Chapter 10 Fight to Fame

On the way to class in the morning, An Jie was interviewed by six local media reporters.This caught him off guard.However, as a direct result of accepting these interviews, Anjie was 15 minutes late for class.

Now, basketball fans all over Ames know the Chinese name, An Jie. 21 points and 11 rebounds, this is the data sent by Anjie last night.Coupled with Beasley's key defense at the last moment, his status in the hearts of local fans in Ames has risen rapidly.

Therefore, apart from the reporters, An Jie would meet some people who greeted him every few steps, and some even asked to take a photo with An Jie.Even the owner of a fast food restaurant rushed out of the store after seeing An Jie, holding a special hamburger in his hand and insisted on An Jie accepting it for breakfast.But An Jie still wanted to continue eating the nutritious menu offered by Moore, so he tactfully rejected the enthusiastic fast food restaurant owner.Ames City is a small town with a small population, and it is normal for Anjie to be known by many people now.In cities without an NBA team, the NCAA team is the city's hometown team.Can a key figure who helped his hometown team win a victory not be sought after by people?

Having said that, I have to thank Michael Beasley.Because he is one of the No. [-] candidates, and yesterday's game was the first game of Beasley's college career.So yesterday's contest between the two teams attracted the attention of many media. In addition, many NBA scouts also paid attention to yesterday's game.

Beasley did play very well yesterday, he scored 34 points and 15 rebounds in his first college game!This kind of data is completely worthy of the reporters and scouts who traveled thousands of miles to Ames to watch the game, and it is also completely worthy of the title of the No. [-] candidate.It was within everyone's expectations that Beasley had delivered such a result.

But what reporters and scouts didn't expect was that Kansas State University, where Beasley was located, "accidentally" lost the game, and they also discovered an equally unexpected surprise.A player with outstanding height and wingspan, excellent post-up skills, a player that is almost extinct in the United States, a traditional center.Now Anjie's name is spreading more and more among scouts, and several out-of-town sports media have also reported some news about Anjie.

But if it weren't for Beasley's relationship, it would be difficult for Anjie to be noticed even if he played better statistics.Therefore, Anjie's popularity has increased so quickly, and I really have to thank Michael Beasley.

He is already well-known in the United States, but in Anjie's home country, China, all the media are ignorant of the background and experience of this Chinese who played wonderful games in the NCAA.The Chinese people have a lot of national pride. Now that a Chinese player suddenly appears on the NCAA field and plays very well, the Chinese media will naturally hear about it.

In the office of the editor-in-chief of the basketball department of a well-known domestic sports newspaper "Sports Pioneer", the editor-in-chief of the basketball department vented his anger at the heads of several reporters standing at his desk. This is how he was reprimanded by the editor-in-chief this morning. .They are one of the few print media that do the best in the domestic basketball sector, but they don't know anything about the situation of this Chinese teenager.

As a giant in print media basketball, if they missed such a valuable news, it would be an unforgivable work mistake.

Those reporters who were being trained were also a little bit wronged. The domestic attention to the NCAA was not high, and there were as many as hundreds of teams playing in the NCAA Division I. Who knew that Iowa State University would suddenly A Chinese player emerges.

But the editor-in-chief didn't care so much, he only smelled the commercial value of this child.Now domestic articles reporting on Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian, and even Sun Yue, who is rumored to be joining the Los Angeles Lakers, are nearly saturated, and there is nothing new in the content.But now suddenly a new point of attention popped up, enough to attract everyone's attention.Can attract the attention of readers, readers will pay to buy your newspaper.

Now the online media can already watch the highlights of that guy's games, but your print media doesn't even know the guy's name.If it is not faster, there is no timeliness at all.

"I don't care what method you use! Send me a special interview team right now, and grab this news as soon as possible!" The editor-in-chief of the basketball department slapped the table vigorously, yes, the editor-in-chief did the same to him this morning of……

.................. ..
At 42:[-] a.m. in Chicago, Wu Hua, who was sleeping peacefully in bed, was awakened by a sudden phone call.Without even thinking about it, I knew it was someone from China. Don't they know that it is midnight in the United States?

