The way of the center

Chapter 21 Strike

Chapter 21 Strike
Augustine, who was sweating profusely, looked up at the score on the big screen. The score of the Longhorns had not changed for more than a minute.The opponent's tall center had just completed another post-up single with ease, and he opened the gap by two more points.

You said, how good it would be if Durant was here now?He can help the team solve any difficulties.Unfortunately, the guy with awe-inspiring talent has gone to Seattle to shine.Augustine lowered his head helplessly. Sure enough, he still had a long way to go if he wanted to be independent like that guy.

Even the leading star of a team has lost confidence in the game, so what else can this team achieve except failure?Harding was furious next to the bench, cursing all the players on the field.But what's the use?He couldn't think of any specific way to help the group of boys on the field.

The score was finally fixed at 70 to 81, and the Cyclones rebounded strongly after a loss.

Augustine with his hips akimbo, ready to walk toward the tunnel.The cheers on the court had nothing to do with him, it was a beautiful moment that only a winner can have.The other teammates and coaches had already returned to the locker room, but he just didn't want to leave the basketball court, he just couldn't be reconciled, and he blamed himself for not being able to do better.Perhaps Durant's former teammate's success deeply stimulated him, which made Augustin always compare himself with Durant.

"Hey, Augustine." While he was thinking, a big hand reached out from behind and patted Augustine's shoulder.

All my teammates should have gone back, right?Augustine turned around in surprise, it was the Asian boy.

"Uh... Anjie? What's the matter?" Augustine was not a rebellious boy, on the contrary he was a gentle boy.So even if he was an opponent, he treated An Jie with courtesy.

"You played really well. It took us a lot of effort to catch you." An Jie scratched his head in embarrassment.

Hearing this, Augustine was a little dumbfounded. He praised himself for playing well, and then poured cold water on him to say that he had watched himself.It doesn't matter, this Chinese boy has no malicious intentions.

"We still lost, you guys did a great job." Augustine looked at An Jie with a trace of jealousy in his eyes, he also wanted to be a winner.

"Anyway, I enjoyed the game with you. To be honest, I don't even know what kind of personality people like DeAndre Jordan and Michael Beasley have, and I can't communicate with them at all." An Jie continued Thinking of those opponents who were hostile to him, look at how good Augustine is.

"And you are different. Playing with a good player like you really made me enjoy the pure joy of basketball. If you don't dislike it, I want to exchange jerseys with you." After An Jie finished speaking, he took off his The jersey was handed to Augustin.

Augustine was a little dazed. The exchange of jerseys between opponents is a scene that is often seen on the football field, which represents a person's respect and recognition of opponents.And on the basketball court, there is really no such tradition.

"Hey." Augustine chuckled, took Anjie's jersey, and then took off his own and handed it to Anjie.

"We will meet again, big guy. At that time, I will definitely win." Augustine patted An Jie on the shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Of course, the regular season is only halfway through."

"No, I'm talking about the NBA, kid. When we get to the NBA arena, let's compete again." After speaking, Augustine put Anjie's jersey on his shoulders, with the goal of becoming stronger and the desire to fight again. Looking forward to leaving this ocean that belongs to the winner.

"NBA?" An Jiexin murmured to himself, he still didn't have a clear answer on whether he decided to participate in the draft.

"Hey, you've made a lot of money." On the way home after watching the ball, the bearded man kept talking to himself excitedly.

"Are you okay? Are you stunned by the noise at the scene?" Catherine was really worried about whether her father was suffering from Alzheimer's.

"Did you see Anjie's performance today? If it was just one or two games, it might just be a coincidence, but now that the regular season is halfway through, he still maintains such a good state. He will definitely become a basketball superstar in the future."

"What does that matter to you? You don't make any money."

"Who said that! When An Jie comes, I will take a few pictures with him and hang them on the wall of the restaurant. After he becomes famous, I think the table where he used to eat will cost thousands of dollars." !” The bearded man thought seriously.

Catherine held her head speechlessly, and you said how her mother fell in love with this man before.

.................. ..
After winning the game, the Cyclones once again became the darling of the media, and the girls in the cheerleading team often used training as an excuse to slip to the basketball court to peek at the Cyclones players.And An Jie's roommate, Jason, also got the phone numbers of many girls because of this.An Jie also accepted the second personal interview with Wu Hua and Cox in the locker room of the basketball court.

Now Wu Hua has almost become An Jie's queen reporter and writer. As long as you read news about An Jie in China, the following signatures are likely to be Wu Hua's.The newspaper office has even considered whether to transfer Wu Hua directly from Chicago to Ames, because the domestic demand for Anjie news is increasing.

