Chapter 30

Anjie's all-around performance in the first half made the University of Kansas begin to struggle with whether to continue double-teaming him. It can only be said that the cooperation between Taylor and Anjie, the two arrow figures, is too tacit. The horror of a star team.

"We don't double-team in the second half. We only use double-team tactics when he gets the ball in the low post." Bill Self, the head coach of the University of Kansas, re-customized the strategy against Anjie.

"Hey Cowen, help me watch the second half." Darrell Arthur was the one who was panting the most in the team. In the first half, he didn't have a good rest at all. Playing with the rotation lineup was already planned. Strategy, but it is an extra task to be brought up to fight with that Chinese kid in the middle.The impact force of that Chinese person is completely inversely proportional to his figure, if it weren't for Sasha Cowen's help, he might have collapsed from exhaustion.

"You are in the front, I am in the back, don't worry." Cowen also couldn't forget the experience when he confronted An Jie on the field just now, it was simply a nightmare.

In most teams now, the center is a relatively scarce position.If it weren't for the fact that there was no one who could do it, how could An Jie fall into the hands of a power forward like him.The depth of the bench at the University of Kansas is good, and everyone can take turns to rest without affecting the team's combat effectiveness.But today, the position of center is obviously not included in it.

As for what the coach said next, Arthur didn't have the energy to listen.Now he just wants to seize all the time to restore his physical strength, and hand-to-hand combat under the basket can be said to be the most energy-consuming way.

Why didn't An Jie in the other locker room feel strenuous?The offensive rhythm of the University of Kansas is already very fast. Everyone is adjusting their breathing, but no one's consumption can match Anjie.

While Rickard was talking about tactics, he also saw An Jie who was leaning against the cabinet silently. The huge undulating chest showed An Jie's fatigue.It was the last game of the regular season, and it was the first time for the Cyclone team to encounter excessive physical exertion.If a rotation lineup is replaced, the huge gap in strength will inevitably be seized by the opponent to open up the point difference. The few minutes in the first half are a lesson from the past.But it is impossible for Ricard to rely on the starting five to play the whole half. When to change and who should be replaced are the most troublesome issues for Ricard now.Divac is right, Angie's statistics can be much better than Arthur and Cowan, but this does not mean that the Cyclones will definitely win.

Time waits for no one, and Anjie and the others felt that their breathing had just eased up, and the second half of the game had already arrived.

Stepping onto the court again and facing the noisy fans again, An Jie felt a little less enthusiastic and a little more tired.

And what about the University of Kansas?Except for Arthur, everyone else was full of energy. The Cyclones players knew in their hearts that a tough battle was inevitable.

McTaylor stuck tightly to Chalmers, and after a physical collision with Chalmers, he suddenly staggered and fell to the ground.It's not that Mike Taylor wants to draw a foul, but that he's really exhausted.

Chalmers didn't dribble the ball, and Mike Taylor didn't block the foul.The referee didn't say anything after seeing Taylor fell to the ground. Now is not the time to show his gentlemanly demeanor. Chalmers ignored Taylor who fell to the ground and made an open shot.

The fast-paced offense of the University of Kansas is still there, and the Jayhawks' alternate offenses on the field also make the Cyclones exhausted.Two minutes into the second half, the Cyclones failed to continue the momentum of the first half.

An Jie and Taylor's tricks have all been taken out, and all of them have been thoroughly studied by their opponents.It's not that Anjie and Taylor are not strong enough, but that it is really difficult for them to get support from the other three on the court.

An Jie broke through Arthur again, but every time after breaking through, there was always Cowan in front of him.Asakin was stuck in the back by Cowen, and Mike Taylor hadn't appeared in An Jie's vision yet.Anjie couldn't pass the ball and had to bite the bullet and lay up. The ball didn't go in under the back and forth of Cowen and Arthur, but he got two free throws.Although Anjie made two free throws steadily, this was not the scoring method Anjie and Ricard were eager to see.

