Chapter 129
1Chapter 17

Qin Mo held the wine gourd in his hand, looked at the direction in which Bai Chonghua disappeared, shook his head slightly, and a curved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "This guy, I really don't understand." The first time Bai Chonghua gave him The first feeling is unrestrained, followed by warlike and good wine.It would be a good choice to be friends with such a person.


"There is still a month before the end of the Tianmu battle, and I am looking forward to seeing those little guys more and more now." In the Tianmu Temple, Su Yuanzi said with a smile, and everyone else nodded slightly. Nodded, this year's Battle of the Sky Screen is more exciting than the past few decades. Of course, there are expectations for the results of the new test method, and it is more about those who rank the highest. expectations.

"It seems that the guy named Qin Mo has finally calmed down. Tsk tsk tsk..." Looking at the name of Qin Mo, who was ranked 32nd, Xu Ying was also a little bit embarrassed.Not just him, but everyone present.In the past few months, everyone present witnessed Qin Mo's ranking rising like a rocket. It took others more than half a year to climb to this height, but he took only three Months, how terrifying is this!If he had climbed at a normal speed from the beginning, he would not know how many streets he would have left those people behind.

Even though the eight present were all the supreme beings of Tianmu State, they were still shocked by Qin Mo's performance.Although Qin Mo's ranking is only 32nd, everyone present puts him first.


A few days later, Qin Mo reappeared in Tianmu State as Qin Mo. Now, he really wanted to calm down for a while, especially when he saw Lan Shan, who was at the top of the character killer list, had already started to kill Wu Yan. At the time, it seemed that the movement he had made as Wu Yan was not small.He didn't want to be chopped up because of his participation in the Battle of Sky Screen.More importantly, he believes that with the current points, it is enough to stand out in the battle of Tianmu.Therefore, Qin Mo's identity was restored.

Qin Mo is not yet familiar with Tianmu State. Since he came to Tianmu State, he is either practicing or performing tasks. Of course, he also has a certain understanding of Tianmu State during this process, but that is not enough.Even until now, he has never known any of the so-called six major sects in Tianmu State.I only know that they are the strongest sect in Tianmu State, but even if they are strong, there is a ranking, right?It is very likely that I will enter one of the sects, so I naturally have to get to know it.This day, Tianmu State should also get to know him deeply, after all, he may be here for a long time in the future.

On this day, Qin Mo walked into the Li Palace again, but this time it was not in the identity of Wu Yan, so the deacon Wang did not come to meet him.

In the Li Palace, Qin Mo purchased two of the most complete introduction materials about Tianmu State.Li Gong is a more powerful existence than Xiong Tiantang, and its information and supply are of course not comparable to Xiong Tiantang.

Walking out of Li Palace, people come and go on the wide street. This place is always a hundred times more prosperous than Yongquan City!
Qin Mo thought for a while, and prepared to find a place to stay. After all, he had already lived in the cave for such a long time. If this continues, he will probably become a primitive man.

Thinking, Qin Mo stepped into the crowd.After walking a few steps, a murderous aura lingered around him.If he hadn't spent a lot of time in the killer business, it would be difficult for others to notice the existence of the killer.Obviously, the other party is a clever killer who is good at hiding.

Even though he was aware of it, Qin Mo still pretended to be nonchalant and continued to walk forward, not even releasing his divine sense.

"I want to see what kind of killer wants to kill me!" Now that Qin Mo's identity has been restored, Qin Mo knows without thinking that only the Tang family wants to kill him. After all, he has only offended the Tang family by appearing as Qin Mo.

"Here we come!" Although Qin Mo didn't know who the other party was, he didn't even know the exact location of the other party, but he knew that the man was by his side.

Liu Zifeng didn't think about the mission he received last night. He checked in Li Palace today, but he didn't have much information about the goal, and was about to return this mission.Because the target of this mission doesn't even have a name, only a portrait, and the information obtained from various tablet channels is very little. The key point is that the information provided by several intelligence information networks is almost the same, which also shows that this person's information is true. There are very few and have nothing to do with the intelligence network.

But just when he came out of the Li Palace with some disappointment, and was about to cancel the mission at night, he unexpectedly found that the target had also come out of the Li Palace.At first, he didn't quite believe it. After all, he only had the goal of a portrait, so he followed the other party for a while, and finally he was completely sure.

"Seventh-rank Martial Spirit Realm, um, same as me, but so what?" Liu Zifeng revealed a smile, he didn't know how many experts of the same realm had been beheaded.He can kill even the eighth-rank Martial Spirit Realm powerhouse quickly, let alone the seventh-rank Martial Spirit.Therefore, Liu Zifeng confidently prepared to kill his target instantly in broad daylight on the street, and then left quickly, believing that few people saw him clearly.

"As long as I kill you, I can add three points to my points." Liu Zifeng licked his lips and quickened his pace.

A dark dagger appeared in Liu Zifeng's hand, even though the sunlight was stronger, but even a little bit of light could not be reflected from the dark dagger.

When he was still three feet away from the target, Liu Zifeng suddenly circulated the spiritual power in his dantian on the dagger.Immediately, he stabbed out suddenly, stabbing straight at the opponent's back heart. With this knife, he was confident that he could directly pierce the target's heart from behind.

The moment Liu Zifeng made a move, Qin Mo suddenly turned his head, his cold eyes looked at Liu Zifeng, and at the same time, he was holding a short knife in his left hand.With a bang, Liu Zifeng's dagger was cut off.

Liu Zifeng was terrified, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.But it was also at that moment that he waved his sleeve to cover his face, and then retreated.

Qin Mo wanted to chase after him, but the man had already disappeared into the crowd, and this bustling street was full of people.Moreover, the other party is obviously a master.In the end, Qin Mo gave up on chasing and killing that person, and picked up the dagger on the ground, which was a good magic weapon, a low-grade profound weapon.

Putting away the dagger, Qin Mo continued to walk forward and found an inn to stay.But now that he has encountered an assassination, Qin Mo will naturally be more careful.As for the person who assassinated him on the street, he didn't know very well, even the other person's face was just in a daze, and he didn't see it too clearly.

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(End of this chapter)

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