Chapter 383 Childcare?

Chapter 4 and seven
Mao Ke's body was thrown into the rushing river by Qin Mo, and it was submerged by the river before even a bubble appeared.

Qin Mo was still very calm and calm, as if he had thrown a piece of rubbish, he clapped his hands, turned around and passed to the other side of the river.

"I'll go! This man is too good!" A martial artist by the river exclaimed, and this sentence also appeared in the hearts of many people.Only the members of the Mao family were very resentful and hated Qin Mo, but it was useless for them to hate now, because Qin Mo was still within the barrier.No matter how long their hands are, they can't touch the people and things in the barrier.

In a moment, Qin Mo had disappeared on the wooden bridge.When Qin Mo's figure appeared again, he was already at the bottom of a cliff.Looking up, Qin Mo saw eighteen platforms on the cliff.There is one person sitting on each platform, so don't think about it, this is the so-called 18 people on the bright list.At the bottom of the cliff, there were a few people looking up like Qin Mo. The most people looked at the third-to-last platform. There, some two people were fighting. Needless to say, they were fighting for a position.

Qin Mo carefully looked at the [-] seats, among which the one sitting on the top was a god believer who he had seen sitting next to Longkong.On the second platform was a young woman whom Qin Mo didn't know, and on the third seat was another divine believer who had also appeared beside Long Kong's Deputy Headmaster.In the future, Qin Mo only recognized Jian Ling who had mocked him.However, he reckoned that among the eighteen seats, the first six should be the legendary Eighth Princes.Originally, these eight young masters had entered the Guangming Ranking steadily, but in the end, Qin Mo beat one of them to death, and made (neng) shit on one of them.Therefore, there should be only six of the Eighth Princes left.However, what happened to that woman in those eighteen seats?Could it be that she is also one of the Eight Great Young Masters?Is it different?
"Brother, is that woman also the Eighth Prince?" Qin Mo curiously asked a martial artist next to him.

"Eh?" Wu Xiu was stunned for a moment, and cursed, "Young Master Yu, don't you recognize her? She was originally a, you, you, you..." Wu Xiu turned his head to look at Qin Mo while talking, It's just that the expression on his face is like hell!
"What's the matter with me?" Qin Mo asked, pointing to his nose in depression.

"Why aren't you dead yet?" Finally, the man popped out such a sentence.

"Why should I die?" Qin Mo became even more depressed.

"Where's Mao Ke? Why hasn't Mao Ke come yet?" The man suddenly noticed that he was the one who was on the other side of the bridge with Qin Mo before, and he saw with his own eyes that Qin Mo was unluckily selected by Mao Ke.But now, Qin Mo appeared in front of him alive and well, while Mao Ke hadn't come yet.

Qin Mo ignored the other party and didn't bother to explain what happened there just now. He was just interested in that chick.

After watching for a while, the two on the third-to-last platform finally had a duel.And the defeated person also retreated to the penultimate platform, and fought with the people on it.

Qin Mo looked at it, and without guessing the rules, he jumped up and landed directly on the fifth platform.

"What does that guy want? The fifth position! That's Mr. Zuo! Is he crazy? He's only at the fifth-rank Martial Emperor Realm."

"It must be crazy to want to be famous, hehe, I've seen a lot of people like this."


Under the cliff, many people began to discuss it.And the person who was still looking for Mao Ke still couldn't find Mao Ke after all. In the end, he could only think that Mao Ke had suddenly changed and was still there.So he raised his head and looked at Qin Mo's challenge in midair.

"You were the first to challenge me. It seems that Zuo's prestige is not enough." At this time, the young man on the ring where Qin Mo fell stood up and looked up and down. , he was the only one who was challenged, and Qin Mo was the first challenger, and this challenger was still a guy at the fifth-rank Martial Emperor Realm, so he really didn't take him, the eighth prince, seriously.Rank [-] Martial Emperor Realm, being able to break through this last level is already something to be proud of, and he dared to provoke himself.It is estimated that this kid wants to be famous and crazy.So Mr. Zuo planned to teach him a good lesson, which was also a good way to establish his prestige, so that the people behind him could see clearly what would happen to those who challenged him.

Qin Mo didn't say a word, the Slaughter Blade already appeared in his hand, which already showed his position.It's only the fifth place, so Qin Mo's goal is naturally not just the fifth place, but the top spot.

Qin Mo could tell that almost all of these eight young masters were body inheritors, except for the woman who was ranked second.

"Since you're asking for fine wine, I'll let you eat as much as you want." Master Zuo growled, and with a long spear in his hand, he immediately picked it up at Qin Mo, and the shadows of the spear danced wildly, and went straight to Qin Mo. , as if to stab Qin Mo into a honeycomb.

However, Qin Mo stayed where he was, and when the opponent's flower gun approached, his figure finally moved.I saw him suddenly displaying Liuxin swordsmanship.


"Hmm, his swordsmanship is so good." Outside the barrier, Saintess Liushang has been paying attention to Qin Mo, not only her, but also many people are paying attention to Qin Mo, paying attention to this horse who doesn't know where it came from. Dark horse, two of the Eight Great Princes have been picked out by him, and one of them has already been killed.This kind of battle of light is more interesting. In previous years, the top eight places in the battle of light were all occupied by the eight princes. There were only a few variables. This year's change is quite large.

"Open the bank! Open the bank! Let's see if the dark horse wins or Mr. Zuo wins this round. Mr. Zuo wins and pays one for one, and the dark horse wins for three!" There was a burst of shouting, and suddenly, many people looked in the direction of the sound, and some people had already started placing bets.

This is directly opening a gambling house!

"There are still three breaths, and the market will close after three breaths! Hurry up!" Inside the enchantment, Qin Mo and Mr. Zuo were still fighting, and they didn't know that they had become the object of gambling!

During the three breaths, many people placed bets one after another. After the three breaths, the banker had already received millions of Royal Blood Pills bets!At this time, the two people in the enchantment were still fighting.Mr. Zuo used his Huaqiang to the extreme, and Qin Mo also displayed his Liuxin swordsmanship to the fullest.The two played as if they were inseparable, and since then it has become even more interesting, more like the nurses of the gambling house, cooperating with all their strength!
(End of this chapter)

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