Chapter 225 So Beautiful

Jiang Yuling also felt a little embarrassed and left Ye Duan's embrace.

"Brother Ye, I'm going back to rest first. If you decide to help the old district, you must take me with you."

"Don't worry, Lingling, I will inform you as soon as I arrange the itinerary."

"Well, then I'm leaving."

Jiang Yuling left with small steps.

Ye Duan took care of some chores and set off to find Lin Meishuang.

It feels like I haven't seen Shuang'er for several days.

I really miss it.

No matter how cool a man is outside, he still wants to go home when he is tired.

That's the charm of home!
For Ye Duan, Lin Meishuang is his haven, allowing him to completely relax when he is tired.

Arrived at the IFC Mall.

Lin Meishuang is inspecting the floors.

Knowing that Ye Duan was here, he immediately returned to the office.

"Ye Duan, why are you here?"

Lin Meishuang was also very excited.

Holding Ye Duan's hand tightly, sweetly at a loss.

"Shuang'er, I miss you. It feels like I haven't seen you for a long time, so I come here as soon as I'm free."

"I'm so touched that you are so busy with work and still pretend to be me."

"Hey, you are my old classmate, if I don't pretend to be you, am I pretending to be someone else?"

Lin Meishuang was also heartbroken.


Ye Duan liked this room very much.

The Cabin of Love lives up to its name.

Although the room is small, it is warm, private and relaxing.

And there's a hint of tension.

Because this is in the IFC shopping mall, to be precise, it is in the office of the general manager.

There could be someone knocking on the door outside to report work at any time.

At first, Lin Meishuang was not used to it, and was always worried that someone would come in from outside.

It made her nervous.

Ye Duan likes her tense state very much, because it is easier to be satisfied at this time.

Many people like to experience stimulation.

It's like riding a roller coaster, or going skydiving.

These actions that make the pores stand up are very exciting.

Sleeping in the hut of love has a similar feeling...

Ye Duan had lunch with Lin Meishuang before going to see Qin Miaofei.

Arrived at Modu Film and Television Company.

In the general manager's office, Qin Miaofei was sitting at the desk, alone in a daze.

dong dong dong~~
Ye Duan knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Qin Miaofei didn't even turn her head.

A listless look.

Ye Duan went straight to her and sat on the chair opposite her.

"Boss, why are you here?"

Qin Miaofei saw Ye Duan's face clearly and hurriedly stood up to say hello.

Ye Duan smiled slightly: "I came to see you Miaofei, you seem to have something on your mind."

"No, I was a little sleepy just now."

Qin Miaofei straightened her bangs with her hands, trying to hide her panic.

The result was just the opposite.

With a flustered look, one can tell at a glance that she has something on her mind.

Only then did Ye Duan understand what the eldest wife said.

It turns out that Miaofei really pretends to be herself in her heart.

That's why I'm so nervous when I see myself.

"Miaofei, it's my fault. I've been very busy recently, so I don't have time to see you."

Looking at the lovely beauty in front of him.

Ye Duan also felt distressed, so he took the initiative to apologize.

This might make her feel better.

"Brother Duan, don't say that. I'm not blaming you. I know you're busy with work, so you don't need to visit me deliberately."

Qin Miaofei said it was okay, but her heart ached.

I thought the boss would take the initiative to pursue me.

Unexpectedly, after the farewell that day, he didn't even contact him once.

Could it be that he didn't have himself in his heart at all.

Is it just a joke?

But why did he come today?And why should I apologize?
Qin Miaofei was very upset.

I don't know how to face the boss.

Ye Duan also felt a little embarrassed.

It's just too much work.

When he got busy, he left Miao Fei behind and left her in the cold for several days.

She must be very upset.

Thinking of this, Ye Duan said guiltily: "Miaofei, I understand your thoughts, and I hope you can understand mine too. There is a saying, everything is in the air. I am dull by nature, and I don't know how to coax girls. Happy, I hope you understand."

"I understand, I understand."

Although Qin Miaofei had a lot of complaints about the boss in her heart.

But he couldn't bear to blame him.

He is the richest man in Shanghai, with such a big family business, how could he fall in love like an ordinary person?
Even if he likes himself, he may not be able to express it.

Still ignore these.

It's just a headache.

Qin Miaofei nodded and did not complain about Ye Duan.

At this moment, Ye Duan took out an exquisite little gift box from his pocket.

"Miao Fei, this is for you."

Qin Miaofei hesitated for a moment, but still took it.

When I opened it, there was a shiny diamond ring inside.

A diamond is as big as a peanut.

The label on it is still there, and the words 8.8 carats are impressively printed.

"Brother Duan, I can't take this, it's too expensive."

Qin Miaofei said, wanting to return the diamond ring to Ye Duan.

An 8.8-carat diamond ring is worth at least tens of millions.

I can buy a house in Shanghai.

Ye Duan insisted on giving her the diamond ring.

"Miaofei, take it. I chose it specially for you. If you don't accept it, it means you are lying to me, because if you don't accept it, you don't understand my heart."

"Brother Duan..."

Qin Miaofei didn't know what to say.

Holding the diamond ring in hand, I was overwhelmed with emotion.

"Miaofei, let me put it on for you."

Ye Duan got up and walked to Qin Miaofei's side.

Put the diamond ring on her left middle finger.

The slender fingers paired with the sparkling diamond ring made Qin Miaofei shine instantly.

"so beautiful!"

Ye Duan looked into Qin Miaofei's eyes and said.

She was so ashamed that the little face of the beautiful woman in the capital turned red.

"Thank you, Brother Duan."

Qin Miaofei felt like a spoonful of honey poured into her heart.

The boss gave him such a precious ring, and he even wore it on his left middle finger.

Doesn't this mean that he cares about himself?
The boss is such an idiot.

He obviously pretended to be himself in his heart but didn't say it out loud.

It made me worry for several days.

This time, I finally understood his heart.

Qin Miaofei thought about it, and couldn't help smiling.

The ruddy face became more and more alluring.

Ye Duan couldn't help saying: "Miaofei, you are so beautiful and sweet!"

Qin Miaofei was shy and said quickly, "Brother Duan, I'm going to work."

So I sat down at the desk again.

Pretending to be busy.

There are several documents in my hand, but I can't read a word.

Ye Duan sat across from her, admiring it quietly.

Beautiful, so beautiful!
I saw a handsome little face of the beautiful woman in the capital city, and the exquisite features were just right as if they were 3D printed.

Apply a little powder and daisy, and you will be astonished as a heavenly man.

The fair skin exudes a luster, as if it can ooze water when touched.

I really want to pinch it.

A pair of big eyes are black and shiny, and the small nose is very cute.

The red lips are painted with natural-colored lipstick, which is just right.

Makes one wonder what it tastes like.

Ye Duan was fascinated by it.

(End of this chapter)

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