Invincible Ghost Sword of Another World

Chapter 446 Devil May Cry Awakens!

Chapter 446 Devil May Cry Awakens!

Chapter 471

The people below all watched Qin Mo's movements quietly, watching him continue to climb upwards.

Qin Mo took another seven or eight steps in succession, but Qin Mo would pause slightly after each step.Sensing carefully, sensing the changes of every step.

After Qin Mo took more than 80 steps, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Qin Mo's eyes. At that moment, Qin Mo seemed to catch something, but he didn't quite know it.

However, the faint Qin Mo has already been able to faintly understand it.

After another seven or eight steps, the clearness in Qin Mo's eyes became more and more intense, and his steps became more and more stable.

"I should understand." Qin Mo murmured to himself, and after he finished speaking, he continued to climb upwards.

This time, every time Qin Mo landed, he seemed very rhythmic, and even his pauses were very regular.

And his footsteps are very stable, without any accidents.

Just like that, under the gaze of everyone, Qin Mo stepped out step by step.Not long after, he was already approaching the barbarian.

When Qin Mo appeared ten feet below the Manzi, the Manzi who had been practicing and recovering just now finally opened his eyes, and looked at Qin Mo with brilliance in his eyes.

"What exactly is it?" the barbarian asked slowly.

However, Qin Mo didn't say anything, and still walked up step by step.Until he was less than three feet away from the barbarian.

"If you don't say it, then you will stay here forever." After speaking, the barbarian suddenly had an ax in his hand, and beheaded Qin Mo.

The moment the opponent's ax fell, Qin Mo's footsteps stopped.At the same time, there was a gleam in his eyes, and the Slaughter Blade appeared in his hand.

"Boom!" In the next moment, the ax and the knife slammed into each other fiercely.Immediately after the impact, the two separated.

Only after Qin Mo took a few steps back, formations appeared under his feet, first a red formation, then a green formation, then purple, and finally blue.

When these four formations overlapped, the four-color formations suddenly condensed, and the colors became quite gorgeous.

After the appearance of the four-color formation, Qin Mo showed a firm look in his eyes, and then walked forward step by step.

Looking at Qin Mo who was approaching him, the savage immediately felt a strong chill blowing towards his face.The cold breath made him feel as if he had become a mortal, and then he was in the ice and snow in the twelfth lunar month of winter.It was a biting chill.

However, Qin Mo kept approaching, and the cold air became more and more intense.

Qin Mo himself didn't feel any coldness, holding the Slaughter Blade in his hand, he stabbed him suddenly.

"Rampaging Brash!"

Suddenly, Qin Mo's footsteps stopped, and at the same time, the formation under his feet, which followed him step by step, flew out and went straight to the barbarian.

The cold, gloomy, and evil aura suddenly flooded the barbarian's mind with the arrival of the four formations.

Also at this moment, on the third mountain, the sky suddenly darkened.Even the never-ending sunset was blocked by a gloomy darkness at that moment.

At that moment, it seemed that the entire third mountain was extremely cold and filled with an evil atmosphere, and the barbarian felt it most clearly.

When the four formations flew to Manzi's feet, he saw ghosts flying above them, trying to entangle him, and a sense of drowsiness suddenly hit him.His icy skin immediately froze, and even the blood in his body, and even his aura were almost frozen.At this moment, his blood and aura were running very slowly, so slow that they were almost at a standstill.

Everyone looked at the scene before them in horror, the formation that could move, and it was four formations that could overlap without conflicting, its power was astonishing.

Now they think about it, if Qin Mo had used these methods when dealing with the Holy Son, then the Holy Son would have fallen directly.

It's just that Qin Mo didn't expect that these four formations are so powerful when they overlap. He only knew this when he felt it on the altar.Moreover, his strength was not so strong before.

However, everything was not just that, because at this moment, the barbarian who had been frozen saw a shadow expanding from under his feet.

"Ka Ka Ka..." Barbarian tried to forcefully break the ice layer on his body, but the ice layer was still condensing, and there was still that gloomy, evil aura.

The shadow under Manzi's feet grew bigger and bigger.

And the people watching below also widened their eyes and opened their mouths. They saw it. They saw a huge black shadow devouring the barbarian.

Wuyu's black shadow was tens of feet in size, like a fish, like a dragon, or like other unknown creatures.

Moreover, it looks like a black shadow without substance.

When this monster descended, the shadow under the barbarian's feet immediately turned into a black swamp!Coupled with freezing, while restraining the barbarian's body.


A roar came from the huge black shadow, and the tiny barbarian was like a drop in the ocean under it.At the same time, the black shadow descended abruptly and swallowed the barbarian.

At that moment, everyone saw that Manzi was swallowed by the black shadow in one bite, and disappeared without a trace.Their scalps tingled.

However, in the next breath, the black shadow disappeared, the surrounding darkness also disappeared, and at the same time, the four-color formation also disappeared.

On the top of the third mountain, the never-setting sun reappeared.

At this time, everyone saw Manzi again, and they saw that Manzi was still standing in the same place, motionless.

Even though it was only a breath of time just now, for the barbarian, it was his eternal nightmare.At the moment when the black shadow swallowed him just now, Manzi felt as if he had been thrown into a big water tank full of eerie and evil, and he fell asleep and even sank into it, without the slightest ability to resist.And it seems to be soaked like this forever, soaked in it.

My soul seemed to have been eroded at that moment.

"Pfft!" Under everyone's gaze, the absent-minded barbarian spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body became listless.It's like losing a soul.

The runaway Braxiu, Qin Mo obtained this martial skill when he broke through to the fifth-rank Martial Ancestor Realm. This is the awakening skill of Devil May Cry!A mighty batch!
(End of this chapter)

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