The boss will turn black, be careful!

Chapter 483 My Saint, You Are So Sweet (24)

Chapter 483 My Saint, You Are So Sweet (24)

"So, you can't go back for the time being?"

Gwang Hill nodded pitifully.

Shu Ge...

"It's okay, since you can't go back for the time being, you can stay in the human world first, and you can check with me to see if he is the God of Darkness."

Guang Xier nodded his head: "That's the only way to go."

There was another silence, and then Shu Ge quietly brought the invisible Guang Xici to his room.

As for the reason...

Shu Ge remembered the resisting look in his eyes and what he said when he proposed to take him out together, and his inner impression of Guang Xieci instantly collapsed.

At that time, Guang Xierci said: "I don't want others to see me like this, it's too ruining my image of the God of Light."

Shu Ge...

She really wanted to say that no one would recognize you even if you became so small.

But in the end, he still didn't tell Guang Xierci, it's really not good for this cute little dumpling to be seen by others, just hide it by yourself.

So, after being persuaded by Shu Ge, Guang Xierci used a powerful invisibility technique to make the attack invisible, and then went back to her room with Shu Ge.

For the next period of time, he will secretly live here with Shu Ge.

Shu Ge's room is very large, and as a saint, her room can be regarded as relatively exquisite, plus Shu Ge usually darkens her room and simply arranges it, which looks very comfortable Feel.

It's just a room, a bed, a man and a woman, it will be a little awkward no matter what.

Guang Xierci didn't think of this question until he got to the room.

But seeing Shu Ge so happy, he couldn't say no to it.

I thought: "I'll just pay attention to it later."

But when it really came time to pay attention, she was directly hugged by Shu Ge and fell asleep.

From Shu Ge's words and actions, he could feel that Shu Ge treated him sincerely, but he really treated him like a child.

Thinking of the scene when Shu Ge coaxed him to take care of him, although he didn't need it, Guang Xierci was inexplicably obsessed with it.

When Shu Ge went out to inspect, Guang Xierci also followed her, and no one else could find him anyway.

At the same time, Guang Xierci silently observed the people around Shu Ge.

Not to mention other things, but I also found a few really good candidates.

When Shu Ge went to Xilin to learn the art, Guang Xierci went back to Shu Ge's room to rest.

When Shu Ge came back, Guang Xierci was surprised to find that Shu Ge was contaminated with darkness again.

After asking Shu Ge that she didn't meet any strange people along the way, Guang Xierci suddenly had an absurd guess.

The Lord of his Light Temple should not be the God of Darkness, right?
After removing the dark aura that was re-contaminated on Shu Ge's body, Guang Xierci also told Shu Ge, asking her to bring herself there when she went to Xi Lin for practice tomorrow.

However, he did not explain the reason why he followed him, he only said that he had doubts and guesses that needed to be verified, and Shu Ge had no doubts.

The next day, when Shu Ge went to look for Xilin with the invisible Guang Xierci as usual, he was notified that Xilin had something to go out and was not there now.

Shu Ge and Guang Xierci looked at each other, then chatted with someone and went back to their room.

After returning to the room, Guang Xier said inexplicably: "He didn't go out."

Shu Ge didn't understand what he meant at first, but after he figured it out, he asked, "What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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