Cruz, the mobile turret, hadn't fired for a long time, and the opponent knew that he would do this, so he didn't give him any room to make a move.Because of An Jie, the inside line was always full of people, so Anthony Ben was useless in offense.As for Asakin, he is a blue-collar player, and playing one-on-one with others in the low post is not his strong point.

"Damn it!" Morris gritted his teeth watching the passive Cyclone team on TV. If he was still on the court, Anjie and he would have already turned the other side's insiders upside down.

In order to save energy, An Jie has been as far away from the three-second zone as possible to catch the ball.As long as he has space to move around, his physical exertion will be much less.Being light in weight also has the advantage of being light in weight. With such a weight, Anjie consumes much less physical energy in running than in hand-to-hand combat at the basket.If you allowed Yao Ming or O'Neal to play in such an open space, they would probably be exhausted in the morning.

An Jie received a pass from Mike Taylor within one step of the three-point line. Although he was a little far from the basket, An Jie still shot.Darrell Arthur didn't expect Anjie to float outside to shoot, so he didn't interfere much.Although the goal was scored, as a center forward, he couldn't always rely on this method to end the offense.

Unexpectedly, An Jie began to avoid physical contact, so naturally Arthur would actively seek physical contact.He wasn't delusional about being able to score in singles with An Jie one-on-one, he just wanted to consume more of An Jie's physical strength. The NCAA's offensive time is as much as 35 seconds, which is enough for Arthur to slowly consume with Anjie.

Hitting, bumping again, Arthur is also sparing no effort to fight An Jie for the last time.When he fell, there were still people on the bench who could win for him, but if Anjie fell, the Cyclones couldn't find another person.

An Jie wanted to find a chance to flop, but Arthur's movements were really clean, so he could only silently bear the strong impact again and again.

Chalmers, Rush, Darnell. Jackson, Collison and Giddens and other outside scorers did not stop, they took turns bombing the Cyclones basket.The University of Kansas, which has only one or two scoring players in other teams, has five players. Each of these five players has strong personal ability, and the defensive pressure of the Cyclones can be imagined.

The fans of the Cyclone team who came from afar in the arena have been silent for a long time, they can only watch helplessly as the point difference on the field is gradually expanded by the opponent.

"Hey." The bearded man sighed, this game seemed to suddenly bring him back to last season, reminding him of the former Cyclone team that was slaughtered by others.

Catherine only saw Anjie's gritted teeth and persistence on the field. He must have worked very hard.So desperately, what is it for?
Seven minutes into the second half, the starting five of the Cyclones were nearly exhausted.They can deal with DeAndre Jordan, they can consume Michael Beasley, and they can beat DJ Augustin, but they really can't withstand the impact of five top scorers in the league at once.This is the strength of No.7 in the Big 1 League, and this is the gap between the giants and the dark horses.

The starting five are exhausted, and Ricard now has to change to the second team to play, which also means that the point difference will be further widened.

Asakin led the second team and gritted their teeth on the field, just like he defended Anjie during training, and he did not retreat.

"We can't contribute much, we just hope to support those teammates sitting on the bench as much as possible. If we last a few minutes, we can share more pressure. We are also a part of the cyclone team, and we don't want to lose !” This is almost the inner portrayal of all substitute players.

Divac began to admire Rickard, a rookie college coach, in his heart. The players he led might not be the most talented, but they were definitely a group that knew basketball best.Basketball is a team sport and every player counts.

"Boss, I've had enough rest." An Jie didn't sit for a long time before pulling off the towel covering his head.The point difference on the field has been stretched to 14 points, and he can't just sit and wait.

"Me too, I can play at any time." After Mike Taylor finished speaking, he drank the remaining water in the glass in one gulp.

Ricard frowned and looked at the two of them, and now he really had no good solution.The only two cards in his hand that he could play were Anjie and Taylor.

"Pause pause!" Ricard had to send the two of them, even though they had just rested for only 2 minutes.

"Hey! Good job! Leave the penalty area to me!" An Jie hugged Asakin who was sweating profusely after the game.

