The boss will turn black, be careful!

Chapter 512 My wife will predict (9)

Chapter 512 My wife will predict (9)

Everyone thought about it and turned their attention to this aspect.

If so, they might as well give it a try.

Therefore, Shen Feng encountered accidents one after another in the next period of time.

But every time it was a coincidence that she avoided it.

After getting the result, everyone became even more excited.

The test and reaction to Feng Nu this time completely verified their previous guesses.

Sure enough, Feng Nu's talent has not been stimulated because she has not encountered a real crisis.

That being the case, they don't mind helping this destined Lady Fengnv at all.

They don't need the gratitude from Lady Fengnu, as long as Lady Fengnu can satisfy their thoughts a little bit, that's enough.

When their ideas emerged and were about to be implemented, the subordinates were shocked, and then saw another picture in front of their eyes.

It was a scene full of tragedy.

The wind howled, the rain poured down, and the people on the ground ran desperately.

The house began to collapse, cracks appeared on the ground, and some people who were fleeing in a hurry fell down without paying attention.

There were also people who failed to get out in time and were crushed under the house.

If this scene is used in realistic terms, it is here that a serious earthquake occurred.

Earthquakes are dangerous no matter what age people are.

Slight ones are okay, they can survive, and at most suffer a little bit of pain and injury.

But when a severe earthquake occurs, even with the rapid development of technology, it is unbearable for the modern age, which is trying its best to prevent everything.

Not to mention that it is still in an ancient time.

It's just that at this time, the term for the earthquake is not an earthquake, but an earth dragon turning over.

Dilong turning over means that the dragon sleeping under the ground is about to turn over.

The part that was originally exposed will turn over with the movement of the earth dragon.

Maybe it's just a simple sense of shock, but it may also be taken underground by the earth dragon's turning over.

So whenever the local dragon turns over, everyone will run to an open place.

There was no surprise this time either.

Wherever I go, it is always scary because of this, because it was in the empty place where everyone gathered together that the ground dragon turned over again.

But this time, the entire ground sank in.

It was as if the ground had been hollowed out.

Originally thankful that I ran fast, the people who rushed here to take refuge before others arrived fell directly into the turned up mud or gaps.

The people who were originally running watched helplessly as the person in front of them disappeared before their eyes.

And some of them have even clearly seen the danger over there.

But they still rushed over uncontrollably.

It's not because of anything else, it's because they rushed over from the dangerous place over there with too much force, and now they can't take it back when they encounter an emergency.

Confusion, sadness and despair fill the world.

What touched Shu Ge the most was not the scene where she was holding the child and throwing her child to a safe place with force at the moment of falling, but she fell down.

It was a group of lovers. When facing the moment of life and death, the girlfriend pushed the boyfriend away, and the boyfriend seemed to have expected her action. When her hand was pushed towards him, he pushed her aside.

The complex emotions contained in his eyes caused Shu Ge to explode instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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