Chapter 132 Magazine Cover
"I like!"

Xiao Di rolled his eyes at the little assistant and walked out of the locker room.

Here, Ye Duan has adjusted the camera.

Seeing Xiao Di come out, his eyes remained motionless, stunned by the beauty in front of him.


Not small yet.

This figure, tsk tsk...

Really hot!
Xiao Di was a little embarrassed to be stared at.

The female assistant jokingly said, "Boss Ye, isn't Miss Xiao Di beautiful?"

"Beautiful, so beautiful..." Ye Duan's eyes remained motionless.

The nature of man is exposed.

When I saw a beautiful woman, I couldn't move.

The little assistant continued: "This is the first time Miss Xiao Di wears this kind of clothes for a photo shoot. Last time, the boss of "Boys Wear" magazine begged Miss Xiao Di for several days, but she didn't agree to wear this style of clothes."

"Then I have to thank Miss Xiao Di, it's really my honor." Ye Duan said with a smile.

Xiao Di was even more embarrassed by what they said.

Originally wearing this lace dress, she was a little shy.

Now her face is as red as the stamen of a rose.

It looks delicate and charming, very charming.

"Okay, don't move!"

Ye Duan seized the opportunity, immediately raised the camera, and started taking pictures.

The leaf segment quickly entered the working state.

Learn and use the knowledge of photography in the skill of "Spiritual Photographer".

It was a joy to shoot.

"Okay, just stay in this position."

"Put the body down again, OK."

"Keep your head up high and look into the distance."

"Pull down the left sling."

"A little bigger slit, good, perfect!"


Xiaodi also cooperated very well, showing off her beautiful face to the fullest.

and hot body.

I changed several sets of clothes, all in a cool style.

White silk suspenders, denim shorts, black sports vest, white stockings...

"Miss Xiaodi, is it too little?"

The little assistant was a little worried that these clothes were too cool and not good for Xiaodi's image.

Later, I gradually figured out what was going on.

Also stop talking too much.

Which girl doesn't want to show her beauty in front of Boss Ye?
This guy is a super rich man!
In my own words, hehe...

Xiao Di didn't have any idea.

She knew that Ye Duan actually liked her.

You can see it in his eyes, and it can be seen in his actions.

If he doesn't like himself, will he pay for himself again and again?
Will you continue to provide yourself with valuable opportunities?

This guy is just too kind-hearted, afraid of affecting his stardom, so he deliberately restrained himself.

What a fool!

Big warm man!
Really like……

There was always a wave of emotion in Xiao Di's heart, and he cooperated with Ye Duan's shooting very much.

There are beautiful shadows everywhere in the house.

With a SLR camera in hand, Ye Duan captured Xiao Di's beauty in all directions and without blind spots.

I am more and more fond of the beauties in the camera.

That perfect figure, smooth as jade skin.

It's so beautiful!

Ye Duan finished in one go.

The shooting was not completed until 12:[-] noon.

Then I ordered a takeaway from a Michelin restaurant and two bottles of Chateau Lafite red wine.

After shooting.

Xiao Di asked with some embarrassment: "Mr. Ye, can I take a bath with you?"

"Yes, yes, of course."

Ye Duan immediately gave an affirmative answer.

Xiao Di went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The little assistant seized the opportunity and chatted with Ye Duan.

"Boss Ye, do you like our little sister Di?"

"Of course I like it. Xiao Di is so beautiful, which man doesn't like it?"

The assistant guessed what Ye Duan meant.

I knew that he definitely liked Miss Xiaodi in his heart, but he didn't say it directly.

But in order to protect Miss Xiao Di, she must stop Ye Duan from liking her.

So I deliberately revealed a little news to him.

"Boss Ye, you may not know that our company has a rule that during the contract period, artists cannot be rumored to be scandalous, otherwise they will be punished and even pay high liquidated damages."

Of course Ye Duan understood what the little assistant meant, so he said, "I understand."

In his heart, he had more admiration for Xiao Di.

Last time she took such a big risk to reveal her heart to herself.

Really brave!

Soon, Xiao Di took a shower.

Takeaway and wine delivered too.

"I would like to offer a toast to both of you. You have worked hard today."

Ye Duan raised his wine glass and toasted Xiao Di and his assistant.

Xiao Di sipped his glass, but didn't drink.

She doesn't like to drink during the day, for fear of making mistakes.

Seeing that Xiaodi didn't drink, Ye Duan didn't drink himself, and he was also afraid of making mistakes.

The little assistant drank it all in one gulp, because she knew that the bottle of wine must be worth a lot.

Can the wine bought by local tyrants be cheap?

Don't drink for nothing.

"Eat quickly." Ye Duan called the two of them to eat again.

"Wow! It's delicious."

The little assistant ate hungrily.

While eating, he asked, "Boss Ye, isn't this meal cheap?"

Xiao Di was so angry that he rolled his eyes at her.

I've been chattering here all morning, and there's so much nonsense even after a meal.

I will never take you out next time!
Ye Duan smiled and replied: "Takeaway 6200, red wine 18000, a bottle."

"My God! So expensive?"

After knowing the price, the little assistant ate even more deliciously.

Red wine is also glass after glass.

She almost drank the two bottles of Lafite alone.

Soon enough to drink and eat, the little assistant sat on the sofa and hiccupped.

After a while, the spirit of wine came up.

The little assistant couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep.

Xiao Di shook her head, very disappointed with the little assistant, and completely humiliated her.

I don't know where the company is recruiting assistants, it's too naive!

So he said to Ye Duan embarrassedly: "Mr. Ye, I made you laugh."

"Drink some water."

Ye Duan smiled and handed Xiao Di a glass of water.

The sofa was occupied by the little assistant, so the two had to go to the balcony to watch the scenery.

The spring breeze is blowing and it is a bit cool.

Xiao Di sneezed.

Only then did Ye Duan realize that her hair still contained moisture.

After just taking a shower, she hadn't had time to dry her hair yet.

"Xiao Di, can I blow your hair for you?"

"Well, thank you."

The two walked to the dressing table, and Ye Duan began to blow-dry Xiao Di's hair.

"Tell me if it hurts."

Xiao Di nodded.

The warm hot wind hit her, blowing her body warmly.

Looking at Ye Duan in the mirror, she felt a little shy.

It really looks more handsome and warmer.

This guy really has a heart.

It reminded her of the passionate kiss that night, it was so intoxicating.

Forget it, go all out!
Xiao Di suddenly stood up, turned around and hugged Ye Duan.

Not a word was said.

Kissed his lips directly.

Ye Duan's body froze, and the hair dryer in his hand fell to the carpet.

A pair of hands that had nowhere to rest were hanging in the air.

"hold me……"

Xiao Di Song opened his mouth to say a word, and then kissed forgetfully.

The leaf segments were ignited.

He hugged Xiaodi tightly.

He suddenly remembered what Shuang'er and the little assistant said.

Don't put Xiaodi in danger!

Ye Duan took a deep breath and said to her: "No, I can't ruin your future!"

"I don't care, I just want to be with you now..."

"But it will be very difficult for you to be known, and many people will not accept it."

"Why can Xueer be with you?"

Xiao Di suddenly mentioned Ding Xueer.

Ye Duan had no choice but to tell the truth: "Nothing happened between me and her."

"Really?" Xiao Di asked again.

"Of course it's true, why did I lie to you?"

"Well, I thought you two had..."

Xiao Di felt a little embarrassed, and buried her head in Ye Duan's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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