"Angie and Taylor are playing again!?" Bill Self looked at the tall yellow-skinned man and Mike Taylor in surprise.

"Are these two guys Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death? Arthur, continue to consume Anjie for me!"

Arthur slumped on the bench, he didn't even have the strength to speak, so he could only give the coach a slight nod.

"Damn it!" Even though five people took turns to attack, Chalmers and the others still felt that their breathing gradually became a little heavy when facing the tough defense of the Cyclone team.Well now, the appearance of that big center will only make their offense more difficult.

"Reduce the offense inside, I will try my best to create chances for you by breaking through and scoring the ball." Chalmers said to his teammates.Although the point difference has widened to 14 points, Chalmers actually felt a sense of crisis after seeing those two guys play.

An Jie asked for the ball inside, and before the opponent's outside player double-teamed, he retreated directly and shot.Arthur took off with all his strength to interfere, but unexpectedly slapped An Jie's wrist.

Hit the board, enter the frame, whistle, foul.

Angie walked to the free throw line again, Jayhawks fans booed Angie's emotions.An Jie didn't want to do push-ups because he missed a free throw after being physically exhausted in this game. After making a steady extra free throw, An Jie scored another three points.

Chalmers broke through and scored the ball, but his vision was greatly disturbed by Anjie's good position.The ball was intercepted midway by Anthony Ben. Ben, who was too physically exhausted, could no longer complete the one-stop dunk after the steal as before. He had to pass the ball to Mike Taylor, who was running at the front.

Brandon Rush reacted quickly. After losing the ball, he immediately turned around and ran to his own three-second zone, waiting for Mike Taylor to come to the door.

Taylor didn't have the strength to do those complicated technical moves now, so he just jumped up and flew towards Rush.

The referee did not disappoint Taylor. He whistled decisively, signaling Rush to make a defensive foul.Rush wanted to easily block Taylor's shot, but he didn't expect that the opponent had no intention of making a shot at all. Taylor just wanted the foul from the beginning to the end.

Taylor also continued his fiery touch and made two free throws.The point difference became single digits again, and Chalmers panicked a little.

Darnell Jackson successfully broke through with Cowen's pick-and-roll, but Anjie standing inside made him very afraid, so instead of going deep, he chose an emergency stop jumper.

Unexpectedly, An Jie pushed away Arthur who was entangled with him, and then rushed towards Jackson like a hungry lion.Jackson had already jumped into the air at this time, so he had to bite the bullet and make a shot.

"Crack!" An Jie's palm just reached the thrown basketball and slapped it flying.Cruz quickly advanced after receiving the flying basketball, and the Jayhawks players also quickly returned to defense.Mike Taylor is raising his hand for the ball, and he is almost in the penalty area.In this game, Anjie and Taylor were really dazzling, but the performance of others was a bit bleak.The Jayhawks players ran towards the penalty area in order to guard Taylor, but directly ignored Cruz who was holding the ball at the moment.

Cruz didn't continue to advance after running one step outside the three-point line, and he didn't pass the ball to Taylor, who was cutting in, but stopped at that slightly farther position.At this moment, the players of the Jayhawks realized the danger, but it was too late.Cruz seized this one of the few performance opportunities and successfully put the ball into the basket one step beyond the three-point line.Everyone on the Cyclones bench stood up and applauded Cruz, a shooter who didn't disappoint his teammates at critical moments.

With 6 points, the Cyclones narrowed the point difference to only 2 points after only 6 minutes after returning from a timeout.Even the scouts were attracted by this wonderful game, and completely forgot about the unfinished player report in their hands.

"I knew you could do it! Damn this is my brother!" Morris felt his blood boil even just watching TV.

What about physical exhaustion?So what if the bench is deep enough?14 points ahead of us?so what!Even if you are a traditional giant in the NCAA league, if you want to win the Cyclones, you have to ask these guys if they agree.

come on!Let's continue to finish this brutal battle without end!

(End of this chapter)

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