Invincible Ghost Sword of Another World

Chapter 11 Lingbao District

Chapter 11 Lingbao District

What made Qin Mo a little depressed was that after he broke through to the fourth-rank warrior, he didn't get any skill rewards. He had checked the page of the Arad system many times, but there was no reward.Normally the system would send out rewards by itself, but this time Qin Mo even thought that the system was malfunctioning, but the above data was not wrong.

But Qin Mo thinks about it, when he plays DNF, he can't learn suitable skills every time he goes up a level.But that's all, Qin Mo felt that the rusty samurai sword in his hand should be replaced, however, the system did not give him this opportunity.What made him even more depressed was that he couldn't use the weapons not provided by the system to display the skills of those ghost swordsmen at all!

Qin Mo's injury was just right, so Liu Nianshun took him out for a walk that day, and didn't let him go directly to patrol the streets.

"Qin Mo, are you still used to our Lie Yan these days?" Liu Nianshun asked as he walked beside Qin Mo.

Qin Mo thought for a while and said, "It's okay." If he didn't get used to it before he came to this world, after all, he might lose his life from time to time here.But when you integrate into a new environment and generate new values, you accept it silently.

"Hehe, it's good to get used to it. In a few days, you can go out with the captain and the others for a walk."

Having been in the Lie Yan Mercenary Corps for some time, Qin Mo naturally has a certain understanding of its business.The Lie Yan Mercenary Corps has five brigades, and each brigade is divided into ten sub-units, like Liu Nianshun is just a small team leader.And each brigade has two kinds of business, one is to take care of the territory and business, and the other is to regularly enter the foggy forest to hunt monsters to obtain monster crystals.

And above the captain, there is the council of elders, and in the council of elders, there are deacons and elders who specialize in managing the discipline of the mercenary regiment.

And Qin Mo has been following Liu Nianshun to manage the site during this period of time, and has not done any other business.

"Okay." Qin Mo did not refuse Liu Nianshun's arrangement, but accepted it frankly.In fact, Qin Mo's willingness to readily agree also has his reasons. If he can enter the misty forest again and kill a few more monsters, then his strength will be improved faster, and his combat experience will be increased. .Now that Shenhu has been staring at him.What's more, it is very safe for a team with flames to enter the foggy forest.

"Let's go, let's go to Lingbao District." Liu Nianshun smiled and led the way, and Qin Mo naturally followed closely behind.

Qin Mo in Lingbao District came here before. At that time, he had just entered Yongquan City, and his demon crystals were sold here.It was only later that Qin Mo learned that this area was under the jurisdiction of the City Lord's Mansion.Here, no one dared to do anything, not even Lieyan or Shenhu.Not to mention others.

And in this area, they basically do some business related to cultivation, such as the sale of demon crystals, magic weapons, exercises, and even martial arts.At the same time, because there is an auction place called Lingbao Auction, this area is called Lingbao District.Of course, the City Lord's Mansion is naturally behind the Lingbao Auction.

Lingbao District is indeed a bustling place, here, there is endless hawking.But here is also a place where fish and dragons are mixed. It is difficult to distinguish the real product from the fake product without experience.At least Qin Mo didn't dare to buy anything randomly, he just followed Liu Nianshun, and Liu Nianshun looked here and there, but most of the time he had no intention of buying.Of course, besides watching, Liu Nianshun also explained a few words to Qin Mo from time to time.

Qin Mo listened quietly and gained some insight.

Not long after, Qin Mo and the others had come to a tall pavilion, above which hung a plaque with the words "Lingbao Pavilion" written on it.

"Let's go in and have a look, so that you can gain some insight." Liu Nianshun raised his head to look at the Lingbao Pavilion and said, and then walked in first, followed by Qin Mo.

This Lingbao Pavilion was also quite lively. When they reached the door, Liu Nianshun gave two cards to the waiter standing by the door, and took Qin Mo in after taking two small wooden cards from the waiter's hand.

Walking into the Lingbao Pavilion is a spacious lobby. There are many stalls and shops in the lobby. Although there are a lot of beautiful things in sight, they are much neater than the stalls outside, and there is not a single sound of hawking here.

People were coming and going, and many people were wandering around. Although there was no hawking, the noisy tourists made the lobby very lively.

"All the products sold here are genuine products. They have all been inspected by the people in Lingbao Pavilion. If anyone finds that they are selling fake or inferior products, they will be fined ten times. Of course, the products here are more expensive than those outside. There are quite a few." Liu Nianshun explained as he walked, but he didn't mean to stop at any stall or shop, and walked forward.Although Qin Mo wanted to take a closer look, he had no choice but to follow.

Passing through the lively crowd, not long after, Qin Mo and the others came to a stairway, and there were also two waiters standing at the stairway.After Liu Nianshun showed the small wooden sign exchanged at the door earlier, the two nodded to indicate that they could pass.

"Come here, you don't need any conditions to enter the first floor, but to go up to the second floor or above, you must have a pass wooden sign, and each wooden sign is [-] gold coins. I used their replacement card for the pass wooden sign before." card. This wooden card is also a qualification to participate in the Lingbao auction."

Qin Mo didn't think that he didn't do anything, and walking up the stairs would cost [-] gold coins. On the earth where he used to live, in those high-end shopping malls, the elevators were free.What a trap!And it's not easy to earn five hundred gold coins with his current ability.

When you go up to the second floor, you can see neat shops. There are no more stalls here, and the area is smaller.Similarly, the number of guests on the second floor is also much less, only one-tenth of that on the first floor, so it seems extraordinarily quiet.

"Although the first floor sells real ones, they are all inferior products. Only the second floor can have good things. But the things here are more expensive." Liu Nianshun led Qin Mo to a shop as he spoke. inside.The owner of the shop didn't even look at them, and Liu Nianshun didn't care, he picked up a long sword and looked at it carefully.

"This weapon is a magic weapon. Although it is only a low-grade spiritual weapon, it is much stronger than those black iron weapons!" Liu Nianshun sighed as he looked at it. It seemed that this was not the first time he had come to see this treasure.

Qin Mo didn't know much about these weapons, and he didn't pay much attention to them. After all, he couldn't use them, and Liu Nianshun couldn't even afford them, let alone the current him.

Liu Nianshun thought that Qin Mo had no idea about spiritual weapons, so he acted in a daze.In the end, he still put down the long sword, sighed helplessly and led Qin Mo away.

After wandering around the second floor for nearly an hour, Liu Nianshun looked at a lot of magic weapons and pills, and finally bought a pill, and said to Qin Mo: "The Lingbao auction is about to start. , let’s go and have a look, even if we can’t afford it, it’s good to have a look.”

Qin Mo nodded, and Liu Nianshun led him up to the third floor.The third floor is the core area of ​​the Lingbao Pavilion, and it is also the real location of the Lingbao Auction.

(End of this chapter)

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