhao looked at him in surprise, turned around and walked into the hospital without saying anything.She was originally poor and had no money to pay, but now that she had hope, she would not object.

Nie Bao also went in and wanted to help, but the discharge procedures were not smooth, the patient was not awake, and was still under observation, adding special medical records, the doctor didn't want to let it go hastily, for fear that Zhao Ting would listen to the quack doctor's fallacies , and even more displeased with Nie Bao.

But Zhao Ting insisted on moving, and she was deeply impressed by the weird scene she saw, so she naturally didn't place her hopes on the hospital.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, Nie Bao saw an unexpected guest.

(End of this chapter)

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