Chapter 63
Qin Mo didn't know why Wang Buxian wanted to save him, and now he gave himself the title of Chief Guard of the City Lord's Mansion.He has never been such a big official before, even if he was the deacon elder of the Raging Flame Mercenary Corps before, he was just a small elder, not even the captain.However, in the City Lord's Mansion, even a chief guard is more miraculous than those captains of the mercenary regiment.For example, Liu Tianxiong and Liu Tianxiong, the chief guard Han he met before, had to respect him three points.Not to mention the chief guard.

"Master City Lord, um, Qin Mo is the deacon elder of our Lie Yan Mercenary Group, you have to ask me if you want him to be the chief guard of your City Lord Mansion?" At this moment, the Lie Yan Mercenary Group The group leader finally stood up, he was the first member of the Lie Yan Mercenary Group that Qin Mo saw today, of course, this was not to save Qin Mo, but to snatch someone from Wang Buxian!
"Oh?" Wang Buxian looked at Zhang Guodong, with a smile on his face again, "If I remember correctly, this little brother Qin Mo has already been removed from the name of Lie Yan by you. That means he is no longer yours. Lie Yan is a person, why should I ask you?"

Zhang Guodong was momentarily stumped by Wang Buxian's question. He had indeed removed Qin Mo's name from the Lieyan Mercenary Group. In fact, he just wanted to show it to Ji Ning and Shenhu.It's just that he didn't expect that this time he would catch up with another Liujiabao in Nightwalking City. He also made things difficult for this, so he didn't rescue Qin Mo tonight, and let people from Jining, Shenhu and Liujiabao enter Go to Lie Yan's headquarters to ambush Qin Mo.Such an outstanding young man as Qin Mo is naturally unwilling to give up, and it is precisely because of this that he boldly stood in front of Wang Buxian and wanted to keep him, but now he is really suffering.

"And, if I don't care about it, are you sure you have the ability to keep him?"

Although Wang Buxian's face was full of smiles, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was a sarcastic smile.

Zhang Guodong naturally didn't have the ability to keep Qin Mo. If Wang Buxian withdrew, then Liu Zhiming would definitely kill Qin Mo.So for a while, Zhang Guodong was in a dilemma, he couldn't even get down a step.

Qin Mo quietly looked at these people in front of him, Wang Buxian and Zhang Guodong, he was very indifferent now, he had completely seen through these people.Even for Wang Buxian who saved him, he didn't have much gratitude in his heart, because he knew that the other party was still doing it for profit, and for his own talent, he only needed to show up a little, and then he could accept himself under his command.

Wang Buxian did not give Zhang Guodong a step down, and finally Zhang Guodong retreated angrily. He could no longer intervene in this matter, because he had not intervened from the beginning, so there was no chance to intervene.

And Wang Buxian intervened, even if Liu Zhiming had a terrible hatred for Qin Mo, he would not dare to continue to make trouble here. After all, this is his territory, and he cannot fight against him.

"Come with me." After the audience fell silent, Wang Buxian cast his eyes on Qin Mo again and said with a smile.Then he walked outside first.Those who stood in his way all lowered their heads and moved out of the way.

Qin Mo followed slowly, his gaze coldly looking at the faces of the people he passed by.Now he has no choice but to follow Wang Buxian, because only in this way can he continue to survive.But he doesn't like the feeling of having no choice, or he doesn't like the feeling of being led by others.He was like this in front of that pair of beautiful teachers and apprentices, and now he is like this in front of the Lord Wang Buxian.

Slowly followed Wang Buxian out of the headquarters of the Lie Yan Mercenary Group, and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion on the almost deserted street.In the dark night, there are only a few lights in the city, but the road can still be distinguished clearly.

Wang Buxian was walking ahead, and he didn't look back, and he didn't talk to Qin Mo again. That kind of scene made Qin Mo feel like he was being slipped, just like walking a dog.

Qin Mo was injured, and he could hardly walk now, so he walked very slowly along the way, and Qin Mo was in a trance, but Wang Buxian did not leave in a hurry, deliberately waiting for him.I don't know how many streets they passed before they finally came to the City Lord's Mansion. The City Lord's Mansion is a huge palace, and on both sides of the palace are two side halls, which look extremely luxurious, at least better than those small courtyards. too much.

Walking to the front of the main hall, a group of maids and guards greeted him immediately.

"Welcome the return of the city lord."

"Okay, you guys arrange the residence of our chief guard, and find a pharmacist to look at the chief guard's injuries." After speaking, Wang Buxian walked into the hall, ignoring the people outside.

Although everyone was puzzled by the chief guard that the city lord mentioned, they understood that the chief guard was referring to Qin Mo who was seriously injured in front of him, and immediately, the group of people began to get busy.And although Qin Mo was very tired and the injuries on his body made him extremely uncomfortable, he still insisted on not letting himself pass out.

As the chief guard, Qin Mo's residence is quite good, at least he can live in a side hall.Soon, an old pharmacist came to see Qin Mo's wounds, treated Qin Mo's wounds, and let Qin Mo rest well after taking a few pills.

Soon after, Qin Mo was left alone in the huge room, and he fell asleep on the bed until then.Anyway, now that I have arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, the rest of the matter can only go with the flow, with his current strength, it is not enough to resist that Wang Buxian, and until now, Wang Buxian has not done anything bad to him Actions, of course he understands that in the future, the king will naturally have a place to dominate himself.There is no free lunch in the world, he has nothing to do with Wang Buxian, this is the first time we meet tonight, the other party will not save himself for no reason.

After comatose, Qin Mo's physical injuries healed faster. After all, the Arad system gave him the benefit of standing on the street, allowing him to quickly repair his body when he was out of combat.

But even so, Qin Mo's lethargy lasted for two days and two nights, and during these two days and two nights, someone naturally served him.And in these two days, the entire Yongquan City returned to its previous tranquility, and everything was no different from before.The people in Liujiabao also left Yongquan City and returned to Night City.It was as if nothing happened on the night of letting Buddha go, but facts are facts, and Qin Mo's name once again became popular in Yongquan City.

(End of this chapter)

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