Chapter 405 Fierce Battle

Chapter 429

While repelling the three skeleton warriors, Qin Mo shot out suddenly with weapons in both hands. His speed was as fast as he thought, and he caught up with the three skeleton warriors almost instantly.Liuxin swordsmanship swung out casually, and streaks of sword light and sword energy violently fell on the skeleton warriors.

"Bang bang bang..." Immediately, the three skeleton warriors were crushed by Qin Mo, and turned into a pile of powder and broken bones scattered on the ground.

But at this moment, two other skeleton warriors attacked Ruoru from the side. Ruoru's reaction was not so fast. Even though she followed Qin Mo all the time, she was still one foot away from Qin Mo.

When faced with the sudden two skeleton warriors, Ruoru didn't show panic, but was quite calm, after all, she was also a person who experienced countless angers.

The soft long sword in her hand swung at the two skeleton warriors again and again, and at the same time a strong devilish energy burst out from her soft sword.

"Bang bang bang..." The two skeleton warriors were forced to back down again and again by her.

At this time, Qin Mo also jumped back, and the huge Tianxuan epee ruthlessly smashed on one of the skeleton warriors.With a bang, the Tianxuan epee sank deeply into the skeleton warrior's body, up to his chest!The epee also has a front!This is Qin Mo's chosen epee, sharp but heavy.

At the same time, the Slaughter Blade held in the other hand slashed fiercely at another skeleton warrior.

"Papapa..." In an instant, under Qin Mo's knife, the skeleton was split into two by him. The whole skeleton was divided into two halves, and at the same time, broken bones fell to the ground one after another.

At this time, screams echoed continuously in the ghost hall, Qin Mo realized that those people must not be able to support the attack of those skeleton warriors. No matter in terms of strength or number, these skeleton warriors are extremely powerful. Have a strong advantage.

"Hurry up, see if you can break through the gate of the palace!" Qin Mo said to Ruoru, and immediately led Ruoru to the gate of the ghost palace.

Qin Mo raised the Tianxuan epee and the Slaughtering Blade in his hands, and smashed them down on the heavy stone gate of the Ghost Palace.

"Bang bang!" However, under his knife and sword, the thick stone gate of the palace didn't even move, it just trembled a little.

"Stop the skeletons behind you!" In Qin Mo's divine sense, he could sense that there were many skeleton warriors coming towards the side behind him, so he said to Ruoru in a deep voice.

At the same time, he put away the sword, and then clasped his hands on the stone door suddenly. He remembered that when he pushed the door open from the outside, it was very easy.So, he planned to pull the door from the inside.

Clasp your hands on the stone door, and exert force.However, the stone gate didn't move at all, not even the slightest bit of dust fell off.

After just trying it, Qin Mo immediately gave up. There is no way, this is really unbreakable.

And at this moment, Ruoru who was behind her was also struggling with the two skeleton warriors.

"Hmph!" When Qin Mo turned to help, Na Ruoru had already let out a muffled snort, and was repelled by a skeleton warrior, and at the same time, a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

Qin Mo appeared in front of Ruoru in a flash, and the Tianxuan epee and Slaughtering Blade in his hands suddenly killed the two skeleton warriors.

"There is no retreat! We can only look at other methods!" Qin Mo said while beheading the two skeleton warriors.

Ruoru also understands that if Qin Mo has no other choice, then there is really no other way.

At this moment, only seven or eight people are still alive in the ghost hall.Those martial artists are still struggling.However, there are still more than [-] skeleton warriors, and it is still somewhat difficult to survive.

Under such circumstances, Qin Mo knew that he had to deal with more skeleton warriors quickly, while there were still seven or eight people helping to distract those skeleton warriors.

"Dragon Severing!" Qin Mo shouted, and at the same time, raised the sword and sword in his hand. Suddenly, he had transformed into a huge silver dragon, and then the huge silver dragon quickly moved in the spacious palace. turning around.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." The silver dragon illuminated the entire ghost hall, and at the same time, the five or six skeleton warriors almost completely stopped in place under the scour of Qin Mo's avatar silver dragon, unable to move at all. Move it.

After a few breaths, the silver dragon transformed by Qin Mo finally stopped all movements, and Qin Mo appeared again.

And the skeleton warriors attacked by Qin Mo's silver dragon all fell to the ground one after another, and then turned into powder.

At this moment, Ruoru is not feeling well either, she is facing the three skeletons alone, even with all the means of her demon clan, she is only struggling to support her.

After finishing those skeletons, Qin Mo immediately turned around and returned to Ruoru. There was no way, if it wasn't for Ruoru, he would have been able to let go and fight.However, if you have already promised to accompany her here, you must do your best to protect her.At this moment, Qin Mo turned around and returned to Ruoru's side. Without hesitation, the Tianxuan epee and the Slaughtering Blade in his hand quickly cut away, quickly finishing off the three skeleton warriors.

Qin Mo inspected the palace, there were still four human martial arts left, and there were still more than twenty skeleton warriors.Moreover, he doesn't know what will happen next, what will happen next.So it's very hard to tell from the current situation.

"Stand behind me!" Qin Mo said to Ruoru in a low voice, at the same time he put away the Slaughtering Blade, and tightly held the Tianxuan epee in his hand.

"Break the mountain and cut the ground!"

The Tianxuan epee in Qin Mo's hand was already stained with thick blood after cutting the palm of his left hand, and it has now turned into a long blood blade.

Facing the group of skeleton warriors, he cut them out.


After a loud noise, the blood sword exploded immediately.

"Puffy..." Suddenly, countless blood glows exploded from the blood sword, splashing towards the skeleton warriors at the same time.

However, this didn't end there, the blood sword fell to the ground below at the moment of the explosion.

Immediately bursts of smelting splashed out from the ground, and the entire palace vibrated, as if it was about to collapse.The aftermath of violent energy filled the entire palace, like a volcanic eruption.

Under Qin Mo's powerful sword, seven or eight skeleton warriors were killed directly!

"Boom!" At this moment, Qin Mo and the others felt their feet. Suddenly, in Qin Mo's perception, the place where he fell just now collapsed, revealing a huge deep hole. pit.

(End of this chapter)

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