Wu Hua got up impatiently and picked up the phone on the bedside table, but after seeing the caller ID, he still suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Hey, Brother Zhang. What do you want me to do at this late hour? Oh, I forgot that it's daytime in China now." Wu Hua said angrily on purpose.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Wu, it's early morning in the United States. The editor-in-chief here has a task to blow up, and I can't help it." This brother Zhang is one of the few head reporters who have just been scolded bloody. one.

"There's no big news about the Bulls these days? I'm sure I'll know as soon as there's any news in Chicago." Hearing Brother Zhang say that there's a mission that's going to be tight, Wu Hua couldn't figure it out.

"It's not the Bulls, it's the NCAA that's on the news. Why, you don't know?"

"News from the NCAA? When did the country start to care about the NCAA?" Wu Hua said as he turned on the computer, ready to look up information at any time.

"Yesterday, there was a Chinese player who scored a double-double in the first NCAA game and led the team to victory. Do you know who he defeated? Kansas State University where Michael Beasley, the favorite candidate for the No. [-] pick, is located Wildcats!"

Wu Hua is still very familiar with the name Michael Beasley, and he is one of the hottest future stars in the United States.But Wu Hua had never heard of the Chinese who defeated Beasley.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Hua began to search the Internet for yesterday's NCAA game, and clicked on the highlights of the match between Kansas State University and Iowa State University.In the video, a big Asian man frequently appears in the highlights.

"Iowa State University?" Wu Hua asked.

"Yes, it's at that school. Iowa State University is in Ames, half a day's drive from Chicago. If it wasn't the closest to your place, I wouldn't bother you so late." The Sports Pioneer in the United States There are special reporters in many cities, and it turns out that this is the reason why Lao Zhang only went to Wu Hua.

"Okay, I got it. I'll leave for Ames City as soon as the day breaks here." I heard that I was going to interview a compatriot who was working alone in the NCAA. It's wage travel.

"We have already cooperated with a newspaper over there. One of their reporters will be your guide in Ames. I have sent his contact information to your email. If you have any questions, please contact us. I'm calling. This matter cannot be delayed, if this exclusive interview is snatched by someone else, then we will all have to pack up and leave."

"Don't worry, Brother Zhang, I will leave this matter to me."

"Okay, okay, I know you want to go to sleep. Hurry up, leave early tomorrow morning." After Lao Zhang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

.................. ..
Ricard is in a good mood today, the team won yesterday and shut the mouths of those damn critics.As soon as I went out today, several reporters came to interview me, and I didn't show any weakness to fight back against the critics who underestimated the Cyclones.Today may be the best day he feels at work since taking over the team.Ricard whistled and arrived at the gate of the stadium early.It was in this very place yesterday that more than 1 spectators witnessed how the indomitable Cyclones took down the No. [-] candidate's team.

"Hey, Ricard!" As soon as he reached the door, Robert Austin, the gatekeeper of the gymnasium, hurried towards Ricard.

"What happened? Was something stolen from the gym?"

"No, an important guest came just now. He said yes... He said he was going to apply for the team's center forward coach!" Austin stuttered for some reason.

"Come here, I see you are so nervous. He applied for the job, not you." Ricard was a little bit dumbfounded, what kind of thing is this.

"Anyway, you'll know when you go to the office. Moore has already entertained him in the office." Old Austin urged Ricard to hurry to the office.

It's really strange, isn't it just an applicant?Austin made it so crazy.Could it be that his relatives from the house of his seventh aunt and eighth uncle are going to go through the back door?That's no good, An Jie has great potential, but he needs to focus on training.If the level of the center coach is not up to standard, no matter who it is, he won't want it.

With doubts, Ricard pushed open the door of his office.When he saw the person chatting with Moore in the office, he couldn't believe his eyes, and was so frightened that he almost dropped his briefcase on the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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