An Jie's parents would meet some reporters from time to time to interview them when they went out. They really had to feel that these omnipotent reporters had already investigated An Jie's information to this point.

In addition to Anjie, its players have also received the same treatment.Only because of An Jie's skin color problem, he received a little more attention.

Aside from that loss against Texas Tech, the Cyclones have had a pretty good season.After winning the University of Texas, the Cyclones ushered in their next opponent on January 1.

On the field, Mike Taylor used another beautiful pass to help Morris complete an alley-oop. This is already Morris's fourth dunk in this game.James Gist, a power forward from the University of Maryland, reluctantly picked up the basketball on the ground. Morris was as active as a chicken in this game.

Some time ago, there was a lot of hype in the media that James Gist, a senior player at the University of Maryland, will be the next Carl Landry.After seeing this report, Morris was naturally very upset. In terms of team performance and personal data, he was better than this Gist.Morris was not convinced, and finally waited for the opportunity to play against the University of Maryland today. He wanted to prove that he was better than this so-called "Carl Landry".

With Mike Taylor's pass and Anjie's containment inside, Morris played like a duck to water in this game and was very active.The best basketball talent ever produced by the University of Maryland is Yao Ming's teammate Steve Francis. Of course, there will be another star from Maryland, but Morris will not allow this Gist to be the next one.

Morris's strong character remains unchanged. If you can show him a convincing performance like Anjie, then he can shut up.But until now, James Gist has been beaten by Morris.Morris, who had tasted the sweetness, was like a starved beast, and now he just wanted to tear the opponent in front of him.

In the middle of the second half, the University of Maryland can be said to have no power to fight back.But Morris is not satisfied, even though he has now scored 18 points, 7 rebounds and 1 block.He leaned against Gist again and raised his hand for the ball.The arrogant Morris squeezed Gist away after getting the ball and was ready to dunk. Gist's body is far from his. This trick has been tried and tested by Morris today.

But this time, Gist did not give up on defense.He jumped up trying to interfere with Morris' offense.Due to excessive force, Gist knocked the jumping Morris off balance, and Gist himself could not control the center of gravity because of the high impact force.The two big guys just landed without balance, and the referee didn't let go of such an obvious foul, and decisively blew the whistle in his mouth.

After landing, Morris did not stand firmly and fell to the ground. This is normal. Both sides lost their balance, so his teammates didn't pay much attention.

"Hey, it's a free throw." An Jie grinningly ran over to pull Morris up, but when he ran up to Morris, An Jie saw Morris hugging his ankle in pain, The expressions on his face were distorted by the severe pain.

"What's going on?" Ricard stood up from his seat after noticing something strange.

"Team doctor! Team doctor!" Hearing Anjie's shout, Ricard rushed into the basketball court.

"Where does it hurt!" Ricard knelt directly on the floor, and Morris was already sweating profusely, whether it was tiredness or pain.

"Ankle! Damn it! I can't do it!" Morris was a tough guy, and normal pain would not make him react like this.

Before finishing speaking, the team doctor drove away the crowd with a stretcher, and An Jie and the team doctor carried Morris onto the stretcher together.

"We will conduct further examinations on him and will notify you as soon as we have the results."

"Okay, please deal with this matter as soon as possible." Ricard wanted to see the results of the inspection immediately.

Afterwards, the whole process of Morris' injury was replayed on the big screen at the scene. It turned out that when Gist and Morris landed.Due to the unstable center of gravity, Morris' ankles were already under a lot of gravity, and Gist also directly chopped on Morris' ankles when he landed because he couldn't control his balance!This adds up to more than 200 kilograms of pressure!
"Asakin! You go!" Rickard sent Asakin to replace Morris, who was absent due to injury, and used a double center forward.However, the situation on the court is no longer what Ricard cares about. He is now more worried about Morris' injury.

Although Gist has been suppressed by Morris today, he didn't intend to hurt Morris on purpose, so the self-blame completely swallowed Gist, so even if Morris wasn't there, Gist couldn't find him again. back to status.In the end, the Cyclones still won the game cleanly with an advantage of 13 points.As soon as the game was over, Ricard rushed out of the stadium and took a taxi to the hospital.

Rickard ran wildly in the quiet corridor of the hospital. Judging from the live playback, it was not as simple as a sprain.

"What's the matter, doctor!" Ricard ran to the doctor and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Now I dare not give you a 100% diagnosis, but a preliminary judgment..." The doctor knew what this meant to a basketball player, and he couldn't bear to say it.

"What's the result of the preliminary judgment?" Ke Ricard still asked unrelentingly.

"We preliminarily judged that he had a ruptured Achilles tendon." The doctor lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Ricard's eyes full of despair.

(End of this chapter)

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