Invincible Ghost Sword of Another World

Chapter 54 The Strange Shopkeeper

Chapter 54 The Strange Shopkeeper

After making up his mind, Qin Mo didn't wait any longer.Lift your feet and walk to other shops.

However, Qin Mo visited several shops but did not find the Red Flame Stone, but only found a few pieces of Purple Ink Stone.

After more than two minutes, Qin Mo almost visited the entire third floor, not because of the size of the third floor, but because Qin Mo had to visit every shop for a long time.Qin Mo spent a lot of time in each store, not only looking for the materials he wanted, but also looking at other materials by the way.So it took a lot of time.

In the end, Qin Mo only bought one piece of Red Flame Stone, but he almost collected all the Purple Ink Stone.

Qin Mo finally set his sights on the fourth floor, which is the top place for sales of the entire Artifact Refining Guild. At the same time, there is also the auction of the Artifact Refining Guild, and the treasures there are far better than those here.With Qin Mo's current wealth, he can still get in, but he has to pay [-] gold coins to get in, which is not something Qin Mo can afford.

"Hey, no matter where you are, money is the most important thing." Qin Mo sighed, and now he still has about 50 gold coins on him. If he runs up, he will have to spend [-] gold coins, which is one-fifth of it. what.

After sighing, Qin Mo looked at a remote shop. This was the last one, and Qin Mo didn't have much hope. If he couldn't collect all the materials here, he would wait.Go back to Yongquan City and ask Lingbao Pavilion to pay more attention.

Qin Mo moved towards the shop. The shop was in the corner of the third floor. Although the number of customers on the third floor was a little less, there were still some, but no one had ever visited the shop.

Qin Mo walked outside the shop, and he saw the boss was making calculations inside, with his head down, as if he was calculating something.But Qin Mo was a little puzzled, this shop doesn't have any business, so what kind of money is there for the boss to calculate?But the boss was so preoccupied with his calculations.

Qin Mo ignored the boss, walked into the shop, and looked around.

After wandering around before, Qin Mo is familiar with many materials in the store, so he glanced at many things before turning his eyes away.

"Huh." Qin Mo's gaze finally stopped at the three purple ink stones, and now he is only short of the last two, which made Qin Mo excited.This thing is very rare, but no matter what, if you can collect all the purple ink stones now, then it's not in vain to come here.

"Shopkeeper, how do you sell this purple ink stone?" Although Qin Mo had already bought some before, the price of each store would vary, so he asked the store first.

However, the old man in the store didn't even raise his head, he was still thinking about it, and just said flatly: "The things in the store are not for sale."

Qin Mo was stunned after hearing this, what, what's going on?Don't sell anything in the store?Then what are you still doing?

"This, this, old store, I really need this thing, you can just sell me two yuan." Qin Mo begged.

But the old shopkeeper ignored him at all, and still had his calculations.

Qin Mo was speechless, what is this?Of course, he can't grab it by force. First of all, he is not such a murderer, even though he has killed people before; second, this is the territory of the Artifact Refining Guild, even if the old man does not have any cultivation level, he would not dare to attack rashly; third, This old man doesn't seem to have the slightest cultivation base, but who knows?To be able to open a shop here and open it so capriciously, who would believe that he has no cultivation at all?Maybe it's the superpower of the Martial Spirit Realm.So Qin Mo naturally wouldn't act hastily, but he didn't leave just yet, but continued to look at the store. Even though he said he wouldn't sell it now, he didn't say he would drive him away.

Qin Mo continued to walk around the store, and not long after, Qin Mo discovered the Red Flame Stone, and there were as many as twenty pieces!Qin Mo almost straightened his eyes. You must know that he had searched many places before this, but he had never found this thing. He didn't expect that there were twenty pieces here at once.

But Qin Mo was only happy for a while and then couldn't be happy anymore.Because the owner of the shop has already said that nothing in this shop is for sale.Although Qin Mo only needed five Red Flame Stones, they didn't sell them, so he had no other choice.

"Grandpa, just sell it to me. I really need these things. I only need two pieces of purple ink stones, and then ten pieces of red flame stones are enough." Qin Mo finally resorted to his trump card - to be cute !But when he became cute, he was even afraid of himself. You must know that he had never been cute before.Even after living on the earth for 17 years, he has never been cute in his memory.

Qin Mo's thoughts are like this. After all, he is still a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, so he should be able to get the old man's love by showing off his cuteness.After all, people have to have dreams, and there is no telling when they will meet a ghost.

However, the old man acted as if he didn't hear it at all, and ignored Qin Mo's cuteness.Obviously he doesn't want to follow him, after all, he is also a half-grown child.If it were a little girl, it is estimated that this effect would be much greater.

Thinking of the little girl, Qin Mo thought of the little beautiful senior sister. If his beautiful little senior sister came to show her cuteness, I believe it would be effective, and Qin Mo also really wanted to see how cute the somewhat indifferent Shi Xiaoji looked like. how cute.However, the little beauty senior sister is not here now. Of course, even here, Qin Mo dare not ask her to act cute.

Qin Mo was thinking in his mind, thinking about how to persuade the old man.

"You are not a refiner, what's the use of these materials?"

However, just as Qin Mo was thinking about it, the old shopkeeper actually spoke up for the first time, but he didn't stop making plans.

Qin Mo was also a little surprised by this, he raised his head to look at the old man in front of him, but the words also came out of his mouth, "Although I am not yet a craftsman, I can learn, I bought these materials and went back to practice refining the weapon."

Although Qin Mo didn't know how the other party knew that he was not a craftsman, he still defended himself.

However, after hearing Qin Mo's words, the old man shook his head, but he still didn't turn his head to look at Qin Mo, and said, "You are not qualified to be a craftsman."

"Crackling..." The abacus kept ringing, and the old man was still counting.

(End of this chapter)

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